After time resting, and healing, Kiuchi had finally been deemed well enough to go out and gather energy and do things. A fall from a tree, a branch and person falling on you, and a bit of a beating tended to leave some nasty injuries and keep a person rather confined to home. Or rather the people you lived with tended to keep you confined, not that he’d been about to complain.

Tonight though he was able to get out and hunt down, and gather, some energy. A few fading bruises were hidden by his uniform, thankfully, as he sat on a roof top as he watched his wraiths flit in and out of a group of people as they took what energy they could. The people he was gathering from were on the rooftop next to the one he was settled one, hidden behind an air conditioning unit, The group were having some sort of late night dinner with cocktails as they socialized. He didn’t know why they were gathered, if there was some occasion, but they were an easy target.

So far his wraiths were unnoticed, which he was ok with, as he kept peeking around the air conditioning unit to look. Settled in, with a blanket about himself to keep warm, the teen was happy that everything was going well so far.

Antares was cold. Even though the calendar said it was technically spring apparently no one told mother nature because it was still cold, or colder than her uniform could handle. Even the thick black sweater she had donned only cut the weather to a more bearable point, if she wasn’t out roof hopping even the sweater wouldn't have been enough for her. As it was the exertion of carefully navigating the city’s rooftop road was just enough to bring a slight sheen of sweat to her forehead. It was nice to be out running rather than dreading the rapidly approaching end of the school year and college that was following soon after.

After months of deliberations and arguments she had settled on Destiny City University. A lame answer to ‘what college are you going too’ but an answer nonetheless. It wasn’t cheap but it wasn’t the most expensive and it had the added benefit of being in a city where she could beat the crap out of something if she needed to vent some frustration, youmas specifically or negas if they were up to no good. No other city in the world would allow her to do that, nor could she escape to her planet if she needed the solitude as she sometimes needed. Besides DCU had a decent art program so why not go for it. If it didn’t work out at least Xander couldn’t say she didn’t try.

Any thoughts on the fall and her first semester as a college student fell to the wayside when she sensed something on her internal radar. Something chaotic but not negaverse. Or a youma. It took the pale haired Super Senshi a moment to remember an earlier time, a different meeting, to peg the aura she had sensed. Dark Mirror. There was a Dark Mirror senshi who was out and about. Icy blue eyes narrowed as she took a bit longer to try to figure out the strength of the aura, it was much harder to do so, to the point where she just gave up and headed towards the spot of chaotic mess. It didn’t really matter how strong the owner of the aura was, if they were up to no good she needed to put a stop to it.

While he’d been peeking back at his wraiths every so often he was getting bored, or maybe it was just that he was tired and wanted to sleep, but not really being able to see his wraiths and seeing as everyone on the other rooftop was still socializing he was sure all was going well. There were no screams or anything else, which was good, though some of the people did look like they might be getting tired like he was.

Tipping his head back, dark eyes looking up towards the stars, he was trying to keep himself awake when he felt it. It was an aura...white moon if he was right. That wasn’t what he wanted to feel tonight, or ever really. He was just getting over the last beating from one, plus it seemed all white moon senshi wanted to do was beat on him, but he was sure this one would head his way once they sensed him.

“Super…” Whispering to himself as he crossed his fingers internally, hoping they wouldn’t come for him though he was sure they would. His luck was not that good...never would be he figured.

It didn’t take Antares to get closer to the little blip of chaos she had sensed although she slowed her forward momentum the moment she heard the rooftop party and proceed with extreme caution. Had she walked into some kind of trap? There didn’t seem to be any aural signature besides that one Mirror senshi, super if she wasn’t mistaken, but if that was the case why was there a civilian shindig going on. Could they be in trouble? But where was the screams, the crying, the general hysterics of freaked out people? There were none which had her going even slower as she inched across the asphalted rooftop. The Mirror nut knew she was here, if they decided to show up she would fight but for the moment Antares needed some ******** intel before some innocent gets hurt... Then she would fight.

