xxxxxxM A I S I E xxxH E A T H E Rxxx T H O R B U R Nxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxxxxA B O U T MExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              NICKNAMES »» Mai
              AGE »» 18
              BIRTHDAY »» March 12th, 2028
              GENDER »» Female
              FACE-CLAIM »» Sarah Gullixson
              BLOOD STATUS »» Halfblood
              WAND »» Ash, 12 and 1/2 inches, fairy hair, swishy, smooth
              LANGUAGES SPOKEN »» English, Scottish Gaelic
              ACCENT »» Scottish (Southern/Border)
              PET »» Snowy owl named Màiri

              xxx»» Playing music
              xxx»» Singing
              xxx»» Drawing
              xxx»» Pastries
              xxx»» Tap
              xxx»» Cities
              xxx»» Action films
              xxx»» Cats
              xxx»» Flying
              xxx»» Geese
              xxx»» Maisie plays the piano and the violin.
              xxx»» Maisie loves to draw and paint.
              xxx»» Maisie is a tap dancer.

          xxxxxxP E R S O N A L I T Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Maisie is a very creative person. She loves to sketch, paint, play, and listen to music. She views art and creativity as very valuable, and enjoys places like museums and libraries. She was a very imaginative child who loved playing dress up and pretending to be different people. At her best, her creativity allows her to think outside of the box and to get around problems without confronting them directly.

              xxx»» Maisie is an idealist who tries to see the best in every person and every situation. She often assumes everyone around her has good or positive intentions, even when it couldn't be further from the truth. Maisie tries very hard to be optimistic and hopeful, even when things aren't going her way, and believes that at heart, most people want to do good, even if they make mistakes or foolish choices.

              xxx»» Maisie is a very resourceful person. She's a quick thinker and quick talker, which as a child allowed her to get out of trouble and win over adults, even while her siblings and friends were being fiercely scolded. She's also a very good liar, and due to her somewhat innocent look, can be very convincing when she wants to get out of a situation or get something. Maisie is good with coming up with plans on the fly and is also very observant of her surroundings and the people around her, which tends to work out in her favor.

              xxx»» Maisie has always been a very composed, controlled person, who is always polite. Even if she's internally furious or heartbroken, she's able to not show it in the heat of the moment, although privately she might throw a fit or cry. It's very hard to ruffle her feathers because she works so hard on keeping calm and not letting herself show whether or not she's upset, which came in handy as someone with three younger siblings.

              xxx»» Maisie can come across as a bit shallow or as an airhead, but she's actually quite bright, and she can be very dry and sarcastic when she wants to, although she rarely voices what she really thinks aloud. Maisie is also good at piecing things together and taking mental notes of a situation, and has a talent for reading the mood of a room and knowing when (and when not) to speak up. She enjoys sly humor and isn't above getting in a few verbal jabs at her family and friends from time to time.

              xxx»» Maisie is at heart a very compassionate and caring person. She has no desire to see anyone hurt, even people who have been less than kind to her, and generally wants to help those around her, even when it comes at a risk to herself. She has a big heart, which often clashes with her more cool, controlled side, but in the end she usually does what she thinks is best for not just herself but the people she cares about.

              xxx»» Maisie is a very creative person.
              xxx»» Maisie is very quick-witted and clever.
              xxx»» Maisie can be very idealistic and naive.
              xxx»» Maisie can come across as uncaring or impassive.
              xxx»» Losing the rest of her family.
              xxx»» Spiders.

          xxxxxxB A C K S T O R Yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              xxx»» Maisie was born in Scotland to two loving parents. Her father, Seumas, was a former Gryffindor, and her mother, Bryony, was a former Ravenclaw. She had one elder brother, Todd, and eventually, three younger siblings; her sister Laire and her brothers Callum and Nicol. As the oldest daughter she was the apple of her mother's eye and although she squabbled with her siblings, had a very close and loving family. She was especially close with Todd, who was three years her senior.

