The camera lens struggled to focus the shot as a swaying lightbulb threw shadows around the stone-walled room it occupied. As it swayed, the darkness splashed about, dancing demons that teased the light and fled, the poor wiring causing a faint hum to bleed from the corners of the room as the bulb flickered every so often. In the center of the room was a worn wooden table with an empty chair facing the camera behind it, pulled up as though someone were sitting.

As the lights blinked once more, hanging bulb swaying above, a man appeared, birthed from the darkness one second into the light, the next. Sitting with his elbows on the table, taped hands pulled together, fingers weaved, Salem hung his head, shaggy black hair hiding his face while his leather jacket shined like glossy rubber.

"It's been a while..." Salem started, his voice cool and gravelly, as though each word had its own weight. "...I've gone by many names, over the years...some good, some bad... I've walked out on this company, come back, and held the keys to the kingdom... I've had to die to learn to live. Had to fall from grace to learn how to hold my head high. Had to scratch and claw, scrape my fingers to the Bone, til they bled and blistered...sometimes, for everything. Sometimes, for what felt like nothing at all."

Pulling his hands apart, Salem traced a taped finger around a shining copper penny, heads up, that had been hidden by his fists. A faint smile could be seen in the shadows of the man's face as the light swayed overhead. Picking the penny up, Salem spun it, the coin twirling fast on the table.

"I've...changed. For so long, I thought I had it figured out. I thought I knew the world around me...but I've been to the dark, filthy corners, to the places that only the desperate dare tread, I've seen what true darkness looks like, and I've learned to embrace it."

Salem suddenly slammed a hand down on the table, stopping the penny flat against his palm, slowly standing yo his feet as he continued looking down as though starting through his hand at the result.

"I've learned, Drako...that I'm no king. That's why our match at Octane Thirteen isn't for your bright, shiny championship. Thirteen, that's my favorite number, because of how superstitious it is...the number thirteen is an omen, a bad sign, a calamity...and I'm bringing it, Drako, just for you. Because like I said, I'm not the conqueror..."

Lifting his hand, Salem smiled a shark like grin, looking up into the camera with haunting, sleep deprived eyes as the coin was tails up on the desk.

"...I'm the chaos."

Submitting to a fit of laughter, Salem bellowed madly, whooping with hilarity before suddenly snarling and swiping towards the lightbulb as he glared and roared at the camera, bulb smacking the ceiling and shattering glass down onto the lens as Salem disappeared, the flickers of electric current from the broken fixture revealing only an empty chair and lone penny.