Valka was taking her first REAL crew, not that they were her crew, out on a viking. She was quite pleased about this. She'd never particularly BEEN on one with her as lead so this was something else indeed. The dark female gave a wicked grin and looked over towards the other companions we had accompanied her. They were quite a large party as it were, she would almost assume some would think it was a war band.

While she knew she didn't have final say in anything and the Captain that was allowing them to do this on their own would, she would still make him proud, even if it killed her.

Brisingr wasn't far behind, following her aunt with fast steps, her father just shaking his head. She had INSISTED she came along and who was he to deny her, she aspired to be like Valka one day. It was a bit of an ego crusher for him but he loved his sister dearly so he was okay with it. She wanted to learn and know everything, an excited smile upon her face.

Raizen on the other paw was like WHY DID I COME WITH. Oh yea, because the twins had wanted to go.

Slivka and Milas were trailing along as well, to include a new friend to the party. Cherub as well had wanted to get in on the action so all in all. Everyone was here.

And then of course there was Risa and Villi who were trailing towards the back. Villi had been on before a long while ago but had wanted to out with more than just her siblings so here she was. She was just a bit ahead of Risa. "Do you think we'll get any thralls while we're out here today?" Villi asked.

"Who's to say, I just want to come out here for the experience." Risa said with a shrug of her shoulders.

The twins exchanged glances, "What if we already came from out here and already have the experience previously." Slivka spoke up as she looked over at her twin brother, Milas. The male let out a sigh and shook his head, "While we have experience of having LIVED in another pride, this is a little different Slivka." She glowered at him for a moment.

Cherub moved closer to Vili and Risa, looking the red female over as he moved to stand between them. "What are you two Ladies bickering about?"

"We are trying to decide if any thralls will be captured while we are out here today."

"I don't think it's that important." Responded Risa. "What of you Cherub?"

"Me? I say let the fates do upon us as they will, I'm just here to get the experience to move up to Captain one day."

Njord moved closer to his sister and looked back at the group that stood behind them. "What is the plan anyway, dear sister?"

Valka raised a brow and looked over towards him with a wicked grin. "While I've never been one for raiding a group I believe they need the experience of what it takes to complete such an action. It will tell the true reavers apart from the rest of them. They need to do this if they wish to know if this is indeed the route they wish to pursue in life." Valka was made for this lifestyle, even if she wasn't mean spirited.

Njord gave a nod of his head. "I like it. Plus it will be the exact thing that captain will need to see in order to make a valid decision in the matter."

Raizen watched as the older adults talked up ahead and decided to stick back with his half siblings. "Hey Bris, what do you think your Aunt and Dad are talking about?"

Bris shrugged her shoulders, "I'm sure they'll tell us when it's relevant."

The large group began to approach on the small party that had been scouted out a night or two before and Valka gave the signal for them to freeze. Before the band had started out they had been given explicit instructions and when to split up, depending on the signal given.

Valka, Raizen, Njord, Brisingr, Cherub, Vili, Milas and Slivka were about to see who had the intestinal fortitude to do what needed to be done. Crouching low Valka went ahead of the group and Njord took charge and signaled for the other's to follow with him. Taking the point she settled herself in and started the motion of ambushing/startling the resting group.

Brisingrs heart was racing faster and faster as she followed behind her father and the other's she was certain it would beat right out of her chest if she didn't get it to calm down. Shaking her head she took in a deep breath and cleared her thoughts, she would do this and make her father and Aunt proud of her.

Milas and Slivka were having second thoughts, more-so Slivka was. This didn't feel right to her, she wasn't meant for this, why had she come along anyway? Oh, because her brother had been egged on into coming along so she went anyway. Falling back she knew she wasn't going to be able to stomach such an action and thus one member of their group knew that they were cut out for the life of glory and riches.

Milas watched as his sister stayed back as the other's closed in and he gave her a mournful look but understood, she was so much like their mother, he understood but he wouldn't back down from this. Raizen had given him no other choice so he joined his brother and moved forward on silent and deadly feet.

Cherub and Vili stayed closer to one another than the other's, having been told to branch off to the side earlier on they would cut off any escape route that they might decide to take once they became aware there was someone surrounding them.

Ophelia and her brother had recently joined up with a couple other's so that they could travel in the safety of numbers, but he had left earlier to go look for mother of their siblings and possibly their mother since their home had disbanded. The adolescent was curled up next to one of their new friends. She was sleeping peacefully when suddenly screams woke her up. The warm body that had been next to her was gone and pale gaze widened with fear as she looked about at the bloodshed.

So sound in her sleep she had missed out on most of the dangers that had passed but was left to the mercy of those that surrounded her, she was no fighter and she wasn't sure what to do. Where was her brother, sitting up she glanced around quickly to look for his familiar pink form but didn't see it. Had he gotten away? Where had he gone? Uncertain she just sat there terrified until someone stood, towering over her.

Blood stained their chest from claws that had reached out in defense but proved useless. Only two bodies laid lifeless around her and that meant the other's had gotten away. "You are mine now." Raizen said claiming the female as his, she went to get up and bolt but he pounced on her, his hot breath against her throat. "If you move I will end you now."

Ophelia froze, she had no choice but to do as she was told. Yielding to the male she gave herself over to him.

Valka stood proudly at the scene that had unfolded before her and Njord. Only one of their group had backed down from the challange and to be honest, that wasn't a terrible outcome given they had Eight in total to their little party.

Brisingrs fur was a little tousled up as she had gotten into a scuffle with one of the members they had attacked but in the end they had bested her and ran away. Cherub and Vili had taken down one that had come at Vili with the intent to kill her and the evidence was clear by the red that stained the white males pelt. Milas had been with Raizen but wasn't going to claim the female for his own and allowed his brother that luxury, though he was possibly regretting his choice in it. Nothing he could do now.

Slivka was glad she had kept back because she truly hadn't wanted to take part in any of what had unfolded and was sorta put off that her brother had been right in the middle of it. She'd say something about it when she got back.

"Well done Reavers, when we return home you shall be welcomed with much vigor!" Valka said proudly, she was sure the Captain watching from the hill would agree as well.

WC: 1480