              Unfortunately, tragedy struck when she was seven years old, and she came home with her mother and siblings to discover her father and Todd murdered. Her brother Callum had also been home, but had survived the attack by hiding upstairs. Her aunt Illisa had been tortured and left for dead by her father-in-law and brother-in-law, along with several other members of the Hargrave family. Maisie was fortunate to be shielded from most of this, given her age, but she never quite got over her father and brother being torn from her so suddenly. The family moved on with time, and by the time she was preparing to attend Hogwarts, her mother had begun to date again, which Maisie fully supported, believing she deserved to be happy again. She was also very excited to start at Hogwarts, although she wished Todd was there to welcome her.

              SCHOOL YEARS
                  FIRST YEAR »» Maisie was thrilled to be sorted into Ravenclaw like her mother and immediately devoted herself to all her classes. She also attended every Quidditch game and planned on trying out the next year.
                  SECOND YEAR »» Maisie tried out for Quidditch and made reserve, and even got to play one game. She also took over the fencing club with fellow second year, Enid, a Slytherin. At the end of the year, she was able to pick out her electives for third year, which she was excited about.
                  THIRD YEAR »» Maisie continued to run the fencing club with Enid, and also made first string as a Ravenclaw chaser, to her delight. Her family came to see every one of her games. Mythology soon became her favorite elective.
                  FOURTH YEAR »» Maisie spent her fourth year mostly dreading her fifth, although she still had a good time with Quidditch and fencing, even if it left with less free time than she would have liked.
                  FIFTH YEAR »» Maisie ran into a boy from her year, Felix, the summer beforehand. The two ended up going on a bit of an impromptu date after some chatting, and by the time the school year began, were a couple. Maisie had had plenty of crushes before but had never actually dated anyone, and was a bit overwhelmed by her first relationship. However, Felix was very sweet, and the two grew closer over the course of their fifth year, in between studying for OWLs and a snowball fight that ended abruptly after a professor was caught in the crossfire.
                  SIXTH YEAR »» Maisie continued to date Felix and was named vice captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, to her surprise. She ended up focusing most of the year on Quidditch, since she didn't have any exams to worry about, and was thrilled when Ravenclaw won the Cup.
                  SEVENTH YEAR »» Maisie had a fairly stressful final year, between her worries over Quidditch and her upcoming NEWTs. While they didn't win the Cup, the season wasn't a total failure either, and she did fairly well on her exams, to her relief. She looked forward a much more relaxed summer after having graduated.

          xxxxxxS C H O O L AND C A R E E Rxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              ATTENDING »» Hogwarts
              HOUSE »» Ravenclaw
              YEAR »» Seventh
              HONORS »» Prefect, Fencing Club Captain
              BEST LESSONS
              xxx»» Transfiguration
              xxx»» Charms
              xxx»» Mythology
              WORST LESSONS
              xxx»» Potions
              xxx»» DADA
              xxx»» Astronomy
              DREAM JOB »» Famous actress

              OWL SCORES
              xxxASTRONOMY »» A
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» O
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» EE
              xxxPOTIONS »» A
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
              xxxART »» O
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» EE
              xxxDIVINATION »» A
              xxxHEALING »» EE
              xxxMUSIC »» O
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O

              NEWT SCORES
              xxxCHARMS »» O
              xxxHERBOLOGY »» EE
              xxxHISTORY OF MAGIC »» EE
              xxxTRANSFIGURATION »» O
              xxxCARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES »» A
              xxxHEALING »» A
              xxxMYTHOLOGY »» O

          xxxxxxR E L A T I O N S H I P Sxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

              SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION »» Heterosexual
              RELATIONSHIP STATUS »» Dating
              SIGNIFICANT OTHER »» Felix Geary

              xxx»» PARENTS Seumas (deceased) and Bryony Thorburn
              xxx»» SIBLINGS Todd Thorburn (deceased), Laire Thorburn, Callum Thorburn, Nicol Thorburn
              xxx»» BEST FRIEND - - -
              xxx»» Edgar Farquarson, Enid Lambert, Felix Geary
              xxx»» - - -
              xxx»» - - -

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