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Dramatic Marshmallow

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:35 pm
It's sun, surf, and skin at the beach, along with enough odd occurrences to raise flags at Deus HQ. Your orders are to investigate a certain beach while posing undercover as a lifeguard. In your red swimsuit, with a whistle, bullhorn, and really tall chair at your disposal, there's every chance you look like someone ready to run attractively down the coat in order to save lives in a really glamorous way.


Roll 2d8 for two prompts

1. Someone falls in love with you and tries to spend most of the morning either hitting on you or drowning to catch your attention. (And get mouth to mouth)
2. You catch a couple of teenagers doing something the shouldn't in the showers. It's up to you whether you just turn a blind eye or yell at them.
3. A child on a floaty drifts far out into the water. They're crying loudly and people are panicking and it's your chance to be a hero of the people!
4. You step down and the squishes to reveal something brown stuck to your foot. It's poop.
5. Your sunblock was not actually sunblock. You smell like bacon for the rest of the day.
6. You think you see a sea monster, but it's just some kids having a water noodle fight.
7. A fight breaks out nearby, a dance fight. Someone challenges you!
8. A mob of adorable and adoring children surround your high and mighty lifeguard throne. They seem impressionable and willing to start a cult for you, if only out of boredom while their moms participate in their beachside bookclub.



Roll 1d4

1. Illegal Substances

Select one or several or all from these prompts:
- A group of people are acting oddly, they appear jumpy and nervous, even in the light of day.
- You notice groups forming and breaking up regularly, and people acting secretive nearby. You glimpse money changing hands at least once.
- Someone has what looks at first like a seizure on the beach. They cough up what looks like a half eaten candy onto the sand. Touching it, you realize it's something very like the FEAR candies that get fed to minipets.
- Several times you're called out to rescue people stranded on rocks in shallow water, who refuse to swim back themselves out of fear that they will drown.

2. The Temple

Select one or several or all from these prompts:
- A parent notices their child has gone missing and a search is called.
- You notice several birds seem to disappear into thin air around a section of the cliffs.
- You notice a patch of plants that are not native to this part of the world, growing near a section of the cliffs.

You eventually approach the cliffs, and with your weapon's help, see beyond the illusion to reveal an intricately carved opening that leads into a temple.

3. Terror of the Deep

Select one or several or all from these prompts:
- Beach goers begin to complain they something is pulling them down into the water.
- Several people complain (and several more are all praise) concerning "the topless girl on the rock". Every time you go to look, though, the place they referred to is empty.
- You hear a strange song that pulls to you. A man walks into the water without trying to swim as his family shouts for help.

4. Wild Card

Select your choice of the above prompts.


Illegal Substances
Your investigations lead you to a someone selling small candies you may recognize as similar to FEAR candies.


Roll 1 d4

1. You find the source at an evening bonfire. Partygoers are strange and manic as they dance, or huddle, or even cry to themselves, shivering all the while. One person seems to be unaffected, and as you approach them you may recognize them as another hunter, one who hasn't been seen since the Life Labs exploded in 2015. They summon their weapon.
Renegade Hunter
HP: 60
Auto Damage: 6
Special: If their HP hits from 0-7 range, their eyes turn black and a pair of doors appear for them to escape through. Going through those doors to pursue feels like an incredibly bad idea.

Should you fail, a stranger tries to rescue you. Roll 1 d10 to determine if they survive. (6-10 means they live.)

2. You notice something off about one of the people you kept seeing in groups. Following them later, you notice they don't go to the parking lot or any of the small parties. instead they go into the showers after everyone is gone, despite not being dressed for swimming or showing any interest in the water all day. You enter the shower just in time to see them removing their face. The illusion drops, and you find a creature slowly removing a suit made of actual human skin. The Dealer is a creature of Halloween in disguise. Upon seeing you they try to run. Roll 1d20 to keep them from escaping, 13-20 is success.
Dealer Creature (species/race is your choice)
HP: 40
Auto Damage: 3
Special: If you bring their HP between 1-5 then you may capture them and bring them back to Deus. Otherwise they dissipate when they hit 0.

Should you fail, a stranger will try to rescue you. Roll 1 d10 to determine if they survive. (6-10 means they live.)

