Fakemon Subforum and Creation Rules

Welcome to the Fakemon Subforum! Here guild members may make their own threads for Fakemon ideas that they want to add to the guild so that they can get feedback from fellow members. This way, members can bounce ideas off of one another and overall work to improve their Fakemon submissions.

If you plan on making a new fakemon for the guild, please take a moment to read the following rules before you get started!

About Making Fakemon:

    • Each member of the guild is limited having a total of three fakemon in the Fakedex. Once you have reached that limit in the Fakedex, you may not create any new Fakemon until one of them is retired (see section on Retiring Fakemon below for more details).

    • Fakemon should be original, not copy/pasted ideas from other sites and sources. We encourage the collaboration of ideas between guild members here, but there is a difference between taking a guild members suggestion and incorporating it into a fakemon, and copying a fakemon idea from deviantart word for word and submitting it as a fakemon here. We will not tolerate plagiarism of fakemon ideas in the guild, and anyone caught doing anything of the sort will be immediately BANNED from making fakemon in the guild.

    • On a similar note, if you are providing images for Fakemon, the images do not need to be your own. However, we DO require that you give credit where credit is due. Give us the source of the art you are using, or if it is your own, please say so, that way there are no issues with claims of art theft.

    • No Mega Evolutions please. Fakemon can already be pretty powerful on their own, so we do not allow people to make Fakemon with mega evolutions, nor do we allow people to make mega evolution fakemon of canon pokemon.

    • Similarly, we do not allow Regional Variants of Canon Pokemon. With the release of the Alola region, regional variants have become a popular new fakemon concept with people making other Kanto regional variants of their own, however we will not be allowing this in the guild.

    • It is acceptable, however, to make an original Fakemon with different forms, such as split evolution lines, or fakemon with their own regional variants.

    • Under no circumstances are Fakemon allowed to have Legendary Signature Moves or Abilities.

    • Accepted Fakemon will need sprites made for them, and some of the mods and members of the guild can assist with making 2D sprites. If your Fakemon is accepted and put up on the Fakedex, you can request that one of the following guild members help assist in making you a sprite for your Fakemon:

      • SpectralEternity
      • Vigilia

    If you have the skillset and are willing to assist in making sprites for guild members, please let a mod know and we will add you to this list!

    About Retiring Fakemon:

      • After having a Fakemon in the guild for 2 years, you may choose to retire it in order to free up one of your three fakedex slots in the guild.

      • Retiring a Fakemon means that it will be moved into the Retired Fakedex so that it's information will still be available for those who own the fakemon, and it will no longer be available to be claimed at fakemon giveaways or caught in the wild. Retired Fakemon can still be updated as new moves and abilities come out in new regions.

      • If you plan to retire a common availability fakemon, we will make an announcement to let people know that your fakemon will be retiring in two weeks so that they have a chance to get one if they haven't yet. If your fakemon is a limited availability, we will require that you wait until the next available fakemon giveaway so that we can announce that this giveaway is the last chance to get your fakemon, and then when the giveaway is closed, your fakemon will be moved into retirement.

    Making A New Fakemon Thread:

      • If you would like to put a Fakemon idea up in this subforum, create a new topic here with your Fakemon's name(s) as the title, and post all of it's information in the first post.

      • Please make only ONE thread per fakemon idea and then edit it as you make changes.

      • Even though you can only officially get one fakemon approved for the fakedex every year, you can still create multiple threads here if you aren't sure which idea to choose from or work on first.

      • By creating a thread here, you accept and acknowledge that people will be posting in your thread and giving feedback. If you do not wish to receive feedback, or don't think that you will be able to handle any sort of criticism in a reasonable manner, do not make threads in this subforum. You do not have to post an idea in this subforum to submit a fakemon for the guild. The forum is just so that anyone looking for help/feedback can get it.

      • On a similar note, please make sure that once you've put up your thread with your fakemon idea in it, the fakemon's information has all that you have thought about and worked on, otherwise someone may see your thread and comment on things you haven't finished editing yet, which could be frustrating for both parties.

