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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] Western Weyr
[PRP] different strokes [ f'ell + d'mar & dragons

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Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 5:50 pm
Sometimes the downside of being a big dragon was that he had very few places to properly lay out without causing an issue for someone. Laying in the middle of the Weyr was a tripping hazard, or so F'ell said, and he didn't feel like snuggling down for the night in their shared weyr. The sun was still out and so Teth needed to be out, just in case he happened across someone who was in need of companionship. The brown dragon didn't like the idea of anyone being alone if there was something he could do about it.

So to that end, he was sprawled on a section of beach, his massive wings splayed out beneath him as he let the sun warm the soft hide of his belly. He loved sleeping in this position, despite the fact that many of his kin felt it uncomfortable and unsafe, and he allowed his limbs to splay at his side in as much as they could stretch. It was very comfy, very warm, and Teth was very happy. As if to make a point, he echoed it in his thoughts. I am very happy.

You're always happy. At his side, resting down by one of his claws, his rider sat with a sketchbook. F'ell was free from work today, with no errands to run or people to have to pretend to talk to, and thus he was determined to enjoy the silence of Teth's (loud) company.

The brown rumbled happily. I know!

let me know if this is okay!
PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 1:51 pm
Just...just fascinating. Strigonth had sequestered himself in the darkest patch of shade alongside the beach as there was to be found, one wing tucked just slightly up to shelter his rider, who was busily writing on a small portable lap desk. And then...this brown. A frankly oversized specimen, uncomfortably large, and somewhat gawky in demeanor, had come gliding in to sprawl out in the sun. As if they weren't even there, barely ten yards up the beach! Admittedly, the blue's dark skin in the shade was rather...missable. He blended in. But the brown had simply landed and fallen over. For a half moment the blue had thought him struck, wounded, perhaps. But no. He'd splayed himself upon the shore, a beached shipfish if ever there was one.

And then...he'd ignored them. If he'd even registered they were there, so still an silent they had sat, the foamy waves lapping the coast smothering the gentle scratching of D'mar's quill against the parchment. Back and forth the pair traded thoughts and comments, quiet even in their own joined minds as they debated which brown this was, and if something was in fact wrong with him.

It isn't Beylith. The color's right, but he's far too large.

No, and its' not Komaith either. Big, sure, but the color's too pale.

I'd almost say Phylideth...pale, the size, the...disposition...but I do think that Yokohama has drills right now.

Who does that leave, then...?


Ah. Teth, yes, that sounds right.

They'd never met the brown, but they knew of him. They had, after all, made a point of keeping metal lists of most people in the weyr. And Teeth was a...unique enough dragon as to make most people aware of him, regardless of time spent actually around them.

Well, why not go and say hello to him?

And disturb his...repose?

A snort was D'mar's only reply to that nearly skeptical sounding comment, the only audible sound the pair had made the entire time.




Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 2:08 pm
Teth had been somewhat snoozing in the sunshine as he lay, his whole body practically roasting beneath the sun. Every now and then he'd give a little wiggle to adjust himself to make sure his wings still felt okay, and every now and then F'ell would mentally curse as the light changed over his sketchbook and he had to move. Still, it was generally peaceful, generally quiet, until Teth heard the snort.

Instantly the brown dragon's head shot up, his entire gaze turned towards the direction of the noise. At first his eyes whirled a startled yellow, a haze from freshly waking up, though soon they mellowed into his token blue of happiness. What's up? His rider turned as well, tilting his head as he glanced in the direction. Teth rumbled pleasantly, swinging his jaw towards two shadowed figures. If there's someone over there and you want to go bother them, be my guest. I'm not interested. F'ell went back to his sketching, mumbling some curses as he brushed sand from the paper.

Teth, for his part, rolled over and onto his feet. He stood to his full height before shaking himself free of sand (prompting an actual verbal response form F'ell), and with a affectionate kiss to his rider's head he started towards the pair. It didn't take him long to get close, his size and stride more than enough to cover any distance in a short time, and the brown lowered his head to get a better view of the pair. With a happy puff of air blown on both of them, he sent forth a particularly happy greeting. Hi!!!! Hello!! It wasn't for the dragon only, as his voice echoed inside the young rider's mind too. Why are you hiding in the shade? The sun feels so nice!

