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[B] Until the Sirens Sound (Kamacite & Suttungr)

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Lonely Explorer

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:22 pm
The weather kept fluctuating from pleasant to cold and back. The constant change was wearing Kamacite down more than he would like to admit. He kept feeling chilled and then overly hot, on top of being physically fatigued. If he hadn’t had classes to go to, he would have stayed in bed all day, or slept on the couch under tons of blankets and probably whatever clothes Adrien had laying around the room. Just a pile of clothes and blankets for him to curl up under sounded great.

But he was Kamacite and had an obligation to the Negaverse, which meant that he needed to go out into the cold and try to collect starseeds and energy and try to not get himself killed.

It was getting easier for him to collect energy, as long as he was able to slink through the shadows on those who were unsuspecting, but that night he hadn’t been able to collect anything before feeling the aura of another close by.

The aura of a White Moon senshi by the feel of it. Kamacite took a step backwards into the alley, trying to decide how he wanted to go about this. He could try to teleport, but he’d already teleported twice that evening, trying to stay out of sight. A mistake, clearly. He hadn’t expected anyone to show up.

He could try to run for it, of course. He was used to squeezing through fences and cracks; the one good thing about being on the smaller side. He would just hope that the other would stay away from him.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:06 pm
Suttungr loved the cooler weather. More than that, his civilian half loved it, because cooler weather meant one very important thing: football season. Football season meant football games, and everyone knew that the most important part of those silly things were the halftime shows and the band battles held in the stands!

Of course, his love of civilian life meant that sometimes he wanted to shirk his senshi duties, but the pride he held as Suttungr - and the wont he had to please Eta - kept him patrolling for for baddies even when he might have preferred to spend another hour or two perfecting eight-counts.

Lucky him, he caught the sensation of a Negaverse agent nearby! Yessss!! Come to daddy, buttface! Eta would be so pleased if he could whup him some Nega a**~ Especially if he managed to do it without getting hurt. His Mauvian did worry about him so, such a wonderful, caring guide he'd lucked into, really. Suttungr didn't deserve her.

Springing into action, the senshi of violence charged towards the energy signal's source with an exuberance that perhaps brought to mind Labradors playing fetch or sociopathic teenage murders in B-flicks; kitten heels clacking noisily against the concrete and asphalt to announce his rapidly oncoming presence.



Garbage Paladin

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Lonely Explorer

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:27 pm
In past experience, Kamacite usually had enough time to slip away, and most of the White Moon stayed away from those of more powerful rank. Except this White Moon was definitely moving at a much quicker speed towards him than he would have expected.

“That’s far enough,” he warned as he heard the clack of heels reach the mouth of the alley, almost surprised that his voice remained as steady as it did. He could try to jump up to the ladders and get up to the roof, but his clothing always made it so much more of a hinderance than he thought was really necessary.

Kamacite stood with his back to the dead end of the alley (why did they always seem to be dead ends when he needed to escape?) his hands held out in front of him to hopefully scare off the other with the threat of a magic attack. He would just do his best to ignore the way his heart was about to break out of his chest with how quickly it was beating, as well as how his hands trembled.

Breathe. Just breathe. You’re stronger than whoever this person is.

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:36 pm
From the alley, a voice tried to command him to stop. Suttungr was having none of that bullshit. "I don't take orders from Negatrash?" He kept right on coming, "Also, no."

If Kamacite thought that seeing hands ready for magic was going to scare off the broad shouldered, bibbers-wearing White Moon senshi, he was wrong. If anything, that just made the senshi of violence smile as his blood got to pumping harder - yes yes yes went the song of battle through his veins.


Clackclacklclackclack--- and then the senshi was airborne, having launched himself right at a stack of crates that not only let him run partially on the goddamn walls but gave him a chance to grab a loose board that he could wield like a club as he came in for an early kill.

There was probably something very, very wrong with how much fun Suttungr seemed to be having, already.



Garbage Paladin

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Lonely Explorer

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:55 pm
The counter against Kamacite’s warning was enough to make him realize how different this was going to be from what he was used to. Normally when a senshi or knight realized that Kamacite wasn’t in the process of taking energy or starseeds, they would back off. But this guy was still coming towards him.

Kamacite’s expression shifted quickly from worry to outright panic, his eyes widening as the man smiled and lunged forward and into the air. What the hell was this guy?? He’d never seen someone move that quickly before.

