xxxxxxA B I G A I LxxxR O S ExxxC O D Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Abby, Abs
              AGE »» 18
              BIRTHDAY »» 26 April 2030
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Samantha Boscarino Odette Yustman
              BLOOD STATUS »» Muggleborn
              WAND »» Willow, 10 and 1/6 inches, phoenix feather, springy, knobby
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English
              ACCENT »» Brummie
              PET »» Little owl named Benji

              xxx»» Theater
              xxx»» Camping
              xxx»» Hiking
              xxx»» Classic rock
              xxx»» Horror movies
              xxx»» Getting dressed up
              xxx»» Loud, crowded places
              xxx»» Being stuck in one place
              xxx»» Traveling in cars
              xxx»» Peanuts (allergic)
              xxx»» Swimming
              xxx»» Singing
              xxx»» Collecting rocks

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Abby is a rather messy person in general; she frequently leaves her things lying about, couldn't keep a room tidy if you paid her a million pounds, and often forgets where she left things or spends ages looking for some scrap of paper or book she's lost. She's also quite careless in personality; she can be very impulsive and reckless, and tends to not think things through or consider repercussions. Abby is used to 'skating by' on life, and would much rather have a good time and not worry then overthink things or stress about the future.

              xxx»» Abby is very kind; she's not always terribly polite or considerate, but she won't hesitate to help someone in need or offer her support to a friend who's feeling down. She does genuinely care about others, she just isn't always sure how to show it, and not being very emotional, it can often seem like she's a bit apathetic, when in fact she's just trying to put on a strong front. In general, Abby is a sweet girl with good intentions, although they can get a bit... muddled.

              xxx»» Abby is practical almost to a fault; someone's leg could have just gotten chopped off and while everyone else was screaming or retching, she'd be going 'I'm guessing I should get some towels, huh?'. Abby doesn't consider herself a very clever person- although she's clearly not an idiot- but she has more sense than she's usually given credit for, given her very laid-back attitude, and you can always count on her in a pinch to pull her weight.

              xxx»» Abby is not a particularly obnoxious or irritating person, but she does have a lot of energy and tends to make a lot of noise... wherever she goes. She has a lot of energy, even if she's not very high-strung, and really isn't one for sitting around. Her general mood in school was that of 'I can't wait to get out of here' and she's terrible at putting on a serious face, especially since so many things amuse her.

              xxx»» Abby is not the most perceptive or aware person, and while not overly idealistic or innocent, does tend to catch onto things a bit late. This causes some to assume she's rather ditzy and shallow, but in reality she's just a bit slow on the uptake, and takes a while to process information. She's also absolutely terrible at reading a room and frequently blunders her way into situations because of it. Luckily, she usually manages to worm her way out of trouble, or at least play dumb so as not to arouse further ire.

              xxx»» Abby is good at putting on a lackadaisical, confident mask, but in reality has many deep-rooted anxieties and fears about herself as a person. She wishes she were smarter, harder working, more ambitious... She tends to blame herself for many things, although she would never voice any of it aloud, and often doubts that she is up to the tasks before her, leading her to procrastinate or push them off.

              xxx»» Abby doesn't let life get her down and bounces back easily.
              xxx»» Abby is a very kind person who wants to help others out if she can.
              xxx»» Abby is very careless with both things and people.
              xxx»» Abby has a lot of hidden insecurities and self-doubt.
              xxx»» Lillian not loving her anymore.
              xxx»» Ghosts.

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Abby was born as the youngest child of three. She grew up in a loving, happy home with two parents, and an older sister and brother whom she was quite content to harass and follow around, being six years younger than her sister Lillian and two years younger than her brother Jackson. She knew Lil mostly considered her an annoying pest, given their large age gap, but she and Jackie, as she called him, were as close as a brother and sister two years apart could probably be. Abby got along well with both her parents and was used to being spoiled and coddled a bit, since she was the 'baby' of the family.

              Unfortunately, Abby did not have very long to get to know her family, because when she was six her parents and brother died in a car accident, leaving Abby and Lil completely alone in the world. Abby went into a state of shock and denial after she received news of the deaths and for the next year tried to keep her brother's spirit alive in her head as a sort of imaginary friend whom she could confide in when she was upset or feeling down. Now that she is older she only talks to him when very shaken and nervous.

