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[FIN Oba] Meeting the Boss ~ Bushi & Family ~ Goto Page: 1 2 3 [>] [»|]

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Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 3:21 am
Hestian was a man that was busy, to the point that he couldn't really meet with just anyone at any time. There had to be a good reason behind said reason, but it seemed as though a good enough reason had come across his desk. After reading the message twice, just to make sure that he had all of the information. Giving a bit of a sigh he found himself saying, "I feel that I might be getting a bit too old for this stuff. Laine, I bequeath the entirety of the Thieves Guild to you. I think I'm going to retire to Matori and find myself a nice wife or two to spend my retirement years with."

The Oban woman that stood at his side lifted and eyebrow before patting him on the shoulder and asked of him, "Shall I set up the meeting with Bushi and his family for you, Hestian?" It seemed that she wasn't listening to his retirement speech, as though it was something she'd heard before now.

"I suppose so." He said, giving a little grumbling sound. It seemed it wouldn't be as easy as all of that, huh? Getting to his feet he said, "See to it that the back room of the Janarim's Skull is made empty, I will meet with them there this evening."

The woman gave a bow of her head before leaving the room at a rapid pace, off to set up the meeting between Hestian and the family that was requesting it. It seemed that Hestian was going to have a long night, as such she'd need to order in dinner for him at the Janarim's Skull as well since all they really served there was booze and eye candy. Something that had her wondering if such a meeting should be held there but decided to leave be, if that was where he wanted to go then so be it. Those in Bushi's family would just have to deal with it. Their own fault for getting into so much trouble after all.


Bushi was at his booth, selling a necklace that he'd made with his own two hands, to a rather handsome looking Matorian. It seemed as though he was trying to win over a girl and needed the best, most beautiful, and extremely shiny necklace to give to her. The one that he'd creature was all of those things, crafted of silver and a couple of beautiful emeralds. It was a piece that no woman would turn down, or so he told the guy.

They were in the middle of haggling when Bushi spotted Laine standing there off to one side. The woman wasn't easy to miss given the shaved head and bare, muscular arms. He lifted a hand to give a wave before continuing on with the customer, wanting to get the deal over with so that he might be able to talk with the woman in private. The moment the Matorian was on his way she came striding forward, closing the distance between them, and then said, "The meeting is tonight, back room of the Janarim's Skull, you're all invited."

"The... where? That dive bar?" He cocked his head to the side, lifting a hand to scratch it against his beard. His wife was sure to be displeased with that given those that hung out there... but who was he to judge? If that was where the boss wanted to meet he supposed that was where they were going to meet.

Laine nodded, "Yes, at the bar. I will wait outside and lead you in through the side door so your family can avoid the worst of it." She said before turning on her heel and left the area.

Giving a shake of his Bushi returned to his work, finishing up in the late afternoon before he went to where the twins were staying first, fetching them, before taking them as a group to where Phaedra was working. It was time to meet up with Hestian. There was a moment where he'd considered leaving Shura at the inn but she wasn't having it, even if she was the only one that wasn't in trouble.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 3:23 am
Heras Box

Shura glanced at her brother who was walking at her side, then forward to where their father was. It had been about a week since the 'incident' or was it 'incidents'? Either way it had been about a week since then and it seemed as though it was time to go and meet with the person that was seemingly in charge of the group their father was a part of. She found herself wondering what was going to happen, what the man was like, and how things were going to turn out.

"If he's the leader he's got to be some big, muscular guy with a shaved head, scars, and lots of tattoos, huh?" She murmured to her twin brother, certain that it would take a man like that to lead a guild of criminals, right? Crossing her arms behind her head as she walked she tried picturing him in her head, "I hope that things blow over... I mean it was your first infraction so surely he'll let you off the hook, right?" That was what she was hoping for at least, not wanting to think about her brother getting taken away by the monstrous person she'd made up in her head.

Looking passed their father who was leading the way she spotted the place their mother worked. A part of her wanted to run ahead to find their mother first but she decided to hold her ground, staying alongside Dovian instead. She had to protect him after all, not matter what.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:02 am
Orpheus Solon

Dovian frowned as he walked along side his twin. He wasn't exactly looking forward to this whole thing. When Shura mentioned the leader being huge, bald, and tattooed he just turned his head to look at her. "You think so?" Honestly, he wasn't so sure. Their dad didn't look like that. And apparently he was good at what he did if Dovian paid attention to what Gorvis had said about him. His eyes went toward Bushi as he thought about it all.

