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Trainer Prep - Ordell Academy

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The preparatory School to ready students to the world of Pokémon as Trainers, Coordinators, Breeders and other fields 

Tags: Pokemon, Competition, Battle, Romance, School life 

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Harvey Jay Bennett Breeding Professor [APPROVED]

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Anxious Gekko

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:25 am
Harvey tab tab Bennett
Breeding Teacher tab tab House Kingdra tab tab Theme

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                                    Full Name • • Harvey Jay Bennett
                                    Nicknames • • Harv, Harvey Jay ( Samantha), Don ( Gamuza and some people in Lamia), Guero ( Chavas and some people in Lamia) Mr. Bennett, Proffesor Bennet
                                    Nationality • • Mixed European Ancestry/ Anglo-Saxon.

                                    Age • • 24
                                    Gender • • Male
                                    Sexuality • • Panromantic Demisexual

                                    Eye Color • • Green
                                    Hair Color • • Blonde
                                    Notable Markings • • Piercing in one ear. A large scar running up his leg, thin scar under his hair down his temple, scars on his elbow and lower back.

                                    Height • • 6'1''
                                    Weight • • 130 lbs
                                    Health • • Overstressed Relatively healthy
                                    Current Residence • • Evren Region
                                    Birthday • • Sept 26


                                  Good Traits
                                  tab • • Engaging
                                  tab • • Independent
                                  tab • • Knowledgeable.
                                  Bad Traits
                                  tab • • Can hold on to and dwell in the past
                                  tab • • Has a hard time forming bonds. Can be closed off and standoffish.
                                  tab • • Harvey is used to handling things himself, which can make it hard to admit when he does needs help or ask for and take advice from other adults.

                                  tab • • He knows how to act professional and check things at the door.
                                  tab • • He's been in advanced classes since high school and is very knowledgeable in his field.
                                  tab • • He has a lot of patience for children and knows how to get to their level and talk to them without coming off as patronizing.
                                  tab • • Harvey is used to handling things himself, which can make it hard to admit when he does needs help or ask for and take advice from other adults. It also makes him slow to listen
                                  tab • • He still resents his family and despite letting go of his anger still doesn’t want to talk to them Due to his age he keeps his guard up around other teachers because he doesn't want them to see him as a kid. This results in him not letting people in and gives him a hard time making friends with his colleagues.
                                  tab • • Since he put his ambitions first and never really settling anywhere, he doesn’t coop well and becomes bored and restless when he’s stuck in the same place for too long.


                                Likes • • Playing pool, his motorcycle, going out, scientific journals, genetics, seeing new places, meeting new people
                                Dislikes • • People telling him what to do(especially if they're pushy about it), Having no one to talk to, Paperwork(the bane of every teacher and researcher), When Samantha nags him.
                                Accomplishments • • published in a few scientific journals for studies he's done in pokefauna, graduated sume c** laude from Unova university, here

                                tab • • Harvey was born the second child to Nicholas and Adelle Bennett (nee Trafton). The younger of two brothers, he was a reckless child who would have gotten tagged with middle child syndrome despite having no younger siblings. His home life was less than ideal, his mother had issues including a drug habit which made her extremely irrational. Often times Adelle would throw screaming fits and throw things around the house leading to screaming matches between her and her husband whenever he intervened. She finally got taken away due to substance abuse and causing enough disturbances, leaving him with his father and older brother.
                                While his father was well intentioned he was often immature and worked long hours in construction to keep his kids fed and well, this led to Harvey and his brother learning to fend for themselves in most things. Growing up as latchkey kids, no one checked their homework or set their curfew. Both boys grew up dictating their own rules and making their own decisions without much, if any parental supervision. At the very least they could say it was -kinda-peaceful.
                                This wasn’t to last however, not even a year later their dad remarried, something Harvey still considers a rushed decision, if not an outright mistake. Things got more hectic around the house. Harvey's step-mother did not get along with Harvey and his brother. The boys were used to doing things their way, and she took that personally. Harvey in particular would often butt heads with her, not liking at all that someone he had just met was trying to butt herself into his life. This would often lead to her fighting with his dad and his dad fighting with Harvey. While his brother kept calm and focused on his studies and his new-found girlfriend (often escaping to her place to get away from the madness at home.) Harvey took to biking, sometimes out of town. He also more often than not took to acting and lashing out. He'd curse out his dad's wife, get in fights and got sent home with an officer Jenny on more than one occasion.