      • Please don't make new threads here if you already have three active fakemon in the guild Fakedex.

    Getting Feedback:

      • Once you have made your Fakemon thread, any interested members will be able to look over your ideas and give feedback if they so choose. However, if you are looking for a more immediate response rather than waiting for anyone browsing Fakemon Ideas to give feedback, please feel free to quote one of our Feedback Volunteers.

      Feedback Volunteers are:
        • SpectralEternity
        • Vigilia

      • If you would like to become a Fakemon Feedback Volunteer, please notify a mod and we will add you to the list! (:

      • Pick only one volunteer at a time, do not mass quote the entire list. When it comes to mods, we are in constant communication with each other, but this volunteer list is composed of both mods and members, and therefore mass quoting can end up getting everyone responding at once to the same thing, and it can be messy. Instead, look for someone who is online and quote them for any questions you may have.

      • If you don't get a response within a week, try requoting or sending a PM, or try quoting a different volunteer.

      • Do not spam or pester feedback volunteers. A friendly reminder or requote after a week or so of no response is fine, we are human after all and we can sometimes forget or get busy with real life, but requoting every hour and day is considered spam.

      • Please do not bump your thread either. Bumping is the act of making a post in a thread that has no real point other than to move the thread higher on the list for attention. If you are looking for direct feedback, quote one of the members on the feedback volunteer list, and be patient.

      • Creators should also try not to be too sensitive about feedback they receive. If someone is pointing out what they see as an issue or flaw in the Fakemon entry, they are likely just trying to help make it a better entry so it can be added to the guild. Reacting violently to criticism is not going to help anyone.

      • However, if you feel that someone is attacking you personally, or is being too harsh in their criticism, alert a mod and we will take a look at the situation and mediate if necessary.

      • You don't have to agree with everything that anyone says here. This is a place for suggestions and feedback. If someone makes a suggestion that you don't agree with, politely tell them so, explain why, then move on. Don't get into a heated and anger filled argument about personal opinions.

    Submitting Fakemon for Approval:

      • To submit a Fakemon entry for approval, PM SpectralEternity with a link to your Fakemon thread.

      • Fakemon entries can only be submitted for approval on the 1st and 15th of each month.

      • By submitting a fakemon to become part of the guild, you agree that should your fakemon be accepted and added to the guild fakedex, guild members who claim it from giveaways may keep their fakemon, even if you, the creator, are no longer a member of the guild. You may request that upon your leaving the guild that your fakemon be put into retirement and that no more be given away in the future, however you may not force guild members to stop using your fakemon, or ask the mods to remove it entirely from the guild.

      • Rejected fakemon may be resubmitted at a later date during one of the two submission days once the requested changes have been applied.

      • When you submit an entry for Mod approval, we will primarily be checking for three things:

      1. Making sure the idea is original and was not plagiarized.
      2. The Fakemon is balanced mechanically such that it would not break the guild's system.
      3. It has enough written content such that an RPer would be able to get a clear idea of how the Fakemon functioned in all ways.

      In order to check for this criteria, when we review a submission, here are some of the things we are looking for:


          • The creator does not borrow ideas from other sources, and if they do, it is minimal, or barely noticeable. Most of the ideas should be their own instead of the entry being a carbon copy of someone else's work. If it would be a stretch to say that something was copied, like the fakemon's design having a tail similar to an absol's, or the type being the same as rotom's mow form, then it's probably safe.

          • The fakemon is something different and unique in the pokemon world, perhaps by using a type combination that isn't canon or very common, or the design of the pokemon is different than any other canon pokemon by using an object or animal base that the pokemon world does not have much of, or not at all. For instance, making another rat or mouse pokemon might be difficult to pass off as an original idea.

          • If the creator made a custom attack or ability for this pokemon, it should be unique or original compared to the canon attacks and abilities already available.

          • If other sources are used for art, the fakemon entry should give credit to that source.


          • This entry's attacks, abilities, and evolution method should make sense and fit the pokemon.

          • The fakemon should feel like it could be a real pokemon that the pokemon company could have made and put in a new game.

