

              NICKNAMES Nene

              GENDER Female

              AGE Sixteen

              BIRTHDAY April 24, 2029

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Straight

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English, French, Latin, Spanish

              WAND 10 1/2 inch wand made of Willow wood with a fairy wing core.

              FACECLAIM Alissa Skovbye x

        xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

            ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

            YEAR Sixth

            HOUSE Ravenclaw

            BEST LESSONS

            WORST LESSONS
                Defense Against the Dark Arts

            O.W.L. SCORES
                Astronomy ~ EE
                Charms ~ O
                Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                Herbology ~ EE
                History of Magic ~ EE
                Potions ~ O
                Transfiguration ~ O
                Cursebreaking ~ O
                Healing ~ EE
                Muggle Studies ~ O
                Wandless Magic Practice Class ~ EE
                Wizard Law ~ O

            N.E.W.T. SCORES
                Astronomy ~
                Charms ~
                Defense Against the Dark Arts ~
                Herbology ~
                History of Magic ~
                Potions ~
                Transfiguration ~
                Cursebreaking ~
                Healing ~
                Muggle Studies ~
                Wandless Magic Practice Class ~
                Wizard Law ~

            DREAM JOB Head Obliviator


                SMART Above all else, Iona is smart, but more than that, the thirst for knowledge was drilled into her head at a young age. She was raised speaking English, French and Spanish. When she started her tutelage, she was also taught Latin. Iona wants to learn everything she can.
                STUDIOUS Studies are first on her list, putting aside all other cares. If her grades were to slip a little, Iona would be in trouble. So she focuses on studying more than anything.
                MUSICAL As part of her upbringing, her mother insisted she learn to play a musical instrument, and faced with her choices, she picked the violin. She plays it well, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she likes it.
                ATHLETIC Her father insisted that part of being a well rounded young girl was physical activity. He instructed her in the physical, preferring that she participate in gymnastics. But she quickly drew interest in Quidditch.
                CREATIVE In the course of her studies, Iona discovered she could write a lot. Creative writing and musical creativity though, when she tried painting and drawing, she wasn't very good at it.
                RESERVED Iona doesn't really like to discuss herself much, or talk that much in general. In conversation, she tends to focus on others and get evasive if people ask questions about her. She also doesn't overly show emotion unless it's a very strong emotion.

              Music (violin and singing)
              Books (especially classics)
              Quidditch (Harpies fan)
              Quiet places
              Biblichor (the smell of old books)
              Turkish Delights

              Social gatherings
              Busybodies (nosy people)
              Animals (they're messy)
              Being dirty (neat freak)

              Impressive memory
              Fast learner

              Nervous nail biting
              Social interaction



              CHILDHOOD Iona was born in a rather prestigious family and expected to be raised as a lady. Her father was a known Scottish wizard and her mother hailed from France, of Beauxbatons education. When she was born, she already had an older brother two years her senior. She was instructed from a young age about all subject, taught Spanish and French, and began learning violin. When she was four, her younger brother was born. Her education progressed, adding physical education, Latin and classic literature to her repertoire.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR It was only natural that Iona would be sorted into Ravenclaw, and her first letter to her parents was a little cocky in her comments about her selection. She played Quidditch, despite her father's protest, though she didn't do very well. Her exams ended well though, with Iona earning high marks in every class.
                  SECOND YEAR Iona returned to Quidditch her second year, with her performance being better than last year's. She focused on her studies a lot more and earned top marks when she finished the year.
                  THIRD YEAR During the summer between second and third year, Iona and her father got into a heated argument, which resulted in her broom being confiscated. She was not permitted to play Quidditch during her third year, though the team didn't suffer without her. Iona angrily focused on her studies, adding five electives to her studies, including Muggle Studies, just to anger her father.
                  FOURTH YEAR Iona stonewalled her father over the summer, refusing to meet with any of the boys he thought she'd like to meet. Going back to school, Iona focused on her studies since her father hadn't given her back her broom yet.
                  FIFTH YEAR Though she had received her broom back, Iona was too worried about exams to play Quidditch. She spent a lot of time in the library studying for her exams, so much so that first years came to know her as the library girl. Between studying and her duties as a Prefect, Iona was entirely too busy for Quidditch.
                  SIXTH YEAR Information
                  SEVENTH YEAR Information

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Alastair Duffy (Father) [NPC]; Joséphine Martel-Duffy (Mother) [NPC]; Reginald Duffy (Brother) [NPC]; Augustin Duffy
              FRIENDS None
              BEST FRIEND None
              ROMANTIC INTEREST None
              ENEMIES None
              PETS Tree (Potted Plant)


UPDATED 05/10/19

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