User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.C Y R I L L E L É O N L e B E A UXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

      on the surface...
          ↪NICKNAMES Cyrille
          ↪AGE 15
          ↪BIRTHDAY 8/9/2031
          ↪ZODIAC Leo
          ↪GENDER Male
          ↪BLOODTYPE O
          ↪SEXUALITY Bisexual
          ↪BLOODSTATUS Pureblood quarter-veela

      digging deeper...
              ✚Outgoing - I am rather outgoing, willing to meet new people and hang out and make friends. I thrive on social interactions, and love it when people pay attention to me. This is in direct contrast to my sister, who is rather introverted.
              ✚Egotistical - I am also something of an attention hog and love to get praise and positive feedback. I also have a tendency to gloat often, hating it when I'm ignored and particularly annoyed when someone paints me in a bad light.
              ✚Crafty - Much like my sister, I'm rather intelligent, though I love finding loopholes and exploiting them. I also like to devise different ways to get myself out of trouble if I find myself in it, often to my parents' chagrin.
              ✚Vain - I am very well aware that I am good looking, and work hard to keep up my looks and love it when people complement me for them. I also happen to become annoyed when someone does anything to screw up the image I'm trying to present.
              ✚Flirty - I am also a bit of a flirt. I know just how to bat my eyes and smile that can get people's attention, and I love watching the reaction I get. I also happen to wonder about dating a lot, and figure I can see who's interested in me when I flirt. After all, I'm attractive and I know it, so I use it to my advantage.

              ✚Being clean
              ✚Sunny days

              ✚Being ignored
              ✚Ugly people, inside and out
              ✚Early mornings

              ✚Getting out of trouble
              ✚Dressing well

              ✚Unapologetic flirt
              ✚Thinks too highly of himself

              ✚Being horribly scarred
              ✚Being alone


      a history lesson...
            I was born to Julien and Claudette LeBeau, my father being half-veela while my mother was a proper pureblood witch. My early childhood was spent being raised up to be a proper heir to my family, and I have learned how to and not to behave. However, that didn't stop me from realizing that I was a lot more attractive than most of my peers. By the age of seven, I had already kissed a girl because I was curious, and because she thought I was really cute. This sort of thing didn't stop, and by the time I was getting old enough to go to Hogwarts, my parents despaired about my behavior.

            Like my sister, my parents have tried to find a match for me when I finally become of age. Unlike my sister, I didn't actually care for the idea, and chased away more girls than I probably care to think about. I'd rather find my own intended, though my parents are determined to reign me in. I don't think I want to be, because life's too short to worry about finding a proper bride and I'd rather have fun while I still can.

            First and second years were quiet. I didn't do much beyond flirt with some cuties and do classwork. Granted, I probably also made people annoyed with me, but I don't care. It's all good fun, after all.

            Third year was pretty quiet, though I did end up snogging quite a few boys behind the quidditch stands. My sister seems like she's worried though, which I can't understand why. Maybe she's just worried I'm getting more action than she is?

            info here

      occupational hazards...
          ↪WAND 11 inches, hornbeam and veela hair
          ↪SCHOOL Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
          ↪HOUSE Slytherin
          ↪ACCOLADES info here
          ↪EXTRACURRICULARS info here
          ↪CURRENTOCCUPATION info here
          ↪DREAMOCCUPATION Fashion Designer
            info here

            info here

      anything else...?
          ↪FAMILY Julien LeBeau, Claudette LeBeau, Sybille LeBeau
          ↪FRIENDS info here
          ↪SIGNIFICANTOTHER info here
          ↪PET Half-Kneazle named Onyx
          ↪MISCELLANEOUS info here

Pended By: ❝Yukitty❞ 7/31/18
Accepted By: ~ Cara ɱк [8/22/2018]
Recent Updates Accepted By: Weasley 4/24/19