                                Things eventually took a turn for the worse in Harvey's 12th year. After a particularly nasty fight which ended in Harvey trying to run away and getting taken home by an officer Jenny, Harvey’s now pregnant step-mother convinced her husband to send Harvey away. He was sent to live with his mother who was out of rehab and living in Canalave City with a live in boyfriend. Said boyfriend, a nameless trainer Harvey doesn’t even bother to remember eventually left the mother and son for a shot at living his dream as a trainer and challenging the gyms.
                                His mother for her part had developed depression and against everyone’s advice continued to date. With a long line of less than desirable suitors constantly in his home, and a mother who acted like she was a lovestruck teenager half the time and an old miserable woman the other half, Harvey often felt like the grown up in the household, filing out food stamp forms sorting through the mail and buying groceries when his mom forgot. Other times however he was just a scared kid, hiding out in the docks until he could go home without having to fear screams, meltdowns, and sometimes downright abuse from his mother or the many men that came through their lives. More often than not he was tempted to jump on a boat and never look back, he actually tried to once and the screaming match that followed once he was caught and his mother found out left him with a smack to the face and the realization that if he wanted out, he needed to be smart about it. The only benefit he could think of was that life at his mom's held even less rules than living with his dad.

                                School was the only thing that went somewhat okay, Harvey discovered that making friends was a science. Charisma and good timing would win people over and once he had the formula he became rather social. He wasn't close to any of them but the kids he hung out with made life bearable and allowed him to forget about the hell that was home. He spent most of his time with them, and when one of those friends offered to take him to sandgem on a trip with his folks Harvey found that friends also meant opportunities and that opportunities could take him places outside of Canalave. Actually going to school was a drag for him and he'd much rather spend his time doing things he enjoyed like hanging out with friends and exploring the outskirts of the city but he saw it as a necessary evil. He loved the freedom that came with biking on his own and having no one to answer to and the desire to travel and never have to come home only grew. He was constantly googling ways out of town and kept a map on his wall. At his most desperate moments, he considered joining the military, becoming a trainer (much as he hated them) becoming a ranger, anything to get out as soon as possible. He hated the idea of spending time on something he didn't care about, and so each of this options was discarded for something that would require less commitment and more gratifying results.

                                Entering high school he saw a chance to leave the city. With some research Harvey found out there was a way to graduate early by taking the core classes that the school required from graduates. He loved the idea of leaving school early, as opposed to wasting four years in general education and more to the point, staying four more years with his mother. Meeting with a counselor, research in hand Harvey asked what the fastest track out of school was. The answer was either a GED or accelerated classes. Harvey figured with a high school diploma, he could at least work part time in a pokemart somewhere and would have more opportunities for a trade school should he wish for one, so he picked the second choice.

                                When he was in his junior year, his mother's depresion got progresevely worse. Harvey was forced to miss massive amounts of school and eventually was forced to drop out. He opted to enroll in an online school to make up the remainder of his credits since he was mostly done anyways. Due to taking accelerated classes his freshman and sophomore years as well as AP classes, he graduated high school early, and enrolled at a college in Solaceon a few months shy of his 16th birthday applying for financial aid and a couple of scholarships to take care of books and tuition. It was during this year that things at his mother's got progresevely worse. a few weeks after he graduated Harvey found himself in a living situation he just couldn't handle. After his mother's current boyfriend threw a vase at his head and threathened to beat him next time he saw him, Harvey got on his bike, took his pet chimchar, a bag, and a knife with him(for protection) and took off without a backwards glance. He had to be in Solaceon by next fall he figured, why not get an early start? (not to mention keep himself umbeaten)