          • The entry should establish connections to the pokemon world and make a place for it.

          • The custom attack or ability should fit in with the canon pokemon abilities or moves in that it should seem like a move or ability that could be in the games, and should not feel too over/under powered.

          • The fakemon should be logically sized and weighed for it's species and how it functions in the pokemon world.


          All Fakemon entries should have the following information provided:

            • Availability (Common, Limited, Special Requirements)
            • Species Name and Category
            • Type (2 at most, no new types)
            • Type Matchup chart or reference link
            • Abilities (1-2 regular, and/or 1 hidden)
            • An image and/or physical description of your entry (including measurements such as height and weight)
            • Gender Ratio
            • Flavor Text (At least one)
            • History/Culture
            • Behavior
            • Diet
            • Habitat
            • Evolution info
            • Breeding Info
            • Moveset; Includes learnset, Egg Moves, Move Tutor, TMs and HMs. Fakemon are not required to have egg moves or move tutor moves, but you must still have the lists up with something like N/A to signify that they have none.
            • One original Attack, Ability, or custom item (optional):
            Each entry is allowed to have one choice of a unique attack OR ability OR item that will be exclusive to that pokemon's evolutionary line. You will need to provide all of the necessary information such that people using the move/ability/item will know how to use it correctly.

            If you plan to make a custom move, you must give it a type (ice, fire, water, etc) and category (Physical, Special, or Status). You must also explain if it affects a single target, or multiple targets, and if it effects multiple targets, explain what the range is. If this needs clarification please ask a mod or take a look at this list of Multi Target Moves to get a visual. Please also note if the attack has increased or decreased priority, and if so give it a number rating (+2, -3, etc).

            Additionally, all custom moves need a contest variation, identifying the category (cool, beauty, tough, etc) of the move, and it's effect.

          Please note that simply having all of this information listed in a submission does not guarantee an entry to be approved. Creators should expand on ideas, and provide a lot of information about the Fakemon.

          • Members should be able to understand what the creator is trying to get across about their entry, meaning everything should be written and described clearly so that it is easy to visualize and understand.

          • There should not be anything vague or confusing in regards to the entry. If the entry is very vague in it's descriptions of the fakemon, it is not detailed enough.

          • There should not be any gaping holes in the provided information that make the entry seem incomplete.

          • There should not have any confusion or questions about how something works, why this fakemon does certain things, or acts a certain way after a member finishes reading through the entry.

          • It should be obvious that the creator payed attention to the little, finer details of their fakemon, even if it's a small fun idea, it should stand out and make the fakemon more enjoyable.

          • The entry should explain why and how certain aspects of their pokemon work the way they do.

          • The entry should give a vivid physical explanation of the Fakemon, particularly one that members can envision well. Exceptional entries should be able to have a description that doesn't just explain the obvious, but also covers things that may not be visible at a glance.

          • The entry should clearly describe the mechanics of how their pokemon evolves, or how their custom move/ability works.

        If we find that any submission that does not satisfy the criteria, we will point out areas that need work, or specify things that need to be changed, and make suggestions to be fixed for the next submission date.

        If you feel you are struggling with a specific section, or don't know where to begin, feel free to look over the Fakemon Creation Guide for helpful advice, organization, and tips!

      What Happens When My Fakemon is Approved?:

      • If your Fakemon is approved, a mod will post your finished entry to the fakedex

      • When your Fakemon is approved, please edit that Fakemon's thread title to say APPROVED before your Fakemon's name(s), this way people looking over threads will know that they don't need to give any more feedback.

      • Upon approval, you may claim a regular or shiny version of your fakemon at level 10 to use immediately.

      • New Fakemon are added to the Fakedex upon approval. Common Fakemon will be available for the guild to claim right away, as well as certain special requirement Fakemon depending on the circumstances. Limited Fakemon however, will not be released to the guild until one of the two fakemon giveaways in March or September.

      • If you would like for your Common or Special Requirement Fakemon to be withheld from the rest of the guild until the next Fakemon giveaway, please inform a mod, and we will make note of this in the official fakedex entry.