

NICKNAMES Momoka Yukimura (Her Japanese name +her mother’s surname), Momo


FACECLAIM Risa Niigaki

AGE 17

BIRTHDAY 10/31/2028



WAND 12in/Apple/Abraxan Feather

LANGUAGES English, Japanese, French.

PET Showshoe cat named B2

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR Seventh

HOUSE Slytherin

DREAM JOB Hit Witch or some job dealing with Magical Creatures

Astronomy ~ EE
Charms ~ P
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
Herbology ~ D
History of Magic ~ A
Potions ~ T
Transfiguration ~ A
Care of Magical Creatures ~ EE
Muggle Studies ~ A
Music ~ EE
Mythology ~ A


TRAIT Driven Giselle is driven from events that occurred in her childhood. She is determined to become a better Hit Witch than her mother had been who died in the line of duty, leaving her family to mourn her loss. Giselle decided that she would never be that type of person.
TRAIT Friendly Despite what you would expect from a traditional Pure Blood family, Giselle is quite friendly and genuine with her words.
TRAIT Confident Giselle knows when she is good at a certain task and doesn't back down from showing that. But she isn't cocky, she knows that there is more for her to learn even in skills she has believed she has mastered.
TRAIT Resentful Giselle remembers when she has been wronged by someone else, and always keeps it in the back of her mind when dealing with those people. She uses this so she can’t be hurt or tricked by the same person more than once and so she can see these traits in others.
TRAIT Organized Giselle likes things having their place, keeping things all together so she can reference things later on, this could mean paperwork or her own thoughts. She doesn’t like disorganization, it annoys her.
TRAIT Self-Sufficient From a young age, Giselle has watched over herself with the help of her favorite House Elf, Oregano, and elder half brother, Gerard. She can take care of herself with no issues whatsoever.

■ Playing Piano
■ Spending time with people she cares about
■ Writing short stories
■ Babymetal/exciting music
■ Reading about history
■ Learning about the Muggle world

■ Ruby Scarlet, her Grandmother
■ Classical music
■ People who are mean to Gerard
■ Dancing
■ Formal clothing

■ Determination to better herself
■ Her independence

■ Her Innocence
■ Anxiety of failure

■ Dieing in the same fashion as her mother
■ Complete Darkness


EARLY CHILDHOOD Giselle was born to the Scarlet family as the second child of Brenton Scarlet, the son of an old English Pure Blood family, and first child of Chiharu Yukimura a Japanese Pure-Blood Hit Witch. Giselle was raised alongside her elder brother, Gerard who is Brenton’s first child with his ex-lover. She was raised lovingly by her mother and father, and sometimes even her Uncle Hayate.

When Giselle was around 7 her mother was killed by someone who had formerly been her target. This caused her father to fall into a deep depression, he barely left his room and would not take care of his children as he had before. From then on her Uncle Hayate would frequent more often, taking care of the siblings with the help of the Scarlet family house elves. Seeing how the death of her mother had hurt her father, she decided that she would become a Hit Witch as well but she would be better than her mother had been. During this time Giselle began showing signs of magic and was taken under the wing of her Grandmother, Ruby Scarlet, the current head of the Scarlet family. She would from then on be trained as the next head of the family, skipping over her brother who was a Squib.

Unfortunately there was some discourse in the family. Many other members believed that even though Giselle was technically the best direct female in line to take over there was another much older girl, Regina Scarlet, a daughter of Brenton’s elder brother who had also been raised to become the head of the family. This would continue to prove a problem and Giselle would have to prove herself through schooling or she would lose the ability to take over.

Giselle didn’t really care about being the head of the family, but when she confronted her father about what he wanted, he admitted that he wanted to see her in that position so she decided that she would do what she could to prove herself a proper heir of the family without losing herself. Her Uncle Hayate made she to help her with this by making sure to keep her level headed and to actually treat her like a child instead of the head of her family.

FIRST YEAR Momo joined the music club, and sent almost daily letters to her elder brother. Telling him all about Hogwarts. She enjoyed her housemates....well the ones that were kind.
SECOND YEAR The year of the crazy food fight, Momo enjoyed it a lot and even attempted to get Byron to join in on the fun....didn't happen of course. This year though, she decided she at least wanted to make a bit progress with Byron and even Blair. She wanted to befriend them. So she got some information from other students in the Art Club to find what Byron and Blair specialized at inside the club. She ended up giving them the gifts during the Chirstmas gathering she had been invited to at the Lockwood home. Later on Byron confronted her, telling her that he appreciated her attempt but told her not to do it again without asking. A part of her was a bit disheartened but she understood.
THIRD YEAR During this year Momo was given a small kitten by her older brother, he had named the cat Byron 2 or B2 for short. He said that the cat would treat her better than Byron was. That was a lie, the cat made this year pretty hard on her.
FOURTH YEAR The year began with Momo hearing that her cousin Regina was pregnant with the a child of Byron's father. When she told him he didn't believe her. When Byron began drinking it took Momo a while to catch on but when she figured it out she decided she had to put a stop to it, so she stupidly decided to just drink all of his stash so he didn't have any more. It was stupid.
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)


Father Brenton Scarlet
Mother deceased Chiharu Yukimura
Elder Brother Gerard Scarlet
Paternal Uncle Percival Scarlet
Paternal Aunt Liliana Scarlet
Cousin Regina Scarlet
Maternal Uncle Hayate Yukimura
Cousin Daisuke Yukimura

Betrothed Byron Lockwood
■ Blair Lockwood
■ Elijah Beaumont
■ Sissy Masters
■ Daisuke Yukimura
■ Cady Gregory



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PENDED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [02/07/2018]
ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/16/2018]
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