                                WIth high school done and an entire summer before starting college classes, he made good on what he wanted and driftred through Sinnoh during the summer drafting a route that would eventually lead him to Solaceon. He worked at corner stores, and odd jobs when he needed to. He loved seeing the sights and meeting people and made the decicion that he would continue to do so as much as he was permitted to. He considered blowing off college and continuing to drift but an alarmingly light wallet and the idea of ending up on a dead end job motivated him to follow through with his plan. He obtained a cheap albeit slighly shady place to stay via craigslist and headed to Solaceon to start his classes.

                                ArrIving in Solaceon Harvey found himself living with a shady room mate that made him glad he had a knife on him and going to the local college for a degree in business. He took mostly online and lecture classes, wanting -and needing- free time. As usual he looked for the easiest way to accomplish his goal and opted for session 2 and 4 classes which were more intensive but left him with more free time since they only met once a week and lasted three months. Business didn't entice him but he knew if he picked the right career he'd have free time even after he was out of college and the ability to travel which was why he picked it. He picked up a job at the daycare to save up money and took roadtrips from time to time, usually during the free week between terms but sometimes while taking all-online or easy classes. At some point in his 2 year stay in Solaceon, his bike was damaged and he invested on a motorcycle one of his friends was selling. This made the trips go by faster, even though the daycare lady got onto him for blowing off his last four paychecks, not to mention driving without a helmet.

                                Charismatic by nature, Harvey managed to endear himself to the couple at the daycare while in Solaceon. They often let him eat dinner with them and eventually let him stay with them. It was there that he first took an interest in breeding and asked the couple who worked there for some information on it. He also asked people who dropped their pokemon general questions about the subject and got to learn quite a bit about it. After he had looked up enough information he became fascinated by it and decided he could be happy pursuing it as a career. Looking up different programs, he talked to the college counselor and took the nessesary classes to pursue a carreer path in breeding and genetics.

                                By age 18 he had finished his Associates and was starting his Bachelor's. Harvey decided to aim for a respectable college in Kanto, applying at a college in Saffron, due to the University there having an Accelerated Bachelor’s program. The daycare couple, who had grown fond of him arranged for him to work with the daycare couple in Kanto. He stayed in Canalave for a few weeks checking if his mother was still alive, before shipping out from Hoenn's port city on a boat headed straight for Kanto's port. WIth Broski on his shoulder, Harvey made his way to Saffron.

                                He attended college on campus but tried to take as many classes online as possible since by now, classrooms felt weird to him (although he couldn't completely escape them and wound up taking at least 40% of them on campus). It was in Saffron that he developed his liking for the game corner which had been upgraded to having darts and a pool table which he frequented whenever he could with other kids from the college. He loved the city and how it never seemed to sleep, how different it was from Canalave and even Solaceon. He particularly loved driving his bike around the city, even if for as short as 10-15 minute drives and found that they helped clear his head. He did this a lot particularly during exams, papers, and dates.

                                It was also around this time that he began to slowly change, he was still a teenager and still wasn't crazy about his parents ( he was still angry at them both and his step-mother still wasn't his favorite) but now that he was happy he was able to not let the past control him as much and didn't act out as much. He barely noticed, too busy earning his degree and getting to know the city. He continued to try to take occasional roadtrips usually to Celadon or Cerulean but only managed a few before he had to give them up three months into the program as his degree started really picking up. Ever recourceful and always on the lookout for new oportunities (not to mention slightly manic from staying in one place too long) he did manage to arrange a few trips with the college (study abroad oportunities, zoology and breeding conferences, workshops, and the like which were offered to students in the college and counted towards their credits) Unless his classes were involved however, his bike never went farther than the next town over until he was done with his degree.

