The words of his Captain rang in his head. "Next lion you come across. Take them. Don't let me down." It wasn't that he was intentionally trying to do this, with how his personality was he just was not one to take live creatures back to the pride. That was what others were for. He frowned, wishing he had brought Kristanf with him. As much as the kid annoyed him, he would be useful in the request from the Captain.

Besides, he had managed to find Astrid. That should've made the Captain happy enough. Apparently not.

Ciro shook his head, ridding the other male's thoughts from it. "Easier said than done." He grumbled, flopping on the ground. At least he was a ways away from the traveling band to not have to worry about bad talking or stating how stupid some of the ideas were.

The normally relaxed lion was on edge, his ears swiveling in the direction of any sound. Should he listen to the other's request? It would really depend on who he met. Golden eyes scanned the area. He was sure the mud-lover lion of their band was falling him, watching what he did and who he saw. It was the only explanation of how his Captain knew that he did not take others as thralls.

"We really have to stop meeting like this," a soft voice announced from behind Ciro. From the underbrush, the pale lioness stepped out. It seemed that no matter how she tried to avoid Ciro, she kept stumbling across him. A few days had passed since they last met, and Ruka had spent the time travelling. She looked fresh, well-rested and groomed. Her pace had obviously slowed. It wasn't as if she was being careless - after all Ciro was the only lion she had come across in the rogue lands for a while. After their previous meetings, she had grown to trust him a little.

Perhaps that was why she was taking the opportunity now to speak to him. "Are you bothered?" she inquired, stopping a few feet away from him. The lioness sat back, dark eyes focused on the male in front of her. He seemed... on edge, bothered by something. What it was, Ruka had no idea. She did not know the male that well. Their conversations had been charming, but brief. He had shown care for her, a rogue lioness in distress, and she could not forget that.

It was time to return the favor.

If he needed someone to speak with, she was here now. Sometimes that was all anyone needed, someone to talk to and understand them. Ruka had nowhere else she needed to be, she hadn't for a while. The lioness had been wandering for the sake of it, so it never pained her to make a few stops here and there, especially for someone whom she was starting to consider a friend.

That voice. It could not be her again, could it?

His head swung around, spotting the familiar form of the white lioness. "If I did not know any better, I would say you were following me, not the other way around." A small smirk placed on his maw before it too, drop. His thoughts swirled suddenly. Was the world trying to tell him this was who he needed to take? It was rather uncanny with how many times he had met this female out on his trips, and on both occasions could not persuade her to join him.

"You could say that," he muttered, looking around to see if anyone of his group was nearby. He did not see them, but if they were hidden, and scents masked, then he probably wouldn't. He let out a sigh he did not realize he had been holding him, rising to his feet.

"You shouldn't have approached me." Ciro said, his mind starting to focus as if he were answering a challenger's roar at the Myrsky Syntynyt borders. Trying to push the thoughts of a battle away from his mind, he spoke quietly to the other lion.

"Why are you here?" She needed to leave. Now. Otherwise...Otherwise he would have no choice. His title of reaver on the line, and any hopes of making Captain one day would rely on this interaction.

"I can assure you that the last thing I would be doing is going out of my way to run into anyone, no matter how pleasant they are." Ruka answered Ciro with a small, sincere smile. It seemed like they were always travelling the same path. With Ruka, she had no destination in mind, but for Ciro he was surely going somewhere. It didn't matter much to her either way. She had purposefully tried to go in a direction away from the male. How she kept finding him, and how he kept finding her, was beyond her comprehension.

She would call it fate if she dared. But she did not.

"Ah, so you're now the one pushing me away? How the tides have turned." There was an amused expression on her face. It lasted briefly before crumbling away into concern. This wasn't quite like the Ciro she knew. The dark lion seemed conflicted. Something had happened between the last time they had met and now, but Ruka had no way of knowing what it was unless Ciro told her.

Ruka was a perceptive lioness, and though she wanted to help Ciro. Something was... too off about this moment. Cautiously she rose back onto her feet, dark eyes borrowing down into his. "If you do not want me here, I will go. I am sorry for the intrusion." She had thought the lion had liked her a little, but there was something going on to override that.

It had been a mistake to approach him, to reach out to him. Funny, for the first time she had tried to be of service to someone else, and it backfired in her face.

"I would normally cherish the company, but," his voice lowered. "If you would believe me, I am trying to make it better for you. This time is just...not the best for you to be around." Any other time he would have welcomed the female, and probably would have tried a few things to persuade her to share an evening with her. Today, today was not that day.

His eyes flickered, seeing movement in the shadows. He knew it. He knew that they had followed him. There was no letting her go this time, even if she ran, he would have to pursue, and the others would join.

Shaking his head, Ciro shook his head. "Don't run." He said quietly. The lions of his band not quite making their appearance just yet. They were probably waiting to see what he did. "I can't let you leave now." Was there a hint of...remorse in his voice? "You are now...property...of the Myrsky Syntynyt lands." God, those words were so foreign to his ears. "Come willingly with me now, or I will drag you back by force." He took a step forward towards the female.

'Don't run'.

