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The Teymourian Family ~ Accepted *Updated, OWLs+NEWTs added*

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Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:12 pm
First post needs age updating to match the profiles -kiska


The Teymourian family is well-off Iranian wizarding family that emigrated to the UK in the late 1970s, just before the revolution. The then-head of the family, Mehrdad, was a popular jeweller and metalworker back in his home city of Abadan (having learned the trade from his own father) and he continued his business in Brighton where they settled, which he passed down to his son Bijan before he retired. Bijan had hoped that his son Jamshid (a squib) would also continue the family business, but considered him a disgrace and after disowning him, he took an apprentice who would eventually marry his daughter.

                    xFAMILY TREE :xx
                        Bijan Teymourian, 80 (NPC)
                        x♥ Arezoo Miladi, 74 (NPC)
                        xxx ↳ Jamshid Teymourian, 53 (disowned)
                        xxxxxx → Maisie Teymourian, 23
                        xxx↳ Azar Teymourian, 48 (NPC)
                        xxxxxx♥ Farhad Abbasi, 51 (NPC)
                        xxxxxxxx↳ Hamid Abbasi, 25 (in the Abbasi family thread)
                        xxxxxxxx↳ Kimia Abbasi, 21 (in the Abbasi family thread)

              ♥ - Married
              ↳ - Child
              → - Adopted

UPDATED: 18/5/2022 (Summer 2056)

[Jamshid 10/9/17][Maisie 1/7/19]

ACCEPTED BY: ❝Yukitty❞ 10/9/17
PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:13 pm

User Image

                    NAME: Jamshid Teymourian
                    NICKNAME: n/a
                    GENDER: Male
                    AGE: 53
                    BIRTHDATE: August 17th, 2003
                    RESIDENCE: Aberdeen, Scotland
                    LANGUAGES: English, Farsi, Arabic, Spanish, Hindi (passable)
                    ACCENT: Faint Glaswegian accent [x]

                    BLOOD STATUS: Squib

                    BLOOD TYPE: O+
                    HAIR: Black
                    EYES: Brown
                    COMPLEXION: Tanned
                    HEIGHT: 6' 1" (1.85m)
                    NOTABLE FEATURES: Many small scars on his arms

                    FACE-CLAIM: Pej Vahdat

              xxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxx
                    ATTENDED: Brighton College
                    CLASS OF: 2021 (dropped out)

                    BEST CLASSES:

                    WORST CLASSES:

                    GCSE SCORES:
                        Accounting: A*
                        Arabic: A
                        Biology B
                        Chemistry: B
                        English: A
                        History: C
                        ICT: A*
                        Maths: A
                        Nutrition: A*
                        Physics: A

                        Accounting: B
                        Maths: C
                        Physics: D
                        ICT: D

                    CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Chef and owner of Khatami Restaurant
                    DREAM JOB: None

                        ↳ Smart:
                            Jamshid was always to figure things out and was quick to make connections. While he doesn't have the best memory when it comes to facts, he could still retain information pretty well. However, he prefers not to show it as he considers it better and safer for people to underestimate him.

                        ↳ Stubborn:
                            Jamshid had always been stubborn although he showed it more when he grew older as it used to be overshadowed by his sense of duty to his family. Now however, if he wants to do something, very few things short of very strong words and physical harm can stop him, especially since criticisim would only make him more determined to do what he wants.

                        ↳ Pragmatic:
                            Jamshid had always been taught to do what he had to do to succeed by his father, and now that he's older, he knows that everyone would have to make a hard decision at some point. Sure, it had led him to do some things that he's not proud of but he doesn't dwell on them, but it was also this trait that helped him leave.

                        ↳ Protective:
                            Jamshid cared for his sister deeply and took his parents' orders to protect her seriously, which was why being disowned hurt him so much. Now that he is responsible for Maisie, he treats her like his daughter, doting on her and protecting her. He is almost over-protective, but given what had happened to her and them running, he believes he has the right to be overprotective.

                        ↳ Proud:
                            Jamshid used to take pride in his family name, like he'd been taught, but he also had a sense of personal pride that he still retained after his disownment. Back when he was still a criminal, he was good at his job and took pride in his skills (to his current shame), and even now, he still takes pride in his cooking as he considers it to be one good skill that he has.