                                During his first Spring Break in Saffron Harvey took a roadtrip to Fuchsia city with some kids from his college. It was there that he met his best friend, a part of the Joy family who was studying medicine in the local community college. After the worst of his classes were over Harvey was itching to get on his bike again and see new sights. Influenced in part by his new friendship he found and applied for a paid internship in the Fuchsia city pokemon zoo 6 months shy of finishing his degree and stayed there during the remainder of his Bachelor's, working part time at a poke-mart to make ends meet. Due to the accelerated program Harvey’s bachelor’s took two years to gain and at 20 years old Harvey Jay Bennet had a B.A.S in pokemon Zoology. He remained working at the zoo for the remainder of the summer, going on the ocasional ride on his days off, before the need to challenge himself and change his scenery got to him.

                                Harvey decided to pursue a Masters in genetics and breeding and attended a University in Unova that fall looking for scholarships and shortcuts to help himself along. While there he found out about Academies and the opportunities they offered. His interest was peaked and he decided to double major, earning his teacher credentials in 3 years (the longest he's stayed in a city) before focusing again on his Masters. Shortly after, he was told by his teacher about Ordell academy and the benefits and oprortunitues that it would grant him ( Tenure for one, and as an adjunct teacher he would only have one class which would give him free time as well as no summer classes, not to mention getting to know the city.) Never one to turn away from opportunities and always up for a change of scenery(and region) Harvey applied

                                It was around this time that his father called him, someone Harvey had not heard from in more than 10 years.

                                The call was long and included apologies on both sides, no longer the angry kid he used to be Harvey was slightly, only slightly more willing to listen. The process that had started in Saffron and had only progressed since then had allowed him to at least understand his father a bit better. He still wasn't crazy about the guy but when he asked him to look after his half-brother, explaining that his wandering was worrying, he told his father to enroll Marcus in Ordell saying this would benefit him and keep him from wandering too much. He also, after being told some sensitive information, begrudgingly promised to keep an eye on the kid. A promise he's not too sure on keeping since he's not very close to the boy and is still fairly distant from him and his family in general. He is very excited to have this opportunity and is eager to learn what teaching will mean for him. While genetics is still his passion, and he plans to continue to study it and eventually finish his Master's, this is an adventure for him and he can't wait to see where it takes him.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:27 am
    tab tab Pokemon Team
    tab tab tab tab tab "For a while there, they were the only family I had"

      User Image

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                                                      Infernape tab Broski
                                                      Level: 67
                                                      Item: None
                                                      Nature: Rash
                                                      Ability: Iron Fist
                                                      Experience: 650/1000
                                                      tab • • Flame Wheel
                                                      tab • • Close Combat
                                                      tab • • Thunder Punch
                                                      tab • • Blaze Kick

                                                      Bio: Broski was Harvey's first pokemon, given to him when Harvey was 12. He's seen Harvey go through his troubled childhood and was at his side when he ran away. He sees Harvey as his best friend as tends to never be far from him. He evolved during the Thieves Attack.


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                                    Electivire tab Tank
                                    Level: 60
                                    Item: None
                                    Nature: Brave
                                    Ability: Motor Drive
                                    Experience: 650/1000
                                    tab • • Discharge
                                    tab • • Thunderbolt
                                    tab • • Meditate
                                    tab • • Charge

                                    Bio: Tank was hatched as an elekid during Harvey's last college term. He was one of the first pokemon Harvey hatched successfully and because of that he is very attached to his trainer. He also likes Elaine since Harvey often lets him loft in the garden.


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                    Slowking tab Samantha
                    Level: 65
                    Item: None
                    Nature: Mild
                    Ability: Regenerator
                    Experience: 650/1000
                    tab • • Zen Headbutt
                    tab • • Water Pulse
                    tab • • Heal Pulse
                    tab • • Trump Card

                    Bio: Samantha was caught in the slowpoke well during Harvey's earlly college years. Despite being younger than Broski she sees herself as the "mother" of the group and often nags Harvey to go to bed on time and not work too hard.


