randonimity -
Brittney had tried to get out of this duty. She'd done everything from offering sexual favors to switching it with the s**t-scooping chore and yet for some unknown reason, no one would let her get out of kitchen duty. Ugh, she really, really didn't want to be here, wearing ******** rubber gloves and an ugly-a** hairnet and this really uncomfortable smock and ugly-a** crocs. Her sole consolation? She was nigh unrecognizable for the most part and could easily blend in with the others doing food prep, slaving away either over heavy duty stoves, or standing in front of sinks piled high with stuff that needed washing.

God this was such a s**t show, Britt turned on her heels to ditch except she had to run into someone. "Ah ******** -
Seren's brows rose, as she found herself practically in make out range of some one else's face. She'd just been entering to get to work, and this definitely wasn't her idea of how to get Kitchen Duty done. And then her face registered who she was so close to, and her brows snapped together, annoyed. "I'm assuming you've got kitchen duties too, so would you kindly go on in, and get to work, and get the ******** outta the way?"

She felt no need to mince words with this woman, honestly, and if she offended the other, well tough titty, kitty.
randonimity -
Brittney wasn't the least bit offended by the words or the sharp tones. She'd been trying to ditch and got caught, she was going to accept the consequences. What really got her goat was that she failed to get her a** outta there at all. "Yeah, yeah, whatever Nigella." She would have gone with Martha Stewart but in Britt's opinion, Martha was a stone-cold b***h and was therefore cool and admirable in her own horrible way. Also she did prison so that was extra hard-core.

"I would feel sorry for the ******** who gotta ******** shove whatever s**t I make into their mouths. But I tried swapping outta this chore and no one would agree. Their funeral."
Aria -
"Why the ******** you calling me Nigella? Ain't my name." Seren said, baffled, clearly not getting the reference in the least. She stalked past the other girl, and moved over to the cooking space. "And if you can't cook, then ********' do some dishes. It's easy, and you can't spoil any of the food that way. It's not ******** hard." She rolled her eyes at the other woman, as she eyed the menu for tonight, and began to get ingredients that Didn't match the listed recipe, to a degree. "The ******** is wrong with this recipe? No wonder food in this damn caf sucks. They don't know s**t about food." She glowered at it, and quite literally balled the recipe up and threw it in the trash.

She then began to gather non-food supplies, looking like she wasn't thrilled, but also was comfortable with what she was doing.
randonimity -
"Jeez, live under a ******** rock or something? And Nigella Lawson's ******** hot and a total MILF, ain't like I referenced ******** Julia Child or some other old floppy-skinfolded hag." Britt snorted, but she did head for the sink as strongly suggested. She wasn't going to subject herself to the horrors of ******** food up and getting blamed for giving people food poisoning.

She set to work grabbing a greasy pan while trying to drown out the rest of the kitchen. But it was a hard thing to do what with her general disdain for the chore that she would look for any excuse to do anything else. So Seren's complaints about the recipe had her remarking "You sure it's the recipe's fault?"
Aria -
"How about I been in a pod for who knows how long? And no, I don't know, I ain't asked, and I don't care. I've been out for like a ******** month. Hot chicks are great and all, I'll look her up later, though I'm not usually one for the MILFs, but I still have no clue who the ******** she is. Given you mentioned Child, though, I'm going to assume she has something to do with cooking." Seren didn't say that she only knew Child because her mother had had the cookbook.

She pulled out a big ******** cleaver, and began to chop beef with the rapidity of some one comfortable with meat cleavers. She was making neat, even cuts, too.

"You damn bet it's the recipe's fault. The ******** they thinking, claiming a beef stir fry'll be any good with just some salt and pepper, and the teensiest amount of soy sauce? If they're lucky, it'll be bland! If they're unlucky, it'll be a ******** salty disaster!"
randonimity -
"Oooh, like little miss Unicornhair here's the only one who'd been podded for a long-a** time," Brittney snorted, "And Nigella's in her fifties, ain't like she's some c**k-thirsty ratings whore from one of those bullshit cooking reality shows. She's OG legit," Britt's attempts at sounding thug and edgy was cringe-worthy at best but given what she was wearing and what she was doing, she really didn't give a rat's a** about being cringe-worthy.

Hearing Seren sound like she actually knew what the ******** she was talking about from personal experience versus Brittney's knowledge gained through television-osmosis, it made the Moon want to needle her a little bit more. "What if the whole point of this caf is to be a complete ******** s**t-stain on the face of culinary experience?" it was stupid as it was wrong, but hell, it gave Brittney something to do beside ruin her skin with dirty dishwater.
Aria -
Seren gave Britt a long, unimpressed look over her shoulder, before refocusing on her work. "You sound like the Jackass Wanna Be Cholos from my high school. I'm so underimpressed. And seriously, stop wasting time. Those dishes wont wash themselves, and I'm pretty sure they wont be lettin' you off the hook for not doin' yer damn job." She just kept working, ignoring the part about unicorn hair, and Nigella's age, not ready to discuss anything regarding that issue.

