She sort of disappeared on her own terms, but he got a kiss out of it, so he couldn't complain, and he ran off to get to his own assignment. And he sprinted, because he really would be late if he didn't.

He was heading for the cafeteria much, much later, with his coat and scarf draped over his shoulder and the rest of him covered in sweat and dirt and dust. He didn't look tired at all, but he certainly felt it. It was like a workout after a brutal workout after a serious run; if he wasn't tired he would doubt that he was human at all.

With a sigh he pushed past the cafeteria doors and scanned the tables until he found her, and his face lit up with a little smile. He walked over and took a seat just across from her. "Hey you," he greeted, smile just a bit bigger. "I'd kiss you but..." and he gestured at himself and his current state of cleanliness.

She laughed softly up at him. "No worries, I understand. Eat, then you can get a shower... And we can discuss from there." She winked at him, lightly teasing. She slid a plate at him, before taking her own. As was often the case, he had a bigger portion. She relaxed back in her seat. "You look tired, babe."

She pondered, then got up, and went to get glasses of ice water, figuring he'd need something to drink after all that work, then came back and settled into her chair again. Lunch date... well, those words felt nice, and were hovering softly at the back of her head.

The wink got an amused huff out of him before he started digging into his plate. "I am," he said, frowning. "I mean I'm okay, just wish I knew they were gonna make me the 'hey move that concrete slab out of the way' guy before I did my workout this morning." He shrugged and took another bite of food.

When she got back with something to drink he gave a warm and very loving smile. "Less tired now that you're here so doin' better already," he said before taking a sip.

She frowned a little. "We need some freaking hot tubs here, I swear. Days like this, you could use that. Or a nice long bath." She thought about that, filing it away in her mind for when she looked into finding out about housing in towns.

His smile lit a small fire of happiness in her belly, and his words made it stronger. "Glad to know I can help. You need some rest, though, I'm thinking." She began eating herself, quietly, watching him as she did.

"Yeah, just not doing something very physical would be good right now." He took another sip of his drink before going back to his meal, a little quieter than normal. It was a mix of exhaustion and just feeling really gross that was bogging down his mood, though whenever he glanced up at Seren his couldn't not feel at least a little better. And it made him look forward to just crashing on her bed again.

"A hot tub's not a bad idea, though," he said finally once he emptied his plate. "You looking into houses in town or a miracle to fit it into your dorm?" He chuckled at the joke as he watched her work away at her food.

She snorted, an image flashing into her mind for a moment at the comment about physical activity, but all she said was "Then shower, and we can go lounge in my room if you want." She continued to eat, slow and relaxed.

His question had her eyebrows lifting in surprise. "Are you reading my mind, or what? Because yeah, I'm thinking about, maybe after I get my back done, looking into how one acquires a place in town."

"Shower and lounge, sounds like the ********' dream," he said with a laugh. "I'm all for it, babe."

At the mind-reading comment he shrugged, still smiling. "It's pretty much your only option, either that or save up and upgrade your room after you're promoted to a full hunter. Which takes less money but it's still in the dorms so I think the house is kinda the better option. Should probably talk to Joy since she lives in town?"

She smiles softly and nods. "That works for me. I'll head to my room once we're done, then, and wait while you shower."

She laughed softly and said "Yeah but... I hadn't said anything to you about the fact that I was thinkin' of more space." She shrugged a little, not minding that he'd guessed what was on her mind. "And I will, then. If I can avoid renting, I'd prefer it, but... If that's how it works, it is what it is."

He nodded and finished up his drink. "Renting, can probably figure things out better once you know what all your options are. Either way you're gonna be paying some kinda monthly charge, mortgage or rent or whatever." He rattled off for a while about all of that, and when he caught himself he cleared his throat, ears a little warm.

"I was cleaning up a house that got totally ******** up from the last time we got raided by some Halloween bastards and that was the topic."

She laughed softly, watching him as he talked about all of this. She was curious, honestly, and glad he had SOME ideas on how this worked. "Well then. I'll keep it in mind. It's all good to know." She reached over and brushed her fingers against him when she noticed the hint of his embarrassment. "I'll do more research, too. I'm not exactly rushing, after all. I have something else to worry about first."

She nodded quietly, and said "Hey. At least you got some useful information out of it, babe."

The point of contact was relieving, especially since he couldn't bring himself to do anything more affectionate right then. And it wasn't because he wasn't for PDA--he was if she was into it--but again, he was filthy. So he settled with just that for now and took her hand, giving it a little squeeze.