PostPosted: Thu May 10, 2018 2:53 pm
The blue watched with unbothered amusement as the brown's head shot right up—certainly Teth, yes—to stare his direction. We've been spotted.

Have we? Well, expect company then.

It won't be so bad. He's a fine enough fellow...A bit like your brother, really. So very eager and friendly.

D'mar made an internal sort of rumbling at that idea—his brother was far better than this somewhat childish brown...but, he supposed, he could see the comparison.

And then the brown was bounding over, the image of a canine from his youth coming immediately to D'mar's mind. Teth, of course, was far, far larger, but the similarities were clear. Rider and dragon wore mirrored nonplussed expressions as the brown whuffed in their faces. Neither of them really had hair to ruffle so...it could be forgiven. They supposed. the voice resounding in their minds was loud, first and foremost, and D'mar couldn't help the slight flinch. Frankly, after so long now only hearing Strigonth's suave, crisp, precise tones in his head, the...bombastic nature of Teth's voice was jarring.

Hello to yourself, mighty Teth. The blue stretched his neck up, almost but not suite brushing his snout over the larger brown's. I find that we both prefer the shade. The cool of night is more to my liking than the bright heat of day...but all the more for you, then, right?





Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Fri May 11, 2018 4:50 pm
Poor Strigonth. Poor, poor little blue. He would have been wise not to extend his head out, for the massive brown took it as an eager invitation and happily bumped his snout against the much smaller dragon. Teth mentally made a mwah sound, to mimic that of human kisses, and the sheer amount of affection he radiated bordered on overwhelming. If ever there was such a thing as too much happiness, too much love, Teth was doing it in spades.

I really do like the sun!!! It's warm and feels good on my hide, plus when the sun is out and the sky is clear it means we are safe. The dragon thought about nosing the poor little blue again, or even better - his rider - but instead he turned his head upward to look at the clear sky. I don't like the Thread, I like it better when there's just sun and warm. As did most of Pern, he supposed, but those types of thoughts were a bit beyond Teth's scope. This one is yours then? Mine is over there, he said he's not interested in either of you but I!!! I wanted to come say hello!!

The brown kept his voice pitched to both, and perhaps one day F'ell would wonder if his dragon actually knew how to have proper one-on-one conversations. Perhaps he only could with F'ell, but it was a skill they'd really need to work on. The point of it all was that F'ell was listening in from his distance away, and he rolled his eyes at the mention of himself. Let his dragon have his fun, he had slightly better things to do (like not pay attention to what his dragon was doing).

Teth continued on, blissfully pushing his happy agenda. Maybe you'll come out of here and join me if I use my wings? They are really big and can give more shade to you! As if to prove he wasn't lying, the brown stood and spread his wings out to their full length. He certainly was an impressive specimen of a brown dragon, for sure, if not for the fact he had the wits of a rock.

PostPosted: Thu May 31, 2018 1:33 pm
Strigonth bore the 'smooch' with good grace and unending patience. Like a hatchling, Teth was. Eternally youthful, eternally full of that childish optimism and warmth. The blue's eyes whirled a placid deep green as the brown went on and on about the sunshine. Be that as it may, I think I'd rather stay in the shade. It's still warm, the breeze is nice. And from here I can keep an eye on anyone interesting who happens to be out in the sun! Like Teth. Or Teth's rider. Should F'ell glance over, he might catch a peek of Strigonth staring right back at him, tail tips swaying gently side to side in mild (and thankfully probably benign) interest.

If it mattered at all, D'mar was behaving much the same. Occasionally flicking a glance at Teth (who really was far too large to be a brown, why hadn't he been born bronze?) as the bigger dragon showed himself off, but otherwise disinterested in the exchange. Go if you want, but I'm staying here, thank you. I've letters to finish, after all.