Solar maximum!” Kamacite cried as the senshi swung at him, the blinding light doing nothing to stop the swing of the board, but it would hopefully be enough to disorient the man. What Kamacite wasn’t expecting was the pain that came with being struck, easily sending him crashing to the ground as the lightbulbs from nearby streetlights burst.

He hissed and groaned, trying to push himself back up before the senshi could figure out what was going on. If he could get back out to the street, he might be able to use the last of his energy to teleport somewhere close by. Just enough for him to power down and hide.

His whole body seemed to be trembling, especially his arm that had been hit, and trying to scramble to his feet with his hair and clothing in the way was a hinderance. He didn’t get very far.

There is a brilliant flash of light causing temporary but immediate disorientation and blindness that fades into horribly spotty vision; can last upwards of thirty seconds. Additionally, devices with an electrical or magnetized charge (street lights, phones, cameras, etc) suddenly do not work during those thirty seconds. There have been cases of street light bulbs bursting from the electromagnetic surge. The attack does not cause physical damage and is intended as a diversion or distraction, as well as a hindrance. Has an effect radius of 10 feet (although the flash can be seen as one would see any flash), and can be used three times.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:10 am
Panic. Panic should have been his first clue-in. Well, second, really. The outstretched hands the first. Or maybe the 'stay back' should have been the first? Whichever, there were many clues that his erstwhile Negaverse opponent was a jittery little joybean ready to play affronted virgin at the slightest provocation (of which Suttungr gave more than slight, he could admit).

It came to him in a series of stop-motion distillations of moments, or would, when later he tried to parse it: Kamacite's quavery cry of his attack. The sensation of the board striking flesh and vibrating up through Suttungr's hands and arms as they went numb and the wood dropped. Bright light blinding, searing pain through pupils blown wide trying to catch low light. Pain. Lots of pain - throbbing and thrumming and that was going to be a ******** doozy of a migraine later, yep!

"Oooow! You little shiiiiit!" Suttungr stumbled back, tripping over his dropped board and against some detritus, hands covering his abused eyes. The only good news was that the Negatwerp made a lot of noise too, so he could blindly reach out and grab a handful of that long-a** hair that was really just...the most ridiculous thing a corrupt senshi could possibly have - did they want to get yanked around by it like some chick in a bad porno? - and keep him from bolting.

"I'm not ******** done with you, sparkles."


Some distance away, a giant walking pillow was chewing busily at it's toefloofs and ignoring the aura extravaganza going on in the city around it in favor of relaxing after convincing some dumb student high on bathsalts to give him a beer (Pabst, but beer was beer, really) when a massive light caught it's attention.

And also apparently loosed EMP, which was far, far more interesting.

Tiberius got off his fluffy butt to check out what was going Down.

Just you know, adding some mood lighting, with the furball.


Garbage Paladin

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Lonely Explorer

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 10:45 am
If ever before there was a better example to the definition “not good”, this one knocked it out of the park. There was just a fraction of a moment in which Kamacite’s magic blinded the senshi that he thought maybe, just maybe, he would be able to make an escape. Unfortunately, the other was quick to recover enough to grab onto Kamacite’s long black hair.

He let out terrified squeak of pain as he was yanked back, cursing himself for not remembering to just hack it all off before going out. Normally he relied on the darkness of his hair to hide the bright orange of his robes, but fighting and escaping was not factored into the decision to leave it long.

There was at least one bit of reprieve to Kamacite’s distress in the form of the dropped board that had left his arm almost completely numb, and would probably be a giant bruise by the morning. With both hands free, Kamacite twisted as he was yanked backwards, hitting his knees hard on the pavement, but able to reach out and grab the dropped board.

He swung as hard as he could at the senshi’s ankles, hoping the darkness would allow him this one small courtesy of another chance for escape.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 2:36 pm
Oh, Suttungr was still blind - he couldn't see s**t - but he wasn't necessarily using his eyes to keep track of sparkles. No, he was using the fistfull of silky hair, the panicked huffing, the susurration of fabric against fabric (and hair). Basically, Kamacite was a symphony of terror and the senshi of violence really just wanted to join in some more.

Even if he couldn't sight read the music anymore.

