Name: Zipan
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight but not particularly interested.
Rank: Harper Apprentice
Location: High Reaches Weyr

Physical Description: small, thin and normally easily missed but has large strawberry birthmark on their face, so is striking to look at and memorable. Dark black hair, likes to wear it long to cover his birthmark, pale skin which makes the birthmark stand out even more than on most people.

Personality: HA!

Positive Trait List Great singer, Has good ideas, likes to plan. Good at making routines for themselves.

Negative Trait List Painfully Shy, Follower, gets flustered and panicks when put on the spot/the unknown is thrown at, needs direction.

History: Incoming but originally from Nabol... 'kidnapped' when he was discovered alone by traders, moved to the harper hall after a visiting harper heard him singing to train in vocals very recently. His adopted family deciding it was a good opportunity for the 'orphan' , and even more recently Searched so never worked much on singing to his teachers , let alone sing in front of lots of people. Has an imaginary friend they talk to when they think no one else is around, this imaginary friend may or may not have the same name as his brother, who he's been separated from for 8 turns. Jumped at the chance when Searched because once he has a dragon, he can search the whole of Pern for his brother.

Other: Anything else you want to add?

Candidate Specific Questions
Do you want them to have an official Search RP? No
Do you understand they will age every passing year regardless if you're there to RP the or not? Yes
Do you want them to have a possible Stands Impression? No