Etzer was lying on his bed, staring at the ceiling with a listless expression as he let out a countless sigh once more. He used to be worse off than this, but as of recently, he'd been thinking things over... and realized that perhaps breaking up with Uller had been the best course of action.

It didn't make it hurt any less, however.

A few minutes ago, he'd tossed his designer clothing on the floor of his closet, not even caring that he was bunching them up. It didn't matter if most were dry clean only - he just didn't care.

They were his designs, anyway. He could do whatever he wanted with them.

His blue eyes darted over to stare at the crumpled clothing on the floor, and his shoulder shifted before he figured that moving right now just wasn't worth it, relaxing his muscles and falling back onto his bed with a soft exhale of air.

The frost demon didn't realize he'd left his door open... but by now, most had avoided him, anyway.

Nothing even really mattered, in the end. Everything fell apart no matter what he did... so why bother trying?

Being away from home was exhilarating.

The incubus known as Zeno'ven had barely unpacked before he'd started to browse along the corridors of the demon dorms. He intended to meet as many others as physically possible in these first few days, after all...a boil needed his connections, didn't he? He'd managed to introduce himself to a handful of others, but they seemed busy. On their way to classes and other important gatherings, to be sure, but the violet-colored demon was not to be dissuaded.

Making his way along along the halls, he stopped...a door open...and leaned backwards to examine the room, its occupant, and the... ohdear.

He clicked his tongue and then leaned against the doorframe. "You really oughtn't do that to a masterpiece." The scolding was light and almost playful, and not really a scolding at all as he gestured with a clawed hand to the discarded garments.

Zeno was clad in his usual sort of attire, crisp and wrinkle-free clothes in his signature color, that suited the lithe and lightly muscled frame of the boil beneath. He tilted his head to consider the owner of said pieces of lovely articles, and could all but feel the wafting depression that came from the pale-haired being on the bed. "Hullo. I'm new to the neighborhood. Live just down the hall now." He winked playfully, "Thought I'd introduce myself."

His tail flicked merrily to and fro behind him, and he waved with a flicker of deft claws. "I'm Zeno'ven...looks like I've come at a bad time...?" There was a question there and a lift of an eyebrow. Oh yes. There was something afoot here, and though brand spanking new to Amityville, the incubus just had to stick his nose into it.

Etzer rolled his head back and stared at Zeno'ven upside down, his frown looking almost like a smile with the way he was laying on the bed.

"... what masterpieces?" He groaned, glancing over once the other demon pointed. "Ugh. Those ratty things? No. Jack no." Really, they were some of his first designs, and terrible in his own eye... even though other demons had praised them countless times.

Of course, he'd kept the originals -- but would Zeno'ven notice?

"... Etzer." He closed his eyes, sliding his tongue over his teeth. "Every day is a bad time. Do you normally wander in unannounced?" Of course, he was one to talk, but Zeno'ven didn't have to know that.

"Mmm. They're reminiscent of a designer I used to follow, actually." A canny look flitted into the nearly cat-like blue eyes. "You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" It was a bit pointed, but said in such a way that it could be dismissed if you wanted to. The way that the protest was uttered, it was almost like an artist might with his own drawings...not that Zeno would go so far as to make that sort of assumption. Younglings these days didn't always have an appreciation for the finer things...so that might be it, but somehow the incubus doubted it.

"Sounds like you are having a bad time." The indigo-haired boil pushed, gliding his way in on polished hooves and then shutting the door behind him. Two's company and three's a crowd, after all.

"I usually don't need to be announced." He replied, that same sort of decadently playful air in the low, but lilting voice. It tended to slide like silk, unless the incubus was vexed over something. "You should talk about it, you know..." He didn't ask if the other wanted to talk about it. Oh no, that was too simple. "So what's your trouble then?"

Without invitation, the other demon sat his lovely self, clad in perfectly tailored breeches, onto the edge of Etzer's bed. Whether they were friends or no, it was fairly clear that Zeno'ven wasn't going to be ousted from his quest easily. Something was clearly putting this lovely demon into a mood, and the incubus wasn't one to stand for that. Not from friends, family, or classmates. Sure, he might be new to this turf, but shyness wasn't even in his vocabulary.

Etzer didn't bother to respond. He clearly didn't agree with the other, but there was really no point in arguing.

The frost demon was far too depressed to do such a thing, anyway.

All the other did was press his lips together and become quiet, closing his eyes and curling up on the bed, his back to Zeno'ven.

It wasn't like anything really mattered, anyway.

He hadn't meant to get wrapped up in what was clearly the finishing act of a drama, but all the same, Zeno was a nosy creature, and not one to give up once he'd endeavored on a project.

