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[PRP] Hiding by the River

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:19 pm
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Renshu was making his way upriver, a sopping wet strip of hide dangling from his mouth. He had just finished his salt treatment, and was currently on his way to rinse it out. Using hides was a newer technique for him, but he had taken to it like a fish in water. It was something for his paws to do, and it meant that he could record his findings - a win-win, in his opinion!

Though he could do without the taste of salt on his tongue. THAT was a little too strong for his tastes. With a grimace, the brown lion tried to focus on keeping his tongue away from the hide. Thankfully, he was approaching the area with the fresh water now, and with a plop, he dropped the hide in it. 'Now to rinse it out and then dry it,' he thought with a nod.

So into his task, he didn't think to check that there was no one else nearby.

Lady Kitania

Lightning Shadow X
PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:41 pm
The lady Vauhna had been on a stroll, checking on the pride's wellbeing and such incase she needed to bring something of importance up with the High Lord - and just in general checking up with the pride and to make sure they were happy. Emotional was just as important as physical.

Making her way towards the river, her blue eyes settled on the natural coated young male and his stripes and observed him in silence for a few moments in curiosity as she wondered what exactly he was doing.

Eventually however she made her way towards him with a small smile on her muzzle and called out softly in greeting.

"Hello there!"

Lady Kitania


Lightning Shadow X

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Lady Kitania

Magical Spirit

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 6:56 pm
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It was a beautiful day!

Well, if 'beauty' was that of gray skies and foggy air.

To this pride of misty-by-the-sea lions though, that was beauty. However, to Lhun'Fán, it was kind of... What was the word... Dreary? Drab? Slightly unsightly? Just kind of... Boring to see all the time. The traveling pride had settled here and taken it as their new home. While that was all fine and dandy, they could of at least picked some better scenery. Still, it was now home, even though it seemed like it was always just kinda... Gray here. At least the gem caves were always a beautiful sight to see.

His pale toes padding alongside the fresh flowing river that emptied out into the sea, Lhun's ears turned slightly as he heard a female's voice call out. A lady! A smirk came across his maw. Ooooo... A lady. He grinned a rugged and cocky smile and instantly bee-lined for the feminine voice, showing off his pearly whites.

"Why hello there!"


Lightning Shadow X
PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:09 pm
He felt like he had jumped a mile out of his pelt, and probably that's what it looked like. Renshu let out a squeak, tiny and high-pitched, at the voice, whirling around almost in mid-air to look at her with wide eye. He landed with unsteady paws on either side of his treated hide piece, splashing water up against his stomach.

He hadn't been expecting someone here... and the last time he had come across a lioness, she had, more or less, played around with him.

Before he could do anything - flee or melt into the ground, he wasn't sure which - another voice piped up in response. For a moment, he wondered if perhaps she hadn't been speaking to him. Why else would someone else respond? But then he realized that no, she was looking right at him. Which meant that there was someone else here as well, he realized with dread.

Ears flattening, almost disappearing into his fluffy mane, he glanced back and forth between the two blue lions. "U-uhm...." Apparently he had chosen to melt, as he was slowly lowering himself down to the ground, and what came out next was said quietly, "Hi."

Lady Kitania

Lightning Shadow X


Lightning Shadow X

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:19 pm
Watching the male for a moment, the pale blue lioness tilted her head at the way he had almost jumped out of his own pelt and felt the tiniest pang of guilt at such a response, she hadn't meant to frighten to poor thing. A closer glance and she could see the hide between his paws and realized he must've been tanning! What a clever individual.

Opening her mouth to respond, she heard yet another voice and blinked over her shoulder at the darker blue - though not by that much - pelt of another lion, wasn't he another noble? Oh dear and that expression read nothing but mischief in her book, hopefully he wasn't here to strut around like a peacock or such.

But she could focus on that in a moment.

"Evening to you." She greeted the other blue pelt respectfully before glancing back to the tanner and saw how he just sank into his mane like a cub being caught with scraps after bed time. Poor thing. Vauhna offered the best reassuring smile she could as she approached the tanning lion with a soft jingle from the bracelet around her paw as she stepped delicately.

"I'm sorry if I startled you, I've just been checking to make sure everyone in the pride's alright since we settled."

Lady Kitania

PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:40 pm
Well how rude.

His cocky smile instantly fading, Lhun's ears flattened against his head in annoyance. He had been instantly blown off, and it wasn't sitting well with him. It hadn't been as instant as he was perceiving it to be, but to him and his 'noble' butt, it had been in the blink of an eye! The blue male scoffed and glared over at what had caught the female's attention. Some... Some brown coated lion. Ugh! How drab he was. Not like Lhun himself or the more pale blue of a lioness he had been trying to win over with his glorious smile!

His pale eyes looked the brown male over, seeing his belly dripping with river water and a hide in between his paws. He smirked. What a klutz. Dropping his hide. Now it was probably ruined! Good riddance. Lhun rolled his eyes and shook his head, his white mane fluffing up as he held his head high and pranced forward ever so slightly, purposefully pushing himself into the other two's conversation.

"Yes, yes. He's fine. Just look at him! Being a responsible... Ummm... Citizen." He obviously didn't know the first thing about what was really going on here.


Lightning Shadow X

Lady Kitania

Magical Spirit


PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 8:05 pm
He eyed her for a moment, fur still feeling puffed out from shock but slowly beginning to flatten once more. She... she didn't seem as scary. If anything, she seemed like more of a gentle soul. It helped calm some of his nerves. "It's f-"

He was cut off before he could continue though, blue eyes snapping back to the male that had shown up. Unlike her, this one was a lot more... blunt and straightforward, a trait that always made Renshu balk when confronted with. He took an uncertain step backwards and curled his tail under his stomach. A... responsible... citizen? Well, he's never been called that before. He was just doing his job.

He also wasn't sure he liked the look the other lion was giving him. He was pretty sure he was being judged right now. It almost felt like when he was a cub, being eyed up and mocked for his timidness. Was he a noble? He had a feeling he was, from the way he was acting. And then Renshu mentally scolded himself for that line of thought. Not all nobles were stuck-up!

.... But some were.

The brown lion glanced down at his paws, and then back up at them. "I, um...." He cleared his throat and tried to speak a little bit louder, though it still came out with a tremor. "I just, I'm okay." He nudged at the hide, "Just... tanning some hide."

He considered her words for a moment, nodding finally, "And I... I've been settling well, so... so yeah."

Lady Kitania

Lightning Shadow X
PostPosted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 10:13 pm
This lord's attitude was certainly....something, to say the least.

Vauhna's vibrant eyes watched the darker blue male strut and put on airs and all such things much to her chagrin though she kept a neutral expression as he tried to intervene himself into her business like the charming fellow he was. The rolled eyes and such hadn't been lost on her attention, nor that smirk and she sighed in mild frustration at his disingenuous attitude before stepping her way over to the brown male with a much more sincere interest.

"That's quite a skill, I don't think I've really met a lion who knew how to tan leather before." It was true, she hadn't, jewelcrafting parakeets and monkeys most certainly, but never leatherworking lions. She eye'd over the strip in the water before perking a brow at him with genuine concern in her features over the idea that all his work might be for naught by a simple startling. "I hope it's salvageable."

Finally she decided that actually introducing herself and possibly that puffy cloud headed noble might've been a good idea.

"I'm Lady Vauhna and this is Lord....?" She rose a paw in gesture to the blue lion as if awaiting him to introduce himself.

Lady Kitania


Lightning Shadow X

Floppy Puppy

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Lady Kitania

Magical Spirit

PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:32 pm
"Ah! Yes! Lord Lhun'Fán! A pleasure to meet you both."

Being the 'dignified' creature that he was, the blue male bowed, his fluffy cloud-like mane tumbling with such style, it seemingly keeping it's form in every way possible. How he managed that, one could not be so sure. Bringing himself back up, he smiled his toothy, coy grin once more, flashing his pearly whites that he was obviously quite proud of... Or had been useful in the past in getting what he wanted.

"Oh I'm sure the leather is salvageable. I do believe that this is why our brown pelted friend here came upstream to the more fresh water, yes?" Lhun wasn't 100% oblivious to what was going on, and he could feel the judgement from the both of them. Better to start showing he actually cared and wasn't a complete pompous jerk. How else would he get either one of them to swoon over him? The male padded over to the two, giving the male a slight pat on the back. "Glad to hear you're settling in well! Looks as though you've been working hard too!" He flashed another smile, his pale eyes showing both sincerity and mischievousness.