                        ↳ Quick-Tempered:
                            Jamshid had always been temperamental, which combined with his pride and stubbornness, lead to some fights, especially during his later years at school. As an adult, he's learned to tone it down, but he can still lose his temper quickly.

                        ↳ Reticent:
                            Having been a criminal, Jamshid knows that value of information and especially given his current situation and past with his family, he does not open up to people and barely ever speaks about himself because not only would it be uncomfortable but also dangerous for him and Maisie. It doesnt help that his pride was sting when his prents practically threw him out.

                        Is a very good cook
                        Is smart and can figure things out quickly

                        Has a quick temper
                        Is very stubborn

                        Maisie and Thor
                        Working in peace

                        Cats and birds
                        Unsalted food
                        Being forced to do anything
                        Too nosy people
                        Biased referees


                        Losing Maisie
                        Having his past catch up to him

                        Jamshid is the first child and the only son of Bijan Teymourian, a renowned jeweller, and his wife Arezoo Miladi. He was raised to be a dutiful and well-behaved child, and he was expected to take care of his younger sister Azar and follow their family traditions, inheriting his father's jewellery business in the future. For a while, things were fine, although as Jamshid got older, he was put under pressure and endured the disappointment from his family when he failed to show signs of magic, unlike Azar, leading the family to suspect that he was a squib; their suspicions were confirmed when his 11th birthday passed without a letter from Hogwarts. Despite his lack of magic, Jamshid's parents (mostly his father) still expected him to take over the family business, albeit the muggle side of it, and so sent him to a prestigious muggle boarding school to continue his education.

                    SCHOOL YEARS:
                        At his boarding school, Jamshid experienced freedom from the burden of expectations placed on him for the first time. He finally got to interact with other people his age without his parents' supervision and disapproval and made friends with quite a bit of people. At first, he was a model student, staying out of trouble and studying hard, keeping in mind his family's reputation depended on his behaviour in front of people (something drilled into him by his father), but as the years went by, the differences between his upbringing and those of his peers became very apparent, especially after he came back home during the holidays. This caused friction between him and his parents as he (in a bid to 'fit in' better) began to emulate his classmates in behaviour, to his parents' horror. They considered the school and the people on it to have a bad influence on their son and put him under more pressure to meet their expectations; they even considered pulling him out of the school and warned Azar to not act like 'a disgrace' like her brother. This resulted in fights during nearly every school break as despite his sense of duty to his family, Jamshid refused to leave the school and let go of his friends and he was hurt by their attempts to distance him and his sister, causing the house to be in a constantly tense state.

                        Partly because of all the stress and partly to get back at his parents, Jamshid began to act out: he talked back to teachers, started drinking and partying, and even engaged in some minor vandalism. He began to fall in with the 'wrong crowd' and soon, it wasn't unusual to him smoking in a secluded corner with other delinquents and sneaking off in the middle of the night. While he did really well in his GCSEs, Jamshid flunked his AS-Levels badly and when he returned home after his results came out, the years of tension and stress culminated in one huge fight that resulted in his father disowning him and kicking him out of the house at the age of 17. With no more support from his family and lacking the funds to continue his expensive tuition fees, Jamshid dropped out of school before he could complete his A-Levels.

                        Using his meager savings, Jamshid stayed at a small, dilapidated hostel while he worked odd jobs to earn some money, all the while avoiding going anywhere near his former home or family; he even stopped using his last name and started using a fake one to dissociate himself from his former family. However, after six months, things weren't working out and he was becoming desperate. He'd run through his savings, his jobs were barely making any money and he was on the verge of getting kicked out of the hostel into the freezing winter weather. Just before he lost hope, he encountered a man named that said he could help. Andy, having seen that Jamshid was desperate, offered to help with expenses for the next month in return for some favours, and while Jamshid was suspicious and wary, he knew he couldn't refuse, and so he swallowed his pride and accepted Andy's offer.

