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[Jauhar] Consider this [Ariya/Ujana] - FIN Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:43 am
A private roleplay between Ariya and Ujana.

Played by Heras Box and

Painted Moose

Please don't post without permission.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:54 am
It was late in the evening and she figured she could find her lover at her Inn. Ariya usually avoided it during busy hours since a lot of people didn't like or feel comfortable around Alkidikes. And she happened to be a big one. More so around the middle than in height, for her kind anyways.

When she entered she paused to look around so that she could find Ujana before she started to wander around. When she saw her other half she grinned and started toward her. "Such an adorable little fern for such a big jungle." She teased. Ariya usually did so due to the fact that Ujana was always so rough around the edges and - lets face it - hardcore.  

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:26 am
Heras Box

Running a tavern wasn't as glamorous as Ujana had once thought it would be. In her 'youth' she'd always imagined being the matriarch; the woman who got to call the shots without ever having to lift a finger unless she actually wanted to. Of course she wasn't just going to let everyone else do her work, but she had expected to be staffed with enough people so that she wouldn't have to do some of the more irritating things.

Like busing tables and washing dishes.

With Eurig gone to spend some time with Oddrick, however, all of those duties fell on a little brat she'd hired, and these days he took off more than he wanted to work. So, in a fit of passionate anger, she'd fired him and now...now she was doing his job until they found a replacement. In retrospect it was a bad idea, but someone had to keep things clean and if he wasn't then cyanora shifter kid.

At least it wasn't horribly busy. The flow was steady, though not as intense as usual, which meant that Ujana wasn't busting a sweat, but she could still hide out in the back room when she wanted. Currently she had her arms full with a tray of dirty dishes; a tray she carefully balanced on her hip for support when she saw Ariya.

"You're the only one in Jauhar who would think I'm small,"
She shook her head, jostling her tray in the process. Instead of spending time up front she motioned with a nod of her head for Ariya to follow her to the back. "We're short staffed; again. The kid Eurig wanted me to hire couldn't pull his weight so I let him go." She used her hip to help open the swinging door, and hold it so that Ariya could pass through. Ujana was clearly annoyed by the whole thing, but honestly, she'd known it wasn't going to work out from the start. That one had always been a little slimey; always leering, watching their female guests a little too close....but Eurig wanted to give him a chance. Honestly, she wished her son would open his eyes just a little damn wider next time.

"Not that I'm not happy to see you here, but what are you doing here? I thought you didn't like coming around during peak hours."
PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 12:49 pm
Painted Moose

"Nah, I'm sure my sisters would think you're small too." She gave a playful wink as she followed Ujana. When the door was held open for her she passed through but took the tray of dirty dishes as she went. No sense in letting her favorite leafling handle them when she was going to ask her something important. It might gain her a few brownie points.

As mention of the boy was brought up she arched a brow. "You mean that one that stared at Anelle?" Anelle was a shifter girl that came around to pick up her dad when he drank too much. She was a young woman, Ariya would guess in her late teens. "Ah well, Subira said he creeped her out anyhow." There was a shrug from the chubby alk.

"I came to see you, Gorgeous." Ariya smiled sweetly at her hoping that Ujana wouldn't get the hint that she was there for more.  

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 1:03 pm
Heras Box

Ujana just snorted. "That's because you're all so big." There was just no way for an earthling to compete. It didn't matter if Ujana was tall for her kind or not, when compared to her girlfriend she looked downright petite.

She easily allowed the dishes to be carted off, feeling grateful for the help and relieved that she wouldn't have to touch anymore for a while. It would give her fingers a chance to become less pruney. "Yeah, that one." She raised her index finger and flicked it, as one might do with a wand, with a nod of her head. "I thought it was kind of cute at first. He was gangly, all awkward limbs and smiles, trying to flirt with all the girls...then he started being creepy and slacking off." And the lying, always lying. Saying he was a bartender to impress people, being unnecessarily helping with Anelle when she came by, trying to get to close to Subira...

They were better off without him, even if it did mean a few extra shifts for Ujana.