Lightning Shadow X
PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 9:11 pm
As she brought up the leather, Ren gave a start and glanced down at it. But the other lion - Lhun'Fán, he said? - was correct; he had come up here to wash off the leather. So, with a nervous swipe at his ear with a wet paw, he gave a nod. "Oh, it's fine." He paused, wondering if he should explain, "When.... when you tan hide, you um, you have to dip it in sea water to get it salty. Then take it upstream to rinse it out." He moved a paw over the hide to swipe at it in an attempt to show them how it was done.

His tail twitched behind him, but at least he was starting to get a little less frazzled. Talking about work probably helped with that. He still felt uncertain about them, but... at least the male had mostly stopped looking so... antagonistic. Though Ren wasn't sure if that was just for show at this point.

"I'm...." He paused when he realized that he didn't think he had a title. He wasn't a Lord, so what did that make him? "Renshu. I'm a Scribe."

Lady Kitania

Lightning Shadow X


Lightning Shadow X

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 1:10 pm
Arching a brow at Lhun'Fán's antics Vauhna couldn't help but smile just a touch, atleast he was...trying? Emphasis on trying to say the least as she watched him pal around with the other male who eventually gave his name as Renshu. But the lioness was more surprised to hear he was a scribe, a scribe that took to leather making? How interesting to say the least...this prompted a much brighter smile that homed something akin to pride in the other male.

"A pleasure to meet you." She glanced to the blue lord and nodded politely with the same smile. "Both of you."

She sat herself in a way that she'd be able to give the pair of them the attention they deserved as her soft ears swiveled atop her head.

"I hope both of your days here have been well?"

Lady Kitania

PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 1:55 pm
Lhun's coy and cocky smile turned into that of a more genuine smile, his eyes reflecting that. The two lions that had been slightly opposing him were now much more... What was the word... Accepting? That didn't sound quite right in his head, but he would take it either way. While this wasn't his default personality, he could deal with it. Maybe this was how other lions appreciated being treated and talked to? He shrugged his shoulders to himself, thinking it was a slightly crazy idea.

"Yes my dear! The day has been... Well, delightful! I can't quite say the same for this weather though." He looked around and gave the foggy air that was lingering about an annoyed look, his ears flattening just a tad. He broke his annoyed stare off and looked to the brown lion once more. "Renshu it was, yes? It's my pleasure. You and your fellow scribes are what make our pride!"


Lightning Shadow X

Lady Kitania

Magical Spirit


PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 3:09 pm
Ren glanced from Lhun over to Vauhna and then back again, really just listening to the conversation at this point. He cast a glance up at the mist around them, as if only now noticing the fog. Honestly, he liked the fog. Sure, it made it more difficult to see at times, but it helped to conceal him when he didn't want to be seen. Plus it gave the crystals a pleasant glow.

As Lhun addressed him again, he jumped just a tiniest bit and then nodded with a shy look. "It, uhm, it's a pleasure to meet you too." He cast a look over at Vauhna, "To meet both of you."

Then he looked back down at the hide. It had been in the water for a while, and a quick swipe of his paw across it's surface showed that it wasn't as salty as it had been before. It was probably ready now. He lowered his head down, ignoring the water rushing past his muzzle, and grabbed the skin before trotting out of the water and over to a relatively smooth rock. Draping it across it with a plop, he began tugging at the ends with his paws and teeth.

And okay, maybe he was using it as an excuse to not have to speak. He was terrible with conversation.

Lady Kitania

Lightning Shadow X
PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 9:49 pm
The lady raised her head to glance up briefly into the sky with a small look of agreement, the weather wasn't fantastic but it certainly could've been much worse. Not that she voiced those concerns, mist and fog never hurt anyone and she simply smiled at Lhun's further relaxation into what seemed to be a more genuine expression. Well that was a relief in itself.
And here she thought he was all stuffed up and pompous.

Looking to Renshu's work once she was done eyeing over the mist and fog she watched him diligently.

"Have you been working with leather for very long? Or is this something you decided to pick up when you joined the pride?"

Lady Kitania


Lightning Shadow X

Floppy Puppy

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