xxxxO M O L A R AxxxO L U F U N K ExxxS O Y I N K A xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Lara

              AGE 15

              BIRTHDAY February 26, 2031

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 11 3/4 inches black walnut and phoenix feather, pliable and knobby

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Unsure

              FACECLAIM Gracie Marie Bradley (young) [x] Letitia Wright (adult) [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Yoruba

              MORE THAN AVERAGE Animagus (pending)

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Ravenclaw

              YEAR Fifth

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              SCHOOL ACTIVITIES Activities

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Current Employment

              DREAM JOB Dream Job

          xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
              OWL SCORES
                  ♓︎ Astronomy ~ X
                  ♓︎ Charms ~ X
                  ♓︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  ♓︎ Herbology ~ X
                  ♓︎ History of Magic ~ X
                  ♓︎ Potions ~ X
                  ♓︎ Transfiguration ~ X
                  ♓︎ Elective ~ X

              NEWT SCORES
                  ♓︎ Astronomy ~ X
                  ♓︎ Charms ~ X
                  ♓︎ Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  ♓︎ Herbology ~ X
                  ♓︎ History of Magic ~ X
                  ♓︎ Potions ~ X
                  ♓︎ Transfiguration ~ X
                  ♓︎ Elective ~ X

          xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ INTELLIGENT Omolara is highly intelligent. She loves working on problems and finding solutions. She also happens to be innovative with her solutions, trying new things to solve old problems. She enjoys challenges, and when she finds one, she'll turn it over and over in her head to come up with an answer.
              ◊ FRIENDLY Omolara is also friendly. She loves making friends and usually has a smile on her face while she does so. She enjoys the company of others, and has plenty of energy for social interactions.
              ◊ SERIOUS Despite Lara's friendliness, she does have a serious side. When she gets engrossed in a project, nothing can shake her from it, and she tends to view each decision she makes as having serious weight. She does enjoy having fun, she just would rather make sure that her work is done before engaging in it.
              ◊ ASTUTE Omolara is highly observant, taking in everything around her and missing very little. She also tends to be a good judge of character, having an uncanny ability to pinpoint when she's being lied to most of the time. Her first impressions tend to be spot on, and she rarely is steered wrong with following her intuition.
              ◊ HELPFUL Because she is the way she is, Omolara tends to be helpful to friends and family alike. She enjoys lending a hand to them and often can be seen giving her own two cents on things they're having trouble with.
              ◊ LOYAL Above all, Omolara is quite loyal to her family and friends. She often takes their side in arguments, even if she disagrees with them. She also tends to make sure any disagreements are done in private, since she doesn't think it helps anyone at all to see one in public.

                  Working with her hands
                  Hanging out with friends
                  Rainy days

                  Being hot
                  Her brother's pranks
                  Wasting time

                  Taking things apart and putting them back together

                  Good judge of character
                  Staying on a task

                  Can tend to be unmoving on her opinions of people


          xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Omolara is the only child of Folami and Ayodele Soyinka, and the adopted sister of Parker Soyinka. She was two when her older brother came into her life permanently, and the two have been close since. She spent much of her young years traveling between England and Nigeria, the land of her parents' birth, and as such feels a deep connection with her roots.

              When she was nine, however, she lost her mother. Lara threw herself into whatever she could get her hands on, and watched as her father dealt with the challenges that came from becoming a single father. She matured quite a bit in that time, and when her brother went off to attend Hogwarts, she wanted to go too. However, she had to wait until she was old enough, and when she herself got her letter, she was ecstatic.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  ◊ FIRST YEAR Lara was sorted into Ravenclaw, and made some friends in her house. She also had to deal with her brother and his occasional pranking.
                  ◊ SECOND YEAR Second year was quiet, though Lara was busy with keeping up with her studies. Otherwise the year was pretty quiet.
                  ◊ THIRD YEAR Third year was much like first and second, with Lara concentrating on her studies and ignoring as best she could the antics of her yearmates and brother. At least she got to enjoy the electives she began taking.
                  ◊ FOURTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ FIFTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SIXTH YEAR Information
                  ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  Parents - Folami and Ayodele Soyinka
                  Siblings - Parker Soyinka (adopted)
                  Grandparents - Idowu and Gbemisola Soyinka, Ayomide and Ife Adebayo
                  Aunts/Uncles - Lanre Soyinka, Temitope Adebayo
                  Cousins - Kayin Soyinka

                  Best Friend - Name
                  Sonora Li
                  Jonah Lane
                  Charlotte Richardson-Connelly

              SIGNIFICANT OTHER Name
              ENEMIES Name
              PETS Snowy owl named Kaabo

          xxxxU P D A T E Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          UPDATED 4/23/2019 xxx
          UPDATES MADExxx
          PENDED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [/7/30/2018]xxx
          ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [8/22/2018]xxx
          RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY Weasley 4/24/19xxx