“Princess, are you sure you want ME to teach you how to hunt properly?” Kanzi asked as she led the princess towards the boarders of the pride, where the best herds of food could be found roaming near the trees, but not within the forest itself. The forest was good for small animals and solo meals, but when it came to hunting for the whole pride? As a huntress, she needed to go after bigger targets. But what she couldn’t understand was why one of the royal line would want her to teach them how to hunt- she was no one special! Not marked in the top of the hunting group, not purple, not even a member who was born in the pride!

She was unremarkable in every way, from the gray tones of her coat, to the skills of her hunting capabilities. And yet, Titania, the plum purple princess, followed next to her with eagerness and good cheer, as though she were the one in the presence of someone amazing.

“I picked you because I want to spend time with you!” She hummed merrily, rubbing against the larger lioness affectionately before getting back to walking their path, “you’re nice and always laughing with the others and I wanted to laugh with you, too! Is that such a crime?” She was a childish one at heart, but still well-learned and respectful like her father before her. She had all the manners of her mother, and the spirit of her father’s youth.

A powerful combination. Were Dromio not already proving himself a capable leader, Kanzi would have liked to see her on the throne. Just to see how a female would do in charge. She smiled faintly at the lioness, unable to find a reason to dislike the answer she was given.

“Very well, princess, but keep in mind I’m not the best hunter there is. I can teach you the basics, but if you want to perfect this you really should go to someone more capable than me.”

“I just want to be able to contribute,” countered Titania cheerfully, “I don’t need to be the best at it! As long as I can hunt with the rest of you from time to time, that’s really all I want- I want to be a part of things.”

“That’s very kind, princess, but don’t completely forget who you are- if you’re not careful, someone might want to take advantage of you.” She wasn’t normally a debbie downer, but it seemed like a good thing to remind her of. Titania, though, had stopped listening, having paused in her tracks, staring in stunned silence ahead of her.

Kanzi, confused, moved up to join her, that stunned surprise soon taking her, too. There, standing before them, was perhaps the biggest lion either of them had ever seen. His size must have matched the Gods! Alright, maybe he wasn’t that big, but he was certainly huge. He had scruffy fur and an unkempt, harsh-looking mane. His claws were so long and sharp, they were visible even as he stood there in a relaxed position. Even with his mouth closed, the tips of his long, dangerous fangs could be seen. A scowl adorned his huge face, his angry features seemingly permanent for him. This massive, intimidating lion had only one thing peculiar about him- his fur was pink and pale, like a naked baby bird’s skin. Still, with everything else, that didn’t really make him less frightening to behold. He regarded them in silence, standing strong with his head held high.

It was Titania who spoke first.

“Welcome to our pride lands,” she offered warmly, that surprised now replaced with the same glow of friendly, respectful love she carried for her pride members, “I am Titania, one of the princesses here. How is it that we may help you?”

Kanzi turned her eyes back towards the male, feeling tense and uneasy. She, unlike Titania, had lived in the rogue lands for a time. She knew how harsh it could be, and how unforgiving. This lion looked like a threat, and her princess was too welcoming to see it. So she stepped in front of the lioness protectively, just keeping her body between the two of them... In case it was needed to block an attack. But the lion didn’t move, staring at them with harsh eyes for a long while before finally, he spoke. The voice that came from the lion was unlike anything Kanzi had been expecting. It was soft. Gentle.


“I’m so grateful for your kind welcome, princess,” the male offered meekly, bowing his head respectfully towards the both of them, “my name is Baridi... I’ve had such a hard time living in these lands. My appearance and large body makes people think I’m a threat, but really... I seek only a home to call my own. Please, I beg you believe me. I’ve been rejected from so many prides already....”

“You will find no rejection here,” replied Titania softly, “come inside the forest with us and we’ll take you to our home. There you can rest and eat, and decide if this place is something that you want. The home you’re looking for.”

“Titania! You mustn’t! You don’t know anything about this male, and he looks so...”

“Kanzi, please. Looks don’t make the lion, does it? I sense he is very sweet, and I would like to help him. Look beyond his outward appearance. Does he really seem dangerous?” Kanzi took a moment to stare at Baridi, who shifted uncomfortable on his paws and looked down.

“.... I guess you’re right. Come on, you big lug, let’s show you to the pride. But if you try anything, I’ll have your throat!”

“T-thank you!” Whimpered Baridi, almost immediately near tears as he moved to join them, “I promise, I wouldn’t harm a fly! Oh, this is very kind, thank you! Thank you!”

Kanzi had to deal with Titania and Baridi chattering excitedly all the way back to the pride, and she didn’t even get to kill anything!

Words: 1105