Giving Feedback on Fakemon

Helping other guild members continue to make this guild amazing is an important job, one that helps bolster our guild community. Feel free to post constructive feedback or suggestions to any Fakemon posted in this subforum and strike up a conversation with the creator about potential ideas and fixes, but before you do, please read the following rules and guidelines about Fakemon feedback.

Posting Feedback:

    -If you would like to give feedback, look through the threads of Fakemon and read up on what the creator has put together so far, and if you have any ideas or advice, post them to the relevant thread.

    -If you are struggling to fine where to give advice, or what suggestions to give, feel free to look over the Fakemon Creation Guide for ideas and inspiration!

    -Please remember to quote the creator of the Fakemon you are giving feedback for so that they are notified about your comments. If the creators don't see your feedback, it doesn't do them much good (;

    -As always, members of the guild are expected to be courteous and respectful when talking to fellow members of the guild. If the mods see any rude, disrespectful, snide, or hurtful comments, you will get an official warning for the guild in general and be banned from giving feedback in this subforum.

    -Please give CONSTRUCTIVE feedback and criticism. This doesn't mean you can't say you don't like something about a Fakemon, you just have to be civilized about it and explain why. There is a difference between saying "this sucks I hate this entry it's so confusing and weird" and "I don't really understand why you included this, can you explain that part to me and maybe clarify it more in the entry?"

    -Don't feel offended if the creator doesn't like your idea. Creators don't have to agree with everything that you suggest, and many of them might not. It is, after all, their creation. This is a place for suggestions and feedback, and a lot of the discussion will involve personal opinion on things like behaviors, habitat, or moves and abilities. In these cases of personal opinion, you can politely argue or explain your case, but ultimately, if what the creator has makes sense for the fakemon and doesn't break any rules, it's not worth seriously arguing over. If you feel like you're getting angry or frustrated, just take a deep breath, let it go, and move on. It isn't your job to make sure the fakemon is perfect. It is your job as a critic to give suggestions, regardless of whether or not the creator agrees with them.

    -One function of this open forum design is to have conversations about the Fakemon under construction, and discussing or having a healthy debate about certain aspects of the fakemon in question help to explore options and get into details, all of which are good things as long as the conversations don't get too heated. If you feel someone is taking your criticism too personally and is retaliating in a non-constructive manner, alert a mod and we will step in as mediators.

Feedback Volunteers:

In order to help facilitate speedy feedback, we are gathering a list of volunteers who are willing to be quoted by Fakemon creators looking for advice or who have questions. All members are invited to be volunteers, but remember if you are a volunteer, you must be willing and available to give feedback to anyone who asks it, and also alert anyone who quotes you if you are unavailable at the time such that they can quote someone else.

If you would like to volunteer yourself to be quoted for feedback on fakemon, please notify a mod, and we will add you to the list (:

Feedback Volunteers are: