

NICKNAMES Ana, Bichita (little bug)


FACECLAIM Michelle Rodriguez [x]

AGE Seventeen

BIRTHDAY August 18, 2028



WAND Eight inch wand made of ebony wood with a dragon heartstring core

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR Seventh

HOUSE Gryffindor

DREAM JOB Mixed Martial Artist

Astronomy ~ P
Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
Herbology ~ A
History of Magic ~ D
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ A
Cursebreaking ~ O
Healing ~ A
Wandless Magic ~ EE

Charms ~ EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
Potions ~ A
Transfiguration ~ A
Cursebreaking ~ O
Healing ~ A
Wandless Magic ~ EE


ATHLETIC Ana is fit and she takes steps to keep that up. When she was younger, her parents enrolled her in karate and she likes to fight. She also enjoys almost every sport, but most prefers karate and football.
BRAVE Whether it's free climbing to the tops of trees, standing up to bullies or dealing with bugs, Ana stands up to everything. She claims to fear nothing, even though she's secretly afraid of mirrors.
SHORT-TEMPERED Quick to anger is an understatement. Ana is prone to fights when she gets angry and that happens a little too often for her parents' comfort. She's somewhat known as a bully in this regard, though she often explodes on other bullies.
LOYAL One Anasofia considers you a friend, you have a friend for life, unless you severely betray her confidence. You can also count on Ana to stick up for you and have your back. She'll even beat someone down for you.
COMPETITIVE Ana loves the competitive lifestyle, and will turn average things, such as teeth brushing or eating into a competition. And she absolutely must win, or she gets annoyed. The rematch is a common thing in Ana's life.
DAREDEVIL Anything fast that she can do something stupid with, Anna likes it. She loves biking, skateboarding and wants to try surfing and snowboarding. She loves climbing things and exploring and has been known to try climbing buildings as well. She also wants to try base jumping, because, it looks fun.

■ Fighting
■ Sports
■ Being active
■ Food
■ Exploring

■ Being inside
■ Getting scolded
■ Schoolwork
■ Reading
■ Silence

■ Physical activity
■ Fighting

■ School
■ Sitting still

■ Mirrors


EARLY CHILDHOOD Ana is the second child of Miguel and Leticia, born two years after her brother Diego. She was a very hyper active child, even as a baby. As an outlet for her activity, her parents enrolled her in a karate class at five years old. In primary school, she got into a bunch of fights, which routinely earned her time outs. Ana grew like a sprout while her brother was away at school and became even more active. Her parents bought her a skateboard to help her channel her energy. When she got her Hogwarts letter, she immediately told her parents she wanted a broom so she could join the Quidditch team, but they told her she'd have to wait until her second year to be able to bring her own broom.

FIRST YEAR In the beginning of the school year, Ana tried out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team and though she made it, she was third string so she never saw game time. But it was experience, she told herself. She still got time to pick on her brother and make friends, so that was nice. She didn't get into any fights, which made her mother proud.
SECOND YEAR Still stuck in reserves for her second year "playing", Ana spent more time focusing on practicing her Quidditch than on her studies. Though she did meet a curious boy this year named London. He was a rival for the beater position and someone she found easy to manipulate, but fun to be around.
THIRD YEAR Ana made the reserve team again in third year and once again didn't see actual game play. Her choices in electives proved interesting though and she rather enjoyed the classes.
FOURTH YEAR Coming in to fourth year, Ana's arm was in a cast due to a complex break. Her mother had insisted on letting it heal normally as a punishment and so she was unable to try out for Quidditch. She griped about it all year.
FIFTH YEAR Ana hadn't expected to be picked as Prefect, but she was still upset that she hadn't been selected. Her mother had insisted that she study hard this year to prepare for O.W.L. exams, yet she still managed to fail two. Which didn't surprise Ana, since they were her two least favorite classes.
SIXTH YEAR Ana didn't make the team again this year, something that irked her more and more. But she kept practicing and helping the main team prepare for games. She was a fighter, that's what mattered. Over winter break, she accidentally shattered two windows on her parents' home with a rogue bludger. She did her best in her N.E.W.T. level classes, but it was clear she was struggling.
SEVENTH YEAR Snubbed again from playing on the main team, Ana began to realize that maybe her future didn't involve Quidditch and she started looking into potential careers for after graduation.


UPDATED 05/10/19

■ Updated for Hogwarts, changed faceclaim
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY Weasley 10/7/17
ACCEPTED BY ~ ♥ Cara ɱк [11/25/2017]