So he scooted himself a touch further onto the bed, and put a hand on the other boil's shoulder. "You shouldn't give up, you know." He coaxed, his voice like audible silk. "I might not know what you've seen before, but imagine all the things you still have yet to discover." A smile touched the handsome features, causing the blue eyes to twinkle. "You could get to know me, for instance."

His tail flicked to and fro behind him like a pendulum, curious and interested....just like the incubus himself. There was such sadness and...a terrible empty feeling stemming from this pretty boil. Zeno'ven simply had to know more.

"... I've already lost everything I care about," The frost demon stated softly, a sigh escaping his throat as he tilted his head to stare at the other. He looked like he'd been crying for a long time, but now... he was just empty. Etzer had cried so much he had no more tears left in him.

"... sorry. I... don't want to get to know you. No offense. I'm just tired of having a broken heart."

He didn't want to repeat that particular feeling at all.

"Well that sounds rather dire." Zeno'ven remarked, trying not to use his usual flippant tone, and instead traipse into something, still lightly accented, but most definitely concerned. First time out and about and apparently one of his neighbors had really been put through the old emotional wringer.

"Mmm. And that's assuming that you're going to fall for me. Very flattering, I assure you, but isn't that taking a leap and a jump past getting to know one another? Are you just going to stay here on your bed until you turn into a popsicle? Somehow that doesn't sound like a plan that will boost your mood whatsoever. " His tail was now tick-tocking behind him like a metronome. Yes, he'd adore it if this boil got close to him, but pushing all that on a still-fragile and CLEARLY ex-break-up individual? Jack, even an incubus couldn't be that heartless.

"What you need to do is get out and about, otherwise you'll just sit here and marinate in your own achey-breaky ice demon heart, and that just won't do at all." The lovely azure eyes slid over towards the closet and the decimation that had occured there. "I don't even know you and I can see you aren't at all yourself. C'mon. " He put a clawed hand on the other's arm in a gesture that was more that of a confidante than an overture. "Why don't we go out...get some food or something. As friends." He emphasized.

Clearly this one was going to need a forceful, but tactful approach.

"I'm not hungry." Etzer stated, knowing that the depression just made him.... not really want to eat. Nonetheless, he sat up and sighed again, glancing over to his closet of assorted things and slumping as he stared at them.

"I don't have the heart to make anything like those again," He finally stated, eyes dull as his head hung. "Nothing I've done helps. I just."

His hands rose as he clutched his head, tears welling up as his fingers dug into his skin.

"I just want to give up."

Zeno's bright blue eyes went wide, and he, despite the way his tail-tip flicked frantically to and fro, managed to claim a sort of calm in his voice. His hands reached out, gently, and put themselves atop the ones that the ice demon held in such a distraught fashion to his features. "Wait wait wait wait...." He sucked in a long breath. "You made those?" Now he knew without a shadow of a doubt. This boil had been designing clothes...ones that the incubus himself had lauded as they had appeared. And...someone had hurt him quite severely. It had dampened his passion, and indeed everything else.

Deftly sliding his fingertips beneath the terrible, clutching, punishing grasp that Etzer was inflicting on himself, Zeno made a soft, rumbling sound that was somewhere between a purr and a growl.

It had been a long time since he'd been confronted with someone crying, but he knew what depression looked like when he saw it. "Mmm. " He slid close with a soft sigh, as he took those hands and forcibly put them back on the sheets. "Hurting yourself, punishing yourself, and just staying here isn't going to do a Jack-damned bit of good. Try something new instead." He gave a winning smile, though there was something distinctly sympathetic in it. "Try me, at least...on a strictly friend basis. Sometimes you need to start afresh, otherwise you'll always be thinking about what hurt you in the past."

Zeno clicked his tongue, "Make the past your b***h, Etzer. Don't be it's b***h. I'll help you, if you'll let me. But what does giving up get you, really?

"... it's a hell of a lot easier." Etzer admitted, closing his eyes. His shoulders were still slumped, and he shivered as his hands were pinned against the bed.

"... are you sure you wanna be friends with someone like me? I know I'm not liked a lot. I chased after women just for the fun of it." A sad smile spread on his lips.

"Then I fell in love. Or... thought I did, anyway. But. We were just too different." He bit his lip. "I keep thinking... maybe I could have done something different. Maybe I shouldn't have flaunted my wealth so much, or bought so many presents... I don't know." Etzer's hands curled into the sheets, the mattress creaking under his fingernails.

"I... just... don't... know."

Zeno arched a perfectly trimmed purple brow. "Mmmm..." He considered for a moment, digesting the information that he had just been given. "It might be, for a while, but even an implosion causes shrapnel, and giving up is usually a rather temporary status, I've found. Not worth it. Truly." He smiled, a charming sort of half-expression on the lovely features.