"I still don't understand the rules for all this." He muttered. What was the big deal with him having stolen one thing? Though he did suppose there was that issue with Gorvis saying he was owed something or another. That part really worried him. What if this boss guy said that Gorvis had to have his payment? Dovian dropped his eyes to the ground then and worried silently.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 4:06 am
Phaedra was busy working, though the crowd had thinned out some. She was thankful for that at least but she wanted to make extras for the girls to serve when it was time for her to leave. Phae made sure that she was able to leave in time to start dinner for her own family. They came first after all.

So she kept busy making the breads and other things that were needed. Phae even decided to make a few sweet treats to add to the night's menu. It would make a lot of customers happy she was sure and it made her happy to be able to make them. As she baked the woman hummed happily.  

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:08 am
Bushi stepped into the restaurant first, glancing around, before he motioned to a table that stood empty, "You both sit there. I'm going to find your mother and let her know what is going on." He watched the pair, making sure that they were going to listen, before he moved off to figure out where his Sprite was currently located. It took a bit of searching around and some a bit of asking around before he found himself pointed in the right direction.

Once there he glanced over at her, watching her as she worked, before giving a bit of a smile, "You really are beautiful, aren't you Sprite?" He asked of her, leaning against the door to the kitchen she was working in. After a glance around to make sure that nobody was listening he said, "I got a message from... my boss. He's wanting to meet with us this evening. Will you be able to get off work and come with us?" Hestian was likely expecting her so he hoped that she was able to come along. If not he'd do his best to cover for her.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:09 am
Heras Box

"Who knows? I just assume that someone who had that kind of job would have to look intimidating." Not that their father looked that way. He had no scars after all and the only tattoo he had were of crystal flowers that represented Dovi and herself.

Shura glanced over at their father as he told them where to sit and she gave a nod, "Sure thing, Dad!" She said, catching hold of Dovian's arm, leading him over to the table. Giving him a smile she said, "I'm sure that everything is going to be alright. I mean you're right, you don't know all of the rules so they can't really get that mad at you. You made a mistake! Besides, you're going to say sorry and I'm sure it will be alright."

If the man that their father decided to be mean then she'd have to do... something. She didn't want anyone being mean to Dovian after all. Settling down in her seat before she leaned back in it, watching over her shoulder as their father went in search of their mother.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:59 am
When they entered into the place that their mom worked Dovian looked around. He was half expecting to see her charming customers and getting complimented on her cooking. As he realized that wasn't the case he looked at Bushi. The instructions to have a seat came soon after and he was pulled along after his sister.

"Still not sure why I even have to say sorry. I didn't steal from him." At least he didn't think he had. Though he supposed he could be wrong. Looking at Shura he seemed to look curious. "You don't have to come since you didn't do anything." It was a statement and a question all in one.  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 11:20 am
Orpheus Solon

Phaedra was busy baking away when the voice of her bear reached her ears. It caused her to jump a little before looking at him. When she did she playfully held up the dough roller. "Don't you know not to mess with the cook?" Her other hand went to her hip to show more sass.

When she noticed him looking around she wondered what was on his mind. Of course she didn't have to wonder long. As he spoke she frowned, even narrowed her eyes at him, but still she nodded her head. There wasn't much in the way of arguing that she could do. "Alright.." With that she set down the roller and untied her apron. "We can go. I've made enough food for the girls to serve." Phae took a deep breath and looked at Bushi with a worried expression. She had to admit she was concerned about what would happen. Still she moved to collect a wooden crate that was covered with a thin cloth and turned back to Bear.  

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:17 pm
Bushi gave a bit of a smile and said, "What if I want to risk it?" He didn't mind messing with this particular cook, especially if he thought that it might get her full attention onto him. He wanted nothing more then to scoop her up and give her a kiss but that would have to wait for now. He wanted to focus on the task at hand after all. Once they had talked to Hestian then he could see about 'mess with the cook' as it were.

"I'm sure that it will go alright, Hestian is a good man, he will hear us out I'm sure." He said in a reassuring manner, wanting to believe that everything was going to be fine. They would just have to meet up with the guild leader and hope for the best.

As she moved to pick up a wooden crate he followed after her, giving it a glance, then asked in a rather curious manner, "What do you have there?"  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 8:18 pm
Heras Box

Shura reached out to ruffle Dovian's hair, "I... don't really know. The rules on such things are a little lost on me too. We should ask Dad about it. He might be able to let you know what's going on. Unless you'd rather ask his boss about it? If not I can always ask the guy about it." She'd stand up for Dovian if he wasn't able to do it for himself, that was her job as the older sister after all.

