xxxxC H A N D AxxxG R E E RxxxG I E S E - D U N B A R xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxB E H I N D T H E N A M E xxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Usually just Chanda

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY 17 January 2031

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 10in, Walnut, Unicorn tail hair, Pliant, Spiraled shaft

              GENDER Mostly male. Occasionally switches.

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Umm...

              FACECLAIM Adam Jhaver (11-13/14): [x]
              Avan Jogia (14 and beyond) [x]

              LANGUAGES English, Scots-Gaelic, Pig Latin

              MORE THAN AVERAGE Metamorphagus

          xxxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Gryffindor

              YEAR Sixth

                  Theater club
                  Yoga club

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Costume mannequin

              DREAM JOB Something that makes people smile

              xxxxO W L S A N D N E W T S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                  OWL SCORES
                      Astronomy ~ EE
                      Charms ~ EE
                      Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                      Herbology ~ EE
                      History of Magic ~ A
                      Potions ~ EE
                      Transfiguration ~ A
                      Alchemy ~ A
                      Arithmancy ~ EE
                      Art ~ O
                      Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
                      Divination ~ EE
                      Healing ~ O
                      Music ~ O
                      Study of Ancient Runes ~ A
                      Wandless Magic ~ EE
                      Wizard Law~ A

                  NEWT SCORES
                      Astronomy ~ X
                      Charms ~ X
                      Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                      Herbology ~ X
                      History of Magic ~ X
                      Potions ~ X
                      Transfiguration ~ X
                      Elective ~ X

              xxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ◊ DETERMINED Chanda doesn't give up without reason if he's curious about it or actively doing something. It'd be a pleasant attribute if whatever he was determined about didn't involve him nearly always tripping over something.
              ◊ WHIMSICAL He enjoys seeing magic in everyday life. And seeing as he was actually magic and that his mother used magic around him all the time it was rather easy. But also sometimes he could get lost staring at one of his Mum Hera's sparkly gypsy skirts and making fairy ring dances with it.
              ◊ CURIOUS The world is big, bright, and colorful, what's not to explore?! And now that he had two mums and a big sister to ask, all he had to do now was figure out which questions to do first!
              ◊ STUBBORN When Chanda didn't want to do something, or more often than not did want to do something,
              it would take something extra super spectacular to make him see reason again. Even if the extra super spectacular was shiny.

              ◊ OBSESSIVE Its not that he gets totally and completely obsessed, its just that he wants to know everything about whatever interests him. And everything always includes ev-er-ry-thing.
              ◊ EASILY-DISTRACTED He hates how distracted he can be, especially when he's trying to do something completely different but what's to say his fate/destiny would or wouldn't change if he didn't chase the startling gold butterfly? That's a question he would most definitely have to find out!

                  The beach
                  Creating with Mummy Hera

                  His grandparents complaining about his hair
                  His grandparents complaining about/insulting his mothers
                  Barbies; they have creepy faces



                  Easily distracted

                  Being left alone
                  Having to live with their grandparents forever

              xxxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                  CHILDHOOD Chanda's parents were purebloods in an arranged marriage. It was one of the first things he ever really learned about his parents. His mum told him that while she wasn't in love with his dad she very much cared for him, which apparently was how he was able to be conceived.
                  However before his father ever got the chance to even see him outside the womb, he was involved in a potion explosion and died. Nora was understandably upset and his grandparents, his father's parents, doubly so.
                  He had been their only heir and now all that was left was little Chanda. His mother struck an agreement with the couple that they could visit or he would come and stay with them for different periods of a year so that he could learn about his roots and ultimately his father. Unfortunately his grandparents just used this time to talk badly about how his mother was raising him, his education, how he was using his free time, etc. The only good thing that she brought to them was new blood apparently since their union brought forth a special ability that hadn't been seen in their bloodline for a few generations:he was a metamorphagus. His hair generally stayed streaked with whatever color he was feeling that particular day, but it was his eyes that usually changed rapidly depending on his mood. Thankfully though, his mother got the chance to escape her in-law's rather toxic environment when her job offered her a temporary position in the States which she took readily. It was there she met a fellow-like minded single mother named Hera Giese and her daughter Magdalena. Chanda doesn't remember much of their initial meeting, but he remembers thinking her curly hair was very pretty and wanted his to be that way as well. His mum hadn't liked keeping such a big secret about her magic from her friend until it seemed it was unnecessary when her own daughter was found to be magical. After that, it seemed that whatever was holding the two women back had disappeared and they eagerly jumped into a relationship. He didn't exactly see a difference, except that now he could call Hera "Mum Hera" outside his head. When he was six they decided to finally tie the knot (whatever that means) and were married and moved all the way back to Scotland into a big new house. Though really all that happened was that his name changed. But he liked the hyphen so it didn't matter. His grandparents weren't so happy that their grandson was being exposed to such a relationship and tried fighting for his custody but thankfully lost, though it still scares him on what could've happened if they won. And on the unlucky side, he still has to visit them from time to time. Chanda has very much enjoyed his new blended family, especially helping his Mummy Hera with her theatrical programs. He loves creating the costumes and the sets as well as acting once or twice when needed. He's hoping he could still do so even once he's at Hogwarts.

                  SCHOOL YEARS
                      ◊ FIRST YEAR Chanda's first year was amazing! He was sorted into Gryffindor (his parents' house and he was plenty sure if his mum Hera had been magical it'd be her house too) and spent most of the year learning to get around the castle and exploring. He also made a few friends along the way but, he was always up for more!
                      ◊ SECOND YEAR This year was a bit duller than last but still just as fun. He joined theater club (which he's STILL surprised he missed last year!!) and had a blast! He greatly enjoyed helping making the costumes and even acting. Even though trying to make himself furry had made him itch for nearly a week.
                      ◊ THIRD YEAR Was pretty intense with all his new classes. But he thinks he kept up pretty well.
                      ◊ FOURTH YEAR This year was still intense what with preparing for next year's tests and Theater club, he barely had any time for his yoga!
                      ◊ FIFTH YEAR Chanda barely slept a wink the entire year between his studies, the sudden arrival of a prefect badge, starting a club and then helping to run said club. To be honest, yoga club was pretty much his only rest the entire year and he's honestly surprised that he never thought to do so in his earlier years. Thank goodness for Hailey though.
                      ◊ SIXTH YEAR Yoga club really helped with de-stressing after their end of the year tests. They also started hanging out more with Priscilla which confused them since they didn't think she actually liked or noticed them. But she was surprisingly sweet and funny (wrapped in heavy sarcasm but not too big a deal) and time seemed to fly between that and heavier coursework.
                      ◊ SEVENTH YEAR Information

                  POST GRADUATION Information

              xxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxx
                      Parents - Nora and Hera Giese-Dunbar
                      Siblings - Magdalena Giese-Dunbar
                      Grandparents - Amarish and Siddhi Mishra; Bradford and Patrice Dunbar

                      Best Friend - Magdalena Giese-Dunbar
                      Cyrille LeBeau
                      Driskol Abrams
                      Hailey Scheer
                      Priscilla Richardson

                  SIGNIFICANT OTHER N/A
                  ENEMIES Hair dryer
                  PETS An elf owl named Galadriel


              UPDATED 4/23/19

              UPDATES MADE
              ■ Age, year, bio
              ■ OWL's added

              PENDED BY Weasley 6/17/18
              ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [8/22/2018]
              RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY Weasley 4/26/19