3. You notice people going in a strange direction, and follow a group to what looks like an abandoned warehouse. Sneaking past security, you discover what seems to be an underground fight club of sorts. Blending in, you notice a large number of audience members appear affluent. Many of them seem to be wearing special glasses, and you overhead someone complaining about them while admitting they were necessary to see the whole show. Your eyes catch sight of a number of people acting much the same as those on the beach had, and witness several of them putting candies in their mouth. In the center of the building is a cage, and within it there is a human with a regular weapon trying to fend off some sort of monster as the crowd cheers on the bloodshed. Take your time to investigate, then sneak back out again. (Roll 1d20 to escape, 10 and over is success. If you fail, security shoots you with a runic handgun for 10dmg. Continue trying to escape.)

Should you fail, a stranger will try to rescue you. Roll 1 d10 to determine if they survive. (6-10 means they live.)

4. Wild Card

Select your choice of the above prompts.

The Temple
You enter the temple, and the air of it is different from the beach. Turning around you notice the exit is now gone. Horseman runes are carved along stone walls, alongside the intricate patterns carved by a vast multitude of insects through the ages.


Roll 2 d8, for two prompts. You may roll more if you'd like.

1. You enter an empty room, full of dust.
2. You enter a room filled with vines that seem to shift and move in the corner of your eyes. There's a patch of red blooms in one corner, and closer inspection leads to the realization that they are growing through a human body. If you have any open wounds, you'll soon begin to have audio hallucinations and even feel something crawling under your skin. When you get back to Deus, the infirmary will give you something to purge the vines growing within you, and you may end up with a vine-like or even floral scar from the experience.
3. You find a room filled with clothes and accessories. If you are on for looting bodies, you'll find several expensive watches, jewelry, and even some wallets. You end up with about a thousand dollars worth of finds you can comfortably carry.
4. You find a room filled with neat piles of body parts. At your presence, they begin to shift and move. If you choose to run, roll 1d20. Anything over 13 means you successfully escape and close the room's door to keep whatever was in there, inside. Fail, and you find yourself overwhelmed by humanoids with shifting features that settle quickly into your features.
Clone Mob
HP: ???
Auto Damage: none
Special: You must land an attack four consecutive times to escape them. If you miss even once, they overwhelm you. You wake up later, naked and alone except for your weapon totem.
5. You find a room full of old scrolls and dried herbs.
6. You find a beautiful underground orchard with a fountain at the center.
7. You encounter a passageway full of traps, roll 1d20 to determine how much damage it does to you.
8. There is a click as you step down, and a section of wall slides up to reveal a massive beetle. It barrels toward you all pincers and shell.
Beetle Mob
HP: 30
Auto damage: 3
Special: Whenever you miss, it blocks your next attack for 3 on top of its auto damage!

Terror of the Deep
Eventually you catch the mysterious girl, and there is no doubt at all she's a mermaid.


Roll 1 d4

1. They try to run away. To them from escaping, roll 1d20, 10 and over is a success. The mermaid is extremely frightened of you, and tries to explain that it was juts fun, and nobody had gotten hurt, and that she'd stay away from then on. You can choose to let her go or fight her.
Mermaid Mob:
HP: 30
Auto Damage: 3
Special: Special: If you bring their HP between 1-5 then you may capture them and bring them back to Deus. Otherwise they dissipate when they hit 0.

2. She is friendly and just wants to talk for awhile. She doesn't understand what's the problem with teasing a few humans at all. It's very lonely and boring where she lives. If you try to convince her to be weaponized, she will agree very easily.

3. What seemed like one mermaid was actually two, they don't run away or talk, they just attack you.
HP: 25 x 2
Auto Damage: 2 per mermaid left
Special: Special: If you bring their HP between 1-5 then you may capture them and bring them back to Deus. Otherwise they dissipate when they hit 0.

4. Wild Card

Select your choice of the above prompts.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2017 1:39 pm
Sunglasses? Check.

Red board shorts? Check.

Sandals? Check.

Whistle? Check.

Bullhorn? Check.

An entirely too bright, neon blue Hawaiian print shirt with a smattering of white flowers across the front? Check.

Sunscreen? Who needed that, anyway?

Arorangi stood with his arms folded across his broad chest, the shirt unbuttoned entirely to reveal the majority of his upper body, sunglasses perched on the end of his nose. He looked entirely and completely at ease in this place; like he belonged here, the sun and the surf around him, the scent of the ocean wafting around them.

He took a deep breath, inhaling everything, and then turned his head to beam at Lydia.

"This is a very nice place."