Inching her way along until she could finally see the party the blonde remained hidden trying to understand what she was seeing. A party. That was it. There wasn’t a visible disturbance. No youma terrorizing anyone, no unusually dressed person dragging people into the shadows, nothing to explain why a Mirror senshi would be -

Her internal thought process cut off abruptly when her icy blue eyes picked up something. It was hard to see between all the moving shadows of the people socializing but she had an inkling as to what was going on. Not all the ‘shadows’ had owners, not from what she could tell. The Mirror t**t let loose their little energy ghosts into the party. Naughty, naughty. Absently she wondered if this particular senshi would give the same song and dance as the last one she had cornered. Some crap about using the gathered energy to look for a ******** planet or some such s**t. Not that it mattered at that particular moment. Right then she just wanted the Mirror senshi to recall their little energy vacuums and get the hell out of here. They really did need to find some willing sheeple to suck energy from rather than use unsuspecting and involuntary people. It was immoral and wrong.

With the mystery solved now all that remained was actually locating the Mirror senshi and getting them to beat it. Sharp eyes raked the surrounding rooftops, looking for anything out of place or any spot that would be worth hiding at, granted there was no way to tell if the Mirror senshi wasn’t hugging the tarmacked rooftop like she was, peeking over the stone lip of the building to get a good look of everything. When she couldn’t actively see anyone Antares had to revert to trying to suss out her opponent using the internal radar every magical fighter in the city seemed to have, like some kind of ******** up homing beacon. Since she didn’t use it to pinpoint people it was hard to figure out exactly where the little s**t was but it at least let her know they were on another rooftop, just a hop skip and a jump away... literally. Antares had to hop over the edge of her roof, skip over the crap someone was storing on the roof next to her, then jump over the alley onto the roof of the Mirror senshi.

“Get your a** out here and call back your ******** pets,” She hissed to the darken rooftop. Antares didn’t know exactly where the a** was and she wasn’t going to drag them out of whatever hole they were hiding in. That didn’t mean she couldn’t get them to come to her.

Ok, so luck wasn’t on his side entirely. The senshi had turned up, not a surprise, but they didn’t immediately confront him or anything. In fact, he remained hidden as he waited to find out what they’d do, he was surprised it took so long before they were speaking out and verbally confronting him.

They wanted him to come out to them...like they assumed by ordering him around he’d do that. That was like asking him to willingly let them beat him, at least he figured that judging by their tone of voice. This wasn’t one who was going to play nice at all...this one he had a feeling was going to try and hurt him, like most of the others.

He really did wonder why the dark mirror were so unliked by the white moon, had they done something to them? He didn’t think so, at least nothing that he knew of or had been around for. As far as he figured his court seemed to keep to themselves, which was fine by him, and yet this happened. “You’re asking me to walk right into a beating. I’m not stupid.” He spoke up, hoping for only the senshi to hear him, and no one on the other rooftop. His wraiths soon enough would need to be called back, as they would be visible soon, due to how much energy they were gathering.

Blue eyes surveyed the darkness, trying to find the person she knew was hiding there. At the voice her gaze flew over towards the ac unit, or the giant gray metal box Antares assumed was a ac unit. It could be a valt to nowhere as far as she ******** knew. “I’ll beat your a** if you don’t get rid of your wraiths you got that ******** right.” She scowled at the box, well aware that the little s**t was hiding behind it. As tempting as it was to drag him out here and beat him to a pulp she wasn’t her father, or any of the assholes that were part of her side of thing. She wasn't a bully. A d**k, maybe. Cinicall, cold, and trying to learn to trust more than just her family… yes. But not a ******** bully.

“Get them out of that crowd before I make you do it.” That was a bit harder to do. Unlike the last Mirror senshi she had met, his little pets were in a small crowd. It wouldn’t be possible to go after them, she would have to make the senshi himself recall the ghosties. That or call the cops or something because she couldn’t very well cause a panic in the small party by hunting and killing the wraiths. Not that the dark senshi would know any of this. Hopefully he wouldn’t call her bluff, she wasn’t exactly sure what she could do at that point.