"Yeah. I wasn't planning on moving into town, but plans change." He shrugged then eyed her plate before nodding at it. "All done?"

She smiled as he held her hand, and gently caressed his palm with her thumb, her expression still quite soft as she gazed at him. She worked on finishing her plate, though, despite not actually feeling particularly hungry. She vaguely wondered if she was getting enough to eat lately, but didn't worry about it that hard. She was used to getting by on minimal food.

His comment had her brows raise a little, as she turned it over in her head. Was he implying he was considering moving with her if she did? She rather liked the thought and sound of that. His question, though, had her shoving her mostly empty plate away, and finishing her water. "Yeah, I'm done."

He eyed the plate again curiously and blinked at her as she downed her water. "You sure? I wasn't rushing you, just asking."

She looked surprised at him, then shrugged. "I'm fine. I'm full, promise, Rhys." She wasn't lying, she was pretty thoroughly full. Any more and she'd probably start feeling ill to her stomach. "Just not that hungry." She wasn't sure what else to say about it.

The brunette gave it a second before just letting it go with a nod. "If you're sure," he said as he moved to stand up. With his free hand he grabbed his coat and his scarf, and then looked around at all the crap that had shaken off of him while he was eating and was now on the floor.

"Cafeteria crew might hate me today," he said with a little snort.

She scraped the not too many leftovers into the trash, then dropped their dishes in the return pile, grateful he hadn't pushed. How the hell would she explain that she sometimes had trouble being hungry or wanting to eat? She then followed his gaze to the mess.

"Well that's a part of life here, now isn't it? Sometimes we just gotta deal with a ********' mess." She headed to the door, not worried about it.

That was true, so he just followed her to and eventually out the door and to the dorms. His muscles ached the entire way over, though he did his best not to show it. No sense in worrying Seren about it; aches and sores were an everyday thing for a weightlifter. He just needed a good rollout and possibly a massage and he'd be a fine. Or a hot bath...but that was obviously not happening.

When they made it to the dorms he got the door for her, then jabbed a thumb at the stairs. "See you in a bit," he said, then smiled and winked before turning and heading down to his dorm to grab some things for that shower.

She nodded, and headed to her room, saying "Enjoy your shower. I hope it eases some of the aches" as she went. She changed into a pair of yoga style pants for the sake of comfort, and a loose, comfortable tee, then settled onto her bed to read while she waited. She'd left the door cracked, so he could enter whenever he was ready, with no worries about knocking or anything.

The shower was quick and easy, but the after part seemed a little tricky. She said she didn't mind earlier though, so he didn't let it bother him too much. Instead he walked down the hall and to her room, emerging from the open door, still very wet and wearing nothing but his underwear and a towel.

"Hey, I left my PJs in here..." he said as he casually slipped inside the room.

She looked up, and blinked, a little startled, at the sight. She considered the situation, for a long moment, then nodded. "Cool. You need an extra towel? You're still pretty wet." She kept her eyes on his face, because she didn't want to be rude and stare, but she was enjoying what she could see in her peripheral vision.

"Nah," he said as he rifled through his bag for the pajama bottoms he'd been wearing earlier that morning. "Just gonna use this one once I get my-- there it is, the little s**t." With a grin he grabbed the pants, took the towel from around his waist and threw it over his shoulder before starting pull the pants on.

"All good now," he said has he toweled off his chest, smiling over at her.

"All right." She said calmly, enjoying the view of him before he got the pants on, still appearing to be looking at his face. After, she found her eyes drifting to look at his chest... His tattoo specifically. She did enjoy looking at it... Him in general, really, but the tattoo was such a beautiful piece of work. She studied the details she could see from her, a slight smile on her face.

"Yeah, I see that... Tell me, how much did that hurt?" She was curious how much pain tattoos caused.

She doubted it was on par with the belts that made her scars, but she was curious. The one part about getting a tattoo to cover those scars was her worry she might have an episode once the pain started.

His brows went up in question when she first asked, so he looked down and it clicked and he made an "o" shape with his mouth. "It honestly wasn't that bad," he said as he flopped down on the bed beside her. "The healing part just really sucked 'cause it's still sensitive. Should be better now that you've got a fear shield to help you."

She turned to face him when he was next to her, carefully reaching across him to put her book on her bedside table. "Mmmm good to know." She murmured thoughtfully. "I've heard over bone is the worst part, is that true?" She tilted her head to study the tattoo, her eyes tracing the patterns, much like she had the night he'd first shown her them, fascinated by all the details. It really was an amazing thing.