Her eyes narrowed at the words, and then focused hard on Ciro as the male took a step closer towards her. She had a bad feeling about this, and for all powerful her visions were supposed to be, they didn't foresee this. Ruka was a quiet female, the type of lioness who deserved respect for all that she had been dealt with in her life and handled. "Don't," she told him softly. She didn't plead with him, but rather the one word she spoke was more of a demand.

For some reason Ciro had decided to take her with him by force, and she suspected that he did not want to. There was something else at play here. Her eyes scanned the area, noting that perhaps they weren't as alone as she had thought. Ciro was being pushed into this, but Ruka was not some complacent fool who would just accept her fate. Not after what it had dealt her with already.

"Ciro," she raised her voice now so that she could be heard by whomever was watching them. It was likely that she could not outrun them, but perhaps she could give them a reason not to take her. "You would force the paw of a lioness blessed by the gods? I wonder what would happen if my next vision claimed your lands within them? I only see disaster, I only see tragedy. I am the worst sort of bad luck charm imaginable. Take me, and the Myrsky Syntynyt will not prosper." It was a bluff. She could not choose what she saw, she could not change fate.

All she could do was try to be a convincing vision of misfortune.


He paused for half a second. He knew his team was watching, and if he hesitated any longer they would make their appearance. "Don't make this harder than it has to be." He spoke through a tight lip, head bowing slightly as his gaze locked into hers. "There's three other lions waiting in the shadows back there. They are watching, trying to listen to what we are saying, but I think we are far enough away they cannot comprehend." He said, ear flicking to listen behind him. "Resist much longer, they will make their appearance. And...And I cannot promise what they would do."

He dropped his stare when she raised her voice and mentioned his name.

"Our lands our blessed by the Gods. We are lions born of the storm, the Gods' blood flow through all our veins." His tone was now louder, so his troupe could hear him if they were listening. "If there is anything you presence has brought me is actually been luck. We managed to find one of our missing companions right after meeting you the second time. You may see tragedy, but from being around you all I see is luck."

"Taking you will just make our land prosper." Another step forward, so he was just a few inches from her.

"I will give you one last chance." He said in the same tone for his group to hear. He could see the shadows moving more quickly behind him, his band getting rowdy.

"You don't have to do this," Ruka answered quietly, her dark eyes uncharacteristically sharp as she stared at the approaching lion. She had thought Ciro better than this, stronger than this. Ruka was pissed because she had misjudged him, assumed that he was a far better lion than he had proven himself to be. Clearly his hand was being forced into this, but anyone with any real backbone would not be made to do something they did not want to do. "I thought you were better than this." Trust had been broken, and she felt her stomach twist with anxiety.

She didn't doubt the shadows behind Ciro were other lions. If she did resist, it would surely hurt. Ruka didn't have her pride to back her up - she had no one now. Not even Ciro was actually on her side, for all of his claims of trying to make it easier on her. The lioness was truly alone, and was now going to be dragged off into a land of strangers where she would never fit in.

"The gods' blood is weak and diluted, in you most of all. No god would claim a coward as kin." She knew she couldn't resist now, but there was no way that she would not let Ciro know just how little she thought of him now. The pale lioness stepped forward, brushing past Ciro and towards the shadows in the dark. Unlike the dark lion, she was no weakling. She was from the Outlands - she had far more backbone than he.

"I hope in my next vision I see you," she whispered as she passed him. Then, louder, "Let's go. I am tired of this conversation."

Yeah. Me too. Ciro thought to himself as he looked away from Ruka, no longer able to meet her gaze. Damn he hated this. If he knew the others were not watching him, he would have had her run. He could not have the reputation going back to the pride. Not after how hard he had worked to get where he was.

He frowned as she spoke, his eyes flicking back to his band, some had started to make their appearance from the underbrush. How he despised the group at this time. Shaking his head just slightly, he stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry." he said in a whisper, just as she passed, following her.

Once he was in normal ear range of the other lions, he made his intentions known. "This girl is not to be touched by ANY of you. She is mine. If I see anyone trying to even take a scent of her, will be in a world of hurt the next time I see them. Do I make myself clear?" The dark lion growled, pissed at how the situation ended. He would make sure his captain did not get his grubby paws on Ruka either, which he was sure he would attempt.

His apology could never be accepted, and from the moment she turned her back to him, she paid him no mind. It didn't matter that he was trying to stand up for her now against his peers. His words were just a hollow attempt to lessen the blow he had dealt to her. What these lions would do to her was nothing, in her mind, compared to the betrayal Ciro had commited. She should have known better to trust a rogue male, but company had been something she had been lacking for far too long.

Ruka had just begun to like him and look forward to talking with him.

The pale lioness kept her head bowed, a demure act to try and keep most of the attention off of herself. If one of these lions wanted to mess with her, they could. Ciro was only one male against three, and likely countless more back at his pride. If she raised her head, fought back and showed how tempermental and feisty she could be, she'd only draw them in. She knew these types of lions and had been raised around plenty of them.

She would not give them the satisfaction of beating her into her place. But she did silently wish that every single one of them suffer through an unpleasant death. Ciro was not excused from that vengeful plea.