Heavy snow had plagued Destiny City for a few days and it seemed to take ages for the clouds to clear. When they finally thinned, there was something more surprising than just the night sky: a glorious display of colorful light danced over Destiny City. A myriad of colors paint the sky, twisting colorfully. Auroras are uncommon in this area, but it’s something unique to see. Of course, ‘unique’ in Destiny City isn’t always a good thing…

It had been snowing for what felt like an eternity and everyone in Siobhan's house was growing anxious from being cooped up inside. Siobhan herself had spent the days eagerly knitting away and finished an entire set new winter clothes to wear when it finally cleared up, but by the fifth day of snow, her hands were starting to cramp up. She couldn't think of the last time a snow storm had lasted this long or been this heavy. Just how long did Mother Nature want them to stay inside?

When the snow finally stopped, it was like a weight had been lifted all over the house. Sure, the cars were buried under piles of snow and the driveway was completely covered, but at least they could walk outside now! Siobhan and her siblings rushed to throw their snow clothes on and dove straight out into the thick of it before the sun went down.

They made snowmen, snow angels, igloos, and forts for snowball fights. Siobhan made good use of her handmade gloves that day and landed two winning blows against her little brother, much to his dismay. However, both Sparrow and Harlow got their revenge upon their older sister eventually and managed to knock her flat on her back. Siobhan brushed it off by making a perfect snow angel and quickly made a comeback by nailing them both when they weren't looking. Two against one meant it was more than okay for her to play dirty! They had no right to complain about it.

But, as day winded down into night, the night sky would have them all standing in amazement. An array of dazzling lights, twirling against the darkness above them. It was a spectacle they'd all seen before, but never at a caliber such as this.

"I've never seen anything like this before." Sparrow remarked, dropping the snowball he'd made onto the ground in shock. "Have you, Sio?"

"No, not like this." Siobhan replied, dusting the snow off of her jacket. "Usually they aren't quite so... Lively."

The aurora seemed to weave and dance like it were alive, something that made Siobhan doubt that it were benign. Some things were breathtaking and deadly, and this aurora struck her as one of those things. Though she could blame it upon her own imagination, the shapes it took almost resembled skulls and caution signs. That alone made her shiver with fright. This couldn't be good.

"... Let's go inside now, okay?" She said, instinctively ushering her siblings back into the house. "I think mom's got hot cocoa waiting. We should have some before it gets cold and... Then we can play a board game after dinner! Sound like a plan?"

Though everything seemed calm and quiet now, she couldn't shake that something very bad was about to happen. It was best that everyone got back into the house where it was safe and she could keep an eye on them. She'd tell her father it was too dangerous to shovel the drive for now and hope that this aurora faded away without causing any trouble.

Word Count: 510