"How long did it take? Was it one session, or several?" She was curious, of course, because it would help her plan ahead. She found herself glad he was in her life for one more reason, on top of the many she already had, because she'd heard aftercare could be a lot of work... And with a back piece, she'd need help.

It wasn't the first time she'd asked about his tattoo, nor was it the first time she'd seen it, but there was something to be said about this...whatever it was...helping to keep him comfortable while she studied it pretty up close and personal. "Over the bone is probably the worst, yeah, but they say the worst places to get one are different for guys and girls. I looked it up and spine is on both lists..."

"Took a while, sessions over around six months?" And he pointed at what he got in what order, though the symbolism for all of it he'd save for if or when she asked.

She nodded, softly, considering it, then slowly lay back next to him. "Thanks for telling me. I want to be fully aware of what I need to prepare my head for." She looked up at the ceiling, and added "Some time you should tell me about it all, but only when you want to, yeah?" softly. Once again, not going to push or demand. His comfort level mattered more here than her curiosity.

"Anytime," he replied while starting to towel dry his hair. And then she asked so he smiled softly and turned to face her so she could see what he was pointing at. "It's not really a secret so I can tell you. Just might be a lot of just me talking..."

Rhys gave a sheepish sort of smile before clearing this throat and pointing at the moon and sun on his chest, right over his heart. "This sun and moon are my parents. The moon is my dad, the sun is my mom. I wanted a tribute to them to remember them and to remember that they're always with me..."

She shifted to watch him as he talked, her eyes following where he pointed. His words earned a soft, if wistful smile. She was glad to know that whatever else had happened, he'd had loving parents at some point. She nodded a little, taking in the details anew, then said "That's... a wonderful thing to have close to your heart." quietly, her eyes going back to his. "A good choice for such a symbol."

He smiled, if a bit weak, at her words. There was a tiny part of him that was bitter about his parents leaving him as soon as they did, but the tribute was to remind him of at least the times he had with his dad, and that he had a mom that gave birth to him.

Next, he pointed at a series of twisting patterns, still on his chest. "These represent loyalty. When I got it, that loyalty was to me, to remember that I had to look out for myself and my best interests and even my dreams because no one else would. Sounds selfish when I say it, but it motivated me."

She followed the patterns with her eyes, a thoughtful look on her face, and nodded quietly. "No, it's hardly selfish... It's rare to find someone else who will in this world. I know that too well." She shrugged softly, and looked back into his eyes. "If it helped you stay strong, that's all that matters."

He was always blown away by how supportive she always was with him, and he really had to pause and scoot and lean down so he could give her a kiss for it. It was quick though and he scooted back so she could see it all again.

He pointed out another portion of the intricate design on his chest and explained that it was a lucky charm to ward off evil--which he said with a wry smile. "I was seeing shadows and I thought it would help." And then he went on to the bit on his bicep next and explained its symbolism of strength and bravery, and then the stylized lion on his shoulder that represented the same thing.

"And then the rest is style and filler...the guy who did it was really good."

She blinked, startled by the kiss, but smiling softly, wondering what it was about. She understood, after all, the need to be loyal to one's self first, in a world out to ******** one up. She might not be good at doing it, but she understood it. She refocused on his tattoo, though, still listening.

"The damn shadows... But yeah, I can understand that. If I had something I thought would have driven them away, I'd have been willing to carve it into my own skin to make it work..." She made a face, softly, remembering the basement, and the shadows in the corners. "So yeah. I totally understand that one." She nodded to the charm, then refocused on the other too. She chuckled a little at the repeated symbolism, wondering if he felt the need to reinforce it.

"Yeah, I can see he was. If it wasn't for the fact that we got Kai setting up shop here, I'd be tempted to find a way to patronize your guy myself."

And more support for his decisions--not that he really needed anyone to validate his tattoo or any other choices, but it was nice to have someone in his corner for once--up until the very end. He scooted and leaned down to kiss her again, lingering just a bit longer this time.

"I'd point you in his direction if I still knew where he was," he eventually said with an apologetic frown. "But yeah, good we've got Kai."

She sighed into the kiss, her eyes half closing, glad he was there, glad to just be close to him. When he finally broke the kiss, she sighed softly, tilting her head to listen to him, the smile she wore with him only on her face.

"Mmmm yeah. Someday we might actually have a decent amount of services on this island... At least we have people bringing some in."

He nodded before sliding out of the bed and hanging his towel up by the window like he'd done the last time. "Can't imagine what it was like before the bar, even if I don't really go there," he said as he walked back to where his PJs had been to grab the shirt.

