Azar had always found something to grump about, even as a youth. The other cubs were too dumb. He could have been a soldier if he'd wanted. He was better than his brother. He didn't want to be a dad so young. Etc...etc...but these days, it seemed, there were real things to complain about. Things that kept him up at night, things that troubled his waking thoughts even when out on patrol where he was usually more content.

He'd been born shortly after the civil war and had only known the reign of Kidondo and No. They had been dependable and, as time had passed, he'd earned their trust even if he hadn't made it easy for himself. Now, with new rulers, it felt like everything was shifting again and it made him uneasy. What was wrong with the way things were? Why did they need to extend the accepted pelt colours? Why did they need to consider breeding with outsiders when rogues joined them all the time? Were women just pickier these days? Or was it about something else? He wondered how his ancestors - on his father's side - would have felt at the time of the civil war, when Kidondo and No had stepped in and done away with the royal line, abolish slavery and declared Finar-Si a thing to be forgotten. He'd never held any belief in 'higher powers' but perhaps he would have if he'd been born earlier. Perhaps, instead of being loyal to Kidondo and No, he would felt as he did now. Bitter, confused, unsettled...

And to make things worse, he was one of the minority. This younger generation seemed quite happy to set aside old traditions that had served them well.

He'd tried discussing his stubborn views to Heti a few days before and though his son had not openly disagreed, the silence spoke more than words could. Heti was one of those who wanted change. He wanted to go explore. Heck, maybe he even wanted to find himself a rogue lady! The thought made him grind his teeth and sink his claws into the compact sand beneath him. He'd not allow his son to leave the lands.

Behind him he heard the sound of approaching paws and turned his head to see who it was. It surprised him to see it was one of the regents - the one he much preferred the company of. He stood respectfully as she joined him.

"Greetings, corporal," she always addressed him as such and he had to admit it did please him - even if he wished she was addressing him as Captain instead.

"How can I be of service?" he asked, feeling suddenly unsure about her visit when the professional mask let slip and she gave him a momentary half-smile.

What was this about?

"Is this a good time?"

He looked around him as if trying to figure out why it wouldn't be a good time and gave her a short 'yes' in response. What was this? Was she about to ask him to help foil the plans of change in the pride? He had to admit the idea was rather appealing but he didn't quite like the idea of being seen as a traitor to the cause by a great deal of the pride.

"I have a proposition for you."

Or what if she wanted to send him into rogue lands, too? He knew, with all his heart, that he didn't want to leave his homeland. To leave the desert behind was like leaving who he was. Like parting from a piece of himself. A Firekin was made for the desert. Not...not whatever lay out there. Something of his concern must have shown on his face because she was regarding him curiously, her tail swishing slowly behind her.

"We are of similar minds, you and I. This new world that is being proposed is not one I can say I am pleased with. I have made this no secret. Nor have you."

"It is change for change's sake," Azar confirmed.

"Indeed," she returned, still betraying nothing.

There was a moment more of silence and then, with a short breath, she continued, "I have a proposal for you. As my partner has gone against the grain and bred with an outsider I wish to seek the more traditional route. I need a male of old blood with views to match. I believe you to be suitable for this."

Azar stared at her as if he had not quite understood what she had said. Was she asking him to be her...what? Mate? Surely not! Was this some sort of joke?

At his silence, Tapana added, "not in a romantic sense, you understand. This would be a partnership for cubs only, though if there were to be other litters I'd prefer them to have the same father." The regent was not much one for romance in the typical sense of the word but the idea of a fling was also not one she liked too much.

Azar did not know what to say. In truth he was pretty horrified. This should have been seen as an honour - he knew - but the last thing he wanted was to break that line between himself and his superiors. He was there to serve them as a guard not to...not to copulate with them. But how did one even begin to turn down a leader of a pride?

"It appears this has come as a bit of a surprise," Tapana added, clearly nonplussed by the whole thing. She'd expected him to agree after a few moments of thought but perhaps she'd misjudged the situation?

"It would be an honour," Azar said at last, trying to sound more confident then he felt, "but--"

"--you cannot?" Tapana ended for him.

"No," Azar replied, desperately clawing at an excuse that would get him out of this without ruining his reputation in her eyes, "there is...another," he said, at last.

"Another? I had not realised!"

"Yes, we're...keeping things...uh...discreet, at the moment."

"Ah," Tapana smiled a little at that, "true courtship. I never had you down as a romantic, Azar'bijan."

Azar had to use all his strength not to twist his face at that. However, though he would not consider himself a romantic, it was probably a good description of the lion. Despite everything he did look for love in a relationship - though it had gotten him hurt in the past.

"So, who is the lucky lady?"

Oh. Oh crap.

Later on he'd tell himself that he'd come up with her name because she had been annoying him more than anyone else as of late. Or that he knew she was definitely not related to him in any way. Somewhere down the line, though, he'd realise that he was fooling himself.

"Her name's Asyria," his response was almost automatic, "you...probably don't know her."

"That does not sound like a Firekin name," she replied.

"No. She was a rogue who proved her strength..." he winced at that response.

"Indeed," she said again, "then I apologise for wasting your time. It seems I must find a new male to approach."

Azar waited until she was gone to breathe a sigh of relief. Saying he was unavailable was far better than saying that he just wasn't interested in her. He almost felt sorry for the next male she asked. Almost. Well, at least he'd gotten himself out of that situation unscathed. He was pretty impressed with his fast thinking, all things considered.
