This is back-dated to, say, a couple of weeks before VDay. Long enough for Midoriko to wander the city, hear about the partay, and make her way to Amārēmur. That said, this isn't anything super important; more for just me than anything n.n
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The first thing she became conscious of was a tickle on her nose. Thinking it was just Redd being a nuisance, Midoriko lifted her hand to swat at the troublesome mellon. At least, she tried to lift her hand. The movement proved to be a struggle, as was opening her eyes. Feeling almost encased, and just a little claustrophobic, she forced the movements she was having such a hard time with. It was slow-going and difficult but, eventually she loosened up and her eyes snapped open.

Where am I?, she wondered, squinting in the semi-gloom. Wherever this was, it felt old and lonely but, upon closer inspection, was suspiciously free of dust and other trappings of time-passed. Somebody must come in and keep it clean. Shrugging off her surroundings for the moment, the green demon stood in place and went through a series of simple stretches, feeling life return to her limbs; a sensation not unlike the tingling of numb appendages when circulation was restored.

Sufficiently limber now, she decided to test out her voice. "Hello?" she called, pitching her voice so it wouldn't disturb the quiet too badly, and waited. No answer. Well, then. Couldn't hurt to explore a little, could it? Surely no one would mind... Taking a few careful steps, she suddenly realized that the other shapes in the dimness were statues of pae. A sculptor's? Weird place to take a nap.

Moving through the rows of statues, she took in the detail with an artist's eye and sense of appreciation. This sculptor was a master; it was almost like they were alive and set in stone. Once the thought crossed her mind, a shiver raced down her spine. Hadn't she felt stiff and awkward when she woke up? And then she recognized a face or two. That was unnerving. Suddenly wanting nothing more than to get out of here, Midoriko picked up speed and didn't dally so much to admire the statues.

Breathless with relief when she found the door, she rushed through it and slammed it behind her, leaning back against it and closing her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she held it to a count of ten then slowly let it out and opened her eyes again. Telrunya City. This was something she recognized, if in a district she'd never been to before. But it felt... off.

Grasping for a return to normal from the weird situation she found herself in, Midoriko looked around and spotted a decorative hedge which she plucked a single leaf from. Holding it up in front of her face, she envisioned it turning into a glass pendant and reached for her power... Nothing happened. Tears sprang to her eyes and she angrily dashed them away, dropping the leaf.

What happened?