He paused, though, and turned back to look at her, blinking. "Did you wanna keep looking?" Whether he meant at him or his tattoo, he left up to her to interpret. He was smirking, though.

She blinked a little, and nodded. "Never been. It's owned by that angry Rep dude, right?" She shook her head, thinking about his irritating behaviors on Twitter, and wondered if he was just as angry in person. She'd never directly dealt with the man that she recalled, in the real world. "Hope we get more restaurants eventually, though."

She had been watching him, enjoying the view, when he asked that, and she blushed, red at the question. "Put your shirt on and come back to bed, dork. I just wanna snuggle now."

He had to laugh at the way she blushed at his question, then slipped into his shirt before getting back to the bed. "You know you're pretty ********' cute when you're all pink like that." He chuckled and he slid into the spot beside her. "But yeah, restaurants. Could go for a place that sells killer burgers..."

He squinted at the phrasing. "Really good burgers, know what I mean."

She couldn't help blushing more when he called her cute, and she fanned her cheeks a little, trying to cool them off. "Keep that up and I might spontaneously combust someday." She gently teased, despite the blushing. "Yeah... Or a place that does Thai food would be nice." She had mouthwatering memories of the one time she had gotten to try Thai food. It had rocked her world.

She paused, blinked, then laughed at his phrasing, leaning to kiss him. "Silly man."

He chuckled and happily kissed her, his hand finding her cheek so he could keep her close for a beat longer. "I could just take a picture so you don't burn up too much?"

And he settled in, arms around her so she could snuggle in as much as she wanted. "New York had some pretty good Chinese, too, so add that to the list..."

She laughed a little, and said "If you truly wish to take a photo of me looking ridiculously red, feel free. I have no idea why that would be cute but if you like it... Well then I'm glad."

She happily snuggled into him, closing her eyes for the moment, just enjoying being there, present and safe. "Mmm never got to try good Chinese food. Just the cheap dollar crap sold near my high school. Bet it's good though."

"Everything about you is either beautiful, cute, or everything in between, baby," came his reply, just loud enough so she could hear him. He sighed contentedly as she snuggled in, feeling beyond lucky and thankful that he was there, and she was in his arms and everything about their little world was safe and comfortable and loving.

"And the Chinese food I'm talking about was dirt cheap but still crazy good. We can figure out how to get it when we go on leave..."

Her eyes widened at that rather, to her mind, incredible statement. How the hell did he do that? Take the things she didn't believe anyone would consider her, like beautiful, and just calmly tell her she was... And in his eyes, was completely. It was an incredible feeling, and unnerving to boot. She had no idea how to respond to that verbally, so she did the one thing she knew how to do when he did that to her... She kissed him, soft and warm and loving... The way he kept making her feel.

When she broke the kiss finally, she said "Sounds like another good plan for a leave day, yeah."

The kiss was a surprise, but one that he happily sank into. He felt there was something more behind it, some thoughts or feelings she couldn't tell him any other way, but there they were. It wasn't long before that feeling was as plain as day to him, and all with this one kiss. When she broke it and agreed to planning yet another leave he only nodded, eyes fixed on hers for a long moment. Those words were hanging right off the tip of his tongue again...

She softly sighed, and smiled, love and happiness in it. "You make me feel beautiful. No one else ever has. I don't know how you do it." She finally figured out a way to say some of it, at least. She might not ever be able to say how hard it was to look in a mirror, but she could at least admit this.

When she spoke he felt his chest tighten just a bit, concern and confusion pulling his lips down into a small frown. "Didn't your ex ever say anything like that to you? 'Cause you are beautiful, babe, and it's more than just about the way you look."

Her eyes widened again at his words, and she froze for a moment, trying to figure out how to answer that. Finally she said, softly "Terri and Mical were... not the best with words, I guess? I... sometimes they'd say it, but it never... It never felt like it had the... seriousness it does with you. It more felt like something they said because it's what one says to a partner." She found herself closing her eyes, pressing her face against his chest, trembling a little as she tried to continue. "I mean... we were... 15, 16..." His words overwhelmed her so much, but they felt so good.

How did he keep doing this to her?

He sighed heavily as she pressed into him, arms around her tightening just enough so she knew that he was there, and that he wasn't going anywhere. He understood what she meant about words just being said, though for reasons of his own. And the more she revealed about her past the more he wanted to protect her from all of it, because it was lonely and it hurt and things were just...hard.

