xxxxG W Y N E T HxxxS I W A NxxxM C H A L E N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Gwyn

              AGE 14

              BIRTHDAY 30 November 2030

              BLOOD STATUS halfblood

              WAND 12 ½ inches, ash, knarl spine, springy, bent

              GENDER female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION unsure

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN Welsh, English

              FACECLAIM Diana Pentovich (10-14) [x] Lyndsy Fonseca (15-20) [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              YEAR 4th

              BEST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              WORST LESSONS
                  Defense Against Dark Arts

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT student

              DREAM JOB Wizengamot member or Healer

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ OUTSPOKEN Gwyn grew up in a loud, expressive household that taught her to speak her mind and stand up for herself. She figured out from an early age that if she wanted any attention in her life she was going to have demand it. She's not afraid to speak her mind and if she's not careful, she can be a bit too blunt or sarcastic because of it.
              ■ EMOTIONAL Gwyn is easily swayed by the emotions around and reflects it internally onto herself. Her parents were usually always happy and fun, and it was contagious for her, so even when she would rather be reading books she'll enjoy herself in their theatrical plays. On the downside, being so empathetic can be negative too, if she's around too much negative energy, sad or angry, it'll affect her mood similarly.
              ■ COMPETITIVE Naturally ambitious, Gwyn is eager to be the best at everything. She's highly driven when she has a goal, but without one, she can feel lost and unmotivated. While she's not a leader, per say, she has a lot of opinions on what could help the leader, making her a good second-in-command, so to speak. Unfortunately, she doesn't take very well to losing.
              ■ PERCEPTIVE Gwyneth ordinarily prefers to watch and listen before acting and speaking. She picks up on social cues, emotional expressions, and patterns rather quickly. She knows when to pick her battles.
              ■ STUDIOUS Gwyneth loves her books, she loves exploring different worlds and histories from the comfort of her own room. She is a quick-learner and over-achiever. She's not gifted with math, but she excels in words and writing.
              ■ CREATIVE When she isn't reading, she's usually sketching in her notebook. Gwyn has a knack for drawing, painting, and baking. (She especially enjoys comic books.) Her creative bursts come and go, sometimes they're gone longer than they come. When faced with a problem, she tries to take as many different approaches as she can to find the best solution.


                  coming books


                  baking sweets
                  playing with Rhydian



                  being alone

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD Gwyneth Siwan McHalen was born Gwyneth Siwan Driscoll in Wales. She was the firstborn twin. About five minutes later, Rhydian, her twin brother, was born. Their mother died of complications and the twins were left with their devastated single father. Because of the love their father had for them and their mother, he did his very best to care for them. Gwyneth was taught both Welsh, their native language, and English and babbled in languages made up by her and her brother.

          When she and her brother neared the age of four, they began showing magic. Their mother had been a witch and never told their father. He was a religious man, and with no guidance, he could only assume they were possessed by the devil. They were brought to a big church to be exorcised and their father never returned for them. It was revealed he had committed suicide. They were then left to an orphanage by the pastor. The twins were only at the orphanage for about a month before being fostered and adopted by a young couple, Dominic and Grace McHalen. Who turned out to be vampires. And Gwyn and Rhydie were a witch and wizard, just like the rest of their family, including their older sister, Aiobheal. Overall, Gwyneth remembers very little of the horrible ordeal.

          Over the years, Gwyneth and her siblings grew together in a happy home, and she spent her childhood filled with love and hope. Her parents were very loud, emotional and dramatic in the weirdest ways. Over the years, Gwyneth felt she disappeared into the background when she wasn't fighting to compete with the grandiose characters of her family members. She loved them, but sometimes, even she had to admit they could be a little immature and petty. Rhydian hardly seemed to notice, because he only saw the advantage in it. So she took great comfort in her books and learning and was thrilled to be moving into a big, new house in the city where she could make very good use of their local library. After receiving her Hogwarts letter, she was most looking forward to visiting their grand library.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              2042-'43 FIRST YEAR Gwyn spent most of her first year sick in the infirmary with her brother. What a way to start their first year at school.
              __ EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2043-'44 SECOND YEAR Most of her free time was spent in the library studying and catching up. She went to the games to support her brother (even if he was always on the bench) and (in secret) visited her grandmother once a week.
              __ EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2044-'45 THIRD YEAR She spent much of her time with her grandmother, nursing in and out of sickness. She was otherwise busy juggling homework for her new classes.
              __ EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2045-'46 FOURTH YEAR ---
              __ EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2046-'47 FIFTH YEAR ---
              __ EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2047-'48 SIXTH YEAR ---
              __ EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              2048-'49 SEVENTH YEAR ---
              __ EXTRACURRICULARS ---

          POST GRADUATION ---

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          Father: Dominic McHalen
          Mother: Grace McHalen
          Sister: Aiobheal McHalen
          Twin: Rhydian McHalen
          Extended Family: Edgeworth Family, Holt Family, Ross Family, Whitethorne Family

          FRIENDS ---
          BEST FRIEND Rhydie
          ENEMIES ---
          PETS ---



■ adopted from Devlyn; posted super late, and as a second year, with permission from Mia [11/8/18]
■ Updated to third year [1/14/19]
■ Updated to fourth year [4/26/19]

PENDED BY ~ Cara ɱк [11/10/2018]
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [11/10/2018]