xxxxO P H E L I AxxxD I A N ExxxS E L W Y N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Ophie

              AGE 16

              BIRTHDAY 24 February 2028

              BLOOD STATUS pureblood

              WAND 8" Alder, Manticore Stinger

              GENDER female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION bi-curious

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Sabrina Carpenter [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              YEAR 6th

              BEST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ O
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ A
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ O
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Arithmancy ~ EE
                  Art ~ O
                  Healing ~ EE
                  Muggle Studies ~ A
                  Music ~ O

              NEWT SCORES

                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

          CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

          DREAM JOB Trophy Wife

      xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          ■ PERCEPTIVE Observant of her surroundings and the people around her, she can usually pick up on social cues to know when it's best to just hold her tongue, admit the truth, or lie. It isn't hard for her to tell when an adult is lying to her (mostly because they rarely try to hide it.) It's children and teenagers that are the tricky ones. She absorbs information quickly and easily; she's a fast-learner, critical thinker, and very imaginative.
          ■ DUTIFUL Obedient and well-mannered, Ophelia knows what is expected of her--even at such a young age. She never has to be told twice, and sometimes, doesn't need to be told at all. She is fiercely independent at this stage, and wants to do everything herself: from travelling to shopping. She wants to prove her worth to herself and her family. She would also like to be honest but that goes against everything her mother had been trying to teach her, "be clever, lie, and take advantage of every situation," her mother would say. Not that it mattered; she wouldn't see an advantage unless it dressed in peacock feathers and danced about.
          ■ GRACEFUL Even during the peak of her playtime, she'll never be caught in a torn or dirty dress, and prefers skipping and hopping over running and jumping. She loves to sing, dance, and swim; she's not competitive, which makes her kind in victory as well in defeat. Ophelia was taught to be respectful, generous, and refined. And along the way has learned to be helpful, considerate, and kind (despite not being taught such.).
          ■ RESENTFUL Despite her sweet and gentle nature, Ophelia can have a dreadful temper and it's the only way she resembles her mother. She's not a brat, she can handle being told "no" or to "hush, and wait". But one thing she does not take well to is being lied too. That's the worst offender. She also dislikes being brushed off like dirt, or being undeservedly disrespected. She avoids open confrontation in favor of back-talking, side-eye glaring, and eye rolling. But when push comes to shove, she's not afraid to use that shrill-high voice to make her opinion known.
          ■ CONFIDENT Bold, bright, and bubbly, Ophelia is more than sure of herself and her place in life. She's open-minded and tolerant. Above all, she's not afraid of failure. But she hates being dirty or unkempt; it lowers her self esteem. As such, she's always wearing colorful dresses, expensive shoes, and has a penchant for changing her outfit at least four times a day.
          ■ SUPERFICIAL She likes pretty, shiny, and expensive. She'd rather have a brand new toy than spend quality time with her mum and da'. She loves shopping with her mother and dressing up in her "mature" gowns and high heels. She's much more likely to read a book with a pretty cover than a plain one; the same seems to hold true for other children and people she meets outside of the family. The prettier and more interesting someone is, the more likely she is to follow along with whatever they say and do as they ask.


              bubble baths

              garden gnomes
              big dogs




              growing old
              becoming fat and ugly

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD The youngest and only daughter of the Selwyn siblings, Ophelia is the baby of the family. Her mother and father not only have more experience raising children, but have much more time to devote to her than they could to their two eldest boys'. As such, Ophelia was never wanting for love or attention. Her father read to her every morning and night, and encouraged her to continue her studies throughout the day. Her mother taught her life lessons; though Ophelia often admits that she hardly understands, her mother assures her that one day, she will. When she was not practicing her letters, numbers, and shapes, she was learning the basics of sewing, stitching, and embroidery; the ways to identify different magical plants and creatures; wizarding history; as well as how to sing, dance, and speak like a proper young lady. When given the chance to play, she was usually in her room surrounded by her dolls and stuffed animals or playing dress-up in her closet.

          As she grew older, she shadowed her mum nearly everywhere she went. To parties, banquets, benefits, and fundraisers, Ophelia never said much during these events but she watched and she learned. Her mother would forge alliances, broker deals, and generally lie through her teeth to everyone she met. All in the name of good business, her mother would say, among other things. Ophelia's particularly favorite saying of her mothers is "it's not what you know, but who you know."

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR [2039-40] For the most part, Ophelia did what she does best: be quiet and listen. She made some acquaintances though, sure, but no real friends. No one that she felt she could owl over the summer, anyway. She hoped to change that next year.
              ___EXTRACURRICULARS N/A
              SECOND YEAR [2040-41] Ophie was happy to spend most of her free time working with her theatre group for their upcoming play. She helped with most of the costume designing. Next year, she's hoping for an on-stage role.
              ___EXTRACURRICULARS Joined the Hogwarts Drama Club.
              THIRD YEAR [2041-42] Ophelia had an easy school year, she bounced between cliques and made three new close friends: Alex, Sarah, and Anthony (npc's). She spent all her time with them and skipped the drama club that year.
              ___EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              FOURTH YEAR [2042-43] She got in a fight with one of her friends at the start of the year, Sarah (npc) friend was cheating on their other friend, Anthony (npc), and Ophelia couldn't keep the lie any longer. In the end, their crew broke apart and Ophelia had an awkward time being on her own trying to make new friends again.
              ___EXTRACURRICULARS Drama Club
              FIFTH YEAR [2043-44] Ophelia made herself a new friend at the start of the year, Seok-Jin Lee. She also got to befriend Mary Conri-Dechering during Drama Club and was having a much better year than last.
              ___EXTRACURRICULARS Drama Club
              SIXTH YEAR [2044-45] A boring school year was made better with a surprise summer vacation to France. There, she met a boy, one thing led to another, and she pregnant. Then she was married. Against her wishes she was withdrawn from Hogwarts to carry out her pregnancy at home.
              ___EXTRACURRICULARS ---
              SEVENTH YEAR [2045-46] N/A
              ___EXTRACURRICULARS N/A

          POST GRADUATION Pregnant and married was not the way she envisioned her seventeenth birthday would go. But she was happy, and in love.

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
            Father: Augustus Selwyn
            Mother: Elizabeth Selwyn
            Oldest Brother: Victor Selwyn
            Middle Brother: Gavin Selwyn
          FRIENDS Seok-Jin Lee ❖ Mary Conri-Dechering
          BEST FRIEND ---
          ROMANTIC INTEREST Jean-Claude (NPC)
          ENEMIES ---
          PETS Tulip the Tawny Owl (b. 2038 )


■ Added UPDATES tab [1/15/18]
■ Updated second year info [4/11/18]
■ Updated third year info [8/23/18]
■ Updated fourth year info [10/8/18]
■ Updated to sixth year [1/14/19]
■ Changed to NPC Status [4/26/19]

Pended By: (Do not touch this)
Accepted By: ~ Dia [1/27/2018]
Recent Updates Accepted By: ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/16/2018]

[Note: Received permission from Dia to start Ophie as a Second Year.]