                        At first, Andy only had Jamshid do small errands, like deliver messages and money to certain people, and then he had him deliver some small packages. Jamshid wasn't stupid, he knew what he was doing was shady and was probably illegal, especially if the packages contained what he suspected, but at this point, he was beyond caring; it paid him enough to have food and shelter and that was all he cared about. As more time passed, Andy decided that Jamshid was trustworthy enough to be introduced to his boss, who was in charge of the entire operation. His work ethic and ability keep his head down and not ask questions caused the boss to look at Jamshid favourably, causing him to bring Jamshid into the fold. Jamshid became more and more involved. He was eventually 'promoted' and was sent by his bosses to Glagow where the operation was run by some criminal gang. Jamshid didn't care much, having become apathetic to the general state of his life; he was only grateful that his bosses provided him with a steady source of income, especially Andy, whom he credited with getting him out of the mess that he had been in.

                        By the time he was 33, Jamshid was a prominent member of the gang and had been involved in a multitude of crimes including theft, drug-dealing, extortion and once, even murder. While he hated doing them (after actually killing a man who tried to avoid paying his debt, he fond himself washing his hands for weeks), he considered it a necessity with his job. Even though he had never imagined that his life could have turned out like this, and while he had regrets, Jamshid wasn't exactly satisfied with his life, but he was at peace with it; that is until he found a little girl running through one of the warehouses that he was inspecting. At first, he thought that the child was lost and found her way into the place by accident as he'd never seen children involved in any of their work, but upon closer inspection, it seemed to be otherwise. The girl, who looked barely four years old, was dirty and covered scratches, was flinching at every noise and tried to escape from his grasp when he caught hold of her. Suspicions aroused, Jamshid calmed her down and took her to his house, a moderately-sized apartment that he could now afford. He cleaned the girl up, feeding her and asking her about her family, hoping to reunite them. After some time, the girl, who called herself Maisie, opened up to Jamshid and to his horror, it turned out that her parents had been killed and that she'd been forcibly taken and brought to a nearby warehouse before she managed to escape. He kept her hidden in his house while he investigated her story, and after a few days, it became apparent that her story was true and to his dismay, his own boss had been involved in it.

                        While Jamshid was willing to do what was needed to fulfill his job, one thing he couldn't stand for was hurting children, as not only did he consider it vile, but it went again deeply ingrained instinct to take care of his younger sister, the one remnant from his parents' lessons that he didn't stamp out after everything. After learning that his group had been involved, for the first time, Jamshid did some deeper digging for the first time, and what he learned formed a picture that repulsed him. And so, following one the most rash but also more sane decision that he'd made in a long while, Jamshid simply packed his personal belongings and some money, took Maisie with him, and bolted, abandoning and cutting off any connection he had with the group. Having noticed Jamshid's questions, the gang was suspicious and tried to keep an eye on him, but they were too late and were left to try and chase after him, intending to kill him for his betrayal.

                        Jamshid and Maisie had a few close calls, but they managed to evade the gang successfully after a while. They settled down in Aberdeen, far from Glasgow, where Jamshid had to start from scratch. Using the money he managed to take, he made himself fake papers, rented a small apartment for them to stay and enrolled Maisie at a local school while he himself took up a job helping out in a small restaurant's kitchen as he'd always enjoyed the Nutrition classes at school. It wasn't easy; he had the responsibility to care for a small young girl who's loss he was indirectly responsible for causing, or at least enabling, but didn't know all that much about about caring for children despite his experience with his sister; he even started going by his previous name even though he hated it, almost as if in repentance even though he knew it wouldn't come close to making up for what he did. But after their fair share of ups and downs, Jamshid began to learn and things started becoming steady. Maisie was growing to be a happy and cheerful child and Jamshid officially adopted her (using fake papers and some help from his coworkers), if only to make caring for her easier, and they adopted a german shepherd puppy that Maisie had bonded to at a shelter whom she affectionately called Thor. Jamshid enjoyed his job enough to try his hand at having his own restaurant and after years of saving up and taking a few loans, bought and opened the Khatami Restaurant. Even though Jamshid was still paranoid always worried that they'd be found, he was mostly content. Until Maisie received her Hogwarts letter, that is.

                        Despite the connection to the wizarding world bringing back painful memories, Jamshid was determined to not ruin his daughter's excitement. He must've done a good job because she wouldn't stop gushing about it, and when she graduated, he couldn't be more proud.