She moved over to a pot they kept on the fire, and poured a bucket of cold water into it, hoping to get it just warm enough to clean the mugs out with. "Oh, did you now? Come to check up on me in all of my ale smelling glory?"
PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 2:42 pm
Painted Moose

Ariya set the tray down and watched as Ujana moved over to the pot and fire. She seemed content to simply watch for a moment before she said anything else. "Then let him be someone else's problem." Though she had a feeling if the boy did do anything she would be the one to ave words with him. IF Ujana didn't get him with her hammer first.

"Ah well, you can smell anyway you like, I'll still love you." The chubby alk chuckled. She didn't really mind the smell of ale. Well, unless it had an under tone of vomit with it. Then she minded. After a moment she fiddled with a dirty mug. "So.. you remember when I mentioned having another child?"  

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 3:49 pm
Heras Box

Half of her attention was on her lover, the other on the pot of slowly warming water. She passively stuck her index finger into the liquid to test the temperature, stirring it around a moment before pulling it out to flick her finger dry.

To say she was caught off guard by the question was an understatement. At first Ujana didn't think anything about it. She gave a short, breathless little chortle and moved to preemptively organize the dishes. "Yeah, so?" It had been something they'd talked about passively before when Eurig was younger, but it hadn't been brought up much, if at all, since then so Ujana was able to let it roll off.

As far as she was concerned this was just more musing. Maybe Ariya had seen a little cutie on her way here that brought it up, or maybe she was even wistful for the days when Subira was smaller, who knew.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:25 pm
Painted Moose

"So.. I was wondering if you would be willing to add to our family." No longer interested in the mug from before she set it aside and gave her other half all of her attention. Ujana didn't seem like she was reacting badly to the subject so Ariya was hopeful.

"I think Eurig would like to be a big brother and I know Subira would love to have more siblings." She was trying to make it seem like the kids were already on her side. "I would really like to have a child with you." They did have kids and she loved them both but she also wanted to take Ujana to see Aisha. She wanted to show her lover the power of the Great Mother. Ariya also really wanted the blessing of a child that looked like her and Ujana. What a cute daughter that would be.  

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 4:40 pm
Heras Box

"Oh. Oh." This...was a lot more than musing and idle talk. Ujana placed her palms down on the table top, and turned to Ariya. How long had the alk been thinking about this? Sure, Ujana had pondered it from time to time but never with enough severity to act on it. She'd been too busy keeping up with life as it was to worry over it, and since children like this didn't just 'happen' there had been no worries of a surprise and it just...escaped her.

"You...must'a been thinkin' about this for a while if you've talked to them." Awkwardly she turned so that her lower back was against the table and with a little lift she pulled herself up to sit on it, crossing her legs at the calf.

It didn't take long for the initial shock and awkwardness of the conversation to wear away into a mischievous little grin. Another baby? With Ariya? Hell yeah, what could be better than that! Aisha wouldn't know what hit her! "Yeah, alright, let's do it. You said something' 'bout going to Aisha first, right? When do you wanna go?"

She didn't care about waiting for Eurig to get back; she could write him a letter and it wasn't like the alkidike would let him come anyway, so he wasn't likely to miss much.
PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 3:38 am
Painted Moose

With the initial response Ujana gave she ringed. Maybe she'd brought up the subject too soon? Ariya had been thinking about it for a while. At least since she'd brought it up a while ago. However, when the leaf woman sat her bottom on the table Ariya moved over to her. "I know I sprung this on ya--" The Ujana answered her.

A smile broke out on her face that could rival the Cheshire cat! "Yes, we have to go to Aisha and ask for her blessing." Excitement was building up inside her and she paused only long enough to take a breath. "Now!" The chubby alk all but yelled as she gave a tug on Ujana's hips to get her off the table.

She could tell Subira to stay home while they went across to the Isles. This way the girl wouldn't go off somewhere and get into trouble while no one was around.  

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:39 pm
Heras Box


"Great." There was some genuine excitement there, mostly about the hopeful end result, but the word itself was laced with a thick layer of sarcasm. She respected Aisha; after all, it was her lover's chosen goddess, the one who had given life to her step-daughter, and so on. However the thought of going into the very heart of alkidike territory was somewhat unsettling. It's not as if she would be the first earthling to do it, but after going through a pregnancy of her own, one that she considered 'normal', Ujana found herself skeptical about this whole 'bloom' business.

She supposed it was just going to have to be one of those things she saw up close and personal to really understand.