“And you won’t just beat me anyway?” He countered, not at all trusting the senshi talking to him. Why would he? He hadn’t had a good experience with any of them, save but one, so why would this be any different? That one hadn’t threatened him at all, this one was. He did however leave the confines, warm as they were, of his blanket and stood up. Stepping out from where he’d been hiding from the party people on the other rooftop.

“They aren’t doing anything more than gathering some energy. No harm is being done to those people, as I’m sure you can see.” No one was screaming, no one was dropping to the ground due to injuries or otherwise. A few looked tired, he was sure he could see someone yawning, but no injuries or harm. “You and others act like we’re out hurting people like the Negaverse - but we’re not. We don’t.” They needed the energy though.

“For ******** sake!” Her voice barked out causing her to flinch and duck further into the shadows. The party quieted for a moment as the civies tried to figure out where the curse had come from. Antares kept still, her eyes flicking between the Mirror and what she could see of the party. It wasn’t until the chatter of the group picked back up that Antares focused back on the Mirror. “You are taking it without asking!” She hissed out. How many times would she have to have this conversation? How could get it through this guy’s thick skull that what he was doing was wrong.

“So what if they aren't hurt, they aren't freaking out, they aren't in pain. You are basically slipping them drugs without them knowing! How do you know that one of those people won’t drive home and pass out at the wheel? Or someone gets mugged walking home because they weren’t awake enough to see the danger? How would you know!” She ranted a bit, the urge to shake some sense into the boy rising in her but she still held off. “Call them back! Now!” Without permission, without consent, the wraiths were basically violating those civilians. No one deserved to have their choice taken from them like that.

“And people would willing give energy? How do you explain to a person what it’s for, and what magic is. We’re all considered terrorists.” So how would such a conversation go? He doubted it would go well. Was that what she wanted? Him to try and talk to someone, to get them to let him gather energy? To have that talk how many times a night...to spend more time out...and more time away from his bed?

“Drugs impair a person, how does this impair them? Drugs can cause a person to hurt themselves or others….” Yes, he was doing things without permission, and that did bother him, but to compare it to slipping a person drugs...that didn’t work, not really. “It doesn’t do what drugs do.” Maybe she was right about the driving and mugging part but these people were already drinking, he doubted any of them should be driving home anyway, but he had injected his own words before she’d gotten to that and so he couldn’t take back what he’d said. He might agree but he still didn’t like her comparison, so he didn’t bother to admit to where he agreed with her.

“You’d put me in danger to ask people - wouldn’t you?” She was like every other white moon senshi, save but the one, she didn’t care. She didn’t know why they gathered energy and she didn’t care. She wanted to paint them as bad and be done with it. He did however pull the mirror shard from under his sleeve and summon both his wraiths back, watching as they slipped into the mirror with ease.

“Now what? You beat me?” Ok...so he was cranky and tired and cold and he really didn’t like her right now. He was talking back, and being rude, and that wasn’t like him. He’d apologize if he ever saw her again...but not tonight.

“Is it really any different then a roofie?” She asked in counter to his comment about how draining someone of their energy wasn’t like drugs. “How many people on the rooftop over there that might get into trouble because they weren’t expecting to have more than a few cocktails and instead got suckered by your ghosts?” How many of those women chatting and smiling will found themselves in more danger because they weren’t expecting the drain from the wraiths.

Frustrated because the boy was right. He couldn’t very well ask someone for permission. But what he was doing was still wrong. “Do you even know what the energy is for? Can’t you find someone you trust to act as a sheep? Hell if you knew what it was really going towards and it wasn’t for anything bad I would ******** volunteer.” Antares froze as her offer popped out, surprised she had even thought it let alone voiced it. But the more she thought about it the more it made sense. If, and it was a big if, the energy wasn’t for evil. If it was really used to find an alternate earth like the other Mirror senshi she had encountered had said… there were a lot of things she wanted to be sure about but overall it wasn’t a bad idea. At least this way the fool standing in front of her wouldn’t be preying on unsuspecting people.

