Patience hadn't always been the green lions strongest suit and so when the 'fluffy' pink lioness didn't immediately return he assumed she'd forgotten. He scoffed slightly at his predicament - hungry and tired. Two things he didn't handle and two things that certainly needed care. This meant he'd have to take care of both of these things himself, how unfortunate. Slowly he stood. The one thing he didn't take lightly was that the woods were likely being watched - in fact he had felt a pair of eyes on him the entire time.

"Is there anyone actually there or am I paranoid?" The question was posed to the darkness that surrounded him. His ears twitched slightly and he shook his head. He must have been hearing things, there was simply no way a lion was going to get the upper paw. So he began to stride, treading carefully over the unfamiliar terrain. "I'll have to learn more about this pride." He muttered to himself quietly. The pride that was sheltered by the woods had piqued his interest, but not nearly enough to simply wander in. Unless he was invited of course. That hadn't been the case and from how the lioness had spoken he wasn't sure that would likely ever happen. "Next lion I see.. I'll ask."

"You'll ask them what?" The darkness parted and gave way to a rather large and intimidating figure. His pelt was a deep purple and marked with even deeper purple spots. His tail and mane should have given him away first, but somehow it all worked. Ali was stunned into silence - had he been that distracted? When Belial didn't receive a response from the green lion right away he cleared his throat and repeated himself. "You will ask them what, or are you deaf?" His eyes narrowed briefly and his tone dropped an octave. The lion was clearly irritated and especially guarded. A guard? Ali wondered quietly to himself.

"I'd ask about their home." He remarked bravely, lifting his chin a small amount to produce an air of confidence that he wasn't really feeling at that particular time. In fact he'd become almost diplomatic in his tones - something unusual for the typically laid back green lion. "You see..." Belial raised a paw to stop the words. Had he given the green lion cause to speak further? Not quite. "You should speak when spoken too. Last I checked you were a guest on these lands." He'd was clear and concise. He'd make sure this rogue knew the rules - not that these rules had been imposed by anyone in particular, but Belial used them. "Why would you ask about our home?" Genuine curiosity rang in his words even through the tough over tones.

Silence. "Oh wait, I'm allowed to speak now?" Ali`dido regarded the lion with sarcasm that quickly faded with the looked he received. That alone was enough to bring Ali back to the straight and narrow. "I travel the savannah seeking out stories and trinkets from different prides. Rumor has it that the pride here worships the moon." He admitted to knowing a small amount, but it wasn't nearly enough for his liking - there had to be more. "Are you able to fill me in?" He wondered briefly. "Or perhaps there is someone a little nicer I can talk with?" The green lion visibly cringed at his last question - it was entirely possible this was the day he would die.

"Nicer? What if I told you there wasn't anyone nicer? Or that it got worse the deeper you go?" Belial offered with a raised brow.

"I'm sure you wouldn't have said it like that if it were true." Ali was hoping beyond hope that he was right and that perhaps other pride members were a little more friendly. Although he already had proof. Thula had been kind and even offered food. He watched as the serious look on Belials face seemed to melt away. It seemed he'd broken through some imaginary layer to a more workable zone. "So what do you say? Are you able to give a little bit to this guy?" He mused to the purple lion fondly, even taking a risk to lean in towards him.

Belial wasn't a story teller by any means. He'd been defending things most of his life and therefore he grew silent while considering the possibility of how vulnerable a pride could become just by telling stories. The silence nearly had Ali tapping his toes on the soil covered spot which made Belial irritated once again. Did he want to tell stories? No. Did he have the patience for this lion? That was still a yes, but just barely. "Fine." He heard himself say.

"What do you want to know?"

The words Ali lived for were finally said. The statement was usually different each time it came around, but he wouldn't lose out on a chance like this.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Belial, I'm a guard of the Mwezi`Johari."

Ali made a sound of awe. The position suddenly explained the air surrounding this particular lion. He definitely seemed guardly. "The Mwezi`Johari. What do they do?" The question was slightly vague, but so was the pride. Other prides beliefs had been much easier to determine. Though come to think of it he'd left Intaba in such a hurry that he hadn't really learned more about it beyond the fact that it had a young basket weaver he admired.

"The Mwezi believe in the Great Lion." Belial began with this statement only to pause and think on it. "The Great Lion watches over us each night. The moon cycle depicts just how much he is watching." If asked he would have fully admitted to be a little under educated on these matters. He'd joined the pride and then immediately got to work as eyes and muscle for Shangyue. "When the moon is full the belief is that we are protected, when the moon is new we typically rest." He was beginning to sound silly and just as uneducated as he felt he was. He knew the belief system, but he was no teacher.

"Perhaps it'd be a bit better if I got someone else for you." He wondered to himself. He could easily oversee a meeting between a member and the green lion. "Let me get this lion I know and we can discuss things a little further with the guidance of someone a little more familiar.

Ali felt a bit of hesitation in saying that was fine, but what choice did he have. "you better come back." He stated, but when he had taken a moment to glance back to where he had come from he looked back to discover that Belial had already left. These lions were quick.