Which was why he had no clue that Kamacite had latched onto the idea of using the board as a bludgeon like a hungry calf to a teat, nor did Suttungr see when the corrupt brought said board crashing down onto his ankles, causing sharp pain through the stiff magical material of the boots and driving a pained exclamation out each time.

"Sparkles, you - OW - can just - s**t - cut that - OW, DAMMIT - RIGHT OUT!" Blindly Suttungr groped for the board with his free hand, not daring to let go of the other senshi's hair; if he let go, the slippery little brat would get away.

The sound of a rather enthusiastic scuffle - and colourful swearing - could be heard more clearly as Tiberius came closer and closer to the location of the most vibrant auras. It also happened to be where that massive light and EMP pulse had come from...or well, he believed so. Peering over the edge, the massive tom's night-wide eyes took in a rather amusing sight: two senshi duking it out. One corrupt super versus one basic-a** white moon - the corrupt looked familiar but he couldn't really place him...and the white moon not at all.

From the looks of it, the corrupt was having some issues, but had at least blinded the dumbass white moon eyesore - which was good, but even from up high, Tiberius could tell that there was a pretty big physical discrepancy between the two.

"You know you can just, teleport, right?" Wasn't he helpful? Or maybe the little guy couldn't teleport? He felt like a super senshi, but maybe...maybe he'd ******** up. Maybe he was tired or drained or he'd used too much juice and was now stuck fighting the mini Goliath? "Or kick him in the balls!"

Tiberius, being the sort of helpful cat that he was, began making his way closer, knocking some loose garbage off the roof and onto the senshi.

Suttungr had enough of that garbage, thanks, "I can hear you, you know!" Not wanting the corrupt to get any funny ideas about switching locations for board bashing, Suttungr decided to use his very limited returning vision paired with the hold he still had on Kamacite's hair and whip out his magic right up close.

"Suttungr's Searing Slam!"

Well, s**t - the kid was gonna feel that in the morning...


Suttungr’s magic conjures up a brilliant disk of fire colored energy that then goes flying into the enemy not unlike someone swinging a book bag into the victim. Upon striking the victim it flashes brightly and leaves the impression of an all-out conflagration [a visual effect, rather than tangible damage] for a brief moment before dissipating.

The attack itself can cause bruising and/or tenderness at the target location from the impact force and may knock the opponent over with an option for sunburn like damage should it be desired by player(s) for their character(s).

This attack affects a single target at a time and Suttungr has two uses per battle, there is no time limit as it’s an immediate effect casting.


Garbage Paladin

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Lonely Explorer

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:00 pm
Kamacite squeaked and yelped again as the senshi grappled his hair, and he tried to twist out of his reach but to no avail. Not with how tight his grip was. Kamacite jerked the board out of the way so Suttungr couldn’t grab it. He would rather throw it out so he couldn’t use it before he’d let the other grab onto it again.

A voice from above caught Kamacite’s attention, and he scowled through his panic at the implication that he’d forgotten how to teleport. He knew he could teleport, but at this point in time he wouldn’t be able to teleport very far without passing out, and then what?

The other suggestion had merit though. Kamacite was already practically on the ground as he tried to use the board to whack at the senshi’s wrist to try and get him to release his hair.

Kamacite twisted onto his back and struggled still as Suttungr shouted up at the voice, shoving the board at the senshi’s face at the same time he struck out with his foot somewhere in the vicinity of the other’s legs and stomach since he couldn’t see well enough to aim properly -

Just as a bright disk of fire was swung at him. Too close to jerk away, it hit Kamacite in the shoulder and side of his face. Even with Suttungr holding onto his hair, it wasn’t enough to keep him from his head hitting the ground, the darkness of the alley turning darker as his vision blacked out, knocked unconscious.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 10:59 am
During the struggle, his opponent managed to get his foot to connect with the inside of Suttungr's thigh and skid upwards - not quite where the roof-dwelling voice had suggested, but close enough to make the senshi of violence sweat. Thankfully, his attack had also knocked Kamacite right the ******** out, so whewt! Victory!

But before Suttungr could properly enjoy having vanquished the Negaverse, something very heavy and very sharp landed on his back, knocking him down onto his knees, practically on top of the corrupt.

Tiberius had watched the senshi grappling, had seen the way Kamacite's eyes had lost focus as he'd lost consciousness from that blow. s**t, guess I gotta... He might have been a Chaos cat, but Tiberius loved his people. The Negaverse was full of Chaos senshi, which were his people, so he didn't over-think it too much, just launched all twenty plus pounds of muscled fluff at the White Moon senshi, claws out.