                    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Straight
                    RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single
                    SIGNIFICANT OTHER: n/a

                        Daughter: Maisie Teymourian (adopted)
                        Parents: Bijan Teymourian and Arezoo Miladi (disowned by them)
                        Sister: Azar Teymourian
                        Brother: Farhad Abbasi (in-law)
                        Nephew: Hamid Abbasi
                        Niece: Kimia Abbasi

                    BEST FRIEND:


                        Pepa, a female Australian shepherd

                        His former gang
                        His parents

                        Lapis Lazuli Mortemer



Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
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  • Rat Conqueror 500
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Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
  • Haunted Haute Couture: Vintage 200
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  • Candy Fiend 150
PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2019 12:00 am

User Image

                    NAME: Maisie Teymourian
                    NICKNAME: n/a
                    GENDER: Female
                    AGE: 23
                    BIRTHDATE: 11th November 2032
                    RESIDENCE: Aberdeen, Scotland
                    LANGUAGES: English, Farsi, Spanish
                    ACCENT: Aberdonian (Doric) accent [x]

                    WAND: Fir with unicorn hair core, 12¼ inches, springy with a spiralled shaft
                    BLOOD STATUS: Muggleborn

                    BLOOD TYPE: A-
                    HAIR: Brown
                    EYES: Brown
                    COMPLEXION: Olive
                    HEIGHT: 5' 3" (1.61m)
                    NOTABLE FEATURES: n/a

                    FACE-CLAIM: Makenzie Vega

              xxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxx
                    ATTENDING: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
                    HOUSE: Hufflepuff
                    CLASS OF: 2051

                        Hufflepuff Quidditch team reserve keeper
                        Cooking Club

                    BEST CLASSES:
                        Wandless Magic

                    WORST CLASSES:
                        History of Magic

                    O.W.L. SCORES:
                        Astronomy: O
                        Charms: EE
                        Defence Against the Dark Arts: EE
                        Herbology: EE
                        History of Magic: A
                        Potions: EE
                        Transfiguration: A
                        Arithmancy: A
                        Divination: P
                        Healing: A
                        Ancient Runes: EE
                        Wandless Magic: O

                    N.E.W.T. SCORES:
                        Astronomy: A
                        Charms: O
                        Defence Against the Dark Arts: O
                        Herbology: A
                        Potions: EE
                        Healing: EE
                        Wandless Magic: EE

                    CURRENT EMPLOYMENT: Chef and at the Khatami Restaurant
                    DREAM JOB: Her baba's sous chef

                        ↳ Determined:
                            Determined is one word to describe Maisie, although it would be more accurate to say that she perseveres. She doesn't let things get in her way once she has her mind set on something and if there are obstacles, she simply works around them. She is also quite adaptable and can think on the spot.

                        ↳ Friendly:
                            Maisie is quite friendly and welcoming, not just to her friends but to new people as well. She is quite cheerful and is always willing to include people; 'the more the merrier' is a statement that Maisie lives by and she finds that everything is better the more people enjoy it. That is not to say that she doesn't like spending time with smaller groups of people, not at all; as long as she spends time with her friends and family, she's happy. She sees no point in being rude since that's not how friendships start, and having moved around often before settling in Aberdeen, making friends is something that Maisie is good at.

                        ↳ Helpful:
                            Maisie enjoys helping people quite a bit and she's always willing to lend a hand to anyone who needs it. She likes to feel useful and would feel guilty if there was a way she could've helped someone but didn't. She hates turning people down even if it's to her detriment and in this way, she can be quite a people pleaser.

                        ↳ Inquisitive:
                            Curiosity is one trait that got her in trouble often. Maisie likes to know as much as she can about what's going on. In most cases, she can't help herself, but usually, she'd back off when told to do so, although she has trouble letting go of her curiosity even then. That being said, she can be hypocritical in that while she's quite inquisitive, she hates it when other people are too nosy although she justifies it by insisting that she's not rude and would stop if told to do so as she doesn't want to hurt others' feelings.

                        ↳ Reticent:
                            Paradoxically, while Maisie is friendly and outgoing, she's also quite reticent, although this is not immediately noticeable due to her cheerful exterior. She has no problem chatting with others and talking about her interests and activities, but she usually avoids personal questions, especially in regards to her past or her personal feelings, usually misdirecting them or giving the most basic details due to both habit and to not burden others with her troubles. Not telling people too much has been drilled into since she was young by her baba and he is the only one she'd confide her insecurities and worries to.

