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Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 1:10 pm
A Farewell

An RP open to all members, giving a chance for pride members to say goodbye to family and friends heading out into the rogue lands.

Setting the scene

The call has been given and those Firekin who signed themselves up for the expedition are gathering - preparing to head out under the leadership of their newly promoted leaders.

It will be some time before they return and, faced with this realisation, some family and friends have taken this opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones.

The RP will likely stay open for 1-2 weeks depending on flow of responses. After that, the travelling Firekin may officially RP in the rogue lands.

Have a Firekin who wants to join them on their adventures? It's not too late to sign up! Just fill in the short form in this thread
PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:04 pm

Motoujamii Lands

Motoujamii Lands

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:05 pm
PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 8:32 pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.She was ready for this, more than ready honestly. This was something she really wanted to do. She was going to be able to go outside the pride with her pridemates and show them she was more than the huria coloration that marked her pelt. While it wasn't enough to have her kicked out of the pride it was notable enough for there to be comments said now and again. She hadn't caught anyone saying it directly yet but when she did she'd be sure to give them a paw to the face.

Looking around she hoped to see some of her family, at least the ones that were still in the pride. She knew her blue hued sibling wouldn't be in the crowd, she had left long ago already. Which made her sad in a way but it was pride rules. She understood but didn't exactly see why it was such a big deal. She really hadn't wanted to get into it much anyway so she had left it as it was.

Flicking a stone with her foot she waited to see who all would come around.  



Winter Wolf

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 4:02 am
User ImageHaru lay on the sands and watched as others congregated. His coal black eyes fixed on to everyone that arrived. He was keen to know shall of the faces that were joining the expidition. As he should really. He was a brigadier, he was going to be leading. The thought boggled his mind but at the same time he was pleased. He was slowly starting to settle in to his new role and with this new adventure, this foiret in to the outside world with a multitude of others in tow, well, his everything was tingling with excitement. He had of course been born in the rogue lands, so he knew what to expect, mostly, it had been many years since he joined the firekin. The world couldn't have changed that much though, right?

While he watched, he kept an eye out for his lady mate. It felt strange to be leaving her, they had been together for so very long now, she too had been born in the rogue lands and she, not unlike him, had some tie to the firekin through her parents. He supposed that all roads led to here.

((If anyone wishes to approach Haru he will speak to anyone about their worries etc.))

Epine de Rose
just quoting incase uriah wants to wish her fellah farewell!

User ImageShe was a corporal now and she wasn't afraid to flaunt it. Geei was an ex-rogue so going out in to the roguelands hardly felt special to her, but amongst those that were starting to gather were lions whom had never left the boundaries of the firekin. Still she could feel the buzz around her and that made her ruff stand on end. She supposed it was at least a little exciting going out in to the rogue lands with such a band. They would undoubtedly look like a massive war band of barbarians from the sands. That thought was rather exciting.

Her thought process was interrupted as a happy ball of red and white fluff bounded in to her.

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"Aunty Geei I am sooooooooooooooooooo"Kiahi'kripi paused to take a breath before continuing "oooooooooooooooooo excited! She grins broadly headbutting her oldest aunts. Geei was so angry and serious all the time and also bossy, she was still a great aunty and when she had informed her mother and father of her intent to go on the journey in to the rogue lands, Geei had supported her wish.

Though she did wonder if Geei was now regretting that particular decision. "Have you seen my brother? He said he is coming too."

Geei rolled her eyes, youth, she supposed she still had a percent of it but mostly she was wizened. The young lioness beside her, her brothers daughter seemed so very excited at the prospect of leaving the sands. She supposed she could be forgiven, at least for the moment. "Get your excitement out now neice, you need to follow orders once we leave the borders." She smiled a stern smile and nudged the young female. "And if anything goes down you stay by me." She grunts passing this off as an order rather than a gesture of caring. "And no, I havn't seen your brother though I really don't know how anyone could miss him."

The young lioness nods "Yes Ma'm!" She salutes with a paw and bounds off "I'm gunna find brother! Don't leave without us!"

Geei shakes her head and sighs with exaspiration. Kids, she seriously needed to have a word with Xenon about them.

quoting for kiahi'kripa & their mama! I'll bring Xenon in too if ya like <3

((If anyone wishes to speak to Geei, she will be a grump XD! She is a corporal though and will answer questions seriously))  
PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 5:56 am
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He'd chosen to leave; all things considered this hadn't really come as a surprise to her given he had just gotten promoted. Truth be told, Haru had practically flown through the ranks and it would have been an affront not to prove that he was worthy. That being said, it was still going to be a rather strange time - she'd be without him for the most part, and by the sounds of it, it was going to be for quite some time.

Not that she minded, she knew in the end he'd be fine and in recent weeks she had the pleasure of encountering several lionesses that she had managed to make friends with. Better yet, two of them happened to be former outsiders as well, so they happened to have something in common!

Nevertheless, rather than simply wave him off at a distance, Uriah thought it better to take a moment to bid him farewell in person. That, and one of her newer friends had deemed it necessary to remind her that he might need some gentle prodding in regards to some of the dangers that simply didn't exist here... It had been quite a long time after all!

"Well, well..." she smiled as she drew nearer and raised a brow. "It's all go now, isn't it?"

Syrius Lionwing
Of course she's going to wave him a farewell!!

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"Some, you actually met some of those heading off?" Asyria asked with a mild quirk of her brow. Beside her Paschar was padding along with her usual enthusiasm, eyes bright and continually scanning the horizon for those she might have bumped in to previously.

"I did! I was looking out for those to give advice to," Paschar confirmed as she turned her attention to the black lioness, albeit briefly. "I met a small troupe of guards who were more than happy to listen, they were all very polite, excited even!"

"And now we're here because...?" Asyria waved her right paw just a little as she finally took a seat and glanced briefly at the excitable, but very green Firekin that would be heading into the great unknown. Strewn about she could see a few ex-rogues that would hopefully keep them out of trouble, but she hoped the vast majority would avoid any huge disasters.

"Oh, well I just wanted to wish them luck, a proper good bye and whatnot," Paschar coiled her tail around her paws and grinned. "Maybe they've come up with some more questions I might need to answer just before they go too!"

"Uh huh." Asyria didn't seem to be sold on it at the moment but she would let the budding teacher have her time in the sun. At the very least, at least even the black lioness could say that she had been here as an act of unity if it ever came up in conversation...and she could already see another of her companions further along. Ah, but that must have been Uriah's mate if that was the case, he certainly seemed to fit the description to say the least!

Just in case Grump-Bijan decides to hide in the shadows, Heti can get some cheerleaders to wish him well. n_n

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 7:04 am
The red male lifted his head and smiled at his mate. It wasn't like he didn't see her every day but every time he did he remembered just how lovely she was. A smile lifted his maw and he rose from his dormant position to give her a head-bump. "Indeed, the troops are arriving." he chuckles.

He tilted his head and for a moment he was quiet, just admiring Uriah. He knew he would be back, he just didn't know when. "I'll miss you, you know?" It was completely soppy of him and he knew that but she was the only lioness he had ever loved.

"Still.." He cleared his throat and looked away. "Shouldn't really be too much of a problem, it's not like I was born on the sand." He shuffled his paws for a moment, he had to at least appear confident not only for Uriah sake, but also for the sake of those who would be going in to the rogue lands for the first time. He really wasn't worried the band would be large, they were all fighters, all warriors and medics and hunters, they knew how to survive. "We should be fine." He turned his gaze back to his lady, determined, unwavering. "We will be fine." He decided he needed to re-iterate this point, this, after all, needed to go well or the doors would once again close on the firekin lands.

Epine de Rose
PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 12:29 am
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Mat trotted towards the departure area, dark paws kicking up a bit of sand as she went. There was a definite pep in her step and with the way she carried herself it was clear that she was excited. Her tail swung back and forth behind her and her bright eyes surveyed those that were already gathered. She spotted a few familiar faces from the tournament - Haru and Geei so far - and grinned at the sight. Just with those two alone in the group she knew they'd have a rather successful venture into the rogue lands.

A particularly bright - and blue - lioness caught her eye and she paused upon approaching the group, taking in the young lioness' appearance. It certainly wasn't traditional by any means with the bright, pale blue designs, but recently the rules of who was and who wasn't Huria had changed. This would be a good test to see if her fire outweighed her chilly hues.

"Joining the party or saying goodbye?" she questioned as she approached the lioness, a grin on her face to let her know she wasn't going to be hostile. Although Mat was traditional in appearance herself, she had no issue with a bit of non-Firekin colors in a pelt. As long as they could hold their own in battle she wouldn't take their appearance into consideration. If they failed repeatedly however...well. Then she might change her mind.


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Another lioness joined the party of those gathering, although she didn't seek out the companionship of anyone in particular. Kuzimu simply moved to the center of the group so she wouldn't be left out once directions were given out, her bright blue eyes unblinking for a bit too long to be normal. The pale lioness sat down and awaited instruction, eager to go but not so much so that she felt the need to speak to anyone. The only indication she gave that she wasn't a statue or had fallen asleep sitting up was that from time to time her tail would twitch or her ears would flick to keep the sand flies away. Otherwise she was motionless, staring ahead as if enraptured by something only she could see.

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Ud arrived on the scene a few minutes later as well, still a bit hesitant to be heading out on the expedition. He was, after all, one of those tasked with keeping an eye on the four cubs born to one of the Regents from a rogue father. Granted, they were adolescents now and were a bit better at taking care of themselves and Agni-pariksha had dropped not-so-subtle hints that he should go. As a Legate it was going to be his job to go out into the rogue lands fairly frequently, after all, so it was important he get to know what was out there from the get-go.

He sat at the edge of those gathered thus far, getting a good look at who would be joining them. There was only one other lioness that seemed to be fairly young like him, so once again he was the 'underdog' so to speak. Still, as the tournament had shown, age didn't mean you were automatically superior to someone. He might not have much real-world experience, but his natural talents made up for that.

If you wanted to toss your gal at him here we could do that, if not feel free to ignore~


Offensive Hero


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 1:49 pm
[OOC Note: If anyone wants someone to RP with, feel free to quote me!

Also, my old certs are old...Heti is now a corporal and Kidondo is now an elder.]

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Heti was amongst the rabble preparing to leave, his distinct striped pelt easy to distinguish amongst his fellows. His desire to be part of this thing was driven by a desire to discover. To better himself. To better his pride. He'd tried to explain that to his father and failed miserably. Still, despite their argument, it was his father he wished to see. To speak a farewell.

His son, who was standing just at his side, seemed to realise it, "he'll be here, dad."

Heti glanced at his son for a moment, into his pale eyes that were so optimistic and innocent despite the fact he was grown. Kerra had a mouth on him, yes, but his heart was big and his demeanour jovial. Still, Heti had a feeling his son's optimism was misplaced this time. Perhaps this was the last straw. The act that would drive itself between them. Either way, after this, nothing would be the same.

"Take care of him whilst I'm gone, okay?" Heti murmured.

"O'course. Ol' gramps won't be able to shake me." He gave his father a toothy grin and, for a moment, the pair lapsed into silence.

Epine de Rose

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Sia spotted him at a distance and circled him as if he were prey, scanning the crowd as if to judge the situation. She'd met the lion briefly after he had won his new promotion to offer her deepfelt congratulations and now, it seemed, she felt the need to wish him luck. And who could blame her, truly? Look at him, all young and strong with those bold Firekin colours that could not help but draw the eye?

Mmm~ yes, he was delicious and Sia had never been shy at offering her opinions about such things.

In a few swift strides, she had moved up alongside the stripe-maned male and sat beside him with a smile, "you're leaving?" she asked, knowing the answer, "my poor heart, I can feel it breaking already. What is a girl to do?"

Hope you don't mind the 'assumed' meeting between them!

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Kidondo watched quietly from the sidelines with a mix of nostalgia and jealousy. The outside world had been a life-changing experience for him as a young prince looking to make an impact on his people when he came of age. Out there he had seen so much more than he could have ever hoped. Opened his eyes to differences and been struck by the strength of the people who had lived out there. He had returned a changed lion with the love of his life at his side and, in time, a small army to help force a social change upon his kin.

The days that had unfolded after that had brought pain and suffering but also much joy. Much reason to celebrate. And here, before him, were the results of that action.

And now, just as he had done so many years ago, these Firekin were about to go out on their road to enlightenment. Perhaps the echoes of this would not be felt and seen until long after he had passed, but either way it was a step in the right direction. The retired regent smiled from his place in the shade and turned an ear at the sound of approaching paws. He knew the sound of that stride and allowed a knowing smile to cross his maw.

"Azar," he greeted as the corporal settled beside him - a comfortable companionship between the two.

"Sir," he all but growled.

"How are you, my friend?"

When there was no response, Kidondo knew all he needed to know about what was transpiring. "Who is heading out into the rogue lands? Son or grandson?" Maybe both, he realised. He could not see either of them from here but they might very well have been together.

"Heti," Azar replied, his voice emotionless.

"Ah, well...he is your son, is he not?"

Azar said nothing again and Kidondo wondered whether perhaps this was a subject best left alone. "Some of my grandchildren, it seems, will be joining him on this outing, too."
PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 3:43 pm
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Against all her expectations for her life, Psyche was finally home - and completely defying her own opinions of herself, she was a Magistrate. And now she was leaving again. This time, however, it was temporary, and it was as part of a group. Truth be told, now that she was back and more or less settled (as settled as she was likely to get, anyway), she wasn't exactly eager to return to the rogue lands. Her forced foray as a Huria had been more than enough for her; she'd already seen what there was to see, so to speak, or as much of it is she cared to.

But. The bold step taken by Agni-pariksha thrilled and inspired her, and what better way could she show support for the Regent's actions than by following in her footsteps? Words were all well and good, but actions were worth far more. Psyche's motivation was not exploration or diplomacy, but cubs, and she was not the least bit ashamed of that. If anything, she was a bit nervous, all a-flutter about the decision that she had made - and further decisions she had yet to make - but that was nothing new. Anxious was the golden lioness' normal.

Accordingly, she fidgeted in place as everyone gathered, paws scuffing against the sand.

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Adhama, too, had spent her fair share of time in other lands, having been sent out as an adolescent to explore, find herself and her name, and ultimately return to the swamp. She had accomplished the first two on the list, but had found the outside world held much more exciting opportunities and adventures for her than the swamp ever could - which was just as well, as she'd later found out that the swamp had burned and the pride had relocated, only to ultimately disband when disaster struck their new lands. She had been far less disturbed by the news of that turn of events than her some-degree-of-relative (Adhama had never cared about keeping track of all that crap, as being descended from the royal family meant way too much friggin' family to count), Nisitayeshaua, who had sought her out to share and commiserate over the loss of family. She had not been particularly helpful, however, or nearly as disturbed as the lioness from the Firekin-blooded branch of their family. Unlike Nisi, she hadn't lost her parents, but rather a great-something grandmother. Perhaps it should have bothered her more, but...it didn't.

Eager to get going, she paced her way through the gathering crowd. She'd seen some of the outside world, sure, but she was excited by the prospect of getting to see more of it, of going out and doing something Maybe they would even venture close to the swamp; she'd be curious to see the aftermath of the fire she'd heard about. Perhaps that was a bit morbid, but that didn't bother her, either.

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Some fidgeted, some paced, some said their goodbyes, while Tim-timana simply sat and waited patiently for it to be time to go. She was excited in her own way, certainly, curious to see more of the world and to play her role in the venture as a dutiful Soldier, but it was rare for her to appear as anything other than calm and composed, regardless of what she was feeling, and today was no exception. She was attentive and her posture upright, but she did perhaps look a little bored as she waited. She might not be an adrenaline junkie, but she didn't enjoy waiting any more than the next person. Could everyone just...hurry up and get their farewells over with so they could all get down to business?