Dramatic Marshmallow


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 2:31 pm
Lydia needed sunscreen. Lydia needed lots and lots of sunscreen, of the waterproof variety, and was currently lathering it on nice and thick all while going over the details of their mission over and over again in her head so as not to forget anything.

When she was sure she was absolutely covered from head to toe, she stood up, and immediately felt like she probably appeared like a child in her one piece red suit, standing next to the tall, muscular magnificence that was Arorangi.

Luckily, she'd already gotten all of her open mouthed gawking over with earlier. Now she was instead hiding sneaky glances behind an extra large pair of prescription sunglasses.

Which was exactly what she was doing, head tilted back and to the side, eyes roaming over his broad expanse of back, imagining the muscles hidden beneath that bright shirt and down, when he spoke.

"Yes." She agreed, immediately, a slightly dopey grin slowly growing across her face, until she realized just what she was doing and straightened, face beginning to flush, and not from the heat of the beach.

Right. Mission. She needed to stop getting distracted so easily! using a scrunchy that was wrapped around her wrist, she began to tie back her hair.

"Shall we find our seats?" She asked him, "Or should just one of us sit while the other goes out on patrol?"

kuropeco rolled 1 8-sided dice: 8 Total: 8 (1-8)
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 9:41 pm
Arorangi thought Lydia looked downright adorable in her one piece red suit, but that was beside the point, even if he did keep glancing towards her and trying not to smile. She was a ray of sunshine, a bright point, a happy moment for him to enjoy; it was difficult not to allow himself to look.

"How about we switch on and off?" said Arorangi. "As you suggested. You can sit and I will take the first patrol, and then we will switch."

He didn't really like the idea of splitting up, but there was only so much they could do as a team, and besides, it was important to make this whole mission work to their advantage. They were here for a purpose, after all; they both needed to work hard.

He apparently did not get very far. Arorangi found himself swarmed by children approximately five minutes after he went looking for their mission, the clambering and the cheers and the noises and the excitement all making him laugh and joke along with them. He had always loved children, but there were just so many of them.

Well. If this was a mission, he was doing okay so far.


8. A mob of adorable and adoring children surround your high and mighty lifeguard throne. They seem impressionable and willing to start a cult for you, if only out of boredom while their moms participate in their beachside bookclub.



Dramatic Marshmallow

Seussi rolled 1 8-sided dice: 1 Total: 1 (1-8)


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 10:30 pm
"Okay." She agreed, though was slightly disappointed that they would be splitting up, even if it did seem like the best way to figure out what was going on here in their limited amount of time. Smiling, and hefting a tote bag that was full to the brim with supplies (most of which probably weren't even needed), she waved him off, hesitated, and after some short thought that ended in ah the heck with it!, blew him a kiss as well.

He was still her boyfriend after all. Mission or not, there was no reason to pretend otherwise, right?

Still smiling to herself, she turned to trudge through the sand towards her chair, stopping to look up at it, probably looking like there was no way she'd be able to climb it while gripping a completely laden down tote.

"Need a hand?" Came a sweet voice from behind her, and Lydia, startled, almost jumped right out of her flip-flops. She turned, to see a young, dark haired woman staring at her with just the smallest curve of a smile to her lips, and Lydia, at a loss for words, just shook her head rapidly, tied back bright blue curls bouncing.

"Oh! No, thank you! I think I will be quite all right." She finally said, and gave the woman a bit of a shooing motion, but the woman did not shoo, she instead stepped closer, uncomfortably close, actually, though Lydia tried not to shrink away.

"You're new, right? I haven't seen you around before, at least, and I'm here almost every day."

Lydia could believe it, considering the dark tan the girl sported, a stark contrast to Lydia's pale skin that was usually so carefully covered by layers upon layers of clothing.

"I really like your hair. Cute, like you." She said, and Lydia could feel her face begin to heat up.

"I have a boyfriend." Lydia blurted out, pointing down the beach towards where Aro was....surrounded by children???

Well. This was going well so far, wasn't it?

"Oh, him." A brief pause, while the woman stared in the direction of Arorangi, perhaps studying him.

"Well, good luck, honey. Guys like that can get any girl they want, probably a total womanizer. Bet you'd save yourself a lot of heartbreak if you just broke that off right away." The woman's smile grew. "Not trying to be a b***h or anything, just don't want to see a lovely thing like yourself get hurt.