                        ↳ Straightforward:
                            While friendly, Maisie can also be quite blunt and doesn't beat around the bush when it comes to matters excluding her own feelings. She doesn't do it to be rude, in fact, she tries to not be rude and bother others, but she likes to state things as they are as she finds that it's the best way to clear the air and communicate with each other, especially if the other party is being stubborn.

                        Is fairly open-minded
                        Perseveres and is adaptable

                        Does not open up easily and hates admitting to being wrong
                        Can be too curious for her own good

                        Her baba and Pepa
                        Being helpful
                        Going outside
                        Comfy sweaters

                        Nosy and rude people
                        Being told to be more lady-like
                        Ghost/horror stories


                        Losing her baba

                        Maisie Donaghue's conception and birth in Glasgow surprised and overjoyed her parents Logan Donaghue and Emilia Donaghue née Reyes. The Donaghues did not have much money but between Logan's job as a technician and Emilia's as a teacher, they made enough to get by. Both Logan and Emilia spent a lot of hours working and left Maisie in the care of an old lady who lived in the same apartment building whom they trusted, but they tried to spend as much time with Maisie as possible. However, things took a downturn when Maisie was 3, as Logan was let go and money became tight. They tried to cut down on expenses but they still had trouble paying the bills, leading them to borrow from a local loan shark, which put them under more pressure.

                        Maisie was unaware of this as her parents tried to put on a smile for her, so she was shocked when a year later, their house was broken into by armed men, associates of the loan shark. Logan tried to hold them off while Emilia and Maisie tried to escape, but they caught up, killing Emilia and taking Maisie away despite her cries for help. They took her to a warehouse where Maisie finally managed to struggle free and tried to escape, running into a strange man instead. She tried to get away, but he held firm but he turned out to be much nicer than the others, taking her home and taking care of her. He told her that he was Jamshid Teymourian and after some prodding, she reluctantly told him what happened, horrifying him. He reassured her that everything was going to be fine and after hiding in his home for a couple of days, he told her that they were going to run far away from the people who hurt her. After feeding and caring for her, Maisie didn't find it hard to believe him and after packing some things, Jamshid took her and they left.

                        They moved around constantly before settling down in Aberdeen. Jamshid began working at a local restaurant and, to Maisie's joy, enrolled her in a local school. Things weren't easy at the beginning, with Maisie missing her parents and Jamshid struggling to care for her properly, but with time, they adjusted and settled into a routine. Maisie came to love Jamshid like a father and he treated her like his own daughter, and when he adopted her, it only made it official. She made a lot of friends at school because of her eager and cheerful nature, always joining her classmates in playing sports and games, although she never told anyone what happened to her parents beyond the fact that they'd died and she was adopted. Jamshid took her the park frequently where they played football and walked Thor, the German Shepherd puppy they'd adopted, and when Jamshid opened up his own restaurant called Khatami, Maisie helped out whenever she could, inviting her friends over frequently.

                        Their comfortable peace was interrupted by the arrival of Maisie's Hogwarts letter, which surprised and delighted her, and she eagerly looked forward to the next year when she'd be attending a magic school.

                    SCHOOL YEARS:
                        Maisie had a blast at Hogwarts. It took her at least two years to get over the idea that she had magic and was for once eager to do homework since it was related to magic. This amused her baba when she told him, but eventually she grudgingly conceded to his prediction that her distaste for homework would return. Despite her reticence, she made some friends and before she knew it, her time was over and she left Hogwarts still unsure of what she wanted her future to be.

                        After graduating, Maisie decided to take a gap year to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She remained in Aberdeen, doing odd part-time jobs here and there like helping at the Khatami like she used to do as a kid. Being older, she became more involved with the restaurant and decided that she fit perfectly there after all, pretending that she didn't see her baba tear up when she said this.

                    SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual
                    RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single
                    SIGNIFICANT OTHER: n/a

                        Father: Jamshid Teymourian (adopted)
                        Aunt: Azar Teymourian
                        Uncle: Farhad Abbasi
                        Cousins: Hamid and Kimia Abbasi
                        Grandparents: Bijan Teymourian and Arezoo Miladi
                        Birth parents: Logan and Emilia Donaghue (deceased)

                    BEST FRIEND:

                        Saffron Adelgrief

                        Pepa, a female Australian shepherd


                        Fellow Khatami employees
                        Her classmates
                        Her housemates
                        Her teammates

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