Ruins of Altga

A short ways to the northwest of the Damned Woods lies the ruins of an ancient city. The air here is thick with despair and loss. No one knows who occupied these vast ruins, some have speculated that it was a lost race's capital, or even some ancient city of vampires. Nothing is truly known for sure, about anything. Even the cause for desertion of the place is shrouded in mystery. The place is a ghost town, the only destruction known being the work of centuries of decay. It's as if everyone who once lived there got up and left, not bothering to take anything. Those who venture into the rubble have been lost, or, if they did return, bring storied that the place was haunted, by the bitter keepers of the ancient city, spurning those who rejected them in life, leaving them homeless. What is for sure is that very few living things thrive in the tragedy that once was a grand city. The Stone City of Altga.

Inside the Ruins of Altga:

Old Castle
Underground Canal system
Ancient temples all throughout

Hydras and alligators in the canals
Various wildlife

It is said that in the castle is a great treasure room, but those who have tried to claim the riches never return, killed by some unknown guardian