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                    Cubchoo tab Inukshuk -Nuk-
                    Level: 1
                    Item: None
                    Experience: 650/1000
                    tab • • Growl
                    tab • • Move 2
                    tab • • Move 3
                    tab • • Move 4

                    Bio: Harvey found him as an egg on a visit to Elaine last winter. He couldn't find it's mother so he took it upon himself to raise him. He sees Harvey as his parent.


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                    Fletchinder tab Cinder
                    Level: 17
                    Item: None
                    Nature: Adamant
                    Ability: Flame Body
                    Experience: 650/1000
                    tab • • Agility
                    tab • • Peck
                    tab • • Agility
                    tab • • Quick Attack.

                    Bio: caught at the academy as a fletchling. Harvey tends to go on walks with her so she can fly and visit her family. She's pretty docile for a newly caught pokemon and often perches near him while he works.


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                    Drampa tab Falkor
                    Level: 70
                    Item: None
                    Nature: Lax
                    Ability: Sap Sipper
                    Experience: 650/1000
                    tab • • Dragon Breath
                    tab • • Dragon Pulse
                    tab • • Hyper Voice
                    tab • • Twister

                    Bio: he came to Harvey while Harvey was still a kid facing abuse. He sees himself as Harvey's parent. Harvey named him after a character in his favorite book.




Anxious Gekko


Anxious Gekko

PostPosted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:29 am
    tab tab Inventory
    tab tab tab tab tab "Travel light's always been my motto."

      User Image

                                    Key Items
                                    • • Pokegear (x1) -- A pokedex with the capabilities of a cell phone
                                    • • Item (xQuantity) -- Description

                                    • • Item (xQuantity) -- Description
                                    • •

                                    • • Item (xQuantity) -- Description
                                    • •

                                    • • Item (xQuantity) -- Description
                                    • •

                                    • • Item (xQuantity) -- Description
                                    • •
PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:32 am
    tab tab Social Links
    tab tab tab tab tab "Friends are good to have when you're in a jam-specially if your family's as f-ed up as mine is."

      User Image

                                    [size=11][color=slateblue][u][color=lightblue][url=http://][color=white][u][size=18][color=Skyblue]♛[/color][/size][/u][/color][/url] First and Last Name[/color][color=white]xxx[/color][/u][/color] :tab: [size=11][color=silver]》[/color][/size] Relation • Relationship[/size]

                                    :tab::tab:[i]"Thoughts would go here"[/i]

                                    [size=12][u][color=slateblue]House[/color][/u] [size=13][size=9][color=silver]• •[/color] [/size][color=lightblue]》[/color][/size][/size]
                                    [size=12][u][color=slateblue]Pokemon[/color][/u] [size=13][size=9][color=silver]• •[/color] [/size][color=lightblue]》[/color][/size][/size]

                                    [size=12][u][color=slateblue]Met[/color][/u] [size=13][size=9][color=silver]• •[/color] [/size][color=lightblue]》[/color][/size][/size]
                                    [size=12][u][color=slateblue]Notes[/color][/u] [size=13][size=9][color=silver]• •[/color] [/size][color=lightblue]》[/color][/size][/size]
                                    [size=12][u][color=slateblue]Events[/color][/u] [size=13][size=9][color=silver]• •[/color] [/size][color=lightblue]》[/color][/size][/size] ♛ Event 1 :tab:♛ Event 2
                                    ♛ Event 3 :tab:♛ Event 4
                                    Y2_♛ Event 1 :tab:♛ Event 2
                                    ♛ Event 3 :tab:♛ Event 4


                                    Ramona Florosxxx tab Housemate• Friend

                                    tab tab "Friendly Creampuff: She's hella friendly. I kinda like it. A bit ditzy but in a nice bubbly kind of way."

