Character: Zin Naga
Link to profile: >> Here <<

Puppet Name: Mr. Teddy
Puppet Appearance: User Image

Puppet Description: Mr. Teddy is an animal based puppet with a human-esque body type. He has a bear like head with vicious, grotesque predatory teeth. Sharp dotted eyes to cause discomfort considering there is more whites of the eyes than pupils.

And a rounded body type to match that of a obese human. Plump in both the abdominal, arm, and leg area decorated by twelve buttons and a bow-tie. Sometimes seen with a top hat. 9ft in height.

Mechanism Summary: (4+3 from Class Attribute = 7 Mechanisms)
The Bite: Mr. Teddy has a rather devious contraption within the jaw section of his mouth. Instead one row of teeth, Mr. Teddy has a viscous 3 rows of teeth with a high powered compression jaw that operates like a mouse trap. Considering the rows of teeth and the snapping force of the mouth, the teeth have more than enough power to crush bone while the teeth tear muscle.
Hugs - Four two-inch claws on each paw, running along four tracks that move along the forearm region down to the elbow. Once activated, the buzzsaws will slide up and down the inner arm lengths, cutting into the opponent with an inch and a half of of consecutively rotating talon damage, which will rip and pluck flesh and meat out.
Top Hat - Acts more like a grenade than anything. Be it either launched or set down as a trap, the top-hat once removed has the pressure trigger lifted off. This will cause an explosive gas that is aligning four inches of the top hat to explode; allowing the gas to reach up to a 50 yard radius. The gas itself is a non-lethal venom created by Zin that causes uncontrollable laughter.

The trigger operates along the similar lines of a remote explosive tag. That with a seal form and release of D-Ranked chakra, the hat will explode.

1st Post: Venom becomes recessive and infects the user but doesn't cause immediate alarm.
2nd Post: Infected begins to see things in a humorous light causing slight amusement regardless of situation.
3rd Post: Infected begins to have short fits of laughter, making it slightly difficult to cast the incantation of jutsus.
4th Post: Infected begins to have continuous, longer fits of laughter that makes it moderately difficult to perform the incantation of jutsus. Additionally at this point, they are beginning to feel difficulty in breathing.
5th Post: Infected has laughter unending. Making near to impossible to perform jutsu's and significant difficulty in moving due to inadequate air flow.
6th Post: Unconsciousness without brain damage.
7th Post: Unless given oxygen by this time, after violently being made to release the oxygen of the body and left in an unconscious state to further not being able to breathe, it is possible they may have some form of brain damage. Infected loses a permanent 15% of their total class jutsu. ( i.e. Ninjutsu user, that has a max ability to learn 30 ninjutsu, is reduced to 25. )

Compressed Air Gun - Requires D-Chakra to activate. Does not do damage, as much as it fires a compressed amount of air that once released after some distance can push gaseous materials to a further distance or more concentrated direction. Works in tandem with Zin's "unnamed" venom.
Fog: Using C-ranked chakra and the large cavities in Mr. Teddy's abdominal area, Zin can create a large amount of "Fog" by utilizing the stomach as something of a mixing chamber. A steam nozzle in the mixing chamber injects high pressure steam into the chamber. The injected steam mixes into the ambient air, pulling it through an air opening into the mixing chamber. The steam and air mix to form humid air. Cryogenic fluid, preferably liquid nitrogen, is injected through a nozzle, which is positioned in the path of the humid air. The cryogenic fluid rapidly cools the warm, humid air which generates large quantities of fog being pushed through the lower six buttons of Mr. Teddy. Creating a chilled, dense fog at the distance of at most 25 yard radius.
*Takes D-rank chakra to up keep every 2 posts
* Holds 5 canisters before needing to refill, in total for 50 ryo.

'Poons - Top six buttons, which are located in the upper chest cavity of Mr. Teddy, are actually four inched harpoons that once hit their target, utilize the first inch an a half blades, to become serrated blades. So that, if the opponent wishes to pull them out, it will create an excessive amount of flesh and meat to be ripped out. The cables may throw off an opponent, particularly if it stabs into leg or arm flesh, but does not have the strength to actually pull a human body,

The bolts fire, currently, at the speed of 225 fps (feet per second). They are attached to reinforced chain steal coated in black rubber for protection. The chains can only go along a linear path of at a max range of 20 feet. Takes D-Rank chakra to activate. Should the 'poons miss their mark and hit nothing but air, they can be retracted back to Mr. Teddy with E-rank chakra taking 1 post to do so.
Eyes - They are created from a dense rock found in Konoha painted and carved into a spherical shape. The eyes get pulled back for post, and are primed for firing in the second. Launching a softball sized sphere at the opponent at a 105.1 mph. Enough damage to equate to a B rank amount of damage. Takes C-chakra to prime and E-chakra to launch.

The weight of the orbs are 9.1 ounces and 19.25 in circumference. Replace after use. 15 ryo.