Ujana slipped off the table, brushing her hip against Ariya's as she went. "I'll have to make preparations first; we'll rush hire someone, a temp maybe, just to cover the place until I get back. And I need to send a letter to Eurig and-" She paused there, raising a finger towards Ariya's nose, "You have to promise me something, first." She lowered her finger and moved her arms to prop them on her hips. "It wasn't an issue before because our kids, as close as they are, never really had to think about it. Eurig is going to learn how to do things the earthling way, because that's what he is, same with Subira and the alkidike teachings, but this...." She waved her hand around, "...bloom baby kid thing will be mixed. I want your word that no matter what you won't pressure them one way or the other, and I'll give mine."

There wasn't a lot of worry in Ujana's heart, but enough to want this aired out in the open. She knew what Ariya's family was like; and though she liked to believe she knew her lover enough to say she wouldn't push their kids into the alkidike way because it's 'what they should do' , Ujana wanted verbal proof. "I've seen way too many mixed families fight over how their kids 'should' be and I just want us to try not to be like that."
PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:14 am
Painted Moose

Excitement raced through her as it seemed like Ujana was agreeable to the idea. Though she was certain there was something wrong with the way her lover said "Great." It was enough to give her pause but she didn't have much time to think on it since the leaf woman slipped off the table and started making plans. A grin lit up her face. Ariya was busy nodding her head emphatically, agreeing with everything that was being said, when Ujana said she had to promise something. She blinked. "Of course.." Though she was very curious what it was that she was to promise.

As she continued to listen to the terms of the promise a frown started to form. It wasn't so much the promise that made her frown, it was that Ujana though that she needed to mention it. "Love.. you don't have to ask me to promise that." Her voice seemed laced with sadness.

"I love everything about you and our son Eurig and our daughter Subira. Because it's who you three are. If our new daughter wants to be like you then that is fine.. If she wants to be like me then that is fine. Whichever she chooses is perfectly fine with me. She will still be a daughter to me." Ariya kept saying "she" since it didn't occur to her that a son might be possible from their blessing. It wasn't that she didn't think it was possible, since Rishima was a male, but for some reason she didn't view herself and Ujana as anything but a couple. They weren't a mixed couple or an Alkidike and a Leaf woman, they simply were. And as such couples who simply were and went to Aisha received daughters.  

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:34 pm
Heras Box

"I don't like bringing it up, but if we don't talk about this now then it might have come up later." It wasn't as if Ujana liked exposing the dirty underbelly of their world, but better to know it for what it was than to throw their children to the radaku. Perhaps it was her years on the road, without a real family to stabilize her, that caused her to be a little more open about things.

"You keep saying daughter like it's a done deal." Ujana cracked a little grin. "I might not know much about Aisha, but I do know that she makes sons too, so...be ready for that." Her family was so saturated in men that Ujana wouldn't be surprised if any child they asked came as just as masculine as the rest. Maybe Ariya's influence would change things?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:47 pm
Painted Moose

She could understand the need to bring it up, but to think that Ujana doubted her made her wonder a little. "Did you really doubt I would be fair..?" Ariya hoped not.

When Ujana mentioned that Aisha made sons as well as daughters she paused long enough to consider it. Rishima was a son. Instantly she lit up with a "cat with the creme" expression. "I hope we get a son! Imagine how adorable!" Maybe she could sneak in there to ask for more than one bloom. A son and a daughter!  

Heras Box

Mythical Wolf

Painted Moose

Dapper Codger

PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:58 pm
Heras Box


Ujana pursed her lips and sighed. "I hoped you wouldn't be. Look, I'm a little....skeptical about long term relationships. I've yet to see one work and couples have split up over less. I had to make sure; for my own sake." It wasn't something that she expected Ariya would understand completely, but Ujana didn't feel the need to take it back. If she'd kept it in it might have festered and at least now, now they knew where she stood.

"Really? You're not just playing with me here? You want another son?"
She arched her brow, a little skeptical, but also...happy about the reaction. "It's gonna be harder; especially if our son want's to follow your footsteps. Think you can handle it?"

She couldn't really imagine seeing a little boy in a loincloth riding a radaku alongside a band of warrior women, but stranger things had happened.
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