Lydia was stunned, her mouth opened, sounds of protest came out, but not actual words. Aro? A womanizer? The thought was so incredibly ridiculous it was laughable, and nervous laugh she did, because no matter how laughable, there was now that planted seed of doubt.

She had taken a step back (only to smack her back against the chair she was supposed to be climbing).

"Ahem." She cleared her throat, hoping that by doing so she could actually formulate a sentence that wasn't just nonsensical sounds. "Right, well, thank you so much for your unwarranted advice. I will definitely take it deeply into consideration." She wouldn't, "But if you'll please be so kind as to leave me be, I do actually have some work to do." She smiled, and just prayed that the woman would go away.

The woman laughed. "Right, of course." She took a few steps back. "Well, if you want to chat, or maybe even hang out when you're finished, come and find me." She lifted up her sunglasses and winked, and something inside Lydia, at that very moment, curled up and died.

Shivering, but not really sure why, she turned and climbed the ladder to her chair and sat, tote in lap, which she dug into to produce a bullhorn and whistle before shuffling it in beside her.

Her eyes skimmed the waves and the beach, but ultimately her gaze landed again on Aro, who was smiling and laughing, still surrounded by children, and smiled herself, letting warmth wash away all doubt that he was anything but hers and hers alone.


1. Someone falls in love with you and tries to spend most of the morning either hitting on you or drowning to catch your attention. (And get mouth to mouth)
kuropeco rolled 1 4-sided dice: 4 Total: 4 (1-4)
PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2017 12:22 pm
The blown kiss had Arorangi's heart beating a little faster, his cheeks warming. He didn't really want to separate, but, well...it was a mission, and they had to remember to be professional, even if that meant not being in the same space for it for a little while.

Arorangi was still trying to handle all of the children, though this generally meant that he was giving a lot of piggyback rides, a few helicopter swirls, and a lot of trying to walk with children attached to his legs to see if he could manage to drag them along. When he turned his head to glance down the beach to find Lydia, he found her shrinking back against the chair post, a tall, lean woman looming over her.

Their expressions were hard to read. Arorangi felt a strange pang of confusion and concern twisting in his stomach, took a single step towards Lydia instinctively, and almost tripped over one of the little girls who was still currently clinging to his ankle.


She was a little blond thing with a mountains of curls. Arorangi picked her up and swung her around merrily, and she laughed and giggled, her small, sandaled feet kicking outwards in pure joy before he dropped her back down onto the sand.

By the afternoon, the sun was beating down hard, and the temperature had risen to almost abominable levels, though Arorangi was still quite comfortable. He'd grown up in New Zealand; he was used to the sun and the surf and the brightness and the beach in general. It made him feel at home, somehow.

So did Lydia. Arorangi wandered over to her chair and stood beneath it, smiling up at her.

"Come down here, aroha; I think I saw something going on."

He held up his arms expectantly, clearly waiting to catch her.



Dramatic Marshmallow


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:40 pm
Still flustered by her encounter with the woman from earlier, Lydia spent almost all of her morning either lathering herself up with even more sunscreen, or scribbling down notes in book that she had kept stowed away in her tote bag, writing down anything and everything that appeared unusual, though it was too easy to get distracted whenever she let her gaze wander down the beach towards Aro, or whenever that woman waved at her from where she lay, sunning her already perfect golden body.

While things appeared fairly quiet, for the most part, and there was never any need for her to hop out of her chair and rush to the ocean to save anybody, she did have a few visitors from time to time come and complain to her about something they could see out in the rocks, though anytime Lydia had a look in the direction pointed with her binoculars, there was nothing there to see but rocks and ocean spray.

When Arorangi returned, she looked down at him with a frown from behind her sunglasses, her lips pursed together. "You haven't seen a topless woman out on those rocks over there, have you?" She asked, while standing up, her eyes moving from his smiling face to take in the arms held towards her.

A glance behind her at her tote bag was given, before she decided that it would be safe just where it was, and, with a smile, held her own arms stretched out at her sides before letting herself topple forward into his embrace, trusting him implicitly to catch her.


Terror of the Deep

Select one or several or all from these prompts:
- Beach goers begin to complain they something is pulling them down into the water.
- Several people complain (and several more are all praise) concerning "the topless girl on the rock". Every time you go to look, though, the place they referred to is empty.
- You hear a strange song that pulls to you. A man walks into the water without trying to swim as his family shouts for help.

feel free to choose more things to happen from this list if you want!
kuropeco rolled 1 4-sided dice: 2 Total: 2 (1-4)
PostPosted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 6:09 pm
Arorangi looked startled.