His landing was perfect, each razor tipped toe sinking through fabric to score flesh as Suttungr was shoved down "Pavement taste nice? Have some more!" Tibby shifted his weight all at once towards the senshi's head, shoving it down and jerking embedded claws; the resultant cry of pain pleased him immensely only because it would help his senshi.

Honestly, he just liked people too much to be into hurting them, but...that was his job, wasn't it? Serve and protect, right? So the Mauvian disengaged his claws, bounced on Suttungr's red-covered butt and off into the alleyway while charging his laser. "Scram, senshi! This one is mine to protect so get gone!" Not only was he charging up, Tibs was trying to quietly, without being noticed, rouse Kamacite - with his tail.

And maybe some licks to his face.

Rising to his feet with a wince, Suttungr looked about in the gloom for the cat - it was a Mauvian, like Eta but garbage. Kamacite was at his feet, behind him, he thought he'd seen the cat go towards the open end of the alley, but he couldn't be sure. "Not a chance, cat."



Garbage Paladin

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Lonely Explorer

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:16 pm
Everything was a haze of darkness and muffled voices as Kamacite slowly ebbed in and out of consciousness. He felt woozy and his stomach churned uncomfortably. There was the metallic taste of blood in his mouth, and his head ached, and his whole body felt numb. It took him a moment before he recalled exactly how he ended up on the ground. The voices helped, as dulled as they were.

And the tickle of something against his face. A cat? It was dark, too dark to be able to tell for sure, but as he blinked up at the feline, he could have sworn he’d met him before.

More importantly, he could hear the sound of the senshi. He was so close that Kamacite could feel the way Suttungr’s stupid little heels scraped against the pavement.

Kamacite moved as quickly as his bruised body would allow. Not to stand, but to pull up his leg and kick as hard as he could at the back of the senshi’s knee. He already knew he wasn’t going to win this fight, even if his power level was higher. He’s stupidly spent too much of his energy earlier in the evening.

And whether or not Kamacite had made enough contact to do any damage didn’t matter, because a sudden beam of light shot from the cat’s forehead to hit the senshi in the butt.

Even without much energy, there was still enough to reach up pull the giant cat onto his chest, close his eyes, and teleport them both to a nearby park, before promptly passing out again with the last of his energy spent.

PostPosted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 12:56 pm
The downed corrupt put in a surprise kick to the back of his knees that sent Suttungr staggering forward into the alley, bent over in a rather inelegant manner, but it was nothing compared to the shock of having what felt like pure electricity coursing through his body via a starting point somewhere in his a**.

Suttungr went flying, face-first into some garbage. He had no idea where the cat and corrupt ended up.


Tiberius thanked the stars that he'd been able to get a really nicely framed one-shot right at that senshi's big red butt before Kamacite teleported them away. It looked like one of the parks. "Good job-" He wanted to thank the corrupt, but the guy had passed out again, which was unfortunate, because they really weren't that far from where Suttungr was - or other auras, for that matter. "Good thing I'm here, kid."

The corrupt Mauvian couldn't do much about hiding them from other people's view, but power signatures? Yeah, he could manage that. With a rustle of fur and a sigh Tiberius muted their auras to keep any would be attackers hopefully at bay, then he made a little call to a friend.

After that, there was nothing to do but wait to be picked up by the broad-shouldered brunet. "This belongs to you, I think."

With a pick-up required, procuring a rental van from an all-night place near the airport was necessary. Obnoxious, but not entirely useless beyond the moment - Lauri had been planning on doing a lumber and parts run in the next few days for more renovations to the warehouse anyway. This merely moved that part of his schedule up by a few days and meant that the availability of an appropriate vehicle was up to luck.

Still, he managed to get both Tiberius and Kamacite back to the Warehouse in one piece. "I wonder if he'll power down on his own..." The hair...was obnoxious to deal with. Lauri carried the corrupt senshi into the building and set him onto the downstairs couch. "Keep blocking his power, I will bring the van inside. If he wakes, get him to power down."

Tiberius waved a paw and jumped up onto the back of the couch to gargoyle perch and stare down at Kamacite, one paw dangling to touch his pale cheek.



Garbage Paladin

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♥ In the Name of the Moon! ♥

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