xxxxI S O L D ExxxM E R IxxxB L O D W E N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAME Iso

              AGE 16

              BIRTHDAY 03 December 2028

              BLOOD STATUS pureblood

              WAND 9" Black Walnut, Dragon Heartstring

              GENDER female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION straight?

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, Welsh, Latin (partially)

              FACECLAIM Winona Ryder (child-teen) Krysten Ritter (teen-adult) [x] [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              YEAR 6th

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ E
                  Charms ~ A
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ P
                  Transfiguration ~ E
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Divination ~ A
                  Healing ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ E

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT student

              DREAM JOB Auror or Wizengamot Judge

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ COMPASSIONATE Feelings of guilt, pity, and heartache have become quite normal for this child. She cares about every living creature and growing plant, and it hurts to see the world around her in pain. She's giving, eager to lend a hand, and always willing to share with people less fortunate.
              ■ SARCASTIC Caring so much isn't easy in her family, they look down upon it and only offer snide comments. Isolde has to actively fight against herself. So she gets snippy, tries to push people away, and is starting to build a wall to guard her emotions.
              ■ BITTER The world isn't fair and she rather wished it were. There's always a tragedy on the radio or in the newspapers; homeless are on the streets; children are apparently starving in Africa; but she has everything and more. And if that weren't enough, her family is always chastising and reprimanding her for wanting to be just and good.
              ■ CONSCIENTIOUS Isolde is a just and fair child. She takes great care in always being equal. She works hard at everything she does, even if it's not typically what she should be doing. Isolde has a heavy conscience, white lies and fibbing is one thing, but she'd never try to hurt or steal from anyone.
              ■ BOLD Her mother had always taught her to be herself. (Unfortunately that seemed to backfire on her.) Isolde stays true to her nature; she's kind but rebellious, and takes no shite from anyone. If she sees trouble, she's going to call it out for what it is. Especially if she sees someone being bullied.
              ■ INTROSPECTIVE Isolde spends a lot of time in her head with her thoughts and moods. She enjoys alone time. When faced with a problem, she'll try to look at every angle and possibility before making a decision (even if that decision might not be the best.)


                  fairy tale books
                  action figures
                  Holyhead Harpies

                  lace and frills
                  classical music
                  family gatherings
                  clunky heels

                  mineral collecting



                  being controlled
                  being unloved

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Isolde Blodwen grew up in a very privileged home and was never without. For as long as she can remember, she had never been the 'perfect child' like her older sister, Arianell had been. She looked different, and felt different too. Her whole family were fair-haired, but hers was almost black. When she was a baby, her father demanded a paternity test and begrudgingly agreed it was true. She was his. Isolde would have never known if Arianell hadn't overhead their parents talking then ran and told Iso.

              As little girls, she and her sister were close, but they fought often. Their parents would always side with Arianell, no matter what they said or did. Isolde never stopped defending herself. It was Arianell who eventually chose to stop fighting and teasing and traded that in for barbed japes and poisonous looks, turning into everything their mother had wanted her to be. Isolde was not going to conform so easily. When Cai eventually came along, he was immediately the favorite child. Arianell worked harder for their love, Iso saw this and pitied her sister all the more.

              Thus began her rebellious stage at the tender age of eight. She began purposely tearing her dresses, she hated the pink walls, the pink blankets, the pink shoes and pink toys. So one day she started painting her walls black and had only gotten halfway through when she ran out of paint and her mother found out. She was grounded for two weeks and paint washed away in a swipe of her mother's wand. It was during these two angry weeks when her magic manifested at its strongest. During one argument, it started to thunder and rain in her bedroom. One late night of isolation, she felt so trapped she vanished half of the wall. When she was ungrounded, she resolved never to do something so stupid again. If she was going to get in trouble, it had to be worth it. So she began to bite her tongue, bow her head, and follow the leader when expected to. She hated it, it was obvious, but her parents were grateful for the obedience regardless.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR [2040-41] Isolde's first year at school was an adventure from start to finish. Sure, she was by herself for most of the time, but that was something she was already used to. She became acquaintances with most of her housemates but hadn't found the perfect best friend yet.
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS Joined the fencing club, The Art of the Sword.
                  SECOND YEAR [2041-42] Quiet and uneventful, Isolde had little else on her mind but homework, friends, and boys.
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS Art of the Sword
                  THIRD YEAR [2042-43] Isolde explored the castle and dungeons extensively looking for secret passageways, but never found any. Otherwise she spent much of her time doing homework out on the grounds with her owl.
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS Art of the Sword
                  FOURTH YEAR [2043-44] A low-key year, Iso spent most of it exploring the castle and gossiping with the portraits. She ran into Zachary Whitethorne once or twice and hadn't been able to get him out of her head since.
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS Art of the Sword
                  FIFTH YEAR [2044-45] Other than studying for OWLs and practicing her fencing, Isolde spent most of her free time in Hogsmeade during the open weekends.
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS Art of the Sword
                  SIXTH YEAR [2045-46] ---
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS ---
                  SEVENTH YEAR [2046-47] ---
                  ___EXTRACURRICULARS ---

              POST GRADUATION ---

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
                Mother: Iola Blodwen (npc)
                Father: Andras Blodwen (npc)
                Older Sister: Arianell Blodwen
                Younger brother: Cai Blodwen
                Uncle: Eurion Blodwen
                Aunt: Gwynedd Prichard nee Blodwen (npc)
                Uncle-in-Law: Urien Prichard (npc)
                Paternal Grandmother: Carina Blodwen nee Nott (npc)
                Paternal Grandfather: Ewan Blodwen (npc)
                Maternal Grandmother: Rhosyn Jernigan (npc)
                Maternal Grandfather: Bryn Jernigan (npc)
              FRIENDS ---
              BEST FRIEND ---
              ROMANTIC INTEREST ---
              ENEMIES ---
              PETS Grimm, the Horned Owl


■ Edited age from 12 to 11; added UPDATES tab [1/15/18]
■ Added House [2/4/18]
■ Updated first year and etc, [4/11/18]
■ Updated second year and etc, [8/20/18]
■ Updated third year and etc, [10/8/18]
■ Updated to fifth year [1/14/19]
■ Updated to 6th year [4/26/19]

Pended By: - Weasley 1/16/18
Accepted By: ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/16/2018]
Recent Updates Accepted By: kiska 05/14/2019