Creator: TheWhiteDragonfly
Availability: Common

User Image
Species Name: Shutterfly (Shutter-fly) :: (Shutter: a camera component that allows light to enter by opening and closing an aperture ;; Fly : a type of bug)
Type: Bug / Electric

Pokedex Entry:

Abilities: Illuminate

Height: x'x"
Weight: xx lbs

Gender Ratio:
Egg Group:



Shutterfly are insectoid pokemon with a shape resembling that of a dragonfly. Their tails end in a large sphere of approximately 8" diameter, which they cling to with their body.

The orb at the end of their tails is largely hollow and lighter than it appears. The outside of the sphere is composed of a thick chitin of opaque white and smooth to the touch. When using electric attacks, the orb shines brightly and becomes translucent, though the brightness makes this impossible to see with the naked eye. Using special cameras, the inside of the sphere can be seen to have a sharp cone protruding into the center from where the tail meets the sphere. By manipulating the wavelength of the output, the color of the light produced can be controlled. Captured Shutterfly have been known to change the color of their globe to communicate with their trainers.

Shutterfly can capture the wavelengths of light through their spheres and translate it into an electric impulse which they can then re-create and project from their spheres. In this way they are able to take pictures, though crude like blurry watercolors, and project them onto surfaces.

Shutterfly cling tightly to their spheres with their four limbs, like babies to a ball. Often their heads rest comfortably on the top. They move through the world using the four long wings sprouting from their upper back. Though made of thin chitin, these wings can move at astonishing speed. Shutterfly "can easily right themselves and maneuver tight turns while flying. Each of their four wings is controlled by separate muscles, giving them exquisite control over their flight." This control is vital to Shutterfly, who use their wings almost exclusively to get around, landing only to sleep.

When they eat, Shutterfly with either remain in the air or land in one place, letting go of their tail's end but staying close. Without their wings, Shutterfly move awkwardly, dragging their sphere behind them on the ground. Because the tail's end is largely hollow, it does float in water. Though Shutterfly cannot swim well, by clinging to their sphere they can survive falling into water. In the wild, Shuttferly larvae are laid in the water and survive after hatching by clinging to their spheres.

Shutterfly live in forests,


If their sphere gets dirty, they find grass, bark, or even water to rub against. When it rains, they may leave the end of their tail in the open to wash it.




Type Effectiveness:
x2 - Fire, Rock
x1 - Normal, Water, Ice, Poison, Ground, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Fairy
x0.5 - Electric, Grass, Fighting, Steel

Level Moves:
Base: Scratch
Base: Charge
Level 4: Thundershock
Level 8:
Level 12: Bug Bite
Level 16: Thunder Wave
Level 20:
Level 24:
Level 28:
Level 32: Bug Buzz
Level 36: Flash
Level 40:
Level 44: Thunderbolt

TM / HM Moves:
Leech Life

Egg Moves:
Leech Life

Move Tutor Moves:

User Image
Species Name: Pictier (Pic-tee-ur) :: (Picture: a photograph ;; Rapier : a thin, light, sharp-pointed sword used for thrusting)
Type: Bug/Electric | Bug/Fairy | Bug/Water | Bug/Fire | Bug/Ground | Bug/Flying

Pokedex Entry:

Abilities: Secret Identity: This pokemon is not all it seems, and has an alternate ego! Through the use of a Magical Item, Pictier can change forms.

Height: x'x"
Weight: xx lbs

Gender Ratio:
Egg Group:









Type Effectiveness:
x2 -
x1 -
x0.5 -

Level Moves:
Level 4:
Level 7:
Level 9:
Level 12:
Level 16:
Level 19:
Level 24:
Level 28:
Level 34:
Level 38:
Level 44:

TM / HM Moves:

Egg Moves:

Move Tutor Moves: