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FACECLAIM Andrew Garfield

AGE 15

BIRTHDAY May 17, 2029



WAND 11 1/4 inch, Beech, Phoenix Feather Core, Supple and Smooth

MORE-THAN-AVERAGE Metamorphagus (inherited from mother)

LANGUAGE FLUENCY English (American Southern Accent)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR Fifth

HOUSE Ravenclaw

DREAM JOB Maybe a Potioneer


Unlike his sister, Quinn does not suffer from "rose-colored glasses syndrome." He sees the world as it really is and tends to notice the feelings of others around him more, especially when someone is trying to hide or hold back their feelings.
Despite his parents (many) faults, they were not dumb. In fact they were professors at Hogwarts once upon a time. Quinn did inherit his parents' intelligence and wits. Quinn has always been the top of his class (though he was homeschooled so he argues he only had one person to compete with). Adults tend to remark on his brilliance though after he warms up enough to talk with them.
Quinn is unlike his sister and is not able to easily befriend strangers. In fact new people often make him nervous which still (to his dismay) causes him to turn slightly orange when nervous.
Even at a young age Quinn has developed a rather wry sense of humor, especially compared to children of his own age. He is sure that it has to do with coping with his parents' craziness.
Quinn never particularly liked loud games or even raised voices finding both to cause him to be a bit nervous. He does not seek to be the center of attention and is happier being an observer of the world around him.

■ His twin sister (Mary)
■ Colors
■ Gardening with his grandma
■ Reading
■ Catching Fireflies in the summer
■ Potion Making (with his grandma)

■ Loud Games
■ Being away from his sister
■ Cold weather
■ Quidditch
■ Bullies

■ Observant
■ Intelligent

■ Shy
■ Does not have full control over his metamorphagus powers

■ The dark and being away from his twin


Quinn is the older twin born to Bréanainn Conri and Christina Dechering. His parents met when they met and he was born in Hogsmeade. Soon after his and his sister's, Mary's, birth he was sent to live in the States with his maternal grandmother. Eventually, his mother, Christina Dechering, quit working at the school and returned to Georgia to raise her children after a somewhat rocky split from Bréanainn Conri. However Christina staying to raise her children was short lived and she soon moved to Boston to work and continue to have her mother raise her children.

Quinn along with his sister grew up in a small town in Northern Georgia. Quinn and Mary were home schooled mostly due to Quinn's ability as a metamorphagus; however, he did attend church with his grandmother and sister. Unlike Mary, Quinn is not as enamored by their often missing father (or mother for that matter). Quinn is nervous to travel so far away to go to school, but is happy to know his sister will be with him.

FIRST YEAR Quinn had a relatively quiet year. He started out sorted in Ravenclaw like he expected and hoped. There he made a friend with another Quinn (Quentin) who seemed happy with his sorting. Deciding to focus on adjusting to Hogwarts, Quinn did not join any clubs but he is considering joining the newspaper.
SECOND YEAR In Quinn's second year he joined the Newspaper and met Ferdinand Delacroix closely and realized something about himself but he is still in denial and assumes he'll just stay lonely the rest of his life.
THIRD YEAR Quinn continued in the Newspaper Club and nothing of excitement but starting his electives happened.
FOURTH YEAR Quinn supported his sister like he always did. He was excited for her that quidditch was working out for her and attended the school play. He continued with the newspaper club and is wondering if all he was taught in Sunday school was as accurate as it pretends to be especially about certain inclinations.
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)

xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
      Parents: Christina Dechering and Bréanainn Conri
      Siblings: Mary Conri-Dechering
      Other: Sophie Taylor Dechering (Aunt), Vivienne Haylee Fleury(First Cousin Once Removed), Mrs. Annabelle Lee Dechering (Grandmother)

      • Mary Conri-Dechering
      • Mary Conri-Dechering
      • None
      • None
      • An Barn Owl named Finn


      UPDATED 12/19/2017

      ■ Adopted and updated from Yukina101 (adopted around 12/17/17 in Chatzy)
      ■ (Updated bio and face claim)
      ■ (recent update)

      PENDED BY Weasley 1/2/18
      ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [05/16/2018]
      RECENT UPDATES ACCEPTED BY (do not touch this)