Tapiwa was bound to return any minute, and the lioness was fretting silently to herself after the discussion she'd had with the other lioness. Was she ready to bring cubs into the world, like her mother and grandmother before her? She'd certainly heard nature's call, been drawn to the young and wanting to aid in the development of their creativity and knowledge, though they did get a laugh out of her moments when her temper would show through. Even age couldn't rid oneself of the characteristics from which they were born into the world, and Kania would never be free of her temper.

She looked up at the darkening sky, but she wasn't worried for her feathered friend. They'd come so far in this lifetime on a mutual understanding, and eventually they had even forgiven their hatred of one another for family. She felt in her gut she could trust the blue bird with the knowledge that even she, the attitude-sidled cub of their youth, would want offspring of her own, and she'd been catching herself looking at the lions all day, deciding whom would make a good companion for the endeavor. She spotted a flash of color against the sky, and Kania could feel the blood draining from her face. She was scared of what Tapiwa, of all things, would think of her blossoming idea.

Tapiwa was sated, her stomach full and her mind at ease, for once. She knew when she returned home there would be much bickering between herself and Kania, but that was a given; it happened every day, and it was the normal routine for the both of them.
She landed lightly on the lionesses' shoulders, taking up her favorite place behind Kania's big head, and she let out a healthy sigh, "You missed out on a great dinner, Kania. It looked a lot like you, so of course I got a great deal of fun out of eating it."
She smirked, awaiting the usual retort, but when Kania remain oddly silent, Tapiwa gave her a light tap, "Is something up? You're not usually this chipper."

Kania paused, unsure how to breech the topic. After a long, awkward pause, she finally went abut it the only way she knows how, "So... I've decided to have cubs."

Tapiwa's eyes bugged, and she let out a horrified screech, "GOOD LORD, I knew you were getting plump!" She fretted about, hopping from her perch and screeching to the winds, "I need water and nesting material! I NEED A NANNY!" She turned her gaze back on Kania, who was watching her in shock, "If you're telling me this now, it means you're already in the throes of labor! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?! No wonder you're acting so WEIRD!"

Kania watched her for a moment more, but in an instant she burst out laughing and she couldn't contain it. She knew the bird would hate her for it, but she was utterly and genuinely relieved, and laughing was doing her tension some good. "Tapiwa, no, I'm... I'm not in labor." She snorted in an effort to reign in her glee, but after how much she had stressed throughout the day, she couldn't stop herself. "I was... considering it, that's all."

Tapiwa didn't take kindly to being laughed at, and she became quite the ball of ruffled feathers as she flushed, embarrassed for her outburst but living it down as best she could, in the moment. "You should've said so to begin with, instead of letting me ramble." She spat, the harshness to her words only a show of how she felt about the idea. Kania and cubs, who would've thought the lioness would be capable of having those kinds of feelings? She gave her the stink eye and turned her back, not wanting to continue the topic until the lioness got a hold on her laughter, and it might take a while knowing how the two often mocked one another.

Kania managed to tone it down, getting her laughter to a manageable chuckle before she approached Tapiwa, patting her lightly on the shoulder, "I'm sorry, I really am." She scooped the creature close and snuggled her affectionately, knowing it would soften her up despite what barbs she might throw out in the process, and it usually worked.

It worked. Tapiwa frowned, struggling to remove herself from the lionesses' grasp for a minute or two before Kania saw fit to release her, and she turned a wary eye back at her, "Did you decide on who would be the lucky lion in this equation, or were you just going to go all-out and play tag with the entirety of the pride?"

Kania gave her a look, "Oh you know, a little of this, maybe even try to tempt some celibate lions into it since we know just how attractive I can be..." Tapiwa gave her a look and she quickly rolled her eyes with a sigh, "No, I hadn't thought that far ahead yet. I was waiting for.... you to get here. They'd be yours too you know."

Tapiwa choked up, and she must've looked quite the sight when she spoke, voice wavering, "I'm not in some weird relationship with you that would make t-them mine, not at all!" She sniffled audibly, trying her best to hide her emotions and knowing it would be something Kania would tease her about in the future, maybe distantly, but all the same torture-bait.

Kania offered a soft smile, "Liar." She turned towards where the sky was turning dark, throwing her voice back towards her friend with a bit of sass, "I figured you'd help me decide. You've got a knack for picking out the best stuff, don't you?"

Tapiwa floated up, settling herself in her favorite spot, and puffed out her chest, "Why do you think my food always looks like you? Can't beat the finest the plains has to offer."

Kania wouldn't laugh as hard as she'd done earlier, but the soft laughter she would emit now would be joined by the friend on her shoulder, two soft voices looking on to the future that lay ahead for them both.

[Words 1,032]