"Good thing I'm not 15, I guess," he said as he looked down at her, reaching up with one hand to stroke her hair. "'Cause I am serious." There was a pause, as if the thought was unfinished but he left it hanging on purpose.

She slowly managed to regain control of her actions, though his comment about being serious almost undid her again. She took a few deep breaths, then lifted her head to gaze into his eyes, before softly saying "So am I." She smiled a little, and even though it trembled some from the nerves and emotions she was working to control, it stayed on her face, and was filled with how much he meant to her.

He gazed lovingly back into her eyes, wanting to do at least that much if he couldn't outright say exactly how he felt about her and what she meant to him. There was a small hope that she already knew or felt it whenever they had moments like this, but he knew at some point he'd actually have to say those words.

For now he leaned down for a kiss, currently the best and only way he knew to express these feelings. It was soft and slow, tender as his hand found her cheek to gently pull her in closer.

His expression made her eyes shine, bright with the joy and love he was filling her with from his expression. Maybe he wasn't saying the words, but she could feel it, and for now, that was all she needed. He made her feel so safe and happy, it was overpowering.

She leaned into the kiss, not needing much from him to slide in closer to him, her arms settling around him. In the back of her head, she thought maybe they'd need to figure out words soon, but for now, in this moment, words were very unnecessary.

Words weren't necessary, but his head was swirling with thoughts about what more he could do for her as her arms went around him. Gradually he shifted gears, his kisses deepening only slightly, waiting to see how she responded. It was maybe the first time he noticed that he wanted a little more of her in that moment, a little urge that had been slowly building each time they shared moments like this.

She kissed back, mmm'ing softly, enjoying this, and his actions, more than happy to let him take the lead in this. She didn't know what his goal was, but she trusted him. Her eyes were closed in the comfort, and she just stayed close, soft and willing against him for whatever his plans were.

It wasn't the first time he wound up hovering over her, propped up on one arm while his free hand wandered down until it settled on her hip. She was all that was on his mind really, her and that feeling that was still building...and he knew what it was and that he had to draw the line soon. That had always been the case, drawing that line and never crossing it so nobody got hurt. But with Seren...

He really didn't want to stop for once.

She slowly opened her eyes as they kissed, gazing up at him, her fingers sliding to rest on his cheek. All she wanted was to make him happy, the way he made her. Whatever he wanted from her, she was more than willing to give him in this moment. In most moments, really, but here and now, it was stronger then ever.

She wondered what he was thinking, though. The feeling of his hand on her hip made her shiver softly, and her lips part a little against his.

Her parted lips were an invitation he gladly accepted. As if on cue the hand on her hip wandered up and slipped under her shirt, brushing against her back as he got lost in the kiss. It was only when he needed to take a breath again that he paused, forehead against hers and eyes closed as he tried to sort out everything that was going on. He was serious about her and he wanted her to be happy as well, to offer more of himself than he'd ever offered anyone else before...

It was a risk he wasn't sure he wanted to take, and not because he was scared of getting hurt. Now, more than anything else he was scared that she would be the one to get hurt, and that was the last thing he ever wanted to do.

Seren shivered at the feeling of his hand on her bare back. It was one thing when it was through her shirt, but bare skin was a very different feeling, and she both relished it and felt unnerved by it, because she was still shy about her back, even when she trusted him with her secret.

When he broke the kiss, she sighed softly, smiling up at him with all the love she felt for him in it. "You ok, babe?" She murmured to him, fingers softly caressing the skin of his cheek.

Her voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he leaned into her touch, opening his eyes slowly as he sighed. "I'm fine, baby," he murmured right back as he looked into her eyes. He hid the loneliness and frustration he felt behind a loving gaze, and he smiled softly before leaning in for another kiss. "Just tired and suddenly feeling it again..."

She blinked, and then looked concerned for him. "You worked hard, I'm not surprised... Come on, lay down... Rest, babe. I'll be here when you wake." She shifted back, her hand dropping to her side. Her eyes were filled with the love she felt for him, and the concern for his health.

That smile brightened some as he shifted and moved to lay beside her, quickly making himself comfortable. It was strange, experiencing what it was like to love and be loved. He'd been on his own for so long so it was strange but welcoming to have someone genuinely concerned for him the way Seren always was.

"Thanks," he whispered as he snuggled close to her. "I'll be here too, if you wake up before me."

"Sleep, Rhys. You need it." She snuggled in, and held him as she closed her eyes, allowing herself to drift off in the safety and happiness of the moment with him. She slept long and well in his arms, more than happy to have the man she loved at her side.