Noka is owned by KasaiLoki, Abbadon is owned by *Greenie

Where was she? No longer in the mountains, that was for sure. And the grounds were not damp, which meant she was quite aways away from the swamplands. The ground was flat, dry, and dusty. Noka was not sure she cared for it.

After the Jini-msemi disbanded, the lioness found herself along with a few others, staying in the mountain location of the pride. Maybe one day, it would reband itself. When there was no signs of that ever happening, she moved on. Maybe she would find her childhood friends that had dispersed on their pilgrimage. But the question was, where would she even begin to look? Heading to their old swamplands would be a start.

Noka headed in that direction, but now she just felt herself utterly lost. With a sigh, the female caught sight of a waterhole nearby. Well, at least she could freshen while being lost.

The dark lion travelled at a smooth and consistent pace somewhere between a light jog and a run. He had some pent up energy after seething over his brothers success in their new pride. No, he hadn't gained any new ranks or gotten anything special from the pride itself, instead he had found love and was even gifted a familiar. The thoughts caused a grumpy expression to form on his face, but that didn't last long - they rarely did. Abbadon had been working on recovering from emotional expressions and covering them up all together. He was a mercenary, not a prim lioness.

Finally stopping to catch his breath and have a quick drink at the local watering hole he decided to continue on. Typically he paused here and returned home, but what would be the point? He couldn't permanently leave, but he could take advantage of his time away.

Is that a lioness?

Was it his lucky day or what. Leaving the watering hole and travelling down a fairly beaten path had brought him upon a pretty pale green pelted lioness that appeared to be casually wandering the roguelands. How delightful! "You there." He chose a fairly diplomatic tone that suggested very little of his intentions. "Are you lost?" He decided to offer up a feeling of help. It always seemed to help build trust in his past - though his previous experiences were with much tougher looking lionesses.

If the pale lioness was paying more attention, she'd probably have seen the other lion approaching. Instead, it was his voice that caught her attention.

"Huh? Oh. Hi there," she greeted, light colored eyes brightening at the sight of another. A sheepish smile graced her maw as she casually shrugged. "Uhm.. well.." She thought of an excuse, but ultimately dropped it. "Kind of. Is it that obvious?" She asked the other.

She looked around. He was out here on his own too? That's the rogue lands for you, she thought to herself, gazing back towards the male.

"Do you know where we are?" If he described the Ela'wadiyi lands, the Pridelands, or the Mwezi'johari lands, she'd have an idea of where she needed to go.

He hadn't been concealed by any means so her startled expression suggested she was lost in thought and he had interrupted her. "I didn't mean to startle you." Abbadon smiled fondly, admiring the light in her eyes and that small grin. "It's obvious enough." He admitted with a shrug. "You just don't seem entirely confident with your surroundings." He remarked honestly and gazed around curiously.

"Truthfully I'm not entirely sure. We seem to be in the middle of most prides, a crossroads of sorts." His gaze returned to the lioness. "I'm probably the most unhelpful lion you could come across." A booming laugh erupted from the lion at his own joke.

"Were you heading anywhere in particular?"

The green lioness shook her head. "You caught me." If they were in the swamps, she'd likely have a different aura around her. Her confidence would definitely be up.

If lions could snap, she'd do so. Well, at least the lion tried. And things could be worse. She could still be by herself, being lost. Today, she had someone to talk to. Noka chuckled a little at his joke though. Even though the lion did not know where they were in conjunction to prides, then maybe he'd know the direction to go.

"I was born in the swamps. My pride migrated away from it after a fire destroyed it. While I don't have any specifics in mind, that is the direction I am looking to head...For the time being at least." The lioness looked at the male. "Unless you have any ideas of a place that would be welcoming to a rogue?" She hated that word, but alas, that was what she was.

"I knew it." He remarked with a knowing grin and stood up a little taller. Abbadon wasn't certainly lacking in confidence, he could thank his parents for that. Their heritage had been proud and overly confident - his brother wrangled him in from over confidence though.

His own home having been taken over and primarily abandoned, last he had heard, he knew what it was like to lose something like that. Shortly after losing that piece of his life he lost track of his parents. Since adolesence it had been and his twin brother, a pair that formed a set of quadruplets. "I'm sorry for your loss." He admitted casually and tried for an awkwardly sad looking smile. Collecting himself and attempting to deaden his eyes he was presented with a question.

