Word Count: 1653

Everything Yuuri owned fit into his set of suitcases, which was incredibly convenient when he had to travel, or just pack up his life and move on to the next place.

Because of this, he only ever kept practical things. A couple suits for professional settings, dress shirts that matched those suits that doubled for every day wear, a few pairs of slacks and khakis in various colors, and a handful of different types of sweaters, which were really the only part of his wardrobe that suggested something of a personality. There were other things, like a few pairs of shoes and socks and underwear and pajamas, but nothing really unique. At least not until Adrien started letting Yuuri borrow and subsequently keep his own clothes.

It certainly made packing more difficult now, because where before Yuuri had no qualms with getting rid of clothing that held no meaning, for the first time since he was just a child, he felt attached to material possessions. Even his computer was disposable; he had his files saved on servers to be retrieved if necessary. If he lost everything he owned, he wouldn’t be upset about any of it.

Except for the gifts from Adrien. Those pieces of clothing were important to him, even if he doubted he would ever admit it out loud.

Which was why packing up his dorm was so difficult after having been dating Adrien for the past few months.

Yuuri sat on the largest suitcase, the one that held most of his clothes, pillow, two sets of sheets and a blanket, and two towels and facecloths, trying to squish everything down enough so he could get the zipper tugged around the shell of the hard case. He prided himself on being a rather expert packer, but even now he was questioning just how much could actually fit.

His other suitcase, a carry-on sized one, had already been filled. He’d sold back all the textbooks he wouldn’t need for the next year to the campus bookstore, and gotten rid of all the notebooks with scribbles of notes from classes he’d finished, so all that was left to shove into the smaller suitcase were toiletries and an extra set of clothes he always packed separately out of habit, just in case.

There was a series of honks outside, a few stories below under the window of his dorm, and Yuuri immediately gave up on his attempt at zipping the suitcase shut so he could scramble over to the already half open window, and pushed the screen aside so he could lean out.

Yuuri’s heart felt light and fluttery, watching as Adrien stepped out of his parked car to lean up against and wait for him, the smile on Adrien’s face as beautifully blinding as always. For Yuuri, it wasn’t quite a smile back, but probably as close to one as he was actually able to manage. Other people were eyeing Adrien; obviously because his boyfriend looked like a model. And he had a nice car, and he’d kind of caused a scene already by honking his horn almost unnecessarily, but Yuuri didn’t care because he loved it.

He brushed his loose dark hair back behind his ear, a silly habit he never seemed to notice, before lifting his hand to wave back to his boyfriend down below. It was hard for him to believe that he was actually going to be living with Adrien. Not just spending the night, or the weekend with him, but actually living with him.

The very thought of being able to fall asleep and wake up next to him every day was both amazing and terrifying, because this was something he would have never imagined doing before. He’d never been so close to someone that he would have even thought to try to live with them. But he loved Adrien with every ounce of his being, even if he could never tell him.

Even if he knew this wasn’t going to last.

Part of him reminded himself how cruel it was to the both of them, to set them up like this, only to break away from Adrien when his visa expired. A crazy thought of maybe Adrien would come with me teased him every now and then, but Yuuri knew he could never expect Adrien to give up the salon he’d already worked so hard on. It wouldn’t be fair, and he wouldn’t let Adrien give up his dream for him. Well, if Adrien still wanted to be with him even everything broke apart. And knowing their time together was limited made Yuuri not want to mention anything about his visa, because he wanted their relationship to be a good one, even if he was to suffer in silence.

Another reason why living with Adrien was terrifying was because he was still an officer of the Negaverse. He still had his quotas to fill, still needed to collect starseeds for his General. Having the guise of a part time job at night, or maybe even working on projects out of the apartment might do the trick, but Yuuri wasn’t the best at avoiding getting hurt. He’d already scared Adrien on more than one occasion, had to have him help patch up the wounds he’d gotten, all the while trying to stick to made up stories about getting mugged or falling or running into things.

He didn’t want Adrien to be pulled into that mess, either. The Negaverse wasn’t for people like Adrien. Adrien was too good, too kind, too wonderful. The very thought of a knight or senshi trying to hurt Adrien made something burn hot inside Yuuri. Anger and fear at just the idea bubbled up. He couldn’t allow Adrien to get involved.

Yuuri pulled away from the window after a few moments of letting Adrien call up to him and blow him kisses, which Yuuri happily caught and blew back, his eyes bright and face flushed, a bounce in his step as he hurried back to his suitcase and practically jumped down onto the lid so he could try and get the zipper to close once more. It was times like these that he wished he weighed a bit more than he did.

Adrien would have said yes to him no matter what he asked, which was why Yuuri always felt guilty about it. He’d quietly talked to Adrien about his predicament for housing once the school year was over. He would either need to get an apartment for himself, or figure out summer school and stay in the dorms.

”Stay with me,” Adrien had told him even before Yuuri could open his mouth to tentatively ask if he would be okay with the idea, but Adrien’s bright blue eyes had sparkled with excitement, and Yuuri felt as though his expression reflected the same. And immediately preceding his relieved agreement, Adrien had smothered him into the couch in a tight embrace and nuzzled his cheek against Yuuri’s, practically singing about how Yuuri was going to live with him.

The memory, which made Yuuri’s lips quirk even more into something similar to a smile, was shattered as a grunted derogatory comment came from the other side of the small dorm room. Yuuri’s face flushed darker, his expression shifting and falling. He’d completely forgotten his roommate was still there, just as he’d forgotten that, even in 2017, there were still people who only thought one way of living was acceptable, and that the happiness of others wasn’t valid unless it matched what they believed.

He wasn’t ashamed of how he felt for Adrien, but he was ashamed of himself for being unable to confront others and stand up for what he felt. It was easier as Kamacite. He didn’t have to worry as much about how others talked about him, and also because he knew his General wouldn’t tolerate a weak recruit. He had magic and power as Kamacite. But as Yuuri, he was just a scrawny college student who was prone to panic attacks and vivid nightmares.

If Yuuri had anything to say about it, he would never see his roommate again. He would live with Adrien for as long as he would let him, and he was perfectly content with the idea.

Finally he was able to get the zipper closed on his suitcase. He slid off of it and pulled it up to its wheels. His messenger bag with his computer and what was left of his school supplies was slung over his shoulder and across his chest so that the bag rested behind him. He grabbed the handles of both his suitcases and pushed them upright, one in front of him and one behind so they would both fit through the door. Leaving that dorm room was like being able to let out a breath of relief.

Yuuri practically threw himself onto Adrien when he met him outside the dorm, ignoring the way his roommate made him feel, or about how anyone else might be staring, and pulled Adrien’s face down so he could kiss him. His own face was bright red by the time he pulled back, but the sparkle in Adrien’s bright blue eyes was always worth it.

Everything he owned was easily loaded into the back of Adrien’s car.

Fingers twined around Adrien’s hand as he placed it over his knee once Adrien pulled out of the parking lot. He never thought his life would change as it had, all thanks to that one rainy day where he was looking particularly miserable, and interesting enough for Adrien to want to talk to him. Now he couldn’t imagine his life any differently. He’d fallen so deeply in love with Adrien Davids that all Yuuri wanted to do was to treasure the time they had together. Even if it was only for a little while longer.