"Congratulations on a theory that is about as logical as Trickle Down Economics. AKA Not ******** logical at all. And even if it was the case, ******** them. They shouldn't send some one who knows how to ******** cook in here if they don't want us to do so." She finished chopping the meat, and swung the knife into rest, the silver of the blade glittering in the light, before she set it down with unexpected care. She then pulled out an onion, and added "More reason to watch your dishes. If you react to onions, the water'll help prevent it." She wasn't worried about it, for herself, but if she could get the other woman to do her damned job this way, it was a bonus.
randonimity -
"Puh-lease, my theoretical d**k's big enough that I don't need to get into a pissing contest with those losers," Brittney barked in laughter, amused at the very idea of who she was being compared to. "And I am, maaaaaa~" the syllable intentionally prolonged to a grating nasal whine that made Fran Drescher sound like she had the most dulcet of tones. She splashed at the water to exaggerate the whole scrubbing because ******** yeah was she going to do her job even if she was going to complain the entire ******** time.

The subject of onions was brought up and had Brittney quirking a brow, "How's water gonna stop an allergic reaction? Or do you mean while you're going all chainsaw massacre on that s**t?"
Aria -
"Doesn't mean you don't sound like one of them." She went to a different sink, and handwashed the knife she'd been using with care, before drying it off, making sure there was no chances of snags from the cloth, or nicks in the blade. She'd been taught early how to handle a knife. It was not a lesson she would forget. Her shoulders twitched for a moment at that thought. "And please. You're probably older then me." She rolled her eyes at the other woman, wondering how someone could be so damn immature.

"Allergic reaction? If you've an onion allergy, then it wont do a damn thing. I'm talking about the tears thing. The water helps disperse a chemical that gets in the air, which is what make the tearing reacion occur. It's n ot perfect, nor 100% preventative, but the water does help."(edited)
randonimity -
"So ******** what if I'm older than you? You're the one acting all nag-queen mcmom-face," she declared in signsong, purposefully elbowing the other hunter washing at the sink beside her. "Ain't she? I'm right, aren't I?" She turned back to her dishes without waiting for the other hunter's reaction. (It was a relieved one when it became clear Brittney wasn't really looking to engage them.)

On the subject of onions, "You oughta chew gum, then," Brittney snorted, "Only useful thing I ********' learned from my ******** dad before the deadbeat s**t-stain decided he was done with my useless sad-sack ma." She may have a tendency to use profanity in an endearing manner but it was clear in the venom and malice of her voice that there was no way she felt anything positive for her parents.
Aria -
She rolled her eyes more and peeled the onions, before chopping them, once again with the practiced hand that lent itself to speed. "I'm actin' like you sound like a five year old wanting to sound like a Tough Adult. Big Baby, I swear to all the gods that ever where." She didn't react to the onions, not caring about it.

"I don't know anything about gum affecting onions. I don't know about your horrible parents. I don't talk about parents." Her voice went from the not super caring voice of before to straight on Cold, Dead, and emotionless. "Parents can go hop off cliffs for all I care."
randonimity -
Britt gave a bark of laughter, "Suuuuuuure, keep telling me how much you doooooon't care and aren't at all affected by how I act and sound~ There's some Shakespeare bullshit quote about that, or maybe even a dumbass internet meme, ******** if there's a difference, insert it here for all you ~don't care~"

And for all of Britt's mouth and attitude, she did pick up on the distinct shift in Seren when the topic came to parents. The moon had her own issues with her parents, but while she could pick at her own issues like a scab, there were things she didn't want drama to stem from. Which was why she went on to declare, "Fine, since you don't care about parents or my gutter-filled, trash-bag, bottom-sucking garbage fire pretending to be my vocabulary, you wanna move onto some s**t that you do? Because boring-a** chores get done faster when you're distracted by some other s**t."
Aria -
"If you mean 'Methinks she doth protest too much', you can take your BritLit classes and shove them where the sun don't shine" Was all Seren said in response to that, as she began to put the onions in a pan with the beef. She added some olive oil, some garlic powder and some chili powder, and a measure of lime juice, then put it on the stove to heat.

Seren was actually slightly grateful to the s**t talking woman for her not pushing on the parents issue. She might like Britt, but the woman had the decency to not go there. "You like stars at all, or is that just some boring a** thing to you too?" She offered, trying to give the other woman something in return for that small piece of respect.
randonimity -
"Ooooh kinky~ didn't figure you for the fisting type," the laughter was genuine, "Although you should wait until I get lubed up first. Only so much can fit up my a** before it needs help."

The hunter beside Brittney had the most brilliant shade of red on their face.

"We talking about the twinkly balls of gases here, right?" She glanced over her shoulder, gave the other woman's hair another stare and went "They're pretty, and make ******** backdrop for hot-and-heavy ******** -
Seren gave Britt a LONG look, then said "Sorry, sugarplum, you're not quite to my tastes. I like my ladies with a bit more TnA going on. But I appreciate the offer." If she was gonna go there, Seren could take this and run with it. "I'm sure you'll find a hot ******** soon, though, I hear there's plenty of single c**k and p***y around."

