xxxxT H O M A S xxM C G R E G O Rxx

xxxxE D R I C xxxR E M I N G T O N xxxN O T T xxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Tommy Edric

              AGE 17

              BIRTHDAY 18 May 2028

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 11", Yew, Boomslang Fang, whippy

              GENDER Male

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              FACECLAIM Leonardo Dicaprio [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              YEAR 6th

              BEST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ E
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Art ~ A
                  Muggle Studies ~ O
                  Wandless Magic ~ O
                  Wizard Law ~ E

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT student

              DREAM JOB Auror

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ CONFLICTED The devil and angel like to call his shoulders home; there's always one part of him that will want to do the opposite of whatever he's done. Choosing the good path leads envy to the bad. The bad path brings heavy guilt from the good. He had been so sure of himself, once, but now every choice is filled with doubt.
              ■ HYPERSENSITIVE The trauma of losing a family, twice, had an effect on Edric. He doesn't like to be reminded that his brothers aren't his brothers anymore. Reminders of his past life are emotional for him, good or bad. He reacts harshly, quickly, and with little regard for consequences. He's emotionally uneasy and not well equipped or mature enough to handle it.
              ■ PLAYFUL Despite everything, maybe even because of everything, he tries to have fun in the rare moments when he can. If he can filch his uncle's broom for an unsupervised flight, he will, or throw himself into games as an escape from reality.
              ■ CAUTIOUS It's not that he believes people are bad, or that they're all liars, but he does wonder who, of them all, might hurt him. He's guarded and jumpy. Nor very willing to put himself in harms way. Empty parking lots comes with horror music, and losing the sight of a guardian unleashes bullets of sweat. He's paranoid something will happen to him again.
              ■ IMAGINATIVE Throughout it all, whether as Edric or Tommy or Edric again, his sense of imagination and wonder never wavered. He spends his nights daydreaming of impossibilities, and wastes his free time world-building fantasies instead of studying. He's also easily distracted, impulsive, and has a short attention span.
              ■ STUBBORN Edric wants to feel like he has some control in his life, even if that control simply means saying "no." He doesn't like to be pushed if he's not ready. He doesn't change his mind easily.

                  loud music
                  breakfast foods
                  great outdoors
                  muscle cars
                  fantasy fiction books

                  not being with his siblings
                  cigarette smoke
                  cold weather
                  mushy foods

                  avoiding people



                  being home alone
                  being kidnapped

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD He was never expected to survive through the pregnancy or birth; in fact, he was never expected at all. Edric was a surprise to his mother, and for a while, only wishful thinking from his father. He arrived into the world several weeks early due to arising complications which had required an induced labor. The baby boy was underweight and had to be kept for observation for nearly a week before being released home. He grew slowly and ate little at first, but over time, quickly flourished, drinking more and more with each feeding and growing larger with each passing week.

              His father is the disowned-in-all-but-name, Remington Nott, and his mother is the supposedly deceased, Dahlia Vivian Edgeworth. Her death was quickly ruled as a suicide, but in all reality, she fell into hiding under the guise and name, Callidora Juliette Tempest. With the recent deaths of his proclaimed "grandparents", Edgar and Lenore Tempest, he was born to one day inherit the vaults and lands of the Tempest family and estate. His real familial roots extend into the Wynters and Flint family line, speckled with esteemed names like Burke, Edgeworth, and Frost, along with many more.

              On the summer of 2033, Edric had just turned five years old when he had been kidnapped from his home by William Nott the Third and Morgan Linwood. After having his memory altered, Edric then became Thomas McGregor, and was dropped off in a muggle home to live the rest of his life as a muggleborn.

              Growing up wasn't always easy in the McGregor household. His 'parents' were hasty, impatient and quick to judge. His siblings raised him, Joi and Wallis. Until Wallis was nearly kicked out of the house for being a freak, like Leon was. Joi exploded, and they moved out of their parents and lived with Michael, their other brother, until they could find a place to call their own. Life seemed to calm down until a murderous psycho attacked their home in the summer of 2036. Nobody really knew why, Tommy barely knew what happened. Everyone avoided the truth. Someone intervened though, and whoever attacked them had gotten caught, Joi assured them.