              Abby and Lil had never been really close beforehand, but they had no choice when they were all each other had left, and while Abby resented her sister's overprotective, paranoid behavior getting them in constant trouble, she also blamed herself, because ever since the accident very odd things seemed to happen around her, and she couldn't help but feel that what had happened to her family was either something she could have somehow prevented or her fault. This seemed confirmed when she was informed that she was 'gifted' or 'special' and she and Lil were sent to an orphanage to stay for the time being, rather than yet another foster home. She found Wool's better than many of the foster homes they'd been in, but she couldn't shake the feeling that at any moment she was going to be sent away due to her 'specialness'.

              When Abby was nine she and her sister were adopted by a young magical couple named Kenny and Jojo, who were close with the orphanage owners. Abby really had no idea why they'd taken a liking to her and her sister, but was more accepting of the idea of it than Lil. At least she finally had her own room. She was not surprised when she received her Hogwarts letter, since her adoptive parents had explained it all to her, and despite her reluctance to be sent away to some boarding school, she was a bit excited.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Abby started Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff, which wasn't that surprising, given what Kenny and Jojo had told her about the houses. While she did miss her sister terribly, she was also excited to be in a new place with new people, and found most of her classes and professors very interesting. The castle itself was also incredible, and she resolved to explore every inch of it before graduation.
                  SECOND YEAR »» Abby was less homesick the second time around, and spent less time on her schoolwork and more time sneaking around or outside, collecting rocks by the lake.
                  THIRD YEAR »» Abby spent way too much time stuffing her face in Hogsmeade during her third year, although she also enjoyed her classes more since she'd gotten to choose some of them, finally.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Abby began to realize that she was potentially asexual, and confided this in her best friend, Lena, who promised to support her no matter what. Jojo and Kenny also adopted a third child, Reggie, who apparently had the same 'furry problem' as her adoptive father.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» Abby started off her fifth year very shocked to have been named prefect. On the one hand, she was going to enjoy the fancy-arse bathroom. On the other hand, patrols and detention-giving, ugh. Still, she was pleased her friend Parker had been named her co-prefect, and resolved to make the best of her new position.
                  SIXTH YEAR »» The summer before Abby's sixth year Parker's missing-presumed dead father unleashed a horde of magical creatures on London and then disappeared again, so that was pretty interesting.
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» Abby had been dreading seventh year for her entire time at Hogwarts, not just because of the exams but because she knew she'd hate to leave the school behind. Still, she muddled through, and finished out her education feeling quite proud of herself and her accomplishments.

              xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

                  ATTENDING »» Hogwarts
                  HOUSE »» Hufflepuff
                  YEAR »» GRADUATED
                  HONORS »» Prefect
                  DREAM JOB »» Auror

                  BEST LESSONS
                  xxx»» Charms
                  xxx»» DADA
                  xxx»» Healing
                  WORST LESSONS
                  xxx»» Transfiguration
                  xxx»» Potions
                  xxx»» History of Magic
                  OWL SCORES
                  xxxASTRONOMY »» EE
                  xxxCHARMS »» O
                  xxxDEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS »» O
                  xxxHERBOLOGY »» EE
                  xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» A
                  xxxPOTIONS »» D
                  xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» P
                  xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» EE
                  xxxHEALING »» O
                  xxxMYTHOLOGY »» A
                  NEWT SCORES
                  xxxxxxCHARMS »» O
                  xxxDEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS »» O
                  xxxHERBOLOGY »» EE
                  xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» A
                  xxxHEALING »» EE

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Asexual (heteroromantic)
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Single
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» None
              xxx»» PARENTS Robert and Vivian Cody (deceased)
              xxx»» SIBLINGS Lillian Cody (alive) and Jackson Cody (deceased)
              xxx»» BEST FRIEND Ilene Warlow
              xxx»» Shui Quan, Vilhelmina Markov, Parker Soyinka
              xxx»» Lillian (sometimes)
              xxx»» - - -

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