Why not give the shade a try? While I'm certain I could fit quite nicely under your wing, when have you had the pleasure of having someone's wing over you? Here, Teth, give it a try why don't you?
The blue extended one of his own, much smaller, but an offering all the same. Odds were he'd barely manage to cover Teth's side, not to mention his back, but the thought, the intent, was the point, wasn't it?





Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 5:42 pm
Thankfully for the trio, F'ell was absolutely not interested. Teth's basic open channel kept him downright updated on most things, and he was content to let whatever happened, happen. The brown was massive in scale and could take punishment, if it was dished out, and besides? That dark little blue had Impressed someone that even F'ell occasionally raised an eyebrow at. Not interested in dealing with that level of a mess, thank you. Even someone who didn't give two wherries about anyone knew who to actively avoid.

Unfortunately, his dragon did not know and likely didn't care. The way his kiss was received had him debating giving more and more, almost to the point of smothering. He only controlled himself at the offer of shade, and Teth pulled his sprawled wings in as he thought about what to do. Clearly this baby was much too small to cover any of him, maybe a claw or two, but he didn't want to be mean and refuse what was being offered. So, of course!!! The best thing to do was to drop down like a sack (and scatter sand everywhere) and slowly move his head to be in the shade of Strigonth's wing. It was barely enough to cover him, he was a HUGE brown after all, but it served.

You're so nice to offer!! And your rider is really nice too, I think!!! Teth was still trying to get a feel from F'ell, but it wasn't working. The teen had checked out on his activities and was now focused on something else, which was okay Teth was a big boy and he could handle this on his own. The shade is cold though, aren't you cold?? Did you know if you get buried in the sand it is warm and cold? Mine would bury me a lot when I was little!!

Teth had never been little, he was lying.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2018 4:27 pm
Seeing the huge brown flop down and try to slowly shuffle as much of himself as he could into the shade was...frankly charming. Such an innocent child of a huge creature, he was. Strigonth let out a soft rumble of amused approval before letting his wing settle across Teth's headknobs in a half-hug, pulsing contentedness to his large...friend. My rider is the best of all riders...but that's what all dragons say, isn't it? He can be a bit focused, but he isn't bad. Much like yours, wouldn't you say? The blue's tone was coaxing, but convivial. He knew full well the incorrect opinion some of the weyr held for his dear rider. The power of a well-placed rumor or the thoughts of one with a grudge who just so happened to be a bit more socially accepted. Well, Strigonth would set it all to rights eventually.

It's cooler than the sun, that's true. But give it a moment. The air is still warm. The sun still reaches here. It is simply not so...directly roasting. The touch of the blue's wing was on the cool side as well. Not unnaturally so, but he'd clearly done quite well at keeping himself regulated to what he felt was comfortable. How very interesting. I've never been buried. I should think it'd be rather itchy, all that sand, but if you approve, well. Perhaps some other time I'll try it. His words came with little mental pats, oh yes, he surely would try that later, don't you believe him?

When were you clutched, mighty Teth? He knew D'mar knew, but conversation was the polite thing. Surely it must be turns ago, for as large as you are. You have our thanks for helping to protect Pern while we learn the skills to join you in the skies.





Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Sat Jun 23, 2018 2:10 pm
Teth rather enjoyed the cool touch of the much, much, seriously so much, smaller dragon. F'ell would often stroke his headknobs when he was younger, he still did it quite a bit now, and it was beyond reassuring. If it wasn't for the fact that F'ell was actually across the way he'd have thought he was with his rider. I do like your rider, he's quiet like F'ellmine. Mine doesn't talk much, he says it's a waste to gossip or spread rumors because people are deadglows who'll believe anything. Teth shifted a bit closer to Strigonth, his body kicking up more sand. Seriously, this other pair was going to be covered and in need of a good soaking. Also if you want to be buried, I will help you. I am very good at digging holes!! Sometimes I bury things and forget where I put them, but mine usually marks down on a map so I can find them later. It's a lot of fun.

Teth was clearly humored and loved, at best, by nearly all those around him.