                                        House • • 》Kingdra
                                        Pokemon • •

                                        Met • • 》In the library ( year 1)
                                        Notes • • 》 She was the first person ( aside from Elaine) Harvey considered a friend in Ordell. She was also the first one to know about him and Marcus and advice Harvey on it. Because of her advice and compassion Harvey has officially come around to trust her.
                                        Events • • ♛ Met at library tab ♛ Chaperoned the field trip to lamia together
                                        ♛ Chaperoned the dance together tab ♛ took her home after she passsed out due to Tony kissing her. tab:♛ Met up at the trip to the ice district.
                                        Y2_♛ Event 1 tab ♛ Event 2
                                        ♛ Event 3 tab ♛ Event 4

                                    tab User Image

                                    Lilith Ezraxxx tab Colleague• Close Acquaintance ( friend?)

                                    tab tab "Hell in High Heels: he seems really fun, kinda scary but overall cool to be around. I should invite her out for drinks sometime."

                                        House • • 》Salamance
                                        Pokemon • • 》Gardevour

                                        Met • • 》At the school dance
                                        Notes • • 》he's kinda scared of her ( especially after she found out he made marcus cry) but they have similar sarcasm and pasts so a friendship will flourish)
                                        Events • • ♛ chaperoned dance together tab ♛ chaperoned the field trip to lamia together
                                        Y2_♛ Event 1 tab ♛ Event 2
                                        ♛ Event 3 tab ♛ Event 4

                                    tab User Image

                                    Elaine Myersxxx tab Relation • Relationship

                                    tab tab "My best friend, my platonic soulmate, my cornerstone, my family. Elly's the best thing that's ever happened to me. She holds all my secrets and I hers. I love her."

                                        House • • 》Charizard
                                        Pokemon • •

                                        Met • • 》Floaroma town before the events of the guild.
                                        Notes • • 》He met her while doing a semester abroad in Floaroma town. He found her fun and easy to talk to and the two hung out and went out as much as his stay allowed. Harvey found he smiled a lot more around Elaine ( and being back in Sinnoh he really needed things to smile about) the two hung out and toed the line between friends and outright dating. Although they didn't get more involved than that Harvey came to care for her a lot and was really pleased when he found her at the Academy again.She's very dear to him.
                                        Events • • ♛ met up in garden tab ♛ had lunch together
                                        ♛ hung out in ice district tab ♛ visited over break.
                                        Y2_♛ hung out with her and Ren after sorting ceremony tab ♛ went to visit her at the garden.
                                        ♛ Event 3 tab ♛ Event 4

                                    tab User Image

                                    Aislin Monteroxxx tab Coworker• Friends With Benefits ( on again off again)

                                    tab tab "He's a smack-happy idiot but I guess he's alright."

                                        House • • 》Salamance
                                        Pokemon • •

                                        Met • • 》lamia district
                                        Notes • • 》The two had a threesome with Chavas at a bar and woke up to find they worked at the same school, Harvey and Aislin sometimes meet up to hook up, outside of that they have a slowly budding friendship ( more like Aislin wants to be friends and Harvey isn't sure how to get rid of him)
                                        Events • • ♛ had breakfast together tab ♛ hooked up a few times.
                                        Y2_♛ waved at each other at the sorting ceremony tab ♛ Event 2
                                        ♛ Event 3 tab ♛ Event 4

                                    tab User Image

                                    Ren Akimotoxxx tab Coworker• Aquantance/romantic interest

                                    tab tab "He seems really nice, kinda pretty."

                                        House • • 》Unkwonw
                                        Pokemon • • 》Unknown

                                        Met • • 》At the sorting ceremony
                                        Notes • • 》Harvey will come to confide in Ren about his issues regarding his family. Over time the two might develop feelings for each other. Whether it works out or not or even happens or not is up in the air still.
                                        Events • •
                                        Y2_♛ Attended the sorting ceremony. tab ♛ Event 2
                                        ♛ Event 3 tab ♛ Event 4

                                    tab User Image


                                    Year 1

                                    ►Chessebelle Blair
                                    Teacher Notes: Not much to say. She gets along with every one and seems somewhat interested in the material.