"Yes. I'm sure. I never offer unless I'm sure." His tail was now less in a pattern, and now flicking again as it willed, seeming as curious as the being to which it was attached. Hmm. Chased girls, had he? Yet there were a few factors that had to be considered. Funny enough, it seemed as though this boil hadn't been entirely unlike himself. A kindred soul at some point, Zeno almost chuckled inwardly. Quite a fine friend to find then, indeed.

"You will find I am the last one to judge you...but right now you're doing a damnedly good job of judging yourself, Etzer. Sometimes things are going to fail regardless of what you attempt. It's the way of the universe, really. If you try to scrutinize each and every aspect of your relationship, what is that going to do? Unless you know time-travel powers, which I doubt and are highly unadvised to begin with, then there is no point. And no relationship going forward is going to be like the one you just had anyway. So you could try all the same things, or entirely different ones...it won't matter. Que, sera, sera, my new friend. Whatever will be, will be."

He then put just one hand atop one of Etzer's own. "And now knowing, well...it's all right to not know, Etz. You just have to take each interaction as a new adventure. If you don't know something, then perhaps it's meant to come to you in the future instead. Worrying over it. Tsk. Think about what all else you could accomplish in the meanwhile."

He smiled in a warm fashion at the smaller boil. "So. Do you prefer tea or coffee?"

Etzer... didn't really answer, but he flinched at the nickname, lips twisting in a scowl. "... don't call me that. Etzer is just fine." Really... the way he pronounced it made his nerves twist. And he just... didn't like it. It was too hard.

"... I dunno." And honestly, he didn't remember what he liked, but he took a moment, pressing his tongue against his teeth. "... tea. Booberry tea... is my favorite. That's right."

It was good that Zeno was here -- Zeno was forcing him to actually live, and to manage things for himself instead of wallowing in his own self despair. And really... it was good that he now had a friend like Zeno. Whether or not he appreciated it was another matter entirely.

The incubus noted that immediately, and made a point to document it into his memory. All right. Etz was right out. He'd have to find a new one. Later, when he got to know this boil better. "Sorry, Etzer...I like to try things out." He replied, his claws just barely brushing the pale hair.

However, at mention of tea, the blue eyes went alight with excitement. "Oooh, but I know the best little place. It's a tea bar. Quiet, also serves a variety of pastries. We should definitely go. It's even open late to cater to all sorts. A bit of a hole in the wall, but they have the most excellent suppliers."

"... okay." Etzer exhaled, slumping even further. He really couldn't argue against it -- he didn't remember the last time he ate, nor did he remember the last time he'd actually left his room.

His black hair was unkempt and dull, missing its usual lustrous sheen as he straightened up, glancing over himself, figuring that his rumpled clothes he'd been sleeping in were fine, even though they probably were a tiny bit rank.

Etzer, however, didn't notice, too far gone to really... care.

Zeno smiled still, and then touched, just barely, the dark strands of the ice demon's hair. "Why don't you let me braid this?" He inquired softly. "And we could go out, get some tea." Already he could deduce that the other demon wasn't the sort who would usually let himself get into such a slump. He probably cared for himself meticulously, and that made this behavior distinctly....noncharacteristic and worrisome.

"Maybe something light and fluffy to eat, as well. You look positively starved." It was hard to tell with demons at times, but the incubus was ever one to make an accurate assessment of the situation.

It was sad, to see the boil in this condition, as though something...or someone, had sucked the life out of him. No. Even if he had to be the most emphatic and obnoxious of friends, the incubus was not going to stand for this. If he did, he'd eat his pretty, polished hoof, Jack-dammit.

"I... don't remember when I've eaten." Came the frost demon's statement, which was enough to solidify Zeno's thoughts.

He didn't comment on the offer of his hair being braided, not really caring one way or the other. Etzer just gave a noncommital shrug, indifferent either way.

This was far more serious than he'd initially thought.

"That's it, my friend. You're going out and about for sustenance. But first...you have to look like you haven't been rolling about underneath your bed for three days. UP!"

He rolled off the bed to stand on his hooves, and, as any good incubus did, he'd already located the bathroom, and held out his hands, ready to grab those of his companions if necessary. He needed to get this boil off the bed and back into proper existence. So he was going to tug the other there, get him presentable, and so help him to Jack, Zeno'ven was going to get Etzer out of his funk.

"Mmmph." Etzer pursed his lips, heaved another huge sigh, and stood before following Zeno into the bathroom, too out of it to really care how fast Zeno took stock of where things were located in his abode.

He really didn't have anything decent to wear -- Jack knew how long his clothes had gone without being washed, not to mention himself -- but the boil went along with Zeno anyway, figuring that there was really no way out of it currently.

Might as well go along.