When the wraiths were called back the blonde mentally sighed in relief, she wouldn’t have to force the Mirror to do it or figure out another way of dispersing the little energy vampires. “I’m no damn bully! Go the hell home! Figure out what really that energy your collecting is for.” It was still too damn cold out to be babysitting ******** kids. She felt so old looking at the dark senshi. Why was it that people were so willing to believe the crap they were told? Why did they never look beyond themselves to see how their actions affected others? For some strange reason Antares felt a strong urge to go to her planet and never return. There she would be free of the rest of humanity and all its ugliness. But she would also have lost her new family, people she had fought for and with. Bah! Maybe a new planet to start on wouldn’t be a half bad idea.

Seeing as she hadn’t yet attacked, and while she was being loud, she wasn’t lashing out the senshi took a chance and stepped closer towards her. They wouldn’t have to speak so loudly this way, though it was more of a risk of them being seen. “People who drink, like they are, shouldn’t be out anyway...not after that. They’ll feel tired and know their limits...know how to act.” If he felt tired, for whatever reason, he wouldn’t go out and drive. He’d crash where he was or get a ride home. He wouldn’t do something stupid. And while yes, some were obviously feeling the drain they were adults and smart. It was the same thing they should do if they got drunk - act like an adult.

“It’s for our home...you have your planets- we don’t We have what we have in mirrorspace. We have to keep it going somehow...unlike your homeworlds I assume. But it’s all we have - we aren’t so lucky. The only time I went to space we were all nearly killed….by a mad Queen taken over by chaos.” He answered shuddering at the memory of it. “I still have the marks from it…” They didn’t have space, a place he hadn’t even gotten to see when given the one chance. It was likely the only chance. It was the only thing he wished he had that those of the white moon had. They had the mirrorscape though now and he could make his own home there, he just wanted it to be planned out and perfect first.

“I know what it’s for...and I anyone I trust? There is only one senshi on your side I know who hasn’t tried to beat or kill me...and I wouldn’t ask him, he’s too nice.” Athene had been far too nice, nicer than any other white moon senshi he’d met. “It may be a surprise to you...but you all claim to be good...but the Negaverse has, aside from one member, been nicer to me than your side.” Tugging on his sleeve gently as he spoke, his fingers moving as was a nervous habit of his. He liked to grab and cling to things, a need for comfort of his. “We have no place like you do...no calling to a homeworld in the stars….it’s the one thing I wish we had - that you all have.” But he wouldn’t change sides - ever. “But I wouldn’t change sides for it. The dark mirror court is my family...the only family I have.” And he’d picked them...because he could trust them, they hadn’t let him down yet. He hadn’t been judged, even when carrying a plushie into mirrorspace with their prince, or when he turned up at Rhona’s home with plastic bags containing everything he owned.

“So if you want to volunteer for that...then next time maybe.” He’d accept if she was serious, if she meant it, and if the cause was something she could get behind. He wouldn’t force her. He still didn’t mind grabbing energy from people, because it still didn’t hurt them like drugs really did. But if it could be made simpler, if he could go home sooner, he’d go for that any day.

Tilting his head a bit he smiled, glad this wasn’t turning into some sort of fight. “You should be less angry….it’s too stressing to be so angry and loud with people.” Shrugging a but and smiling a bit more, a soft and gentle sort of smile.

Antares just gave the boy a look, a ‘are you out of your mind’ look when he mentioned the civilians across the way actually being responsible adults. Unlike the Mirror senshi she didn’t have such a high opinion of people, let alone people who had been drinking. They are worse actually. He seemed to have no knowledge of what people are like, unlike her. She knew better. She didn’t disagree that they shouldn’t be out but Antares knew what they should do and what they actually do are two different things.