                                    ►Tristan Daniels
                                    Teacher Notes:Seems a bit asocial. Tends to skip class a lot. Doesn't seem to get along with other students.

                                    ►Skylar Moore
                                    Teacher Notes: Diligant and reserved. Doesn't work with people unless it's nessesary. Always turns her work in on time.

                                    ►Chael Riverton
                                    Teacher Notes: Sharp. Quick to ask questions. Advanced for his age (?) He certainly seems aware of the darker parts of trainer culture. Always does extra credit; Meticulous note-taking.

                                    ►Ichiro Sato
                                    Teacher Notes: Friendly and amicable. Seems to enjoy the class. Not much to say.

                                    ►Ethan Kirito Soul
                                    Teacher Notes: Has not been to a single class. Sent a letter to the Dean.

                                    ►Maria Taylor
                                    Teacher Notes: Highly interested in breeding. Pays extra attention whenever professional breeding comes up. Might recommend higher level reading in regards to breeding as a career, Not a social butterfly but still talks to people.

                                    ►Issac Weiss
                                    Teacher Notes: Not much to say. He seems interested in breeding.

                                    ► Alana Shusona
                                    Teacher Notes: Quiet. Doesn't ask many questions ( shy?) Takes a lot of notes. Seems to use drawing to learn. Sketches a lot. Doesn't talk to many people but is Amiable.

                                    ► Phoebe Amere
                                    Teacher Notes: Friendly. Doesn't ask many questions. Seems to have some previous knowledge about breeding ( maybe from family members) Scored high on the quizzes from the first day.

                                    ►Kirsi Rhodes
                                    Teacher Notes: Outgoing. Doesn't seem to like the subject that much. Behaves in class for the most part. Likes to read.
                                    Gets nervous on tests and quizzes ( might come up with extra credit and projects to help her and other students who don't test that well and improve the curriculum)
                                    Always seats in the front.
                                    Recently has been acting out of sorts and seems to have some problems with Marcus. Landed herself in detention. Asked me for a hug in the cafeteria.
                                    Found out she was affected by Rina Myer's death from Elaine.
                                    ►Holly Mae:
                                    Teacher Notes: Energetic. Not much to say.
                                    ► Aiden Wong:
                                    Teacher Notes: Not much to say. Doesn't seem that interested in the subject.
                                    ► Charlotte Woods:
                                    Teacher Notes: New. Not that much to say. Skips class a lot.
                                    ►Rayania Shevynn:
                                    Teacher Notes: New. Not much to say. Has not been to a single class.

                                    Year 2



Anxious Gekko


Anxious Gekko

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:34 am
    tab tab Journal
    tab tab tab tab tab "When you travel a lot it's good to record it."

      User Image

                                    Year 1

                                    Year 2
PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 12:01 pm
    tab tab Playlist
    tab tab tab tab tab "I don't sing. I do like music tho"

      User Image

                                    Title goes here • •

                                    "lyrics go here"

                                    You're gonna go far kid ( Main) • •

                                    "And now you steal away
                                    Take him out today
                                    Nice work you did
                                    You're gonna go far, kid"

                                    Lucky( with people who platonically and romanticallyshare his heart) • •

                                    "I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend
                                    Lucky to have been where I have been
                                    Lucky to be coming home again"

                                    Hey Dad • •

                                    "The days I spent so cold, so hungry,
                                    Were full of hate, I was so angry
                                    The scars run deep inside this tattooed body
                                    There's things I'll take to my grave
                                    But I'm okay
                                    I'm okay"