              At the age of ten, Tommy's life would turn upside down (again.) As far as he knew, his long lost family had tracked him down. Through a miraculous turn of events, they were able to restore his memory and Uncle Will took him in for the meantime. Suddenly, he was being called "Edric" again, and all those old memories were rushing back in little spurts, triggered just as easily by the smell of his old blanket or the touch of a chipped, familiar doorway. He missed his muggleborn family and found it hard to trust his real family; he was so young when he had been taken away. His father, Remington, was 'gone', and had around-the-clock private care. Remington was in a coma, somewhat, or that's what his uncle and grandfather said. His mother, Callidora, visited often and tried to piece him back together into something manageable and prize-worthy. She entertained the idea of bringing her child home but decided it would best for the both of them if he simply stayed at the Nott Castle during his recovery. Edric tried, he didn't want to disappoint all of these people, but it hardly mattered, he was confused, distant, and easily irritable. His mood tended to swing rapidly and could be easily provoked from the slightest trigger. As a result, he was held back from starting his first year to stay home and better learn to readjust with life. When the following year rolled around he was enrolled to Hogwarts to begin his first year properly.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR [2040-41] It took a bit of time but he eased into school life comfortably. Made easier by having Wallis around. He stuck close to his "family" for the most part. Unfortunately, he got in a fight with his mum during the Winter Holidays. Part of him regrets it ever happening, but another part of him was glad to have everything out in the open.
                  ___ EXTRA CURRICULARS Joined the Hogwarts Drama Club.
                  SECOND YEAR [2041-42] Edric tread on thin ice throughout the year. He was living with his mother again, and he wasn't sure if he preferred it that way or not. He was careful to not do anything that would get a letter sent home and displease her. Which wasn't hard, since he was fighting off a flu for half the year. He reluctantly joined the Drama Club again, this time, adamant to stay on the production side of the stage.
                  ___ EXTRACURRICULARS Drama Club
                  THIRD YEAR [2042-43] One day during the summer before Third Year, he decided to run away. Not for very long or very far, but when he returned home, his mother was gone and had not returned since. Those few weeks passed in a blur as he pondered on her disappearance and had to call himself a taxi to catch the Hogwarts Express. The school year started out rocky, he was depressed through the holidays when he never received an owl back from his mum about coming home for Christmas. An auror came to see him during the break to explain that his mother was dead, he was an orphan, and he had a choice to make: who would he live with? The McGregors won out in a heartbeat. Edric never quite perked up until he was finally back at his old home with the McGregors.
                  ___ EXTRACURRICULARS N/A
                  FOURTH YEAR [2043-44] Edric kept to himself for most of the year, enjoying the peace and quiet. He was tempted to go back to the Theatre Club but instead decided for something practical and joined the Dueling Club.
                  ___ EXTRACURRICULARS Dueling Club
                  FIFTH YEAR [2044-45] Other than watching the quidditch games and studying for OWLs, Edric was busy running the dueling club as his first year as captain.
                  ___ EXTRACURRICULARS Dueling Club Captain
                  SIXTH YEAR [2045-46] ---
                  ___ EXTRACURRICULARS ---
                  SEVENTH YEAR [2046-47] ---
                  ___ EXTRACURRICULARS ---

              POST GRADUATION ---

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                Parents: Remington and Callidora Nott
                Siblings: Sophie Nott and Damien Edgeworth
                Uncle: William Nott II and Tobi Fallrein
                Grandparents: Theodore and Victoria (†) Nott,
                'Grandparents': Edgar (†) and Lenore (†) Tempest
              FAKE FAMILY
                Parents: Kevin and Jemma McGregor
                Siblings: Michael, Joi, Leon, Wallis, Malcolm
              FRIENDS muggle school mates
              BEST FRIEND - - -
              ROMANTIC INTEREST - - -
              ENEMIES - - -


■ Added UPDATES tab [1/15/18]
■ Added House [2/4/18]
■ Updated first year [4/11/18]
■ Updated second year and etc [8/20/18]
■ Updated third year and etc [10/8/18]
■ Updated to fifth year [1/15/19]

Pended By: Weasley 1/16/18
Accepted By: ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/16/2018]
Recent Updates Accepted By: Weasley 4/30/19