When the question came about him clutching, Teth's eyes whirled with purple for a brief flip, as though he were confirming something. F'ellmine says I will be two turns shortly, that I was hatched about a turn before you were shelled. The compliment about his size brought a happy wuff of hot air against dragonet and rider. I like to fly, but Thread is so scary!! I haven't gotten hurt though, which a lot of others say is weird because.... Teth paused, and the mellow blue faded ever so slightly. They say I'm a deadglow and my rider is broken too. That we're not very good, but!! I will work hard and show them I am a good boy! I can fly and protect!!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 5:22 pm
Ahh, sweet, innocent Teth. The largest hatchling on all of Pern. Draling child. Strigonth gently patted the huge brown with his wing, as a parent would a child. Here was one who was, perhaps, too good for this world. Too soft, too simple a mind. Would that he'd been born in peaceful times without thread. Though then, the brown probably quite enjoyed the simple nature of the 'fight thread and live' mentality. Indeed, even as the brown seemed ready to half bury the blue and his man, he was wailing slightly about having been chided by the rest. No, perhaps a calmer, quieter life would have been for the better.

As things were, the blue decided that the brown had only stress and struggle coming his way. His rider did not seem the type to intervene often, nor one to play the social game at all. Teth was all too easy to manipulate, and too...emotionally blatant to misread. Someone, inevitably, would take advantage of the poor, sweet, stupid brown. And on some level, Strigonth felt that was a shame.

On another level, he felt that it really only made sense. The strong of body or mind were meant to bend the weak of body or mind to their wills, and direct them into...purposeful usage. It would be to the benefit of all. Eventually.

I'm sure you're doing just fine, Teth. To avoid scoring at all is a fine thing, and perhaps they will come to respect you if you continue that way. Give them time. Like you said, you're only just grown, yourself. Plenty of time to make them respect you. The blue paused a moment, considering the much much larger male. Why, were I to be assigned to your wing, and were to fly beside you, I think that would be a fine thing indeed! You seem very strong, and large, and no doubt are very good at slicing the wind for us smaller dragons to easily ride upon behind you. There's nothing wrong with a good strong brown, or his rider, as long as they do as they ought when it counts, right?

A few feet away (carefully having turned so that none of the sand spray had gotten onto his letters), D'mar huffed a mild whuff of amusement.





Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:12 pm
Maybe you'll be in my wing anyway!! Mine says we could always use more blues and greens because they're really helpful thanks to my size!!! He says the smaller dragons are important because I turn like a boat. There was a pause as Teth appeared to weigh something, though he came back talking rather quickly. Mine just told me that a boat is something that goes on water, and I do like swimming and I am brown so maybe people can confuse me with a boat. Another pause. Boats can't fly though so I think I'm better than a boat. You're a pretty dark blue and you have lovely wings, people would never mistake you for a boat. Maybe....something else, but not a boat. Looking to F'ell to fill in the comparison brought about nothing, and so Teth just continued along.

He'd liked the pat to his body from the dragonet's wings quite a bit, and were he not squatting down in an effort to stay in the gifted shade he might have returned the pat. As it was he shifted and gave yet another 'kiss' to the pair, his added sound effect loud and sloppy. These two were very nice to him and he made sure to let F'ell know, all the while begging his rider to maybe come over and join them. Surely F'ell wanted friends too, right?


The response was quick and Teth noted it before quickly sending it away. F'ell may have said he didn't want friends but maybe he'd change his mind if Teth made lots of friends and then he'd be jealous and want to join because it looked so fun. Really, it was an excellent idea. So other than just sitting here, what are you going to do today? Do you have lessons? I remember my lessons, they were a lot of fun!! I liked to fly with my brothers and sisters, though a lot of them are gone now. Do you have a lot of brothers and sisters?? Does yours have siblings too?? Mine is an only child, which is a little sad I think.