                                    Son of Man • •

                                    "Though there's no one there to guide you
                                    No one to take your hand
                                    But with faith and understanding
                                    You will journey from boy to man
                                    Son of man, look to the sky
                                    Lift your spirit, set it free
                                    Some day you'll walk tall with pride
                                    Son of man, a man in time you'll be"

                                    Scar Tissue • •

                                    "Scar tissue that I wish you saw
                                    Sarcastic mister know-it-all
                                    Close your eyes and I'll kiss you 'cause
                                    With the birds I'll share
                                    With the birds I'll share this lonely viewin'
                                    With the birds I'll share this lonely viewin'"

                                    I'm still standing • •

                                    "Don't you know I'm still standing better than I ever did
                                    Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid
                                    I'm still standing after all this time
                                    Picking up the pieces of my life without you on my mind"

                                    Gives you Hell( to his step parents and mother) • •

                                    "Now you'll never see
                                    What you've done to me
                                    You can take back your memories
                                    They're no good to me
                                    And here's all your lies
                                    You can't look me in the eyes
                                    With the sad, sad look
                                    That you wear so well"

                                    I'm still Here • •

                                    "and what do you think you'd understand
                                    I'm a boy no, I'm a man
                                    You can't take me and throw me away
                                    And how can you learn what's never shown
                                    Yeah you stand here on your own
                                    They don't know me
                                    Cause I'm not here"

                                    Hey Ho • •

                                    "so show me family
                                    (Hey) all the blood that I will bleed
                                    (Ho) I don't know where I belong
                                    (Hey) I don't know where I went wrong
                                    (Ho) but I can write a song (hey)"


Anxious Gekko


Anxious Gekko

PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 12:06 pm
    tab tab Character Stories
    tab tab tab tab tab "I don't talk about my life with people."

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    PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 12:13 pm
      tab tab Character Art
      tab tab tab tab tab "I...no..no pictures!"

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                                      Traditional Art

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    Anxious Gekko


    Anxious Gekko

    PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 12:14 pm
      tab tab Character Trivia
      tab tab tab tab tab "you wanna get to know me, buy me a drink first"

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                                      ☒ Shares a father with Marcus Alden Bennett

                                      ☒ Is right-handed

                                      ☒His Infernape was given to him by his father and was hatched from his father's infernape and his mother's Blaziken

                                      ☒ Takes drives in his bike or smokes when worried about something/upset about something/has something in his mind.

                                      ☒ Suffered child abuse while living with his mother ( verbal emotional and physical)

                                      ☒ Is polyamorous

                                      ☒ Hates the cold due to his mother leaving him out on the docks overnight once when she was high.

                                      ☒ He doesn't want to dislike his brother but everything he was put through as a child for Marcu's sake comes right back up when he so much as looks at his brother.

                                      ☒ Plays basketball/works out at least once a week if not twice.

                                      ☒ Goes out into the city -usually the lamia district- at least three times a week, mostly at night.

                                      ☒ Isn't good at cooking or cleaning and sorta lives like your typical college kid.

                                      ☒ Tends to date people for up to five dates before going out with them in a more serious matter( this is due to him being demi as he has to establish a bond before being attracted to someone)

                                      ☒ For that matter tends to see people regularly but without committing.

                                      ☒ Raised his Electivire from an egg, sees his pokemon as family.

                                      ☒ Dislikes battleheads due to the trainer that left his mother

                                      ☒ Is okay around social drinkers but drugs trigger memories for him.

                                      ☒ Hasn't spoken to his family ( maternal or paternal) in over ten years.

                                      ☒ Smokes about a pack a week out of anxiety and stress and ptsd from the abuse he faced as a child. Someone please help him quit

                                      ☒ Spent a lot of time playing computer games as a college student. Online Gaming Alias: Jaybird.
    PostPosted: Sun Dec 02, 2018 12:17 pm
      tab tab Syllabus
      tab tab tab tab tab "Gotta have a plan"

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    Anxious Gekko

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