She kept her peace as the boy revealed his ‘need’ for energy, different from what the other Mirror senshi has said, then went on to inform her that order was full of assholes who hit before asking questions. Honestly she wasn’t surprised. Antares was rather jaded and didn’t trust easy. But when the dark senshi continued, lamenting his lack of home, talking about his family, all Antares could do was sigh. She knew what she was feeling. She had felt it before. The boy standing there in front of her absently fiddling with his sleeves reminded her of some of the kids she had met on the streets.

Kids that either lost that innocence in order to survive or didn’t survive normally. Only those who had found protectors retained that sweetness. She had taken a few of those under her wing before she had to move on. ThisMirror senshi reminded her of those kids. Someone who needed protection.

Pinching the bridge of her nose Antares muttered a curse. “Look kid, figure out exactly what the energy is used for… really used for. Then we will talk about me donating energy. In the meantime go home. Go get warm.” She took a deep breath and turned away, watching as the party wound down. “Go away kid. I’ll deal with this.”

Watching her he shook his head gently, not that she would see. He was as silent as his slippers would allow in his approach, pulling something from subspace as he moved. It was a plushie, not something uncommon for him to have with him, and as he moved to stand in front of her he held it out. “You need to relax more. There is nothing to deal with...and you can call me Kiuchi - I have a name.” And while most people would expect the gesture, of giving names, to be reciprocated he didn’t.

“I told you what the energy is used for. It may have multiple uses. Buut the biggest one, in my opinion, is keeping mirrorspace going and now mirrorscape. It’s all we have. So the energy helps.” Shrugging he flashed her a bit more of a smile. “I’ll go but you should really relax. Maybe go home as well.” And maybe cuddle up to the plushie he set on the ground at her feet, an offering of sorts, before he turned and headed off on his own. He’d get home easily enough. Maybe he’d get something to eat when he got back as well.

Antares tensed at the quiet approach of the boy. He didn’t seem like he wanted to fight, or that he would stab her in the back… either literally or figuratively but still. She didn’t trust him. Not that far anyway. But even she couldn’t hold herself ridgid when the kid walked around in front of her holding a stuffed….. Thing. It was like a black ball, or a dumpling, but with a cat face and ears on it. It was cute in a odd way. Not that she cared if it was cute or anything. Only children would be drawn into the squishy body and the cute face. She sure as s**t didn’t cross her arms to keep from reaching out to take the plushy when it was offered to her, nope, not at all. She crossed her arms because she felt a sudden chill and wanted toe kid to leave already.

Then when the kid, Kiuchi, gave his little line about what the energy is for Antares couldn’t help but snort in disbelief. Sure the kid probably was told that, he even believe it wholeheartedly but she didn't. As far as she was concerned the kid… Kiuchi, had been fed a line and it was clear as day. Just as clear as it was that he was going to get seriously hurt if he didn’t learn how the real world worked sooner rather than later. But he would have to learn that the hard way it seemed, nothing she said right now would penetrate his ‘they can do no wrong’ bubble so rather then even try she kept her mouth shut. The blonde senshi turned her focus back on the crowd, not even glancing at the boy when he left. She didn’t even glance at the toy the kid had left at her feet like some offering.

Antares didn’t even spare the plush a glance when she stepped over it to follow someone of the more inebriated party goer at least a few blocks over where the lady caught a cab. By the time she made it back the party was truly over, no one was around and all Antares could do was hope everyone got where they were going safely, that or they were crashing hear. Was there anything more she could do? Absently the senshi contemplated the empty rooftop that had held the party just a little while ago but when she couldn’t come up with anything she just sighed and absently sooped up the little plush. “Just what am I going to do with you?” Her muttered question was more hypothetical than anything else as she tucked it under her arm before heading into the night. It was past time to call it a night. It really was a cute toy.