The way Teth made conversations jump was downright dizzying, and from where he'd turned to look at the trio F'ell had some faint pity for the poor dragonet who was attempting to humor the massive brown.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:37 pm
A. A boat. Well. He'd heard the term used before, in regards to things that needed to slow down to turn, or else turned in wide, ungainly arcs. It made sense for a brown as large as Teth to be considered boat-like, but the fact that the brown had assumed that it was because he looked like a boat...fascinating. Not even the affectionately loud smooch was quite enough to distract Strigonth from looking at the brown as if he'd sprouted another head.

Of course, no one could ignore Teth's firestorm of questions for long, and eventually Strigonth found the mental strength to begin responding again. We have lessons, yes. Though not today. If we had lessons today, we would be at them and not here. He and his rider were both too responsible and driven to flout their lessons or chores, and even if this was just a bit of free time in the middle of the day between lessons, they'd not rove far. Never to the beach, where they'd get sandy and dirty. But it was a free day, and they had all the time in the world to do whatever they would like.

My D'mar means to pen several letters for our firelizards to carry off. We will probably walk through a few formations later as well, and I believe he had planned to look over a number of the empty weyrs in preparation for the day that we are given our own, so as to know which we might ask after. There was a fair chance they wouldn't be able to get the one they wanted...but you never knew. If no one else was asking, well. Perhaps.





Sparkly Decorator

PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 12:45 pm
You have firelizards? F'ellmine doesn't have any little cousins, since he says he doesn't want me to worry about competing for his affections. I think it would be okay if he got more friends. I would like more friends. Teth inched himself a bit closer to D'mar at the mention of writing, his overall demeanor quite curious. F'ell drew all the time and wrote letters all the time as well, but never did he do such things with the intent to share with others. Sometimes he'd burn his letters and sketches, telling Teth that no one needed see his thoughts; maybe next time the brown would try and save a few. I think he actually really wants a small friend. Whenever the one from the Reaches shows up he smiles a lot.

But how would Teth even go about finding a firelizard for F'ell? He knew they could be located in the Sands, that much he was certain of, and they were much like the dragons in that they Impressed and loved and were always around. That was enough thinking on that though, and Teth's thoughts once again whipped towards affection for D'mar and Strigonth. F'ell had always told him not to think too much about himself when talking to others, since that was rude.

Teth never wanted to be rude!

Yours is so smart and amazing to be thinking so far ahead, I can see why you would be so proud of him. I really want mine to come and talk to him, but... A glance to F'ell showed the teen was indeed looking over at the group, his hands moving as though he were doing something. Maybe one day they can talk. I would hope they could be friends like we are, since you're both very smart and creative.

PostPosted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:17 pm
They can be a handful, to be honest. Make no mistake, they are useful when handled rightly, but many he has seen hanging off our classmates and other folk are...impertinent. Willful. More trouble than they are useful. They shame their masters by making trouble and messes. But if yours has the patience to raise them right, then yes. They can make useful things. The blue did not at all consider firelizards friends. They were not peers, and were less intelligent than whers, even, which themselves were several steps below dragonkind. d'mar, of course, had done well with his pair, keeping them firmly in hand and busy with tasks so that they did not stray.

The blue couldn't help but follow the brown's glance towards his rider, the puffy-haired young man looking right back at them. He was clearly not the social type, but apparently wanted some level of contact? The blue did not extend a mental touch, thinking that much to be rude, but his eyes did whirl a slightly faster, deeper green color. The boy was welcome to join them, should he find his spine and his feet.

That the brown considered them friends already was very...cute. Charming, really. He was such an earnest thing, and Strigonth genuinely appreciated that about him. How many times had Teth decided someone was a friend on the first meeting? Probably more than enough. Thank you for your kind words, sweet Teth. My D'mar has many talents, and that is part of why I was determined to have him above all others. I'm certain your F'ell likewise has many skills and capabilities, especially if he was able to impress such a large, kind, friendly brown like you. The compliments were indeed meant to flatter and further snare the brown into wanting to think them friends...but were, simultaneously, quite genuine. Strigonth, after all, had no reason to lie to the brown at the moment.




[IC RP] Western Weyr

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