User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.The dark cub sighed, stretched out under a darkening sky and ready to sleep early. He had to admit it to himself; he was bored. Super bored.
Everyone else could find something to occupy their time, but Faraji wasn't quite... skilled in any set. He tried catching a rodent that had scurried through the den, but only made a mess of himself and had to stifle tears. He was a boy, he would NOT cry.
Just then, he must've been imagining it, but a flutter of color darting past the entrance of the den had him glancing up, and curiousity got the better of him. Taking great lengths to make sure he wasn't seen, Faraji snuck out and took off in the direction he assumed that light-colored blur had gone... he hoped.

Khepri had been groomed extensively after her last stunt, making a big deal of rolling in the mud to cool off. Her father had been humored at first, but after she did it 3 or 4 times, he started just sighing and resigned himself to making sure she was clean, though she knew he took no enjoyment in it. He just didn't understand that MAYbe she liked to be covered in grime and dirt, and MAYBE someone would come along who- DIRT! She'd been fleeing the scene of her latest "crime" as dirty as she thought she'd ever been and avoiding her father's gaze, when she noticed she'd been followed. Well, she must have been, because this culprit looked just as covered in dirt as she was. Maybe an accomplice? She watched him from her hiding place, but finally decided to make herself known, in the Khepri way. She tackled him in an instant, squealing, "MUD BROTHERRRR!"User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Faraji had no warning before he was pounced on, and he stared up at the brown female in confusion, "...Mud... brother....?" He squirmed out from under her, and watching as glopping mess fell from her fur, it made sense. "Oh.... well, uhm, not entirely..." He smiled and gestured to her hip, where a large portion of the drying dirt had fallen away to reveal white fur underneath. Well, as white as it could be, considering she made an effort to cover it. He tilted his head to one side, giving her a once over, "Why are you all covered in mud anyway?" The last thing he should be asking was about being coated in mud, which now was also on his shoulders and left side since he was just pounced on, but she was an oddity he needed to sate his growing boredom. Maybe she could give him a few ideas of fun things they could do together, he certainly thought someone weird like her would make a good friend in the future.

She grinned, "Yeah, mud because-" She stopped, cut off as he made a gesture, and she wrinkled her nose in distaste, "Darnit." She let out a sigh and dramatically collapsed in front of him, looking up into his face, "I'm too bright and easy to spot, so I have to blend in so the birds can't get to me. Like you!" She swatted at his arm half-heartedly, frowning when his fur stayed nice and dark. "How do YOU get yours to stay? I must be making it wrong, you should show me how you do it."

He laughed, "I... I'm this color normally, I don't wear mud." He shook his head, raising a brow and looking down at where she'd squashed herself on the ground, "You're afraid of birds?"

"NOT AFRAID! They're out to get me!" She hissed, her voice a whisper as her gaze looked around for what she muttered under her breath, a 'scout'. When something moved in the darkening sky, her heart hammered in her chest and she quickly gripped Faraji's leg, her eyes wide. "I've been spotted." Giving him no time to respond, she grabbed at his scruff and almost dragged him with her behind tall rocks, peering out with her ears flattened against her head. "Do you have sanctuary nearby? We can dodge the feathered beasts until morning."

Faraji wasn't sure what to do when he was dragged by the slightly larger cub, only letting out a small 'oof' when he was released so she could complain about their predicament. "Well, yeah, I don't live far, but I don't see how-" Whether she was listening or not, he questioned silently her train of thought. Was this a game, or did she actually think the birds were out to get her? "The birds aren't after you, you know."

Her gaze slid to him slowly, in disbelief. "They're always after me. I'm small and that means I'm food, Father sad so." Her eyes were wide. Surely his father had warned him too of the birds?

Faraji blinked a few times. "I think... your Father was messing with you."He offered her a soft smile and tugged her out from behind the rock, dragging her back in the direction they'd both initially come from, or at least he thought they'd both come from. To be on the safe side, for her sanity, he made sure the sky was clear before he sat her down, looking her in the eye. "The birds are not going to eat you, there are tons of guards around and-" He drifted off, seeing the look in her eyes, and he smirked, "I'll just have to kick their butts with my skills."

Her eyes widened, "Are you super strong?"

Faraji cringed. She radiated a sincere naive outlook and it was almost too much for his recent negative thoughts. "Yeah, sure I am. I'll pluck all the birds bald that come for you, okay?"

She broke out into a giant grin and tackled him, "OH THANK YOU!" She purred, rubbing her muddy cheek against his despite his half-hearted protests. "I have to go tell Father!" She squealed, taking off and leaving Faraji quite literally in the dust.

He sat there for a minute, maybe two, unsure of whether or not he should've followed her, or if he should wait or not. She didn't seem the type to.... remember he was there. He shrugged and went back to his den, though trying to explain the mud was.... well, it would be less boring than it was before.

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