xxxxS K Y L A RxxxA N N ExxxM A C C L E L L A N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Sky

              AGE Seventeen

              BIRTHDAY 2 January 2023

              BLOOD STATUS Pureblood

              WAND 9 and 1/4 inches, Birch with Pegasus Wing Feather

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Heterosexual

              LANGUAGES SPOKEN English

              FACECLAIM Rin Kagamine [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Hufflepuff

              YEAR/CLASS OF Seventh Year, Class of 2041

              HONORS Previously Quidditch Team Chaser (first through third year)

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS
                  History of Magic

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ A
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ A
                  History of Magic ~ P
                  Potions ~ P
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Art ~ O
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ A
                  Healing ~ O
                  Music ~ O
                  Wandless Magic Practice ~ A

              NEWT SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ X
                  Charms ~ X
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ X
                  Herbology ~ X
                  History of Magic ~ X
                  Potions ~ X
                  Transfiguration ~ X
                  Elective ~ X

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Professional Musician

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ INTROVERTED Skylar has always been a quiet child. She has hardly spoken to anyone growing up, and if she did speak to someone, they were very special to her. Skylar is also very shy and has a hard time making friends. When put in a situation in which she is the main focus, she will freeze and shut down from fear.
              ■ TIMID Skylar is very easily frightened. If someone were to jump out from behind a corner or something, she would jump and probably cry. Skylar is not brave at all. She chooses to stay back when presented with a conflict, letting someone else handle the situation.
              ■ DEPENDENT Skylar has always relied on someone else to do things for her, mainly her mother. It's not that she can't do these things, but she likes the feeling of being taken care of. Her being the baby of her family doesn't help her case.
              ■ LOVING Skylar is very compassionate to people she trusts. Once she manages to make a friend, she will always stick by them.
              ■ GENTLE Skylar has a very mild temperament. She is kind to those who treat her the same way, and even if they don't, she isn't hateful towards them.
              ■ CREATIVE Skylar has always had a vivid imagination. She uses that to assist her in her music practice. She also loves to draw.

                  Music, especially piano
                  Bird watching

                  Loud noises
                  Being stared at
                  Large crowds
                  Public speaking

                  Playing the piano and other instruments
                  Bird watching

                  Creative thinking
                  Musically talented

                  Fear of public speaking

                  Public speaking
                  Being the center of attention

              PATRONUS Mockingbird

          xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              CHILDHOOD Skylar had a fairly normal childhood. She is the third child, the youngest in her family, and was often treated like the baby. She didn't have a problem with this, but grew up to be extremely dependent on others, hardly ever doing things for herself. She was a very quiet child, never saying a word to her family until she met Driskol, who was now her best friend. They met in a park when she was four, he was three, and their friendship was instant. The two met again at the zoo a year later, and he was the only person Sky invited to her seventh birthday party. Skylar has been taking music lessons from her father since she was five. She was placed in Advanced Piano lessons at the age of eight, and is now working on the violin and the guitar.

              2031 ~ Skylar and Driskol spent a day at her home, where they followed the rumor that the manor was filled with hidden tunnels. They found one of them in the ballroom that led all the way to the library, as well as several others. The pair mapped them all out, but decided to keep them their little secret.

              2033 ~ Skylar's grandparents invited themselves to the family dinner held at Christmas, where they told all of the children hurtful things. They told Tori she basically didn't exist, Skylar that she was useless unless she became a prodigy in the arts, and Kyson that he would have to work harder to earn the heirship. At the end of the night, no one was happy.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR Skylar was more than terrified for her first year at Hogwarts. She wouldn't have Dris or any of her other friends to comfort her and for her to follow around, and she wasn't too keen on making new friends. Thankfully, she was sorted into Hufflepuff, where most of the students were very friendly. That didn't mean Skylar could actually talk to them. She couldn't remember a solid conversation being held at all for that year. Sky did, however odd it was for her, try out for the Quidditch team as a Chaser, mostly because she knew the team was in danger of being disqualified from all games because they didn't have enough players. Surprisingly enough, she liked the sport, but not the Bludgers, since she was hit with one during the tryouts, causing her to fear them. At the end of the year, she did make a few friends, and grew a bit closer to her brother after they bonded over Quidditch.
                  SECOND YEAR During her second year, Skylar spent most of her time in the music room, whether it be during a Music Club meeting or just practicing on her own. She was glad she joined the club the year prior, finding this year's meetings to be a bit more pleasant. She still was too shy to perform, but she could listen, and when no one was around, play her cello, one of her favorite instruments thus far. Other than music, she spent time studying and doing schoolwork, and hanging out with her friends when she didn't have Quidditch practice. In one instance, Skylar woke up to find Dris had painted a wall in the Great Hall. His detentions were spent cleaning the wall, which she joined, watching from the sidelines and giving him words of encouragement.
                  THIRD YEAR Skylar didn't do much in her third year at Hogwarts. She had an increased workload with her new electives, so she spent most of her time doing homework, studying and practicing in the music room. She fell away from Quidditch, feeling as if the team didn't really need her anymore, and decided not to tryout next term.
                  FOURTH YEAR Without Quidditch taking up her free time, Skylar spent that time at school working harder on her schoolwork and practicing her music. She felt like she did better in class this term than the previous, which was good. She went to Music Club, of course, and joined Art Club as well. She was much better at the musical arts than the drawing and painting kind, but most of her friends were in that club, plus Dris was the Captain. She wanted to support his new club, and hang out with him as much as she could. Skylar was smart enough to realize that she had developed a crush on her best friend, but wasn't sure what to do about it yet, if she should do anything at all.
                  FIFTH YEAR Skylar honestly didn't do much in her fifth year at first. She simply tried to keep up with clubs and classes. She studied extra hard for her upcoming OWL exams, hoping to pass them all with flying colors. Luckily, she could always count on her friends to study with, though she spent much of the year with Dris. Her crush was growing, though her courage was not. Around the time she started to feel ready to ask him on a date, news broke that he was dating Chrys Meadows... which honestly hurt Skylar's heart. She tried not to let that affect her come exam time,but she figures it must have, since she managed to fail a few classes.
                  SIXTH YEAR Sky spent most of her time focusing on school and music, though she did admit to watching every single one of Ravenclaw's games. She was a little eager to know that Dris and Chrys had broken up, and she decided she would brave up enough to ask him on a date. Of course, it was far easier said than done, especially because the tall teen seemed to always be busy doing something. Had he always been this frazzled about things? Honestly, the first time she had a chance to talk to him was over the summer. She'd invited him out, hoping to finally have a chance to ask him out. Tessa had even given her some pointers! Unfortunately, her heart shattered in a million pieces when he rejected her.
                  Had he ever done that? Who even was he lately?

                  SEVENTH YEARInformation

              POST GRADUATION Information

          xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
              FAMILY Tyler Macclellan (father), Maylene Macclellan (mother), Victoria Macclellan (sister), Kyson Macclellan (brother), Contessa Macclellan (sister-in-law), Deirdre Macclellan (niece)
              FRIENDS Driskol Abrams, Chance Moors, Mackenzie Jones, Kimberly Leon, Clara Bautista, Candace Mackenzie, Alana Rivero, Minako Tanako
              BEST FRIEND Driskol Abrams, Clara Bautista
              ROMANTIC INTEREST Driskol Abrams
              ENEMIES Chrys Meadows
              PETS Darla the Barred Owl

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