"I did not see any woman," he said, sounding a little confused, and a slight bit concerned as he looked up at Lydia. "Did you run into someone that was not nice? I have not seen any topless women wandering about, but I have only been looking at you."

This last part was said with a bright grin, even as Lydia was flinging herself forward out of the chair. Arorangi caught her easily, carrying her weight without so much as stumbling at all, her slim form wrapped in his large arms as he swung her gently onto her feet. He leaned forward and kissed her, because he couldn't help himself, and because she just looked ridiculously adorable in her red swimsuit.

"I hope there is not someone walking around topless," said Arorangi with a frown, his hands on Lydia's waist as his gaze moved across the beach. "That is bad for a family beach. Maybe we should go looking..."

He was interrupted from this thought by a group of people that swarmed towards them, two girls and a young man, all of whom were jabbering away in annoyance - and fear, it seemed. Arorangi had to lift his voice a few times just to be heard over them, and by the time he managed to piece together what they were actually saying, it didn't make a pretty picture.

"You say that something is trying to - drown you?" He said slowly, with a sideways look at Lydia. "Someone?"

"I dunno, just like - " One of the boys snapped his gum, looking peeved. "I was in the water, over there - " He gestured to the left, down a little ways. " - And like, there was just a group of us hanging out, and things kept trapping our ankles and trying to tug us away."

Arorangi tried to puzzle this out. He wanted to say are you sure it wasn't seaweed, but that seemed a little insensitive, all things considered, so instead he just gave them a nod, and eventually they dispersed, still grumbling loudly.

Arorangi folded his arms across his chest, still frowning. It looked like the wrong expression for his usually cheerful face, the sun slowly sinking into the distance, gold, orange, and purple rays of light skimming across the ocean's surface; a veritable rainbow of colors.

"Let us go look," he said, reaching for Lydia's hand. "If there is something like a creature here, we should go find it."

2. She is friendly and just wants to talk for awhile. She doesn't understand what's the problem with teasing a few humans at all. It's very lonely and boring where she lives. If you try to convince her to be weaponized, she will agree very easily.


Dramatic Marshmallow


Ice-Cold Hunter

PostPosted: Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:18 am
His words, as often they did, gave her a sense of safety, security, in her feelings for him and his in her. That woman from earlier had not been nice, and Lydia already felt bad for ever having felt even the briefest tinges of doubt in her boyfriend, her wonderful, warm, loving and kind boyfriend who had only ever been nothing less than amazing to her.

She blushed at least a smidgen before she jumped, but as her face was already red from the heat, it was hidden well, and when she landed in his arms she grinned wide, arms looping around the back of his neck, and even when he set her down they were still there, fingers of one hand toying with a dread lock, her heart in her throat when he bent down to kiss her, a kiss which she returned eagerly, arching herself up towards him, standing on the toes of her flipflops which dug into the hot sand.

Sadly, once the kiss was broken, it was back to talking about topless women. Well, Aro spoke of topless women. She just stood there contemplating how she might be able to sneak another kiss before they got back to work.

Argh, but he was right! They needed to go and investigate this further.

She had just pulled away from him when the swarm of people descended upon them, all yammering away at the same time, her attention divided as she tried to discern what they were so excited about.

Thankfully, Arorangi was able to organize the chaos, and she met his sidelong glance with her own, her own thoughts a jumble. While her boyfriend first thought of seaweed, she already began imagining all manner of cryptids of the deep that could have had a part in this. So many possibilities! By the time Aro had made the decision that they should go and look, she was already about to turn and march in that direction, but his hand in hers stopped her from doing so.

"Yes!" She said, eagerly, tugging on his hand. "Yes." What could it be? "Ningen?" She muttered to herself, as she pulled him along, "No no, that can't be....too warm, antarctic ocean only." This continued on all along the way towards the area the bubble-popping teen had indicated, and she stopped to stare out at the ocean waves, a mix of excitement and faint wariness.

She looked towards the rocks, where others earlier had mentioned seeing a topless woman, thoughtfully, and pointed.

"We should try to get to there, I think, but how should we proceed? If we both swim out, and both get dragged under...." She let her voice trail off, turning big eyes to his. She was confident in her swimming abilities, and in Aro's, but if what was out there intended on attempting to drown anything that got too close, they could be in for a rough time.

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