"Myrsky Syntynyt." The answer came to him quickly. Mother would make quick use of a lioness like this. He mused to himself and nearly laughed outloud at his thoughts. "Sorry to be so abrupt about it, but I don't know many prides beyond my own. That pride there has family in it, which is why it was the first to come to mind." He laughed and tilted his head slightly. "Have you heard of it?" The dark lion peered at the lioness curiously. His question presented him with an opportunity to know what she knew and lie if need be. There was no guarantee that his plan would follow through, but perhaps he would get his mother a thrall out of it.

Noka was taken aback by the sudden answer of teh Myrsky Syntynyt. She had not heard of the pride before, and with his answer of having family there, she could not even lie to him about having heard of it or not. If she said she did, he'd likely question her about it, which would catch her fib.

The lioness shook her head. "I don't think so." On her pilgrimage, she had not come across said pride. Then again, she stayed normally in the vicinity of the old swamplands, so she could always find her way back.

"If you have family there...what's it like? Is it...welcoming to...outsiders?" Noka asked curiously.

Surprise was scrawled across the face of the lioness standing before him and he found himself grinning. It came as no surprise when the lioness stated that she had not heard of the pride and so he settled himself in to explain. “The pride is a proper home for a many lions.” He replied, carefully hiding the facts surrounding the pride. “They often times travel in groups to discover places and items, which they bring back as rewards.” He was reminded of his mother, a reaver, and her captain. The visit with Zjarri-fol would be impressed into his memory for a long time to come.

“As a whole they are.. very welcoming to outsiders.” The hesitation was mild in his voice, but present. He was a fabulous liar, but something held him back a little bit. Still he pressed forward in the conversation by getting closer to her. “My mother would happily welcome you.”

His ears were forward in an attentive manner and he was grinning. The lioness would make for a wonderful gift. “Just ask around for Sabia-deimos, she’s often times somewhere near the border. Tell her that Abbadon sent you.” Inadvertently he introduced himself to her..

Noka caught ear of the slight hesitation in the other’s voice.

“Well, I like the sound of them being welcoming to outsiders.” The lioness had come from a rather peaceful pride. She was more of a lover, not a fighter personality. She had claws sure, but she’d use those to kill her prey, not injured another being like herself. She was slightly taken aback by the lion coming closer. Her head tilted at his next comment. “Your mother?”

She reminded herself to commit the name to memory. Sabia-deimos. Okay. She…maybe could remember that…

“Abbadon?” Oh, duh. That must be him! Noka felt a warm heat flushing to her cheeks. “You’re Abbadon?” She clarified. “I’m Noka.” Her full name was a mouthful to say, and part of her thought of just going back to her given name of Phailin.

“Would…you be able to accompany me to these lands?”

If she had noticed the hesitation she hadn't paid any mind to it and continued on. Abbadon nodded at her comments, specifically to answer her question about his mother. "She lives there with my half-siblings." Hellions. His thoughts weren't echoed out loud, but he had been tempted to laugh. Abbadon hadn't met his half-siblings that were considerably younger than he was, but he knew what he and his siblings had been like. His mother had an unusual influence on others.

Now there's a thought. "I could probably take you the whole way myself actually - greet her at the border." He considered this with a stare into the distance before his vision settled back on her. "Yeah, I don't think that will interrupt me to severely." Then I can get a family visit in and also see the look on her face at my gift.

"Our meeting had good timing." He remarked looking at the position of the sun. "We should still be able to make some good distance before settling in for the night." His gaze returne to her again and he smiled before getting up and turning towards the direction of his mothers home.

Noka's light eyes watched as the male settled on the horizon. He seemed a little lost in thought, but she did not want to question it. It would be rude if she had. However, she was happy that he could bring her to the borders. "I mean, as long as it is no trouble!" She said cautiously. She'd probably manage to find her way with proper instruction, but, it was never fun traveling by oneself. And this male seemed like he'd be some fun company.

"Sounds like a plan," the pale lion said with a smile. "Shall we head out then?" Noka was excited. Maybe she would get to have a home again! Who knew what her life would be like after this day.

"Sounds good." He remarked too her which was followed with a nod and a smile. He took the lead comfortably and began to head towards his mothers pride. The roads would be easily travelled until they reached the borders - or so he could recall.