"Hm? Well I am not just going to sit alone in the inn while someone might be picking on you! Besides, I want to know what's going too." She said, leaning back in her chair again, leaning it back on it's back legs, feet resting against the legs of the table. As she balanced there she said, "I think if I was alone I'd just sit there fretting all night and that would probably give me heart problems." She'd rather tag along as the one innocent person instead of waiting at the inn. She was a bit worried about Anhalo though, he must be bored out of his mind being all alone waiting for them in the stable that was keeping him and caring for him at the moment.  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:50 am
Would their father explain the rules to him? He didn't seem to want to really tell anyone about his other life. Of course the cat was kinda out of the bag and all that. Dovian glanced in the direction their father had gone before looking back at his twin. "We can try asking dad." He just hoped that it would be explained to him. Then again, he wanted to know why their mother had to go as well. Neither parent seemed to explain that one.

When his sister explained that she wanted to know what was going on as well as make sure no one picked on him he nodded. It was a fair point. If Shura had gotten in trouble instead of him he'd want to go to. Not that he would be much use if there was fighting or anything. Dovian still wasn't used to the idea of actually striking someone with the intent to cause real harm. He might have some muscle now but it was all used at the forge. "Good point, just.. don't get in trouble trying to stick up for me." It was bad enough their parents were in trouble because of him.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2018 3:57 am
Orpheus Solon

She shook her head as he said he might want to risk messing with the cook. Phaedra could just imagine he would but he'd get a good thump from the roller. The woman looked at Bushi with another look, this one doubtful. "If your boss does anything to our son...." She trailed off. Really she wasn't sure what she would do in retaliation and then she wasn't sure if Bushi could do anything.

When he asked about the crate she moved it away from him playfully. "My gift for your boss." Obviously it was food if the smell that came from it was any indication. Actually it was going to have been dessert for the family after dinner but Phae decided that it would be better used in this manner. She could always make something else when the time came.

"I'm ready. Are the kids with you?" Any other parent might have asked if just their son was with them but Phae knew her daughter too well. Since it involved Dovian there was no way that Shura was going to stay put.  

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:56 am
Shura nodded his head as she crossed her arms behind her head, eyes closing for a moment, trying to listen to what was going on. A shame that they weren't close enough to hear what their parents were actually saying. She could hear a bit of murmuring around them but it wasn't from them. Opening her eyes again she said, "I think we should if you're really curious. You are the one that got caught up in things after all."

Letting the chair fall back to all for legs again she gave her brother a smile, "I will do what I can to stay out of trouble but you know that I don't like it when you get pushed around, Dovi. The only one allowed to tease you is me. So if anyone is mean just tell me, I will continue to beat them up!" She didn't really care who it was, if they were being mean to him then they deserved to get punched. She just hoped that it wouldn't come down to that because she was the only one not in trouble and she wanted to remain as such for now.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 2:57 am
Heras Box

"I hope that it's not going to come to that. My boss is a good man and will surely understand that he'd made a mistake." He wanted to believe that at least, mostly because Dovian was still quite young. Bushi was already in the guild by Dovian's age, for a while in fact, but his were special circumstances. Save for those that were a part of the guild since birth because their parents were members that wanted their children to join as well it seemed people had to wait for a certain age.

"A gift? That might go over well. Especially given where we are going to meet with him." The food was going to win him over since what they had at the Janarim's Skull wasn't exactly the best. If anything it was just good enough to win over the drunks, nothing more and nothing less. The fact that she was bringing the man food would likely go over well and bringing tribute was helpful when it came to talking to the guild boss. After a moment of thought he nodded his head and said, "Yes, they are sitting at one of the tables waiting for us. I was going to leave Shura at the inn since she isn't required to attend but she refused. She wants to look after Dovian in this as well it seems."  

Orpheus Solon

Stellar Dragon

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2018 3:44 pm
Orpheus Solon

Dovian considered it for a minute then nodded. He did want to know so asking was the best option. What could it really hurt?

When his sister mentioned that she didn't like it when he was picked on he gave a small smile. Wasn't that the truth. How many people had she beat up over less? Although Shura sure picked on him when she wanted to. "You make no sense. Still, try not to get into trouble over me. Bad enough Dad is in deep with all of this. Not sure how mom is but.." Dovian shrugged. Maybe it was because she was his mother? Or was it because of their dad that she was in it?

"I think I should be ok. I don't think mom or dad will let anything bad happen. You can go back to Anhalo if you want." Mostly he just wanted to make sure his twin stayed out of trouble.  
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