She could be sweet and polite. She could also be filthy if she wanted.

"Yeah, we are. My main hobby is studying them, so... Yeah." She shrugged, and laughed at the other comment. "Can't argue with that. A nice ******** under the stars can be quite a joy."
randonimity -
"Hey no prob, I know I can be a hard ride to handle. Not everyone's got the right stuff," Brittney flipped her ponytail, or rather she reached a wet hand to flip her ponytail until she remembered "******** hairnet and health codes ruining my moves."

She muttered that last bit beneath her breath before continuing, "So what exactly do you study them? Like what about them? Their size? Their girth? Please don't be about that bullshit astrology nonsense," she groaned.
Aria -
"Mmm I got plenty of the right stuff, just a different set of tastes. What can I say?" She sighed and stretched, letting her figure show off a little, then went back to working on the meat she was frying up for people. "And right? I hate these things but at the same time, ******** hair in the food. It's just GROSS."

Seren snorted at all of that. "******** no. Astrology my sweet a**. No. Before life decided to give me the D up the a**, I was hoping to be an astrophysicist. Basically, sure studying the size... And how they came to be made, and all kinds of other stuff about what stars are and do and the hows." She sounded quite serious, but also passionate about them.
randonimity -
"Oh? You had to drop out of college too?" Brittney blinked in surprise, most Asians she'd met before had been all about school. So while hearing Seren had taken a course that was pretty esoteric (in Britt's opinion) didn't surprise her, that the Sun trainee didn't get to continue with her studies did. It was a rather big surprise that caused Brittney to inadvertently admit something she felt ashamed about herself.
Aria -
Seren winced and lowered her head as she turned the meat over. Britt would ask her about that, making her talk about something she found so uncomfortable. "I... no. I didn't make it to college..." She said, sounding like she was struggling with the pain this question caused her, trying to hide it but failing. "I had to... drop out of high school when I was 16. I already knew, then, what I wanted... And maybe if life had gone differently, I could have done it... I had the grades, I had a chance at a scholarship, but... No."
randonimity -
Britt fell silent at this discovery, which worried the hunter washing dishes beside her but who cares about them? The moon trainee ruminated over her own situation for a while before finally saying "That s**t sucks, and I hope the ******** that caused it got a rusty chainsaw up their diseased ridden cuntholes and or a**-shafts. And better that you had the chance and deserved it rather than never having the balls or the brains to hack it."
Aria -
"The individuals in question were... not pleasant people, but for the sake of the innocent individual they were raising, I would rather they be protected until he reached adulthood." The closest she would come with some one she wasn't even sure she wanted to talk to again, let alone like, to saying it was her parents, or that her brother deserved a better life then she had gotten. "I doubt you were dumb. I suspect you were, like many, just not suited for the College form of intelligence. College is not the only way to be smart."
randonimity -
"Ha, nah, I was a dumb ******** then. Still a dumb ******** now but this time, I got the muscle to get other dumb ******** to back off and not ******** with me," Brittney declared with misplaced pride. "Brains were never my thing. I let someone else handle tough s**t like that for me."
Aria -
She laughed at that, and sighed. "My experience of schools is that they make people who aren't so called 'up to par' think that way about themselves, and push them to the sides for the supposedly smart kids." Her voice was a little tired as she worked on the food. "But if you found a way that works for you, then good."
randonimity -
"Some of the supposedly smart kids needed muscles, which I happily provided. I kept her safe, she kept my ******** parents off my case. Everybody wins," Britt grinned, refraining from elaborating on what happened afterwards because she was going to get to the bottom of things one way or another and didn't want to risk anyone finding out.
Aria -
"As long as you guys did good together, that was what mattered." Seren nodded, and eyed the food she was cooking, then pulled the huge pan carefully off the stove, before putting it into the large chafing style dishes that was used to put the food out for people to serve themselves from. "Well, it looks like my task is done... What about you?"
randonimity -
Brittney stared at the ******** ton of dishes and kitchen ware left, "******** me with my own fist, did this s**t-pile get bigger?" she glared at the hunter who'd been washing beside her. Only to realize they'd left. Well ********. "Go on outta here. I'm gonna try and drown my hands in the meantime."
Aria -
Seren looked at her, and instead walked over to help with the dishes. "Naw, it ain't fair that little s**t left on you. It'll be done faster if there's two sets of hands. Let's get this s**t done... And fisting yourself sounds like a bad plan, sugartits, you might pull something."
randonimity -
The moon quirked a brow before scooting over to give Seren room. The smirk she gave the sun was a grateful one, even if she didn't say the words. "I dunno, it sounds like something people'd pay top money to watch. Maybe I oughta limber up enough, or do a dislocating shoulder thing. Whaddya think?"
Aria -
"Don't think there's enough of a payin' audience on this island who would... You'd have to use your leave days to make it work out as a gig." She got to work scrubbing, and between them, soon teh pots and pans, and other dishes were washed and left on the drying rack for the next shift to use or put away at need. "Well, that was an interesting conversation, but I think I'm off. I want to get a run in. Later." She gave the other woman a slight smile, and was gone.