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Not there to accompany the expedition or to bid anyone farewell, Tezi sat on the very outskirts of the milling crowd, a slight frown creasing the corners of his mouth. His mate had absolutely refused to come at all, scandalized by the recent changes brought to the pride by the new Regents...one of which was their own daughter. Hewa had found it irritating enough when they began by loosening color restrictions, but was absolutely furious when news of Agni-pariksha breeding with an outsider had broken. And now a whole group of too-eager youths was being sent off to outside lands, some very likely with the intention of doing exactly what she had done. This all made life with Niwasha'Hewa...rather unpleasant, at the moment. The old, fully traditionalist lioness had a wealth of opinions and no reason not to share them, as far as she was concerned. At her age, after all, what did it matter? And, of course, if no one else was around to listen to her, Tezi got the brunt of it, as her niece had wisely made herself scarce to avoid the headache.

He couldn't say that he completely disagreed with the lioness with whom he'd long ago forged an alliance, but on his own he wasn't necessarily as extreme as she was. It had never really been an issue, though, as he was mostly content to nod and follow her lead, letting her have her way as she wished. It was an arrangement that worked, and while it had only ever led to a single cub for the two of them, no one could argue that that lone child hadn't been a strong one. Tapana had grown into a force to be reckoned with, rather than the clone her mother had sought, and Tezi found secret amusement in that.

While he observed the goings-on from the sidelines, another spectator arrived and took up a place beside him, shaking her head in disapproval. Agni-hotra, some relation or another of Hewa's (who wasn't?) and a fellow traditionalist, someone she often spent time comlplaining with. "Can you believe it?" she said to him, clucking her tongue. "What this pride has fallen to..."

Tezi suppressed a sigh, instead making a noncommital sound that Hotra could take however she wished.  


Epine de Rose

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 2:44 am
"Just remember your manners and don't pretend you're the worlds strongest," Uriah reminded him with a chuckle and shook her head. Haru would hopefully remember that the world outside didn't follow Firekin rules, they had both come from there, but whether the others would follow his example remained to be seen. Still, this would be a very good test of his leadership and he would, hopefully, come back much more confident and established in his new role.

"There will be liars, cheaters and those much stronger than you," she waggled a paw and smirked. "Now you might know that but you better keep an eye on the others to ensure they remember it as well... Otherwise those medics are going to be terribly busy," she raised a brow and glanced briefly at his companions-to-be. They were all very capable lions, but it was true that very few of them had ever actually been outside in to the world beyond the desert.

If there was ever going to be a culture shock, it was now...

"And maybe make sure they don't over eat, they'll not know what hit them when they stumble upon all that water and all that food!" she warned in a light hearted manner.

Syrius Lionwing

"Oh there he is!" Without any further warning Paschar had already increased her pace and was trotting towards Heti with considerable enthusiasm. It took Asyria several seconds longer to catch up to what had happened, only then electing to follow after the smaller lioness. Admittedly, both Paschar and Asyria were both small, but Paschar was arguably the more petite of the two. As abundant as resources might have been in the roguelands, it didn't necessarily guarantee that everyone would be large.

Strong, fit and healthy perhaps... But not giant.

"You mean Heti?" the black lioness asked curiously as she finally caught up to the other and flicked her gaze towards the lion in question, and by extension his son, who she vaguely seemed to recall.

"Oh, you've met?" Paschar replied and glanced between the pair.

"More than once, yes," Asyria confirmed with a wry smile and raised both eyebrows as she finally regarded Heti and his son again. "So you're actually going to take the plunge then, hm?" she mused.

"We're actually here to say good luck but yeah..." Paschar peered at Asyria for a moment and then shook her head, this just seemed to be the type of disposition that lioness had...

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 11:39 am
The blood red male smiles a crooked confident smile at his mate. She was treating him like a cub, he really appreciated it. It reminded him of a few things that perhaps he had forgotten as he had become settled and gotten older. The outside world was not here and there would be many below him, young and old alike who would not know to restrain themselves.

