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"Dare I ask how this matter was resolved?" Tethys strode in to his home once more, accompanied by the patter of the tiny paws he had grown used to. To say that these were the first cubs he had raised himself, even fore a short while, would not have been inaccurate. Zeal had deposited them with him rather unexpectantly and while tiring, they hadn't been that bad... Nevertheless the moment they had re-entered the region the majority of his family had scattered to reconnect with those they hadn't seen in quite some time.

The initial response he received was a shrewd, half glance from his sister. The hunger had done her a disservice, while not gaunt, the sheen in her fur had long gone and a bitterness glinted in her eyes. Dione may have known the answers, but then again, she may elect not to allow him to be privvy to it.

"A god," she remarked simply. "One who swung their appendage round in as dramatic a fashion as they could muster because someone infuriated him," The High Priestess snorted in disgust and shook her head. She hadn't managed to get to the bottom of it all, she'd heard rumours, but not nearly enough to give a concrete answer as to who exactly had provoked the accursed beast's wrath... But when it came to placating him, well that was another thing that was entirely speculative.

"And the only way our darling Warlord knows how," Dione's chuckled bitterly as she rose to her paws and reached out to pat his cheek. She was comforted that he was alive and proud that he had sustained their family in a time of need. His priorities had aligned correctly and much to her surprise, he even shouldered the burden of young cubs.

"Opened her legs or sucked on something she seems often inclined to beg for?" Tethys had become less than complimentary to non-traditional females over the years. The more they had disappointed him, the more critical he'd become. Zjarr would not be one to escape this lack of regard, particularly when she had done exactly like all the other females before her. She'd done nothing except birth cubs, and now she could be credited for an absolute disaster. Whether the rumours were true was irrelevant, as was the disservice these remarks may have been to Zjarr. She may have simply been diplomatic, but the High Priestess had little inclination to believe anything but the worst and Tethys had no interest in giving Zjarr the credit she might have been due.

"As implied," Dione pressed her lips into a thin line and shrugged. "Regardless, if we are to expect accursed beasts from her otherwise whorish activities then I am of the strong view they should be destroyed at birth," she gave him a nod to follow. Needless to say the High priestess had all but isolated herself from the pride during her search for answers, and given her own declining respect for the 'warlord', she'd regarded it as unwise to be around Bjorn either.

...No doubt he would have taken the criticism poorly, Zjarr for all her flaws was still his daughter after all.

"A little bitter, are we not?" Tethys mused as he ushered the cubs into the expectant paws of Nanabe and Sima. Much like their master, they were looking mroe than just a touch weary, but their spirits seemed higher now that the initial corruption had passed.

"Done with that which would piss all over what it is to be Stormborn," she stated darkly.

...He wasn't the only one to have lost all love for those who saw themselves as 'strong and independent females'. They were nothing more than a liability, harlots who sold their bodies off to the nearest entity that looked at them. They'd cast aside every true Stormborn in favour of something weak and insignificant on the outside... and now they were paying the price. This world, and everything in it, had transformed into a disaster and short of something truly revolutionary it wouldn't improve.

Short of Zjarr's death and the birth of a much more powerful warlord who respected their heritage, the Stormborn would rot in the cesspool they had become.

Suffice it to say that Dione had given strong consideration to taking things into her own paws. Priestesses after all, had an exceptional level of expertise when it came to poison and she could always make sure it was an accident. Alas, given how vocal she had been of her disgust for their failure of a leader, she would be held in suspicion; that, and there was no suitable heir of note.

She sure as s**t wouldn't be placing any of Zjarr's things on the throne if she had her way. They were a shame and scourge, a curse upon the very pride that fed and shielded them.

Ah, but hadn't she become bitter indeed.

"I will mourn for your patience," Tethys conceded as he followed after her into the cave she dwelled within and regarded her calmly. "But trust in your wisdom to not to anything utterly ridiculous."

"It isn't in my nature," she pointed out darkly. "Did the children to well in your company?"

"They met with our siblings and mother, they were exposed to certain cultures and tragedies that should help them grow and develop," he nodded slowly. "And several seem set upon their paths now, they are determined." He confirmed. The trip had done more than save them from agony, it had given some the chance to think about the directions they wished to take in their lives and he had been proud as his daughter had spoken of her goals, while two of his nephews had made their intentions clear as well.

To say that Tethys hadn't been honoured by the knowledge that the vast majority wanted to fix the Stormborn would be a lie. They could have left, turned their backs on what was clicking falling to ruin, and found a purpose of their own... Yet instead they had made it clear that they aimed to be part of the change.

Lakshmi through her spiritualism, and Gara and Nidus through their determination to rise to the ranks of Lawspeaker and beyond.

Politics and religion had never been the Captain's strong point, but he had faith that they would achieve some of their goals at the very least.

"And acquired a thrall," Dione hadn't missed the arrival of the exotic lioness. She'd appeared in a similar fashion to a nymph, her unusual form standing out amongst the burly Stormborn. There'd been no struggle and no remarks, but her niece had been rather taken with her and had been in deep conversation.

"Mhm, for all intents and purposes one could consider this a successful 'viking'," he chuckled as he took the scent of his sister's den in, it had been quite some time to say the least. "Yet not a single one has the drive to be a Reaver."

"Not a loss," Dione murmured. "Now, shall we discuss your new arrivals?"

"The thrall or -"

"That which you normally bring home," she rolled her eyes. "I thought we had been through this before, do you have no self control?" she challenged as she motioned for him to take a seat. "Where are these ones from...?"

"Well, about that..." he cleared his throat. Where did he begin with this story exactly, with his first encounter with Zeal? That seemed like the best strategy, and then she could chatise him as he continued.

...This was generally how it worked anyway.

Words: 1,274