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He didn't want to admit that he was lost. They weren't lost. They were fine! They were away from the Intaba, which left such a freeing feeling in his chest as he was no longer so.... claustrophobic! They could go where they wanted, do what they wanted, be what they wanted, without anyone to kill judge them for it.

And yes, he still talked to himself sometimes, but at least it was no longer in his head! He could talk, talk, talk, and talk some more.

.... Not that he did, because that would be crazy. And he wasn't. He swore he wasn't.

He would jump sometimes too, assuming he had seen someone from his old pride, come to kill him for his abilities, for his curse. He never liked it, always wished that he had been born normal, and he yearned to one day get a handle on it. Maybe it would go away one day.

He hoped it did before they found her. He... he didn't want her to think he was nuts. She was the only one to ever accept him as he was, and even though they had only met those precious few times as adolescents, he wanted to see her again. Maybe... maybe he would get the courage to tell her why these abilities were cursed.

"Oh, Seb." The maned wolf sighed beside him, "You're talking aloud again." The motherly wolf viewed the much larger lion as her own kin, and she would have loved nothing more than to see him less... twitchy. Because that was what he had become over the years, twitchy and nervous and uncomfortable around everything.

Some days he would go quiet, never saying a peep, and other days he would chatter non-stop, often times just to himself. She wished she could help, but the most she could do was try to calm him, speak with him and play with him.

Mablevi wondered if they would ever manage their goal too. They had been searching for so long, and she was pretty sure Seb was losing track of time. The Intaba had disbanded quite a while ago, and they had spent these years searching for this "friend" of his. She had never met her, but Seb insisted that she existed.

chi honda