"I promise I'll keep an eye on everyone." He chuckles, "especially myself." He leans forwards and licks his mates cheek fondly. "What am I going to do without your words of wisdom hmm?" He raised both brows and smirked a cheeky grin.

"The world can't have changed that much..."He paused for a moment and decide to retract the statement. "Well maybe it can but the basic principles never change and look at them." He gestured to the gathering crowed "they look like a horde of warriors, perfectly willing to protect one another."

Epine de Rose

Syrius Lionwing

samus x

Ice-Cold Cat

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 2:27 pm
(using old cert, he is a corporal now)
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Huojin gave his daughter a unamused look, as she had decided to follow him out to the rouge lands. he had felt it was his duty as a new corporal to join the band of firekin that were taking the journey out into the rouge lands. he gave a grumble at his daughter as she gave him a light shove. "you best take this more seriously. we do not know what we will encounter out there and I don't need you getting into trouble." huffing, he could only hope that his daughter wouldn't be any trouble and would hold her own.

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Houri didn't care if her father approved or not to follow him to the rougelands. she felt he was just being over protective of her even though she was more than capable of handling herself and was an adult anyways. rolling her eyes at her father, she gather him a light shove before sitting beside him. " i'm not stupid father. you can quite having a fuss over me now." rolling her eyes again, she could only hope her father would not baby her the whole time.

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Aodhfin just shook his head as he watched his two companions and a grin came to his face. he remembered how over protective his mentor was of Houri when she had been born. " i am sure all will be fine. you trained Horui well and I have no worries about her keeping up." chuckling, he looked around to see who was going and who was saying goodbyes to family. he kind of hoped to see some of his possibly since he knew they all would probably be gone for a time.  
PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:48 am
"Oh I don't know, I imagine you'll expire on the spot," the lioness mused and then chuckled.

"And the world has a way of changing very rapidly without us realising it," she pointed out. "A lot like the way a river flows, it cuts its own path whether we want it to or not," she added. She had no doubt the Firekin could protect themselves against most things, but an abuse wasn't the easiest thing in the world to defend against...especially if you were met with equal strength against you.

"Just remember that not everyone plays by our rules, they'll cheat if they have to," she shook her head and sighed. "And not everyone here will know how to cope with that, nor will they know how to watch their own mouths," she cautioned with a small grimace. "I have no doubt of their strength, I'm just worried about their diplomacy mostly..."

She frowned.

"They're not going to be king out there, other lions won't care who we are and where we come from, nor our culture and our expectations. We don't have a right to enforce that on anyone and I hope some of the more traditional remember that..."

Another pause followed.

"Otherwise we'll have blood on our paws and it will be our fault, so just make sure they know to rein it in for everyone, they're representing us all and I don't want you getting hurt because one of them is too foolish to know their place in a much wilder world than this one!" she tisked.

Syrius Lionwing

Epine de Rose


Offensive Hero

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 11:11 am
Mat huffed softly as a fly flew around her head, irritably swatting at it. She hoped the rogue lands would host fewer flying things, although from stories she had heard from rogues there were plenty of creatures that didn't roam the deserts, or even close to it. All types of walking, crawling, flying, and swimming things. Swimming! Mat was most excited to see things like lakes and rivers, bodies of water different from the meager supplies they had in the desert.


Kuzimu watched as others gathered, filling the area quickly. There were many that were going to go on this venture, it seemed, and she hoped she would be able to blend in with the crowd well enough to go unnoticed. She had plans for this outing, after all, and it would be rather awful if someone screwed it up for her by calling her out.


The presence of the dark lioness was a welcome surprise for Ud, who glanced at her as she spoke. Her words made him laugh, unsure if she was teasing or being serious. Sia had been quite vocal about her support after his triumph in the consolation round, much to his delight, and now it seemed it had been more than just a friendly little chat they had.

"I'm sure you'll be fine," he said with a soft chuckle, reaching out with a paw to pat hers. "It's part of my new role now, especially with the Regent's cubs having grown. But I'll return. We all will," he added, nodding to the surprising size of the group. There were some here to say farewell, of course, but Ud knew most of those gathered would be joining them.

[IC] Motoujamii Lands

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