The Truth Behind It All
Prompt 1

Solo or RP Format
Counts as 5 RP growth Points
Solo word minimum is 750, RP post minimum is 7

The news of the recent events spread wide across Tendaji, from the mountains of Zena to the remote settlements in Zinris. Everyone knew that something major had happened, but very few could agree on exactly what it was. Sure, the Alkidike sisters and their new daughters had a clue, but they kept such stories close to their heart. Only the few who ventured out to the Earthling settlements shared their tales, and even then it was so widely out of scope that many refused to believe. After all, why would anyone want to believe that there lived a race of unknown creatures that could control Earthlings and kill them with a wave of their hand?

It was easier for everyone to feign ignorance and stick to what they knew. Prepare for war, prepare for battle, and prepare as a nation of allies.

It seemed that everyone was determined to come together, as a whole, and figure out how to best protect their lands. The letters that spread from leader to leader spoke of individual impressions and a determination to meet and plot. It seemed many pushed past their differences to come together, including the newer races of Belrea and Yael. A great gathering was in the works, and everyone seemed to have different feelings on what that really meant.

As you hear reports of your leaders traveling to the heart of Tendaji, how do you feel about it? Do you trust that they will come out with the right decision, or do you think it's a massive mistake and time is better spent protecting their own people? Take some time to reflect on your feelings, or even roleplay with a friend to talk about what you think will happen with the gathering between leaders.

[ We are looking to have a lot of reflective response for this event, and expect your response to reflect your character's worldview and how their own race might feel if this is something that is rare for them (such as the Yaeli, Zenans, or Belreans). ]

There had been... difficulties since her arrival in Oba. The hardships Seziah had actually feared, such as not having a place to stay, no food to eat, and illnesses to combat hadn't been what actually occurred. Relatively quickly she'd found food, lodging, and had most other needs met for her by either her new comrades or the nobles she'd come to serve. Shelter was no longer an issue. Instead, it was the wariness of the people around her that proved the most difficult to contend with.

She'd been fortunate to come quickly into contact with boys who'd been enthralled by her 'exotic beauty,' as Zakeel had said, but it seemed most anyone else she'd so much as passed on the street was not so easily swayed. It was true that her own race had always been skeptical of newcomers, and Seziah had been somewhat prepared to deal with that mirrored back at her because she was an outsider in this land, and she hardly expected to be welcomed when she would act likely as they were now.

But there were other whispers that she wasn't quite familiar with and didn't really understand that gave her the most pause.

A creature with a name she'd never heard of with powers seemingly beyond earthling comprehension. 'Dretch' the market whispers called them. The introduction of this new and still mostly unknown threat had everyone on edge. And rumors sprouted from it like mold from trash.

'An Alkidike creation.'

'An affliction from the gods.'

Then, if she were in view, and they happened to catch sight of her desaturated brown skin and peculiar eyes: 'An islander curse.'

No one spoke to her, of course, and no one harmed her. To Seziah, though the scenery and people were different, it sounded an awful lot like being back on Yael. Was her home nation going through the same sort of crisis? They must have been, if leaders from across all the lands were planning on meeting... Were they as concerned as the people here seemed to be...? Likely just as much, if not more so.

For as sheltered as Seziah had been at the Institute, her freedom here meant she was open to more knowledge, but more harm as well, she supposed, now that she was as equally exposed to these unknown monsters as anyone else here.

Seziah couldn't bring herself to feel frightened, as it was an issue that had never touched her nor anyone she knew personally.

More than anything, she felt only intrigue. She had no intentions to travel anywhere further, herself, but if leaders were gathering, how would her people take it? Who would they even send? Where exactly would they be sent to? Would they condemn priests and priestesses to an excursion to the mainland when so many of them feared that traveling beyond Yael was disgraceful to their gods?

If there was a problem brewing among all the nations, one that had no resolution in sight if they remained divided, Seziah saw no issue with posing a more united front against the new threat... She was just so much less certain if putting their various races and various needs together could actually fix anything.

Would her nobles need to attend the gathering?

She wasn't yet especially familiar with Oban culture, but it seemed like if they had the time and money to resolve problems, they ought to help if requested... Though the family she served in particular did not strike her as the type who would consider laying down their lives. Or never mind 'laying down lives;' they were hardly the type to work at all. If it were up to her, she would-

Well, Seziah doubted there was much she could do, actually. If the muted whispers and wary looks were any indication, no one would even be likely to request her help to begin with.

And that was probably for the best. Someone like her, who still had so little information regarding current world happenings, did not need to stick her nose in the affairs of leader politics. She was only just now beggining to acclimate to life outside of Yael, so Seziah really had no business even having thoughts on what constituted the right path to take. The only thing she could do was hope that the issue was resolved before it did come to affect her on a more personal nature...

It was a concern, she thought. On Yael, there had been few people she'd cared about, perhaps only her mentors Diavel and Keyla. But here she had a whole house of nobles who trusted her enough to care for them. And, of course, the young man who she'd come to call friend.
