The more Fisher was slowly coming to understand about the Weyr the less she was....liking it. Well, it's not like she hated it - it was more that the way everything was disorderly ordered left her confused. Candidate lessons - for that was what she was - were decent enough and she actually liked the instructor and the lessons. Chores were okay too, and if she just mindlessly went about following commands the days passed easily.

What she didn't really like was....all the people. She was used to living in crowded conditions on the boat, but that was with family and she knew everyone. Here, most everyone happened to be a stranger and some of them? Some of them she'd rather not see ever again and since this place was huge she figured her odds were decent.

Thankfully Fisher was not a gambling type of man, or else she'd consider cursing her luck. Her duties today were simple, more cleaning of ledges thanks to a Flight or something, and her helper hadn't arrived yet. Rude, really.
