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[R] Potential Music Friends? (Aloysius & Melody)

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White Trickster Rabbit

Cosmic Rabbit

15,000 Points
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PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:08 am
The flyers had been up for a bit, aged some around the corners, but after passing it again on the way home from work a decision had been made. Which was how she'd ended up here, a couple of days later, knocking almost hesitantly on the door before her.

Aloysius Sharp,according to the flyer, was a music tutor. Granted she didn't really need tutoring in music, she'd been playing the cello for far too long, but what harm was there in seeing if they'd be willing to play a bit of music with her? The worst that could be said is no, after all.

There was a bit of uncertainty now that she was here, waiting for an answer (maybe they weren't home?) but she squared her shoulders as her fingers toyed with the end of the long tank top she wore, and refused to leave. Well, wouldn't leave until she was sure Aloysius wasn't home anyway.

Sara Draconia
PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 2:19 pm
At first the knock did not quite register in his hazy mind, Desiree padded towards him and nudged him slightly. At that point he slowly got up off the bed and managed to fix his hair slightly even though it was still hanging down loose and not braided. It took a moment for him to find his glasses and make himself look a little better in terms of appearance. With a few questionable steps, he made his way through the dusty place and paused at the door. Through the peephole he saw a short female standing impatiently at the door. After a moment he unbolted the deadbolt and cracked the door slightly, squinting against the sunlight as if it was a deadly opponent.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" His voice was quiet and a bit scratchy from just waking up, only part of his face showed through the door as he peered down at the lady standing before his door.

White Trickster Rabbit
He's about 6 2 or so

Sara Draconia

Wheezing Loiterer

White Trickster Rabbit

Cosmic Rabbit

15,000 Points
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PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 10:16 am
She would like to think she was being patient, though it was also likely that she wasn't as she really didn't think this whole showing up at a stranger's house thing through. For someone usually so thoughtful this was not one of her brighter moments.

Maybe she should have called instead?

Just when she was about to turn and go, figuring he wasn't home, the door opened and brown eyes looked up. Then immediately felt bad because he looked like he'd been busy (sleeping maybe? from the way he squinted? oh, maybe he was sick...) and she'd interrupted whatever he was doing.

"Ah... Hello, I'm sorry to have bothered you." Darn it, this seemed harder then it should be. "You are Aloysius?"

Sara Draconia
PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 2:03 pm
As she spoke it seemed either she felt she had imposed or that he was not what she had been expecting when she had knocked at his door. With another moment passing, he pressed his hand against his face and squished it slightly to wake himself up more. "Yes, it is quite alright I just was asleep when you came about. How may I help you?" With a smooth voice and movements he opened the door slightly more and took a half step out into the light. It hurt his head but at least he had a better look at who he was talking to.

Black trousers and his half buttoned white long sleeved shirt was all he had on at the moment, it was better than how he had gone to sleep at least. Caring was not quite one of the things on his mind just yet as his thoughts were still swirling around in the land of dreams mostly.

White Trickster Rabbit

Sara Draconia

Wheezing Loiterer

White Trickster Rabbit

Cosmic Rabbit

15,000 Points
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  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:17 am
"Sorry for the intrusion then," she replied, giving a small little apologetic bow.

She knew she should have called! Well it was too late now it seemed. At least he didn't seem too angry at having been woken up.

Okay Melody, you could do this. Just don't embarrass yourself in front of the cute musician. A mental cheer and she squared her shoulders again.

"Ah.. as for why I'm here... Well, to be honest I pass a flyer of yours sometimes on my way home from work and I was curious." A slight flush. "I don't exactly need tutoring, that is I've been at my craft since I was young, but I couldn't help but to wonder if you were opposed to occasionally playing with another musician?"

Did that sound dumb? It did a little and she kind of wanted to kick herself. But it was out there now and the worst he could say was no.

Sara Draconia
PostPosted: Tue Jul 18, 2017 7:51 am
Aloyious tilted his head slightly at her proposition and then half nodded. The haze of sleep still tugged at his mind. "It is alright, once again I was merely asleep so social interaction is better than being in a coma for the day. As for your proposition.... I suppose it can be an option. Although I rarely play anymore, I have mostly been composing since my accident. But, the sun is harsh, and I do need to take my leave from its burning rays. If you can disregard the mess, please come in."

With a groaning creak, he opened the door wider and pulled himself away from the sunlight. He turned away from her and leaned down to start picking up loose sheet music as he made his way towards the coffee table beside the piano. Desiree watched quietly from her perch on top of the closed piano key cover. All the pages he picked up fit back where they belonged on his music stand. Despite the mess, he always managed to keep his whole place smelling of vanilla or hazelnut from his e liquid. It finally dawned on him that his chest was half bare,revealing his scar over where his star-seed was, and he quickly buttoned the buttons and carefully rolled down the sleeves to hide his other scars. Inside he hated himself more for what he did to himself over the years.

"Please have a seat at the coffee table, I can prepare a pot of hot water for tea, coffee or cocoa if you would like?" Limping slightly still, he made his way into the kitchen and turned on the burner underneath his tea kettle. He lit one of his cigarette with the open flame and took a drag to calm himself before putting out the cigarette once more. After waving away the smoke and spraying himself with cologne he reemerged from the kitchen and took a seat at the coffee table.

White Trickster Rabbit

Sara Draconia

Wheezing Loiterer

White Trickster Rabbit

Cosmic Rabbit

15,000 Points
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  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
PostPosted: Fri Aug 18, 2017 11:57 am
"No, please, do what you need to to take care of yourself," she replied, moving for the door to step in. Once over the threshold, she shut the door behind her.

If she was bothered by the mess, Melody said nothing and followed Aloyious further into his home. The piano made her smile and the "mess" of loose sheet music could have made her laugh. Would have if she weren't such a polite person. Because it was easy to see herself in the mess of music related things all over the place.

She had, and would not, say anything about the scars that she may or may not have seen. Melody was not the judgemental type, though he had mentioned an accident so it was natural to assume they were all from there.

"You have a lovely home," she complimented, moving to sit at the table as instructed. "And tea would be lovely, thank you~"

Sara Draconia
PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2017 4:25 am
Aloysious was shocked for a moment from her compliment, ages had passed since anyone had been in his house. Even then few had rarely said anything other than about how cluttered it all was. He smiled slightly and nodded at her response to his tea proposal. "It should only be a few more minutes until the kettle whistles and I can prepare the tea. What type would you like? I have many varieties that I have acquired and a few that I have made myself."

It was also very different having someone who was female over, the only one he had considered before was Leto but even now he had no idea where she was or if she was even still alive. It was nice having someone here but at the same time it began to bring back his worries slightly.

"As for actual music related things, what instrument have you been playing? My main instrument is violin but I switched to piano, temporarily, for tutoring due to ease and the ability to compose multiple part pieces. Unfortunately I am out of date when it comes to current music types and popular themes still when it comes to my compositions. They still remain very classical and solemn, some would say."

White Trickster Rabbit

Sara Draconia

Wheezing Loiterer

White Trickster Rabbit

Cosmic Rabbit

15,000 Points
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  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:42 pm
Cluttered though it may have been she could still see the charm that the house had to offer and honestly the clutter didn't deter from it in the least. Well, so she felt. It certainly felt homey and lived in, a stark contrast she felt to her own home some times. The maids always made it feel too clean and pristine for her tastes.

"I'm not picky, in all honesty," she replied with a fond smile to the other. "Something floral though, perhaps?" A pause for just a moment. "On second thought I would very much be interested in any of the ones you've made yourself."

Making tea was not something she did or had even really known to be a thing and the more she thought on it, the more she was curious about the types of tea he'd put together himself. She had the feeling it could be very telling of the man he was in some way. And that idea made her smile just a tad more even as she ignored how much her interest in him as a person (and not just a music buddy) had been piqued.

"I play the cello and, admittedly, haven't touched another instrument before it or since." This one instrument had called to her soul and that was all she really needed it seemed. "Though I am not complaining in the least about that. I'm quite happy with my instrument."

A slight note she felt the need to add, if only because she felt her words might have come out wrong. There was nothing wrong with playing only one instrument (or more) and she hoped he wouldn't read into it as such.

"But I understand completely when it comes to composing music. Especially when I was younger, though even now, the songs I write are more an extension of my feelings and I'm not always the best at being open with such things. So I've always put those feelings into songs and often they are very solemn or sad compostions." Joy was easier for her to express then sorrow, anger, or even guilt.

"I will admit I do sometimes do covers of music I hear on the radio, or that is on my iPod but I find that classical is my niche~" Something they both seemed to share. It was a very nice feeling for her.

Sara Draconia
sorry if this is a bit disjointed lol i should be sleeping but sleep isn't coming to me despite my tiredness
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 5:26 pm
Aloysius nodded quietly and poured hot water into her cup before placing a carefully folded teabag in the cup as well. With a quick look, he pulled out a three minute sand time and started it up next to her. It was a earl grey style blend with hints of vanilla and lavender added in. He prepared his cup with a simple bag of french hazelnut black tea which would take the same amount of seeping time.

"These both take about three minutes to steep if you do not mind the wait. As for the cello, it always interested me due to the rich range it has. Although, I never had the ability to really sit still as well for that in my younger days. I learned that ability later on though when I started playing piano as it is necessary for that." He chuckled softly as he remember the older days when he was playing in front of his grandfather each holiday.

After sitting back down, he tried to think back to the last time the radio had been played nearby. He definitely understood where she was coming from in regards to her feelings and compositions. "I understand that very sentiment, I find it hard as well to put the things that I feel into words. Most of my compositions that I keep to myself are from some of my least happy moments. I would like to hear some of the things you have composed sometime if it is not too troublesome for you to travel with your instrument and music. I may be interested in covers as well but I have a large lack in recent music."

White Trickster Rabbit

Sara Draconia

Wheezing Loiterer

White Trickster Rabbit

Cosmic Rabbit

15,000 Points
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  • Little Bunny Foo Foo 100
PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:16 am
"I don't mind the wait at all~"

Setting the cup a bit closer to herself, Melody watched as he sat down the sand timer. Granny had often used one for various things but she hadn't seen one in some time. Her family didn't really employ them because other timers worked much better, and had a noise to let them know when it was done.

"My mother always wished me to play the violin but I rather liked the sound of the cello. I've tried the piano as well but I'm not that good at it. String instruments seem to be my forte but I can't seem to move past my cello so I haven't." A small smile, hand moving to tuck some hair behind her ear.

"As far as covers though, a lot of it is from some older music? I have a varying range but some of the newer stuff I don't find enjoyment in so." A small shrug. "But I could bring my cello by sometime if you want. It's not that hard to carry around." She'd managed to work up muscles needed to hoist the case around. Though... she hadn't in some time, now that she thought about it.

"I... could see about pulling out some of my music but I.. don't really play it for anyone?" A light flush across her cheeks. "I guess I tend to more put it into music then forget about it."

Sara Draconia
♥ In the Name of the Moon! ♥

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